I never knew I had BV, until maybe 2 years ago, when my doctor called and told me my pap showed it. I got mines from sex. Even though I've only slept with one person, somehow we don't mix (this is what I call it). I noticed a scent (not quite fishy), but not pleasant. I also just didn't feel right down there, so for a few years, I would always drink cranberry juice mixed with vinegar after sex. This helped for the most part. I also would use bv gel applicators. These work too, but it's only a temporary fix. I soon started doing research and thought maybe I had BV (didn't know for sure until that dr visit) and treated it as such. When my doctor confirmed this, I got a prescription and it did go away, but soon that feeling returned and I did not want to be on a continuous cycle of antibiotics. After researching more, I started taking acidophilus. I only buy the ones with over 1 Billion active cultures. I now take these tablets at least once a day. I also double up on them after too much sex. I'm usually fine unless I slip up and stop for a few days. This has been a savior and I will continue to take them. I no longer have to keep cranberry juice and vinegar around which would take way longer to clear symptoms (acidophilus only takes about a day or 2). Hope this helps someone.
HeyDamei, I totally understand where you're coming from, I've been to the doctor countless things now they dont even want to give me any medicin and now I don't have insurance so Im looking for natural remedies. I am wondering how you have been, I know its years later but I am suffering in 2017 and I am 22 years old, BV has taken over my life caused me be isolated, feel shame and utter disgust. I just started taking Acidophilus going on day three, and I was inserting probiotics which only made me smell fishier, so I'm going to just take the tablets for now how many should I take a day, do you suggest a akaline diet, and what do you suggest for me,? I need my life back, I barely had one since I have been suffering with this.
Hi, I've had BV since I was 22 and now I'm already 27. Its actually a tough battle, Almost all the DIY treatments are not effective to me.I tried doing the half and half hydrogen peroxide and water douche, the tampon with yogurt or dipped with hydrogen peroxide, I tried inserting vit.c for 6 days, I tried changing my diet for a years and nothing has ever worked for me. Im taking acidophilus for almost a year as well with B-complex and folic acid but then again it didnt work! Now, Im curious aout the acidophilus inserted vaginally. May I know how do you do it? I mean do you take the powder out from the capsules bec I tried putting it on syringe with water, more like of a paste but theres a starch like thing well, more like of and texture that doesn't dissolve on water, now Im wondering if it will dissolve on the vagina. Hope youll respond! Thanks!
Hi there,
I'm also a chronic bv sufferer with PCOS. I had BV 8 months and tried EVERYTHING (candida diet, antibiotics, probiotics orally/vaginally, natural remedies, the works). Finally found a good naturopath and through already participating in a healthy diet (no alcohol, sugar, gluten, soy, dairy, artificial anything) for a couple months, he gave me something to help my hormones and put me on a hypo-allergenic diet with probiotic suppositories. It was gone! This lasted 6 months until I became lazy with my health, stopped taking my tincture for horomones, and the dreaded bv is back. Currently trying to find the magic combination to make it go away again.
So what I'm trying to say is, perhaps seek a naturopath who will look at your life as a WHOLE and help diagnose the root cause of it. Sounds like it could be hormonal, which means no matter how many things you shove in your vagina, or vitamins you take, it will come back. I would recommend researching your naturopath to make sure you've found a good one.
BV: I douche with acidophilus. I took 5 capsules and poured into douche and I have been doing it for 2 days and omg what results!! I try inserting it directly into vagina but it never worked but the douching with it worked like a charm. I googled and there is a study in it!! Just google douche acidophilus bv and it will pop up. the study did it for 6 days so I'm gonna do it the next 4 days. this is the ONLY thing that has worked for me. I'VE tried tea oil, vit insert vaginally, acv, and 2 prescription meds....nothing worked but this. I feel great!!! I also continue to take vit e, c, 400 of folic acid, multi vit, zinc and magnesium calcium (all in one pill), and 1 acidophilus pill orally. I don't know if I have to continue with the vit but I've been doing it for a while.
I know that your post is way back in 2013 but to answer your question, you can get a liquid acidophilus at Walgreens and Raley's. It's not gross, you just drink a little bit, like maybe as much as you would a liquid cough medicine .
Yes, you are giving it back to each other. Have him take the Acidophilus as well. I have experienced this issue also.
I have used acidophilus tablets after clearing BV infection with 7 days of hydrogen peroxide douches. Used acidophilus every other day for 2 weeks by crushing it and putting it as far in vagina as I could. Now just doing twice weekly. No symptoms since I started it.
Drinking lemon juice in water balances your body's PH levels and I think bad bacteria do not like a balanced PH level environment. So the Lemon is probably helping to kill the Bacterial Vaginosis and at the same time it helps the good bacteria thrive. I used a 30/70 douche of water/hydrogen peroxide( 30% hydrogen peroxide and 70% distiller water) for 7 days every nite before bed. At first I was relieved it worked but now at 6 weeks later, I think it killed off ALL the good bacteria and the bad bacteria have taken over completly! now the BV is worse than ever. Going to insert an OTC and pray it helps. incidentally, I'm 50, two years into menopause and a juvenile diabetic (40 years). Maybe using a lemon juice douche would work?
bo, I was struggling too!! But I fixed it overnight. Its awesome.. and yes douche with half and half of hydrogen peroxide 3% and half water.. slowly put it in. And I just used an old shampoo bottle (cleaned first of course). And once its in try to hold it n for 30 seconds like your holding in your pee.. then release. Do this until the mixture is on. I did this in my tub BTW. And yes its gross but you may see little white stuff come out of you that smells foul.. this is good!! Then after your done with that rinse out a couple times fast to lush out the dead yeast. Then insert 1 acidolpus pill into your vagina!! Its that simple!! Its awesome please try it!
I have done so many re-searches I almost gave up, my Dr. kept telling me I had a yeast infection, another Dr.told me different etc. I was constantly and continuously given anitbiotics until for some reason they stopped working and/or it reversed the cause, I came very close to having a heart attack because of over use of antibiotics. I have recently found I have a fungal virus, I have been treating my problem with pro-biotics then moved onto Siggi's 100% acidophilus and inserted it into my vagina with a small syringe (with-out needle) I feel great already. One of my younger sisters died from brain cancer/mold, my older brother (Toxins) mold died & two of my nephews died from cancer/mold, my aunt in her mid-eighties turned black like charcoal/mold. She too died. My older brother died in his fifties from a heart attack/mold. This is what doctors will not tell us.
Actually YES BV can cause spotting.. every time I've gotten it I've spotted. I knew it was the BV causing the spotting because I checked my vaginal ph with special testing wands that I bought from the pharmacy that are made to tell you if you have BV..they are sold right next to the yeast infection treatments. My doctor told me about them. However, if you are spotting and the test comes back negative then it may be something else and you should talk to your doctor. Sometimes a new birth control can cause spotting as well. You should probably consult with your doctor regardless. Better to be safe than sorry right? But yes, spotting is often caused by BV and mine was caused by this every time.
Omg I think I'm suffering from BV! At first thought it was yeast! Diflucan didn't work! Doct said it could be BV! Gave me a metro gel! I'm urinating like crazy and my vagina is swollen ???! What can I do? I started taking a multi vitamin! I'm drinking a lot of water and drinking green juices that I make! Pls helppppppp!!!!
EC: Cheryl, there are many suggestions on our main bv page.
I just read most comments about BV and inserting acidophilus. I have used it vaginally, but never had BV. Late last year I went to the Dr because of bleeding after sex and a smell that was horrible. All STD checks and BV check was clear. I did however use a acidophilus capsule vaginally to help with the odour. My Dr never heard of this.
I also have a Mirena and wondered if the Mirena can cause imbalances in the ph level down there.
Nevertheless the symptoms came back and the Ultrasound revealed that there is a foreign object stuck, length 2cm. My Dr thinks its the residual of the capsule I used vaginally. Either way after the ultrasound went back to the Dr. to remove this 'object.' Strange thing is she can't see nor feel it and called a second Dr to confirm. Same. Then she sent me off to the womens hospital. Same story, two Dr checked and no findings. Now I am booked in for a surgery, D and C, removal of the 'object, ' taking out the mirena and put a new one in at the same time. My question is is it possible for the capsule to not fully dissolve and get stuck so far up that one needs surgery to remove it? I don't think it is a retained tampon, nor does my Dr, as the measurements don't correspond. Apart from that I haven't put anything else in my vagina, tampons or a capsule on the occasion.
I have taken the vitamin c packs with 1000 mg and notice those are somewhat helpful too. They didn't work as well as the lemons though. Something about the lemons really seems to work.
Hi im 29 and I've been struggling with bacterial vaginosis for a few years now on and off. The metro gel works but then in comes right back. Im a very clean person so I don't understand. Anyway I just bought the acidophilus but how should I take it and how often and for how long?
Hi, good to hear that lemons are helping you.. I am starting to think lemons are my best friend.. I have been experimenting with all kinds of lemons.. I also drink two or three lemons in water a day for Vit.C and to lower my blood pressure.. I also need vit.C and yes taking a bunch of pills gets pricey and this is a great way to go... I also have digestive problems and hoping the lemons work there also....I have also tried lemon essential oils and they help me relax.......
Only thing is that I use organic but they are not so expensive either..when I get them in bulk... Thank You
I have sort of stumbled across something else that has really helped me. I have noticed if I try to lower the dose on probiotics the symptoms begin to return and taking that many is expensive so thought I would share! I began drinking a half lemon in warm water when I first wake up (for other health reasons) and noticed the odor is once again gone. I lowered my dose down to a normal intake of probiotic and as long as I am drinking the lemon water daily there is no problems! All I do is a half lemon in warm water (prob about 8ou) and sometimes I add a little honey for taste then wait a half hour or so before I have coffee or food. This is so inexpensive and is really easy to do even if you are traveling or something you can get a warm mug of water and a side of lemons anywhere!
I have suffered from bv for too many years. embarrassed, trying everything, knocking it out only to have it come back. awful really. I have been without it now for 6 months! Here is how: I have no idea which part so I'll tell you everything. I believe my success to be attributed to a more alkaline diet. I did not get get on a strict diet, so fear not.every morning I take a tablespoon on apple cider vinegar in water, a good probiotic with a shot glass of aloe vera juice, on an empty stomach. through out the day I drink lemon water, using one half to a whole lemon per day. my diet restrictions include eating sugar sparingly ( I can tell when I've eaten to much, it begins to threaten to come back. ie: my smell begins to change to slightly fishy. you know that smell. but if I eat lots of veggies and keep away from sugar my body returns). there may be a connection to eating wheat, so I again try to eat it sparingly. I also feel that eating kale has a helpful effect. when I first kicked it, I had been following this regimen for a month, I then went for my annual pap. they recommended the antibiotics that I usually refuse, because I have used it time and time again, only to have it come back, but this time I did it. and it hasn't come back! Even with frequent sex. I also believe the boric acid cure. I had to write because if this helps anyone, it is worth it. I know what a struggle it is. may you find your remedy!
Hello RS from CA...
You say you're on a mission to tell the world about Boric acid. Boric is certainly multi purpose for killing bacteria.
I like it when folks are working to help others. Question for you: The bacteria keeps coming back and the Boric acid in capsules works topically to rid the problem in the immediate.
Apparently the bacteria is still floating around in the system and finds its way back to the problem area. One might consider using colloidal silver (at least two tablespoons daily) on empty stomach for a month or so to see if the CS can knock out the bacteria system wide?
I am on a mission to tell the world about the benefits of CS (and am totally open to any other anti bacterial/viral/ fungal that is helpful along the same lines). I am also very fond of the herb Echinacea. That herb in liquid form used for a few weeks (five drops in glass of water three times daily) would also help knock out a bacterial infection system wide.
Hello. I have had BV for about 5-7 years. There is no cure. In the beginning I thought I had chronic yeast infections and tried all the over-the-counter medications which only made it worse. Then I turned to a holistic approach and did some homework on BV. The medical world has no idea what causes it and it is not a sexually related disease. Women who have never had sex have BV, so that point has already been proven. I was miserable and felt like I would never have my sex life back again. After trying oral probiotics (which DO help a LOT but not on their own), yogurt douches, H202 douches, ACV douches, vaginal probiotics, and countless other things, I found Earthclinic.com and read about boric acid capsules. Most women dont know that you can get a prescription from your doctor and take it a pharmacy and have them made. This is the ONLY thing that has relieved my BV and kept it under control for the past 2 years. I make my own capsules by buying boric acid online from Amazon (you can also buy it at any pharmacy over the counter) and gelatin vegan capsules and make my own capsules at home for just pennies each. I buy the size 00 gelatin vegan empty capsules, fill them with boric acid and store them in a dark cool cabinet. I insert one capsule vaginally every night before bed for 7-10 nights or until the symptoms have subsided. These capsules work IMMEDIATELY and you have relief very fast. After your initial symptoms have been relieved, use the suppositories every other night to keep things at bay, and when you feel the slightest twinge of that "feeling" coming back or that smell, insert a capsule. You will need to wear a panty liner the next morning because the capsule kind of dissolves releasing the boric acid and it will leak out of your vagina. Its not a large amount but you will need a panty liner. I have invested in mass quantities of panty liners. Let me tell you that I was terrified to put boric acid into my vagina. It is rat/roach poison, but what it does when inserted into the vagina is it suffocates the bad bacteria and it dies, therefore leaving you one happy girl. In combination with the suppositories I also take B-12 every day and 3, 200 micrograms of folic acid daily. I have made it my mission to tell everyone about boric acid capsules for BV. Your doctor wont tell you because they support pharmaceutical companies and would rather keep you in a vicious cycle of antibiotics, creams, and worthless suppositories. BV is a nasty nasty bacteria that has no known cause or cure. Many women have it and mistake if for a yeast infection which is why it never goes away and keeps coming back. Please give this remedy a try. You will not regret it. Ask your doctor about this if you dont take my word for it. Good luck and feel free to email me.
Try having your partner take zinc supplements. There are vitamins and minerals in human secretions and sperm are supposed to contain a lot of zinc. It's worth a try.
Are you taking the probiotics vaginally or orally? Has anyone tried garlic pill made to help with candida?
I'm on 15 months of having it since dating with my current male partner. Could we be giving it to each other back and forth. Has anyone tried having their male partner treated with anything? Also, my doctor has said sex is ok while treating it but the recent homopathic medicine I bought for BV that is inserted vaginally stated to avoid having sex while using the 6 day formula.
All thoughts and advise are welcome!
I've had BV for as long as I've been sexually active, and I'm 45 now, so I've had plenty of time to figure out solutions.
Diet and all that doesn't make a difference for me. The only thing that works is douching with peroxide, I use a plastic syringe, the kind they'll give you free at any pharmacy counter for giving kids medicine, and inserting acidophilus afterwards. You can do it twice a day, and up to three days for a really tough bout, but usually once or twice does it.
I do it every time I have sex and after every period.
I really like Ja-----dophilus, they're small, dissolve quickly without a mess and seem to be the perfect strains, but it's also the most expensive one at the health food store so if I can't afford that one I just buy one with a lot of strains.
Always make sure it's NOT enteric coated, those capsules don't dissolve. If for some reason your capsules aren't dissolving well, take the top of the capsule off before inserting so you only have to fish around for one piece later.
I am planning to try folic acid. I've read a lot about it and preventing it would be better than treating it, if that's possible.
Wowwww!! I am so glad I am not alone!! I really felt like I was being punished and seriously unlucky! I feel like I am disgusting!! I had to bring my bf to the gyno with me so he could be explained by the doc that his gf wasn't gross but was plagued by this mess! I am going to try everything here!! Something has gotta work!!
After bath/shower apply extra virgin coconut oil (just lightly) and use a panty liner for an hour to avoid staining underwear. EVCO is the best natural skin/body moisturizer that has been used for centuries in East India/Asia. I have used it all my life now (have very sensitive skin), it is now becoming popular in the US.
It was refrigerated. We lost our income recently so I went off them briefly and the odor came back! Guess I am really going to have to stay on these to keep things under control but its worth it! I tried a cheaper brand with 50 billion active cultures but it had more strains and it seems to work well too. I think maybe brand isn't as important as getting a high dose one and then taking more of them. I take two in the morning and two at night and sometimes an extra one in the day.
I am so glad I found this website...Thank you so much everyone you have no idea how much support I got here from reading all your postings this morning. I have been suffering from this condition for for over 2 years. Needless to say I went to multiple doctors and no help there. At work I am laughed out, avoided as the stinky girl in the office. It does not help that I am the visible minority....anyway I could not understand why I smelled like even though I shower everyday and clean myself with more care than most people still could not make through the day. I am going to try some of these remedies and I hope I will find one that will help....
Thank you thank you thank you
Your vagina might be dry. Try to add water on your vagina to moisten it before you put the pill in. That might help, if it doesn't then. Break the pill use the power to make a paste.
In a cup or something small you can use to put the ingredients in.
Add a little bit of water.
The entire capsules powder.
Add some yogurt that has live active cells.
Mix together. You might get this smell of yeast but that's totally fine.
Probiotic is basically yogurt so adding yogurt to the paste just enhances the amount of live cells your putting in there and also it makes it stronger so you may feel relief quicker.
I have had a cranky crotch on and off for years. I found using Nutrogena soap in the area to be soothing - as my doc recommended. Also use your finger tips to clean the area and NOT scrub with a wash cloth. Taking extra acidophilus would be fine. Years ago I used to douche with yogurt too..... unflavored of course.... unless.....lol..
If you google "PH balanced soap" there is a yellow soap in a blue package that comes up. It matches your body's natural PH, and using it may give you the relief you want. Best wishes.
Qwerty, why don't you try a diluted h202 sitz bath?
I've sufferred from BV for about 5 years now but only started looking into treatments just recently. I'm 19 and I am not sexually active (never had sex) but got bv from irritation from soaps/shower jels. Drs wont help me as they pretend like there's nothing wrong with me so I'm trying to fix this myself. I've bought acidophilus tablets for digestive health but it says "take 1 tablet a day". I don't think it's working much as I've been taking them for a week now. Is it because I'm taking them orally? Should I put them in vaginally? Or do you need special tablets for the vagina? I dont really want to stick anything up there as I can barely fit anything in! I'm also taking multivitamins and tried the apple cider vinegar bath. I dont even know if the apple cider worked as I cant really smell the odour myself most of the time! Only other people can. Please could someone answer my questions as I am feeling a little lost at the moment. Should I try the hydrogen peroxide douche too? I'm a little scared to try douches!
I'm 19 and have been sufferring from BV for 7 years! I'm not sexually active (never had sex) and I guess I got it from using harsh chemicals down there. I've just bought acidophilus pills (5 billion units) from ebay and will be taking 1 pill orally per day. Do I have to insert it down there? I've tried checking the pH down there with a little pH test stick but it could barely go in! So I really don't want to have to stick anything down there. I'm also taking multivitamins everyday and yoghurt with live cultures but I'm not sure if this is working as my only symptom is the foul smell and most of the time I cant even smell it myself, only others can! So sick of having this. I'm thinking about drinking apple cider vinegar/taking a bath in it too. Please please someone advise me on methods than can help (other than putting things up there vaginally)
Hey Caligirl from Bakersfield Ca,
Can I get more clues on which one you used like what it rymes with or how many stains, was it refigerated kind? What colors are the box? What kind of pictures?? the more clues the better. Thank you!!!
I cannot mention it but buy a strong one... 90 billion active probiotics in it. The key is to take more. Most will tell you to take one a day... I took two in the morning and two at night. The femd only had 5 billion and didn't help for me.
The probiotic that the previous poster is talking about starts with the word FEMD... It is made especially for females. I don't think we are allowed to mention brand names. It is refrigerated and available to buy at health food stores. This is the best one for bacterial vaginosis, Anytime I have bacterial vaginosis I take this and folic acid together twice a day until it clears up. Probably for about a week.
Hello, can you please tell me which probiotic formula you used? brand? price? I am so desperate...
Dear Healthyh, I don't think the BV is causing the spotting. I wouldn't rule out 100% that they are related if some underlying health problem contributes to them both, but I don't think BV is the cause.
I have had spotting before and do not have BV. Spotting is usually cause by something hormonal. It can be cause by a number of birth control methods.
The easiest thing to try would be 1 T. blackstrap molasses 1-2 times a day. This is very good for lots of female (and other) problems. Red Raspberry Leaf tea - 3 cups a day is also helpful for the female system. If nothing simple works, you could look in to natural progesterone cream, but I am not sure that is all that natural. That said, I have used it to get myself regular in the past with success.
If you cannot get your spotting under control, you may want to see an OB. Sometimes it can be an indication of a more serious problem. One time I had spotting that two different doctors blew off. It turned out that I had a tubal pregnancy. (I hadn't known I was pregnant. ) It all came together when my tube was rupturing at home and I finally went to the ER. Lost the tube and nearly my life. But most of my incidences of spotting have been pretty benign.
Let us know what helps you!
~Mama to Many~
Does anyone else have an issue with bleeding in between periods? Could this be a product of the BV or is there something more serious that it could be tied to? I've always had issues with spotting in between periods and it's very distressing.
I am so happy to have found this website. I have felt like such an outcast for so long because of my BV. It's not something you typically talk about to your friends and honestly who wants to openly admit that they have issues with smelling... Down there? and I mean I have been struggling with this issue for years. It's destroyed my confidence and has really done a number on me psyche lol. Anyways today I am starting the Acidophilus treatment. I bought one that has 14 billion cultures and I inserted 3 today and will do 2 tomorrow and 1 the following day. I also am taking echinacea/goldenseal orally. So hopefully this will have some effect and I'll be able to return here with positive results. Thanks everyone for all the helpful comments I wouldn't know where to start otherwise.
I bought the refrigerated capsules like they talk about on here and took 2 orally and 1 in my vagi, seems good.
That makes so much sense. I wonder why gyno does not tell you that.
Acidophilus for BV: Hello all... I have suffered from bv since I was very young. I believe I had it from the first time I had my period. (Now in my mid 30's) I did not know that I had it until a few years ago but I had tried discussing the odor with doctors and they would just say they did not notice it and I was probably self conscious about it. I finally read about it online and then had to insist on getting tested and of course I had it. The meds do not work for me and it just comes right back often within days. I have tried all kinds of cures from vitamins, diets, pro-biotics, folic acid, yogurt, inserting yogurt, soaking in peroxide, etc etc. I did not try douching though because I am afraid it would make it worse. I pretty much just learned to live with it and showered multiple times per day to get rid of the odor or wore pads if that wasn't possible. Recently, the symptoms had started getting worse with not only the odor but itching and burning. I went to our local health food store and began telling a lady who my family knows there about it and she suggested pro-biotics. I told her I had already tried a few different kinds and she encouraged me not to give up on them because they all have different strains and dosages. I asked her which she would recommend and she gave me a couple. One was a probiotic formula for women which I decided to go ahead and try it (sort of reluctantly because I already spend too much money on trying to solve this). I could tell a difference in the itching and burning within a couple days and the odor has consistantly gotten better. I have been on them for about a month now and I cannot believe the difference. It was kind of amazing to me because I have tried alot of probiotics and not cheap ones either! I wanted to pass this on for all of you who have suffered with this and hopefully it can help some of you too :)
Update. I stopped the Colliodal Silver in my vagina. It caused me to be symptomatic again. I am having exceptional results with hydrogen peroxide and betadine douches, ACV and garlic.
I wanted to update my post. I have simplified my supplements to keep the BV at bay. I haven't found any way to be rid of it forever, however I have found a way not to have symptoms. I take 3 tsp on ACV either in divided dose or once a day. Daily consistency seems more improtant than amount. I also eat one minced clove of garlic a day. Lately I have been taking ACV and Garlic pills (one each) and they seem to work just fine twice a day. I still douche with H2O2 full strength and 1 tsp of betadine undiluted at least twice a week and more often if symptomatic. I also am pouring in 8-10 drops undiluted Colliodal Silver with a dropper 2 times a week in my vagina. I have switched to a gluten free diet and this has helped me tremendously. I was a slow convert. Apparently, the GMO's in our food are wrecking havic with IBS and multiple health problems like BV, Strep B. ADD, ADHD, autism, celiac disease, gluten intolerance and autoimmune disorders, ect.
Having suffered with this for many years, if I was newly diagnosed and wanted a simple formula, I would try ACV, Garlic, H202 and betadine douches and Collidal Silver dropped into the vagina. I had it so bad and that is what I do now and I have my energy back. Also, if still symptomatic, try a gluten free diet.
I never had this problem until my second husband and now he is gone 5 years and I still have to deal with this. I suspect it might be linked to HPV, but I am not sure. I got sick every time I had sex with him. It's been five years since he is gone and I still have to treat the symptoms. If you are symptomatic with a partner, I don't know what to tell you. I have had one new partner and I never got symtomatic with him. Google Colliaodal silver. I am very impressed.
Tara from Tennessee
I hope this post will help some women. I never ever suffered with bv ever in my life. I didnt even know such a thing existed. I met a new man, we got intimate and suddenly I had this disgusting odour. The strange thing was that regardless of whether he used a condom or not I still got the infection. Note that when he used a condom the infection would take longer to develop. When a condom was not used the infection would develop the following day. A smelly discharge and an extremely dry vagina. Eventually I cleared the infection and was able to keep it away.
After having sex, the very next day I would insert 5 acidophilus capsules in my vagina as far as they would go. I did not poke holes in the capsules. The uncomfortable dry feeling would disappear within a few minutes. The day after I would insert 3 capsules. The third day after I would insert one capsule. I also started eating a lot of live full fat greek yogurt during the rest of the time. My vagina actually started smelling good enough to eat ;) One thing I did notice about my boyfriend's semen was that it was extremely thick and sticky and did not "leak" out of my body. It seemed to stay in my body and start rotting in there. Anyway, I split up with him and met someone new. I was a little afraid that I might suffer in the same way with my new man. His semen was not overly thick and sticky and leaked out of my body after we had sex. I did not get bv again. I was so relieved that the cause of the bv did not lie with me. Anyway, my old boyfriend got married and I think his wife is getting the same problem as I was when I was with him. She has accused him of cheating on her and they are now separated after only being married 8 months. My old boyfriend is a body builder and drinks alot of those protein drinks but does not drink water or eat fruit and vegetables. So the problem definitely lies with him. Note that I did get the infection even when we used a condom. I have put this down to the fact that the sex was rougher when a condom was used so I may have been getting injured internally which meant an infection could take hold. To summarise, eat plenty of LIVE yogurt. Insert about 5 acidophilus capsules as soon as possible after having sex. This means that the good bacteria will not allow the bad bacteria to take hold. Also note that the good bacteria keeping the vagina fresh by producing hydrogen peroxide so there is no need for you to douche with hydrogen peroxide.
Well the Doctor's and BigPharma don't want us to heal of these horrible infections because if we did, they wouldn't make any money right? We'd stop going to the Doctor. The FDA won't approve any natural remedy especially if it's not patented, as they don't make any money out of it. I've been reading the comments here re: BV cause I've been suffering from it for quite some time too. I'm gonna try some of the remedies. I have been battling BV, take Flagyl, then a yeast infection flares up. It's a damm cycle. So now I'm gonna try natural remedies. I guess I'll have to give up wine too, since it makes the pH sugary and it's not good. Will buy alkaline water too. I'll let you know if I am successful. Good luck to you all and please update with your results. I've noticed there's only one more comment here this year so far.
OMG...... For years I thought something was wrong with me!! I have dealt with this problem since my teenage years. I am 35 yrs old and still this infection continues to haunt me! Nothing seems to work. I asked my gyno what I could do to end this and he replied" STOP HAVING SEX"!!! Over the years my body took a turn.... Hormonal I guess! I just want my vagina back!! I am glad that I fund this website!! It's very informational!! I will try some of these remedies!!
I am so glad to see that there are others like me that are suffering from bv... Ive had bv for about 10 yrs now. Way before I even begin to think about having sex. Back in the 6th grade.. Its very terrible that I still have these symptoms and im 22 now.. It's very embarrasing. Im very embarrased to tell my boyfriend about it. I don't want him to judge me. Any meds the doc prescribes never works! Its so frustrating. If its nt bv its a yeast infection!! It gets to the point im embarrassed to go to the doc because nothing helps.. But ive done research on femdophilis. im gnna try hopefully I get some kind of results...
HI, I had re current BV for a Year. I have not had it for 6 months.
Have your man wash everyday, before and after sex with an antiseptic skin cleanser. Bought mine at a pharmacy or get it online. No scented soaps on your vaginal area. I use a____ healing ointment inserted by fingers before sex and organic lubricant during sex. No sex during or 1 day after your period. Do not let your man ejaculate inside of you. Sperm change the PH. Wash everything in hot water, panties, towels, sheets. Take for 4 months daily probiotics. Take a good multi vitamin daily and add spinach to your protein shakes. No chicken with antibiotics. To get rid of smell use water and hydrogen peroxide mixture. Use fingers to insert it. Just a little to make smell go away until your body absorbs the right amount it needs of the probiotics. Stay possitive. You can get rid of this. GL
1/3/2013: Sweet Tee from Laurel MD replies: I have been suffering with BV for many years now and so has many women in my family, so I decided not to feel so bad anymore and really try and do something about this Naturally, so here is what seems to work for me: First 7 days I took Yeast cleansers after this, I douched with GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) and distilled water for 7 days (1 &half teaspoon of GSE for every 16 ounces of water - should make 3 douches each time). I went to the store and brought a multi pack of premixed douches, open them, dumped out the contents and wash it out with hot water, then added my douche mixtures. Now I douche with the GSE mixture 1 a week and everything seems fine. My partner even said I smell like "water" down there. My period is starting and it's not as intense as usual or as smelly. I have to say that this 14 day remedy is comprehensive but well worth the effort and to douche 1 a week with my mixture is just a safeguard. Good luck and May the Force Be with You!!!
Hey guys I just want to say what worked for me was taking lactobacillus. I took one in the morning and one at night and when I woke up in the morning it was cleared up. Each pill contains 10 billion good bacteria which will kill the harmful bacteria that causes the smell and discharge. I also soaked in a apple cider vinegar bath for about 30 min. I'm going to continue to take the pills and then make an appointment with the doctor to make sure this is gone for good!!
Hi ladies, It gives me a weird kind of comfort to know I am not alone on this. At first my gyno thought I had yeast and that took almost a year. I went on a candida diet and took tons of diflucan. Finally she told me I have bv and no yeast. I guess I have defeated at least one evil. Then I went on 2 rounds of metronidazole (oral and vaginal). Didn't work. Now after reading all of the comments, I am taking folic acid, e vitamin, acidophilus, encinea, and multi (just to cover grounds) and St. John wort. I am also drinking kombucha daily! That seems to have made a lot of difference. My discharge is way more mild and seems to be more controllable. The problem is the days right before and after my period. Somehow it is messing everything up. Does anyone have any idea to control it during those times? Ps: just got bacteria arrest suppositories. Can't wait.
I have had multiple strep b infections and bacterial vaginosis diagnosis' in the last seven years. The symptoms seem the same regardless of what the doctor the diagnosis. I went through many oral and vaginal antibiotics and it always returned. I was fatigued and felt bad all the time.
I got relief for about a year and then stopped doing the things that worked. I was diagnosed again about three weeks ago and again oral antibiotics did not work.
The natural remedies that worked as long as I used them were Reuteri acidophilus 2 X a day, 400 mg of folic acid four times a day, one or two cloves of crushed garlic aired for ten minutes twice a day, one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in divided dose twice a day with a little lemon juice, (I used one squirt from a bottle of organic lemon juice) and I douched twice a day with undiluted hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of Betadine Iodine and a took a good quality multivitamin. It took about three months to totally clear, then I went to twice a week on every thing but the Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic and Lemon which I used daily. I did this for about 8 months and remained symptom free until I stopped altogether. It took about six months, but my symptoms have come back. Now I plan to do this forever. I also switched to a gluten free diet and seriously limited my sugar intake. Some times I would put a little Reuteri powder inside my vagina after douching to restore some good bacteria.
To get the garlic down, I would put it though a garlic press and put it on a spoon and swallow with out chewing and chase it with the Apple Cider Vinegar, Warm Water and lemon. To sweeten the drink, I now add a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of Organic Coconut Oil and it tastes like a delicious warm apple cider vinegar. I have switched to an organic diet and eat no processed food. I have seen several articles about gluten from wheat and flour and sugar feeding the Strep B and BV.
I would start out slow as I had a bit of the Herx reaction by trying to take high doses of garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar. I decided to try to boost my immune system because from my research and reading, it seemed that the Strep B thrived in a weakened immune system and sugar and carbohydrates.
I wish you the best and hope you find relief. I hope this works again for me, but I know it worked the first time. There are many things that can strengthen the immune system. I personally found the most helpful information on www.earthclinic.com.
Take Care, Tara from Tennessee
@Sherri, I started drinking apple cider vinegar every day & have added some veggies to my diet, but I will definitely have to try the probiotic as well! Thanks!! And congrats!! :-)
@Dyann lots of fruits and vegetables and apple cider with water, yeah I can not believe it is gone, some discharge but all normal!!! And take a probiotic with Reuteri in it, they sell it in the vitamin Shoppe, or on Amazon for like 9 dollars!!! No more BV, ugh GOOD, no more fish smell, it has beeen such a long time, of humiliation and embarassment, so I feel all your pain, diet has so much to do with this creature, and u must stya with a probiotic... Good Luck to being FREE!!
I've been taking lactobacillus/probiotics 2x per day for 5 months now. I am also taking Garlic 2x daily, along with Folic Acid 400mcg 3x daily. I have a very healthy diet (veggies with poultry - no dairy/no gluten) however, I do have the occasional "sugar" (candy/mint/cookie). I exercise regularly; have been married 17yrs, and have been suffering on and off for years with bv! This has been a daily thing for me since Spring 2012. I seem to have tried everything - including inserting the probiotics vaginally, and soaking tampons in yogurt; even sleeping with a tea tree suppository in! I am completely stumped (as is my gyn) as to why this is continuing to happen to me! I have just finished yet another round of antibiotics to no avail. Can someone help me?? I'm lucky I don't always have the odor - but the discharge is driving me crazy!
Sherri, that's awesome news! In what ways did you change your diet? Besides the apple cider & zinc, I mean?
This is Sherri, my BV went away, How? I dunno, yes I changed my diet, drink apple cider with water everyday, just take a zinc vitamin, nothing esle, I went to my gyn again for a check up, no smell and Ph is 4. 4 where it should be, no higher, no clue cells present and lactobacillus is present, there is normal discharge, Im so happy for this, like I have my life back, I smell perfume, u see I have written many times here, of depression and crying and I dunno something worked for me, it has to be diet and no I do not eat yougurt , that does not work ladies because the right strain of lactobacillus is not in there, my pants smell like nothing and neither do my panties, try drinking apple cider, the vagina needs to get acidic, Good Luck, finally after 8 years!!! FREE at LAST!!!!
Just so y'all know peroxide cooks the skin. It's not even a good method to clean wounds. Only soap and water. So with that being said you might not want to wash or rinse with an agent that burns the skin! Especially not your sensitive vagina walls. It will "numb" it one day maybe to but to me your only adding fuel to the fire. If antibiotics won't heal then invest in probiotics and vitamins. A positive mind heals.
I'm just want to ask if where I could buy some lactobacillus acidophilus pills or any tablet. I went to pharmacy but they dont have any acidophilus pills
I have tried everything all the pills the acidophilus tablets the apple cider vinegar baths THOSE BURN! The vagisil so now I am trying betidine if that doesnt work I am trying the borrick acid my dr was going to send me to a specialist 12 hours away but WHO HAS THE MONEY FOR THAT!! Does anyone have a burning issue!!! OMG it hurts so bad!!! I cant even wear undies which sucks ANY FEED BACK PLEASE!!!!!! I cant handle this anymore
I MAY BE CURED! I put hydrogen peroxide on a tampon and left it in twice in one day(one hour on the morning and one hour in the afternoon) and the smell went away. I thought I smelled something a few days later and did the hydrogen peroxide tampon again. that was three weeks ago and I haven't had a smell since :)!! I have had this issue for two years and hesitantly used the antibiotic applicator my gyn prescribed a few months ago. the smell came back less than a month later. I just ordered phemdophilus online and am going to start taking that as well. SO very grateful for this website!!!
I have also, been suffering for several years with what I think now is BV. My symptoms are somewhat different than most on here. I started out with just a watery discharge. It wasn't even noticeable until during sex. I would get super wet and not just from the sex. Lol. This when on for awhile. I had also had a hesterectomy not long before this. I didn't know what was causing this and thought it was just one of those things to do with being premenopausal and just started having sex less and less.
As the years went by I started having slight odor, but was controlled by washing more often. Still no big deal. Later is when the itching started. In the beginning I could shower and it would go away for about 24 hours. I tried the antibiotics and creams thinking it was a yeast infection. It would help for about a week and come right back with a vengeance.
I don't really have any discharge now or smell just unbearable itching. If it weren't for vagisil, I don't what I would do.
I've tried the Acdophilus capsuls and eating yogurt with no relief so far. I douched with straight peroxide last night. Big mistake. It burned like crap. I guess, I should have diluted it. I was also probably already inflamed from the scratching. I just started the folic acid today. Im going to keep trying this remedy. God I hope this works. Does anyone think there is something else I could have with my symptoms. I have slight watery discharge and itching, inflammation with no other symptoms.
Missy in MD. If you see this can you provide the name of your GYN in MD. I would like to put my MD/Board certified holistic physician in contact w/her.
If anyone has an Atlanta, Ga metro doctor who has successfully helped you with persistent BV please let me know.
Feel free to email me directly - jgosselinonline(at)gmail.com
hey its me again. Still dealing with the same symptoms and discharge, I just turned 20 yesterday and am feeling like im always going to be like this. I know that isnt true, but its like im always looking over my shoulder, waiting for the big scary bv or yeast infection monster to come get me.
i know i've fallen off my bandwagon with my vitamins and stuff but tonight I think I got a sign not to give up. I can't enjoy sex, and am officially single, so frustrated with the itching, burning, and terrible effect these infections are causing in my life AND vag. I cracked open an L. Acidophilus capsule I had (100 million count), poured it on my finger, then swirled it around up there a little bit.
at first I was doubting that it was even going to do anything, especially cause I was too chicken to put the whole thing up there and prbly used about half of it but I really do feel better. the itching and annoying dry feeling isnt as bad but the insanely annoying burning is gone.
I'm going to keep inserting the capsules, slowing working my way up to more. i've learned in my case that less is more after getting a UTI soaking in AVC :'(
so starting tomorrow im going to go back to taking my vitamins and folic acid cause when I was taking them I got a pap smear from my gyno and my yeast levels were low, she said there was almost any yeast down there which was good (i think).
maybe I should've tried the suppository thing a long time ago..... I guess i'll see in a couple of weeks. ill let you guys know.
nice talking with you guys and reading up on the new information, this site really does keep me from going totally insane LOL
Yes, you guys, I am going through this right now. It hurts. I am going to get the acidophilus pills right now. Have had a hard time doing things right now as the pain is unbearable. Dr. was a douchbag and doesn't seem to care if I am in pain. Suggested premarin cream on my too too at night and it has gotten worse. So what do I do? Crying and in pain...
Have any of you inserted acidophilus into your vagina during your period? I dont know why, maybe it was stupid but I did it yesterday night because I dont want the BV to come back when my period is over. My period stopped all night though. Should I be worried? If you can, please help me!
I have tried the hydrogen peroxide douche, 1/2 water 1/2 hp. I have tried bathing in 2 cups of Apple Cider Vinegar in a hot bath for 20 minutes for a week. I have tried Folic Acid 400mcg 2x a day along with a cranberry pill 1x a day (helps with UTI's), and Acidophilus pills 2x a day. I've been doing this now for a couple of weeks to no avail. The only thing to rid yourself of the smell (for a SMALL amount of time) is the Hydrogen Peroxide douche. Usually I have to do the douche 2x a day. The yogurt suppository did not work. I have yet to try the boric acid.... Summertime seems to be when I get BV the most. My guess hot sweaty crotch and the inability to walk around naked with nothing touching, covering or smothering it is the reason! :-/ This is the craziest thing EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR. Us women are basically not supposed to stick ANYTHING near our vajayjay's for us not to encounter some sort of issues... BOGUS!!! I demand a recount, or a do over, or SOMETHING!!! I wish you all the best of luck and health. With this damn thing WE ALLLLL need it.
Monistat is for yeast infection. BV is not cause by yeast. You've been treating the wrong monster there.
Ladies I have been dealing with BV as well tried all the remidies on this site nothing worked found out about a new product by vitanica called bacteria arrest I used it thursday night and when I woke up 90% less discharge used it friday night and again maybe 95% less. I am not affiliated with this company just ran across it after trying yeast arrest I am so excited to see almost no discharge in my undies and it has been a while just thought I would let u know and it is a homeopathic remedy that does not cause a yi for me it was worth the price I bought it online
Its good to see that I am not the only lady going through this problem but I havent tried many things besides metronidazole and vh essentials bv treatment it is 6 pills inserted vaginally and you can buy it at a drugstore or walmart for 20.00. Kinda expensive but it works for awhile. I dont think that this is easy to get rid of so the best thing we can do is continue to do what works best for our body....
Hey ladies! I've suffered with BV since I was 14 and have tried everything from prescriptions which only temporarily worked to over the counter to home remedies which seemed to work at times... For a time. Always coming back shortly! However I was on drugstore & came across a feminine cleanser that had great reviews regarding BV issues. It's expensive... Around $30 for product that states it's a "cleanser for optimum feminine hygiene" (not supposed to list name brands im told). It's a 120 ml bottle. Starts with an N. White & grey slender round cylinder type bottle. Anyway... If you can find what im talking about, try it!!!! I haven't had problems with BV in 3 years since starting to use this cleanser!!! Just an external feminine cleanser that's pricy for a feminine cleanser but PRICELESS to me!!
This is the second time I've ever had bv.. The first time was after I gave birth to my baby.......... I am just amazed how my Dr.Wrote me a script for an antibiotic that she said "would cure the bv, but might give me a yeast infection" wow.. Glad this site is here, thanks for posting.. I'm going to look for those suppositories that one reader said contained a little of everything that's good for curing bv.. And I had no idea about the toilet papers, and scented pads and soaps. also going to switch a few things around in my diet as well.
Hello Ladies, This is the first time I'm posting here. I have gotten so much amazing information on many things from this site and I thank all of you so much for sharing.
I have been, for the first time, confronted with BV. I had no idea it could be like this. Nonetheless, I am a natural healer, and energy healer, I have done lots of research on this and have tried a few things. What I determined was this post below that I copied from somewhere else makes a lot of sense. You might have seen it elsewhere.
The few things I would add, mostly relating to number 4 on the list below, the actual cause of our BV, is it is important that our immune systems be functioning well. It could be that the reason we are not completely cured YET is because we need to boost our immune system.
Yes, diet does play a huge role in this, in boosting our immune systems. So no sugar, coffee, alcohol, eat lots of greens, fresh fruit, veggies and whole food, stop wheat and dairy for a while to see if it might be an allergy, then reintroduce slowly one at a time once you are better. Consider doing a cleanse. Give your body the time and rest it needs to recuperate.
I have endometriosis, so this was tricky for me, and I didn't put 2 and 2 together until after I went through the gamut of remedies and they didn't provide lasting results. I got a bladder infection, and yeast (from the antibiotics, no doubt) at the same time as the BV so couldn't tell what was what. I was so bloated! Everything was swollen down there and I felt the urge to urinate all the time, not to mention the other weird feelings and smell down there.
So, when I first started seeing lasting results was when I took measures to boost my immune system. The probiotics weren't doing it, the vinegar and yogurt gave temporary relief only, but these remedies which treat the symptoms of BV DO work. It's our immune system that either can or cannot support us once all is back to normal, I. E. : we've rebalanced our vaginal flora. So, the recurring BV is our body's way of telling us we need to address something else in our body, and, most likely, in our life.
So, to re-energize my immune system I took a vegan whole food health optimizer, a powder I mixed with water. Find out what will work for you, multi-vitamins, greens, herbs like Goldenseal, iron, B-complex--all good. There is so much out there. Inform yourselves, and go with what resonates with you and your own unique body ways.
I started taking shiitaki maitake mushroom capsules which I've taken in the past to stimulate my immune system. It works for me. I also take coconut oil, 1 to 2 tbs per day. My energy is coming back up.
I inserted garlic vaginally at night before bed for five nights. I probably could have gone longer for it to work fully on the BV, but stopped when I thought I would go for further tests and, just in case, I didn't want the garlic to interfere with the test results (I don't know if it will). In the end, I decided not to go for tests just yet, thinking "healer, heal thyself first, " and with a couple of days off the garlic, I noticed the yeast infection was gone.
So, the white, thick discharge (yeast) vanished within two days, but a hint of the BV odour was still present. I also ate lots of fresh garlic.
Healing, I had forgotten in my temporarily discouraged state when I felt the symptoms still hovering, works like a wave. Up and down for a while, then it slowly starts to straighten out, waves of feeling better last longer, and waves of symptoms tell us whether to continue or modify or stop our treatments. When my body talks to me, I listen.
It is important to stay positive and trust your own healing process. Meditate, or do yoga, dance, or participate in physical activity that pleases you. Be kind to yourself. Look in the mirror and tell yourself with all the love and compassion you can muster that you love yourself--no matter what! Do that everyday. You are not your symptoms. You are healing.
If you are so discouraged, as I know many are, please get some help, see a therapist or natural healer for support. The path to healing can be long, but can be made so much more enlightening with the right people by our side.
Good luck sisters! Thank you and many blessings of health, wealth and happiness to you.
I also want to thank the author of this post excerpt I pasted below for all her research and sharing. My comments are included in square brackets.
1. Kill bad bacteria
2. Make environment in vagina more acidic.
3. Re-introduce good bacteria.
4. Find out what is causing yours and prevent. This is a mystery, I think there may be more to BV than what we currently know. There are Soooooo many ways your ph can become unbalanced and cause this. Educate yourself as much as possible and try to figure out your why. [I found it was my immune system that needed a boost.]
The tools I have found that seem to work the best for the most people are these: (I will tell you how to use each) You can find all of this at a health food store.
1.Hydrogen Peroxide [I did not try this]
2.Folic Acid
3.Tea Tree Oil
4.Apple Cider Vinegar
1.Peroxide-Good all around cleasing agent. The bad bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they thrive in the absence of oxygen. The good bacteria are aerobic, the opposite. Peroxide floods the vagina with an environment that the bad stuff hates.
2.Folic Acid-I don't know why or really if this actually works, but a LOT of women swear by it and it can't hurt you-so why not. If anyone has more info on why Folic acid works please let me know.
3.Tea Tree Oil- This is a great natural TOPICAL antibiotic. There are others also, but Tea Tree is easy to come by and inexpensive and goes a long way.
4.Apple Cider Vinegar-This is a natural, inexpensive acid. Some gals insist on getting the kind with the "mother". You can find this at natural food stores.
5.Probiotics- I cannot (because this would be unbearibly long) go into all the details of the various strains of bacteria that should be living in your vagina. There is soooo much info out there to read on this(and I suggest you do)So I'm going to be VERY basic. Lactobacillus Acidolphis is one of the strains you need and can be easliy bought and administered.
OK, now for actual treatment. Other tools you will need other than the ones listed above are-
1. A small syringe. Get the type that has a bulb on the end. Designed for giving children medicine. Looks like a large eye dropper or a tiny turkey baster. Found mine at Wallgreens.
2. Tampons- get the kind that have different sizes. You will use the small tampon in the large applicator.
How to use these tools for treatment: Take 800 mg of Folic Acid in the morning and 400mg at night.
You can rinse with the Peroxide first or anytime the discharge is bad. I found no problem with using it full strength. You can dilute if it bothers you. Draw it up into the syringe, insert as you would a tampon and squeeze it out while the syringe is inside. You can repeat this a couple of times. [Folic acid did not seem to work for me].
Tea Tree Oil. This is where you use the tampons. Take out a small one and a large one, remove both tampons from their applicators. Throw out the small applicator and the large tampon. The reason you are doing this is(duh) a tampon swells when it is wet, so you have to get it saturated with oil THEN insert. Use the syringe to draw up some of the oil. Saturate the small tampon with the oil. Place the tampon in the large applicator and insert. Leave in for up to 3 hrs. This is the A-Bomb for the bad bacteria! Take out and wait a few hours before the vinegar. [I, instead, dripped a few drops of sweet almond oil onto the tip of the tampon, then about 5 drops of tea tree oil, inserted tampon and left in for 2hr45mins. Also gently rubbed same mixture around the outside.]
Vinegar. I found that the vinegar will burn if you do not dilute heavily. Find a level that is comfortable for you. You can either use your diluted mixture to rinse inside as you did with the peroxide or can saturate a tampon as you did with the oil. This will bring your Ph over to the acid side and make it a nice place for the good stuff to grow.
Acidophilus. This one has the most latitude. Probiotics come in capsules, tablets, "liquid", and in various foods. Most strains cannot migrate from your digestive tract to your vagina. Sooooo, the best way to adminiser these babies is to put them right where they need to be. I found that the capsules didn't disolve in the vagina as they would in the stomach, so I found an Acidophilus that is in a kind of liquid form. It actually looks like a runny yogurt. This is an easy method to get the little guys where they need to be. Use the syringe and insert a couple of teaspoons inside. I found it best to use the Peroxide, Oil, and Vinegar during the day and the acidophilus in the evening before bed. That way it's not so messy (put on a pair of COTTON undies) also allows the whole night for them to multiply. As for taking probiotics orally, certianly can't hurt and may help a lot. So take them orally in conjuction with vaginally.
I had results from this treatment plan in one day. I hope to get some feedback with others experiences. Sorry this was so long, but I hope it helps. This is such an awful problem and there aren't that many real answers out there.
Hey ladies, so I've been going to the doctor for the pass year and a half for bv. I am usually treated with antibiotics and the symptoms return. So I started thinking maybe the antibiotics only cover the symptoms. What if there is a deeper issue below the surface? Rather than treat bv why not treat the condition that is causing bv. So after further research I read that low estrogen levels causes the vagina pH to be alkanized above 6.5 pH rather than acidic pH 4.5 and below. So I believe bv is a hormorne imbalance. Please get your estrogen levels tested and see if that is your issue. I will keep you posted after I go to the doctor to get my estrogen levels tested. good luck.
I have been fighting back and forth with BV and Yeast for over a yr now! Apparently it has gotten bad enough for me that it has caused a mild Staph infection. Too bad the meds to treat that feed the Yeast and BV, also apparently Metro Gel doesn't work for me so after reading everyone's stories I decided to go Natural. I have a RN friend who is into Natural healing and she recommended Luvina you can get it at Walmart and I've seen it at Rite too but Ive used it 1 day and I had no symptoms until around 4pm. It says use evey 3 days but it your having symptoms to use it everyday which I plan to do. I REALLY hope this works!! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!! I will post results!!
Looking into a diet that will kill Candida. That is the reason for the yeast infection or BV. You have to kill it in your gut because it travels in your body and makes its way to our lady parts. I had to treat this first before I even saw in difference in the symptoms. I really hope this helps. The dirt will starve the yeast or whatever bacteria you have and it will eventually die out.
@ Nikki from Atlanta, GA, You said that you bought a shelf stable brand that's similar to Femdolphilus since you didn't want to take refrigerated capsules around. Can you tell me what brand you were using? I, too, will be traveling and don't think I can carry something that needs to be refrigerated.
Well this will be a releaf for everyone. I have suffered from bv for 2 yrs now I have tryed everything doc vist pills, douches, creams. It can be a pain. But what I found out is in 30sec after taking folic acid u should get the 800mg if you have been suffering a long time bc it need to work out the buildup and probiotic 100billion. u will c the discharge go away and with in 4 day everything is gone I am so glad. Also what works is activea yogert eat 8 cups a day for a week straight . if ur not into pills. Also soak for 20 min in warm bath water with 1/4 of viniger I know it sink but it works to. Okay pls reply to let me know if it helped anyone out there, thanks
Hey ladies I've been dealing with BV for 4years... Understand that it has to do with the ph of our vaginas and the over growth of (bad) bacteria, therefore we have a increased sensitivity to sex etc. Also keep in mind, the ph of your vagina changes during your period due to the basic ph of the blood. Sperm is also very basic. I dont think the douche peroxide is a bad idea, its supposed to be 2 caps of peroxide with a quart of water for 3-7 days. Please becareful with this. The peroxide is supposed to clear out the anaerobic bacteria that is causing all the problems. Also, Try using products like femdophilis, probaclac (but it's in Canada, they're not FDA approved yet) or the probiotic made by rephresh while douching with the peroxide. But continue to take the probiotics on a daily basis until there is some stability down there (you can take them 2-3 times a day the 1st week, the more units of bacterium the better! ).
FYI: I have douched with peroxide after sex and it prevented reinfection but probiotics are key!!! The probiotics that I recommended are live forms of acidophilius and are not the bacterium found in yogurt. They care bacterium that are healthy and are the normal flora in your vagina. Ladies I've been through a lot and it took me a LONG time to get where I am. I'll be glad to share any info I have and would love to hear yours. My partner is very supportive despite everything. It was my ex who caused this occurrence. His sperm was so alkaline that it BURNED me everytime we had sex, and it completely threw my vagina out of whack.
The BV is not coming from your boyfriend, unless its not BV but trich, which is an STD. In that case you should go to the clinic. I have suffered with BV since age 19 and I'm now 43. It is the PH balance that tends to go haywire. And it is usually after sex because semen changes your PH balance also your periods and sugar doesnt help either. After trying several remedies, a female doctor prescribed Boric acid inserts. DONT MAKE THEM YOURSELF. Go to your GYN and have them prescribed. You will have to have it filled at a special pharmacy. I take 600mg capsules. She recommended inserting one directly after sex and I take folic acid and garlic pills every day. The last time I had an occurance, my doctor recommended taking the flagyll and inserting the Boric acid capsules together. Since my outbreaks came from my periods and sex she recommended I use them then. I have a hysterectomy now and only use them after sex and occaissionally take a flagyll just to be safe and I have not had an episode of BV now since using the prescribed Boric acid pills. And they are not expensive and even so $40 is worth it. You get a lot of pills and I havent used a refill yet. Its been about 5 months now and I have sex on a regular basis and no BV. Thats great for me cause after sex not long after I got BV. They work great. Hope this helps someone because before the prescribed boric acid, I tried everything, all recommendations and spent lots of money with no relief except for consantly taking flagyll.
Hello everyone. I to am enjoying the information that I've been reading on this site. I just heard about BV on the television. I've been researching for about 2 hours and noticed that I've been having some of the same symptoms. The only thing is, is that I haven't been having any pain at all. Fishy smell and grayish spots in the panty liners. I've been with my fiance for 8 years and he's been my only sex partner since then. Constantly taking showers, wiping, and changing panty liner. Using different cream for yeast infection. My appointment is scheduled for Tuesday of next week. Could that be a sign of BV?
hey guys. Im glad I found this post... This is probably the best site ive seen about bv. I recently started having this problem because im on the depo shot, so I wont get pregnant, so my bf doesnt pull out... I didnt know I could get bv because of that. It makes sense, because that is not very sanitary.. So now im suffering from bv every once in a while. I usualy have it for a few days, then it goes away from a month, then it come back. Today I bought a $10 acidiphilis & liquid b12 that the guy there recommended. Hopefully this works.. But I also bought 3% peroxide.. But im not sure how to use it.. :( do I just mix it with 1/2 water& rinse down there? or do I have to use a syringe?
Dani 93, I hope you get this message. I drink Alkaline water and it has completely cleared my BV. I hope you can find a local health store you can buy alkaline water. It saved me.
Relieved....... Hi ladies...... I just want to say...... Thank you for sharing your stories. It feels comforting to know that there are many of us suffering from this. I've never had this before..... And I'm currently dating someone whom I care about deeply..... And it's been so depressing for me. Just trying to enjoy sex with you're partner and being cursed by this is so embarrassing. He told me to visit the doctor since his ex had it before..... But here I am with no insurance whatsoever. I was on a quest to find natural cures..... Looking for cranberry pills..... And god lead me to you ladies. Wish me luck as I will return back with hopefully good results. I'm heading to the store to get the acidophilus and colic acid pills. You're stories give me hope.
I was having BV and the clinic would prescribe me metronidazole and it kept coming back. I finally went to my family doctor and he prescribed me the same medince however he prescibed me Restora (myrestora. Com) to take along with the metronodazole, I continued to take 1 Restora everyday after the 7 day run with antibiotics. It's been over a year and it hasnt came back yet. I would recommend giving this a shot. It worked for me.
You ladies have been godsent! I have been dealing with bv since I got my first period at age 11. I'm 25 now! For the longest time I felt like a freak of nature, avoiding walking by any one sitting, changing my underwear at least 3 times a day, showering 3 times a day. I avoided camping trips, sleepovers, and boyfriends. I though I had this because I was dirty. The worst was going to about six different doctors (that I can remember) and telling them my symptoms. Every single doctor told me it was my hygiene! This page has been my lifeline! I am going to try the acidophilus orally and also in a cream for my vagina. I pray to god this works! I fear that because I've had it so long it won't go away. Thank you ladies!!!
Helpful but no Cure--Hello Ladies, I found this website about a month ago and have been battling BV for about 10years now, i've always been cautious especially when it came to my genital areas, so couldn't understand how I got this sickness. At first I didnt know what the hell this horrid thing was I went to the doctor time and time again and only got diagnosed with yeast infections then I started seeing a female doctor who diagnosed me the right way she gave me antibiotics and I thought I was cured then it came back a few month later and every time I seen her and got my fix it would come back in a shorter time even worse then before. Fed up of the embarrasement I went on a cure search im doing everything I seen on this site apple cider vinegar, peroxide and water, folic acid, probiotics, acidiphillus (not sure of the speling), yogurt inserts... To tell you the truth I dont know if the cocktail is working for me because I was jumping for joy when the peroxide took away the smell and the discharge the first day, but then after about two weeks I thought okay I should be able to go without everything and just keep up the vitamins, boy was I WRONG!!! Two days later it came back... So im back on this site and im happy to see that there are more recent posts. Ive been doing the cocktail as I said it does work especially the peroxide and water mix I use it as a douch every night and every morning along with my yorgurt insert. But its only a temperary fix.
I seen that Marina has used something starting with a "V" not sure we have that in Canada but is that something you used for a short period of time and everything went back to normal for you? if so please please please let me know where I can get that PLEASE... im so desperate!
Im going to try and add something new to my cocktail and see if this works I found a product called Purfem I Will update on the status of that and let you all know the outcome.
Fingers Crossed!!!
This REALLYYY works, I promise! Here's how it goes: douche with a solution of half hydrogen peroxide and half PURIFIED water. Absolutely NO NO NO NOOOO TAP WATER! Do this for seven days, morning and night, and then follow up with seven straight days of acidophilus suppositories once or twice a day. Make sure that while you are doing this you are taking at least 4 billion units of acidophilus and 800 mcgs of Folic Acid by mouth each day, and do not have sex! Also, cut back on smoking and TRY (I know it's hard sometimes) to eat healthy and be conscious of what you are putting in your body. Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco are extremely hard on your immune system.
It's also wise to follow up with weekly or bi weekly peroxide douches but ALWAYS follow it immediately with an acidophilus suppository to replenish the good bacteria.
You can find the suppositories online and in some health food stores.
Hope this helps every single one of you like it helped me!
I have been dealing with BV for years now and it comes back pretty often, but I've begun to notice patterns and when/why it comes back (usually due to diet). But anyway, after much experimentation, I have found a combination of remedies that gets rid of all my symptoms within 1-2 days. Start treating it at the first sign and seriously attack the infection with all the weapons you've got:
Acidophilus capsules - take a billion 3 times a day
Diluted apple cider vinegar - 3 times a day
Insert boric acid capsule into vagina every other night right before bed
Take women's health vitamins (these usually contain cranberry, more probiotics, and other important vitamins for feminine health)
Drink a ton of water
Eat fruits and vegetables
Sleep well
Stay AWAY from the following (or at least cut down significantly):
ALL caffeine (coffee, soda, energy drinks/5 hours, tea [even green tea causes BV to come back for me so I drink this in moderation])
Spicy foods
Processed, fried, and unhealthy foods in general
So I know everyone says to stay away from these things, but you'd be surprised at how quickly and surely it comes back after you eat one of these items.
When I don't have symptoms, I continue everything except the boric acid and apple cider vinegar. As long as I stick to these remedies and restrictions, the infection stays away. Every time final exam week comes around and I have a couple of Red Bulls and coffees, skip some acidophilus pills, and eat some junk food, it comes back. Good luck ladies!
I am living in Grenada, a small Caribbean island, and I suffer from BV AND heavy yeast infections for quite a while now. I have to say that I hate myself because I ignored the symptoms for a long time before I finally made the gyn appointment. Health care is very expensive here, and most medications are not even available here, unless you have them ordered. Besides, they can also be quite expensive.
After the first gyn visit, my doctor prescribed 3 different medications, but I could only get one of them at the time, and it was almost 100$. It was Flagyl antibiotic, prescribed against my yeast infection. I took it for a week, but absolutely nothing changed, I had discharge and odor during the whole time and also after finishing it, it was not gone at all. So two weeks later, I went back to my doctor, and she diagnosed me with BV and heavy yeast infection. Great! She prescribed two meds, caplets that I had to take twice a day for 4 days plus a vaginal suppository for a week. I am still using the suppositories, and I just had my period, so I can't really tell yet if anything helped.
Because I don't really trust anymore that my doctor (she is the best gyn on the island though) is able to help me to get rid of my infections and BV, I did my own research on the internet, and I am so glad that I found this site. I am now also taking one folic acid tablet every day (all I could get here is a smaller dosed pill though, but they were very cheap, not even 10 cents per pill), two Acidophilus tablets per day, and I also eat plain yoghurt in the morning.
Now that my period is gone and I am using the suppositories for the next 6 days, plus my folic acid/Acidophilus regimen, I am very hopeful that it will help.
Additionally to what I am doing already, I ordered VH Essentials BV treatment, boric acid powder and empty gel caps from Amazon. It will take a while until it gets here, but I am hopeful and positive that something of that will finally help to get rid of that nightmare. I am with a wonderful man and our sex is great, but I am so insecure because of the foul odor, and every time we have sex, I am getting heavy discharge and the odor during the day after. It's a nightmare!
I will post here again in a while, after I got my order from amazon and hopefully I can post some good news.
To all of you suffering with the same sh*, thank you for sharing your problems and experiences here, it's so great to know that I am not alone!
I have been dealing with this for a few years now and I went to the drs a few a times. The first time they gave me the Metrodizondale pills than I got it again and they gave me the gel for 6 months and now I have it back. I don't have the smell so much but I have the discharge. So i'm gonna try taking the acidophilus and folic acid. And hope it works. But just a question. Do you take 2 of acidophilus and once vaginally or one orally and once vaginally?
Hi out there, thanks for your stories. BV has become a problem for me over the last 2 years, didn't have any understanding of it to begin, and because ejaculating with intercourse was something that started full on for me at around the same time, I thought the odour came from this. Didn't realise how powerfully bad it was until others started to object to the smell. I also developed urinary tract infections that I'd never before had. I'm also heading into menopause, and a womens health nurse here was able to point out that link. Anyway, I 'd tried ti tree and vinegar douches to no avail. So went to an antibiotic, Tinidazole 500mg x 4, a once only dose, and it worked, made me happy. Until I had sex again, and back it came. There's a doctor in town here who's very much into the nutritional side of things, the effects of deficiencies, getting the balance right, etcetera, so I'm thinking to make that my next port of call in looking for a cause and cure. An iridologist was able to pick up that I had a chronic infection, which she felt was originally housed in the gut, so that's another angle. If I come across something that makes a lasting difference, will surely let you know.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all the information.... I've been struggling with BV for years now and is tried of going to the doctor once or twice a month for the same medication. After reading through multiple stories I'm going to try using Folic Acid and Acidophilus. I wasn't sure what to purchase so I purchase two bottles of Acidophilus one in the capsules and one in the caplets. I want to try to insert acidophilus but not sure if I should insert the capsules or caplets. Would someone let me know the difference or does it matter. For now I'm just going to orally take the folic acid and acidophilus pills. Thanks again ladies.
I live in Las Vegas Nv... I have never heard of that type of store or acidophilus, but would love to find it.... I love Acidophilus and all the remedies on here they have truly saved my health and sanity!
Hey Marina, wow 6 weeks!!! I know u r feeling really good, just one day would be a lifetime for me as I sit here typing this I can smell it through my pants:(( Oh man I just finished crying, I can not wait to go back to the doctor, I do not know why my body is being so damn stubborn to fight off this dreadful infection, I rarely talk to my guy anymore, like I said before he has no idea what Im going through and if he knew he would be gone, so it is best like this until I can be rid of this crap, marina are u still doing your regimine everyday? So u have no discharge and smell? wow u r so very lucky, 8 years with this and I still can not believe it, I just saw a brochure in the doctoors office " BV what women should know" well there should have been more awareness about this wayyyyyy before, because I would have taken the damn precautions to avoid this nightmare, I douched and BV got me, seems like it has my whole damn life, my esteem is shot, I want to smile again, such a beautiful face and a stinky vagina, no man wants that at all, this is the worst shit ever, I wish and hope to be BV free soon, I need my life back, damn, and I want my guy too, that guy is my soulmate.
Hey Sherri - - I just checked, nothing there? Tori Hudson a wonderful ND in Portland designs the product line. When I got serious about this I followed her work. The FDA made them lower the boric acid content of this product a few years back. There are many complaints regarding the loss of potency due to this requirement. It's too bad. I based my original capsules with Tori's remedy in mind.
It seems like a lifetime - but I have been free and clear for at least 6 weeks! AMAZING.
Ok, I wanted the subject heading to be Boric Acid Douche. But anyway, here is the recipie I've been using; 1/2 teaspoon boric acid to 1 cup water. The boric acid is for sale through amazon.com. I mix up a bottle of the stuff and then dilute it further by filling a douche bottle half way with the boric acid solution and then top it off with water. I know this is much milder than what others are using but it works for me. I use this if I start to get a tangy taste in my vagina. It works great. You can douche just after having sex and then it rinses everything out and seems to help restore the balance. As a side note I also take femflora probiotics orally one a day or once every other day.
In the past I have tried apple cider vinegar and yogurt douche and monistat and they never really helped completely. I also used to try placing a probiotic capsule up inside the vagina cavity after using the monistat or some other such thing. I also used to try tea tree oil suppositories. But I have been very happy with the boric acid douche. I think it's the best I've found so far. It keeps me tasting good down there. Additionally I think a good book is 'heal pelvic pain" by amy stein because the stretches and strengthing exercises can help with muscle tension. And while I'm recommending things I don't get paid to recommend I'll throw in a word for the Kegel8 machine. you can order it from britan and it really helps improve muscle tone and tightness.
@ Zebro what health food store did u go to? I see Whole foods carries Vitanica products But I do not know about the suppositories, I'm desperate to try anything, I already spent a extra 50 dollars this week on nothing, damn something has got to work for us as it has you!!! Thx for sharing..
Hello Ladies! Well I first devolped BV during my first pregnancy. It resulted in a miscarriage. I didn't get BV again until 5 years later. The doctors gave me Metro Gel. I seemed to work however I caught a yeast infection. A few days later the BV came back. I got pregnant a second time. Took the gel, caught a yeast infection and days later the BV came back. Resulting in another miscarriage at 4 months. After that miscarriage it seems like I became a BV infected all the time. I got a new doctor and she was the only that has ever told me about the imbalance of flora so she told me to take probiotics. Well I wet to Walmart and purchased the acid/probiotics pills and when I miss a dose or finish the bottle the BV would come back. Sometimes the probiotics didn't work so I thought maybe I should get a more pricey brand. I purchase a bottle from GNC. I thought it was working until I ran out then the BV was back. This was frustrating. Constantly worried if someone smelled an odor. I read on different forums about different remedies. The yogurt tampon didn't work for me. I never had the fishy odor everyone talks about but it was an unpleasant odor. Hard to describe. Back to the yogurt tampon. It gave me an irritation. I still had a discharge. The foul odor was back within a day or two. Someone mention apple cidar vinegar is a cure. I didn't believe because I have bathe with distilled vinegar in the vaginal area every now and then since getting BV. I doesn't cure it but I do love it because it cuts the odor. Always works before having sex. I have been reading different forums. Someone mentioned cranberry juice. Well I did started drinking 100% cranberry juice and taking probiotics. Still had a discharge but the odor was somewhat gone during the time I was taking both. After the juice and pills..... IT'S BACK! SO frustrating and I decided I probably won't be able to carry full term because of this.
Ok here it is.... After suffering two miscarriages and having chronic BV, Instead of taking one acid/probiotic pill as instructed on the bottle I take more. Since BV is an overgrowth and unbalance of harmful bacteria I decided to take 3-4 pills in the morning and 3-4 pills in the evening. I did this for 2 days. Guess what? When I went to use the bathroom on the 2nd day I DID NOT HAVE AN ODOR OR DISCHARGE. It is now going on 2 weeks. Still no odor or discharge. This is the longest I have ever been without BV and I'm so freakin happy. I might have to take the pills for the rest of my life but I rather do that than worry if someone smell the odor. I have also switched to Dial Anti bacterial soap. Will keep you posted.
I visited this section on BV a few weeks ago and then went to the Health Food Store in this area best known for its selection. The staff there introduced me to a suppository that had everything everyone was talking about. These are by Vitanica. These suppositories have acidophilus, tea tree, boric acid, and coconut oil in them. I've been using them for 1 week and no more BV. They say for yeast but if you read everything about acidophilus, tea tree, coconut oil, and boric acid then you will understand that these will take care of fungus and bacteria also. I also decided to take Soloray Yeast Cleanse because it includes pau d archo, tea tree, caprilic acid, acidophilus, and more for cleansing out the bacteria also. This all took care of the issue in 1 week for under $30. Thought I would share a very easy and comprehensive formula that is effective since many have had no luck. Best in Health. S in Michigan.
I've had BV for almost a year now. I immediately stopped using fragranced soaps down there, but the problem was still there. In case you ladies didn't knw, you should always stay away from scented soaps, wipes, pads, etc. Down there, because it is a big cause of BV! Most of you probably knew that already, but I know all my friends were surprised to hear that, since they use scented pads all the time. Anyway, I do not know how I got BV, but it was really making me uncomfortable, and I was being distant with my boyfriend.
The other day, I saw an intimate feminine wash in my mother's shower and read that it was completely natural with no added fragrance. It contains cranberry extract and chamomile. Cranberry is very good for the overall health of your vagina and bladder, so I figured I'd give it a try. I used it for two days and didn't even bother to check if my BV had improved. I was so used to being icky down there and having to wear pads every single day so the odor wouldn't stink up my pants. My boyfriend knew about the infection, but I never let him smell me anywhere near there, so he got my shorts that I had been wearing and smelled the crotch area lol and he was confused because it didn't smell like anything. I took the shorts from him, and to my surprise, there was no smell. For the first time in months! The next day, I got my period, and we all know we can be a bit smelly down there during our period, and combined with the BV, the smell used to be horrible. Again to my surprise, there was no smell! My period even seemed to smell so much less than before I got the BV. That day, I went out and bought some L. Acidophilus pills with 40 million viable cells just to ensure that the infection wouldn't come back. I'm still trying not to get my hopes up, but the smell and discharge still haven't made an appearance again, and it's been five days. Once my period is over, I'm going to try to wear my underwear without any panty liners or pads, and that will be the ultimate test. I hope it goes well. I'm going to continue washing that area with the feminine wash and taking the Acidophilus pills. I don't know if either of those things actually were the cause of my BV disappearing, but the pills have improved my metabolism a lot, so that's a plus. Hopefully, it doesn't come back.
Hey Shay that is good news!!!! I'm still smelling like fish, ugh, I'm gonna wash with that u said, because that douche can cause yeast infections!!! I'm trying so hard to stay positive, I hate squirming around people, I just want my life back the way it was!!! Keep us posted, yes we all r beautiful, btw going back to the doctor April 26, I'm desperate!!!
Hey yall!! Since posting on here, I didn't go to the store but I did start using what I had in my house and that was Peroxide. I didn't make a douche I just wash with it 3 -4 times a day. Good news, the smell is gone and the discharge isn't as much. I just wet a white was cloth with warm water and then add some Peroxide. It does burn for the first minute or so but I guess that's due to the BV and I guess it's a sign that it is working. But I do not want to just try this as I know that BV will come back. I will give another update when I try other methods. Thanks girls for all of the advice and I will be coming back for another update in hopes that it will help you all!! Let's all just stay positive about this and ourselves! WE ARE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN INSIDE AND OUT
@02/28/2012: Bridget from Montevallo, Al You could try mixing the acidophilus with plain yogurt for a thicker paste - otherwise you would need only a drop of water to make a paste. I sterilize a long pin & poke several holes in an acidophilus capsule and just insert the capsule by way of lubing my finger with coconut oil & working it up as high as I can go. This has been working along with my other methods (all my notes are under the remedy with 99 YEAs below & I am 'better but not cured' - but I AM GAINING ON IT).Undiluted Tea Tree Oil is too strong for many people - dilute it/mix it with something like Grapeseed Oil, Almond Oil, Olive Oil: carrier oils which also have healing properties).
This is Sherie again, No do not buy the e book, it is a waste of money, my sister got it and it is just everything that is on the internet in a book... I started internship this week, yesterday I was able to be around the other students with a limited smell, I have been taking that herbal pill that starts with a "F", maybe I need to take more, who knows, but I felt good yesterday:) My period just left, and let see what the next 3 weeks will be like, I changed my diet and that did not help at all, I bought colodial silver and some powerful acidphilus and Im gonna continue to take my herbal pill, this damn thing cost so much money, I miss my vagina so much, as I know all of u do too, Im not a dirty woman, Im clean, and this has got to go, BV has taken my life and I want it back!!! Im sorry to say this I rather have cancer, I rather not be humiliated and embarassed and laughed at, I read tea tree oil suppositories r good, But I do not have a credit card to buy them, I used to take these yeast pill 2 years ago, and I had sex with np, no odor, then they took it off the market:(( so maybe I will look to buy some yeast pills to help me out, Im not looking to have sex, because I do not want any STDs:(( I swear only God can help me now... I wi let u know how the week went, I will post next Friday...
Has any ones tried that website http://www.thebacterialvaginosis.com want to buy the ebook but I don't want to pay if its not a cure any thoughts?? I'm super frustrated!! I thought my man was cheating on me this whole time but I smell like fish and it's super embarassing! I dont even know what to do!??
Hi ladies! I've been dealing with BV for almost ten months now, and I'm really ready to get rid of it. I've been taking garlic pills and acidophilus pills twice a day after meals, but I really would like to try the "acidophilus paste" that some of you have recommended. I've tried it twice, but I think I might be using too much water, because it doesn't look anything like a paste. I mash up the pill in a bowl, add water, mix it, and do my best to get the mixture into one of those vaginal-insert things that often come with antibiotics (after it's been thoroughly washed with soap and warm water). Is there a more efficient way of doing this? Should I be buying distilled water just for this purpose?
I also have tried tea tree oil after reading some of the replies on this website, and it truly only caused me to have a horrible burning sensation. How do you ladies use the tea tree oil? Maybe I didn't dilute it enough. I would appreciate some more details on either of these methods!
@Sherri, I feel your pain I've been dealing with BV since 1998 and it has ruined my life :( I've tried so many remedies been to countless drs only to not have a cure. I don't understand how this happen and why I can't get rid of it. I'm glad I found this site because I thought I was the only one dealing with this. And I think it's just awful that so many woman are suffering and no one has found a way to cure this. This condition is not a easy thing to live with I'm also depressed and I don't even feel like a person. I find it amazing how I get different advise from drs. Some say that your diet has no effect on BV and then I read on internet where others are saying it does. So which is it?? I was wondering has anyone changed their diet and cured BV? I've tried garlic, tea tree oil, peroxide, apple cidar vinegar, countless metro gel, flagyl you name it I've tried it and all things only provide a short time relief if any. I do take a probiotic daily not sure that it is doing anything but I hope maybe one day the good bacteria will take hold. I just ordered yesterday a product call purfem probiotics its good bacteria that you insert in the vagina so I'm hoping to find some relief I will post on the product if I find it works. I'm sorry to all you ladies who are suffering with this horrible monster and hope and pray we find a cure soon.
Hey Sherry! Thanks for that information. Yes, I too have been dealing with this for a while now. And yes it reeks.... REALLY BAD! I wear a pad (not a liner) EVERYday. Liners just don't cover up enough of the smell for me. I am very insecure going out in public because of this because I think that someone is going to smell me. I am so sick and tired of living with this and it consuming my mind! It is ridiculous. I don't see how my boyfriend has been hanging in there for these six years. But he is so understanding and I am very thankful for that. I am going to try the live cultures and see how it does. But again thanks and let's hope we can get this nasty crap under control!!!!
Hey Shay, the one you want to get starts with "Femdophlus" also there is another one with 50 billion live cultures, I hate to say it did not work for me, I am so ashamed having this, embarassed too, ppl think I smell on purpose, I get laughed at school, and ppl avoid me, I do not have sex at all, what for?having the room smell like rotten fish is not attractive, I do not know what to do, today I made my 7th appointment for the GYN, I used to have a life, now I have a horror of a life, I start externship tomorrow and Im terrified they will be rid of me because Im gonna smell up the office:((I tried it all and my body rejects all the remedies, Im sad all the time and I cry cry cry so much, I swear only God can help me now because Im very suicidal with this thing. My clothes stink, I can't sit for long because I smell, I swear the things we take for granted. This has led me to a bad drinking problem too, Im just being honest...
BV has taken my life and I do not know if I will ever have it back. Going on 9 damn years, that is a damn shame. I was always afraid of HIV and other things, I never heard of this crap before, neither has anyone I have told. Im so depressed writing this. My vagina is gone, I met a nice man and I have to let him go because he does not deserve this.. I swear I never knew the vagina could smell so damn bad. Fishy, ugh, no one wants to smell that, not even me, Im even taking this expensive herbal pill I ordered online starts with a "F" do not buy that, it is waste of money!!!! But I was and am desperate.. Oh God I hate waking up thinking about this all day and night.. What kind of life is this?even when I get my period it is really bad!!! Where is the real cure for this?
I was wondering could someone provide me with a name of the refrigerated Probiotic or Acidophilus? I really wuld appreciate it. It took me for ever to find an organic grocery store and now that I have found one, I need the name of the right stuff to get. I am so sick and tired of being embarrassed to have sex with my fiance. It seems as if the odor doesn't bother him as much as it bothers me. I really appreciate this website because I thought that I would never be able to find a "cure" for this nasty crap!! Thank you so much ladies for sharing your stories also!!!!
I honestly can't believe that this worked. After reading all the threads from here on Friday night I knew this was the problem. I went to the chemist on Saturday and they told me to go to the doctors, which takes ages here. I'm sick of that smell. I sit down and I can smell it in no time. I have a shower think yes this time it must be all clean, aren't I washing properly even though I make sure I'm washing overly. So when I read that peroxide could help get rid of that horrid smell I couldn't wait to get back to the shops to get some and try it. I got 2 bottles cause I thougt nothing could kill it, but I didthe fist mix half water and half hydrogen peroxide and use a 30ml syringe to apply it. I laid down for 5 mins and held it in. I couldn't believe it when I got up had a shower and wiped dry and the smell was pretty much gone. So then I soaked a tampon in full peroxide and inserted and left it in there for a hour, it was sliglty burning but nothing unbearable and I read that it will do that if there is and infection. When I woke up in the morning and had a shower there was no smell when I dryed myself on the towel, still I inserted another soaked tampon but this time in half water and half peroxide just cause I know it maybe a bit sensitive from the last day wore it to work and took it out after 2 hours. Today is the first day in the last year I have been at work and there is no discharge, which as u all know feels so gross. Sometimes so much They feel and are wet, which isn't desirable at work!!!!! And best of all there is no disgusting smell that ranged from fishy to mouldy kind of smell.
This problem had me so depressed, I felt dirty, gross and wrong. After getting on here nad seeing how common it is I feel like a new person today. Thaks to everyone of you ladies who have taken your time to post here so people like me could get the help they need!!!!
BV flora is caused by the conversion of protein & amino acids which is responsible for raising the vaginal PH balance and producing the typical odor of the vaginal discharge. The best thing I do is stay away from anti-biotics because it kills off the good bacteria also douches especially perfumed douches it adds insult to injury, , the PH needs to be re-balanced, "sugars are not good during this time";even juices have natural sugars, I buy super strength cranberry caps for uninary tract health, stay with a good balanced diet. I found that the odor smells like bread/which is yeast(protein) I also found that my PH balance is lacking protein//amino acids. These situations only happen to compromised immune systems which includes poor eating habits where it tells the immune system we are lacking in many nutrients, vits. and proteins etc. Therefore the immune system rarely gets attacked when we eat right, I am a vegan some times I eat chicken(protein) but also need to take more protein//amino acids. I just read that ACV is great to ingest as well as apply to the vagina often. I bought L-Glutamine but it's not always needed to buy this one substance, meat and veggies & fruit are great but I don't eat animal's. I am beginning to feel a little better but I need to stick with building then keep on re-building the immune system. God bless
I have had this horrible BV for about a couple of years now. It has turned me into a insecure person. Too afraid to get close to anyone due to my BV. Never knew what it was untill I came across this video on you tube about BV! Started searching for solutions online. I keep getting those crazy sites trying to sell that "book" to get the answers. I knew there had to be a better way.
Then I came across this site! MY PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED! I could not believe so many other women out there where just like me! I cried and cried when I realized what pain they where going thru just like me. So first thing I did was went to the store got Acidophilus pills, a gallon of Apple Cider, Hydrogen Peroxide, and a douche. Bathed in the Apple Cider. Worked for a couple of hours, but by the end of the day it came back. Tried the pills by swallowing and inserting directly. Did nothing.
So my Last hope was the Douche method with the hydro. OH MY GOD! It worked! I had to do it twice, but the smell was GONE. Now I have to say, later on in the day it tried to come back. So I started doing the douche Twice a day. MY PROBLEM WAS SOLVED. I cant express how much this site has changed my life! Yes douche twice a day is a hassle, but if this means all I have to do is this to get my life back. NO PROB! Now I have only did this for about 2 weeks, but I will try to come back and give a follow up on my progress in BEATING BV.
I hope this helps someone else get closer and getting there life back. I am grateful for the women before me and posted what worked for them. If it wasn't for them, don't know where my life would have ended up. GOD BLESS
Ordered some boric acid supps. I hope it works. I have been taking the new chapter probiotic as well. it helps a lot!
@ Mel I hear you, I too have Bv, I have written here a number of times, I do not know how to be rid of this, forget the doctors they know nothing, this thing is ruining my life and making me depressed everyday, what once was a sexy confident woman is now a woman in a shell, I honestly do not know what to do, I'm broke, spending money on this that and the yogurt? Please, nothing for me:(( when I get my tax return, I'm gonna buy femanol, I need this odor to be GONE!!! Damn I do not have a lot of discharge, just some, and bam it smell like fish!! Ugh, I got this 7 years ago, when I douched too much, I never even heard of this, ever, I'm not a dirty woman, but I sure as hell feel like one, I tried fem dophilus too, waste of money as was Bv essentials.
The only thing that was ok for me was the boric acid, but that is expensive!!!! 28 dollars for 7 pills:(( But I'm gonna make my own soon, I did notice when I took it, there was no smell, then I ran out:((, I was so happy those days I had no smell:))This is some nasty thing to deal with, I can't even sit for long period of time:(( what a damn shame, the doctors know their meds do not WORK!!! I met a nice guy and if he knew I smelled like this he would be gone... Damn you BV!!!
I've struggled with BV for about 4 or 5 years now. I initally got it when I started having sex with a new partner (protected). I had no clue what the smell was and my mom suggested I douche and it got worse. I worked at a doctors office so I was prescribed Metro 500mg. We continued having sex and it would come back every now and then. I changed my partner 2 1/2 years ago and it's since been an ugly crazy cycle of BV--> Metro 500mg--> Yeast Infection. Over and over and over again. It clears up and comes back as soon as I have sex with my boyfriend.. Both protected and unprotected. I went to get a pap about 4 months ago to get tested for Std's because I had no clue why this kept happening. The gyn said that once the bacteria is there it is super hard to get rid of and again I was prescribed Metro.. Only to be followed by a Yeast Infection. Who knows how much money I've spent on it... I'm probably immune to it. I decided that I needed to do a little more research on this seeing as I cant live the rest of my life ducking sex with my boyfriend and always being on crazy meds that do NOTHING! So I found this site!! It seriously made me wanna cry seeing that I'm not alone and I'm not this dirty girl. I tried a couple things I'm gonna go thru the list:
Acidoplius- I went to the health food store and got a refrigerated one and took 2 pills orally for 14 days. The smell went away and most of the discharge and I was so happy... until I had sex and it came back.
Femodophilus- This didnt work at all. I used it orally.. And inserted it.. and honestly after inserting it my bv came back crazy.
Folic Acid- I've been taking this everyday. I'm not sure if its working or not but I'm gonna continue to take it.
Peroxide Douche- This WORKS! But ONLY when it comes to getting rid of the odor for a few days. I put half water half peroxide and douche with it.. This is so heaven sent.
Greek Yogurt- I've been eating this on and off(my off days when I run out)I feel that this does a good job at repressing it. I dont notice discharge when I eat it.
I've also been going commando as much as possible as well as using an ordorless soap to bathe with.
I just ordered a different brand of acidophilus from Vitamin world so I'm gonna try that along with continuing to eat my greek yogurt and taking my folic acid everyday.
Tonight I'm going to try some Tea Tree Oil since thats awesome at getting rid of bacteria and fungus.. I'm not sure how I'm gonna insert it but I'll figure it out.
I encourge every one to try all of the methods that are listed on this site theres something that will at least repress it a lil bit for all of us.
Good luck!!
What medicine should my boyfriend use to get treated for BV? I've had it 4 times in the past 6 months and my pharmacist suggested he gets treated. What types of medicines should he take? Does he need metroconizole pills (spelling?) He does not have a STD; he was recently tested. Any info you all have would be so very helpful; thank you!
Yea the Acidophilus powder is the best. It's way less messier than yogurt and gives you the probiotics instantly. Here are my tips : Use Acidophilus that contains at least a billion live cultures. Also use the refrigerated kind! I cant emphasize enough how many different types of Acidophilus I have tried. It's something about the cold kind that really works. I guess it makes sense, since yogurt is cold and thats what helps to keep the cultures alive in it. You can get the refrigerated kind from a health store of Whole Foods or something. Also sometimes it may be too strong for you and you have to work your way up. If its too strong, it can give your vagina that "raw" feelings :(. Try a half of capsule at 1st. And if that doesnt work use a whole one. I take mine orally and vaginally but the vaginal way works the best. Good luck ladies! Also watch what you eat. The food that you eat can cause bad bacteria.
OMG!!! Ladies this website is a real godsend!! I really don't like to taking meds and would much prefer to use a more natural remedy to cure my BV. I am going to try a combination of suggestions listed and report back. I really think docs should use more of a natural approach vs. Prescribing antibiotics which can cause more issues. In my opionion. Thanks a ton ladies for sharing....
My doctor told me to open a acidophilus capsule, mix it with water to make a bit of a paste, and insert it. I have to do this after sex because that's when I get issues. So far it has worked wonders. I've been doing it for about a month or so and have no adverse effects. Only problem is that the powder in the capsule DOESN'T mix with water so I mix it the best I can, and use a small plastic tongue depresser type thing and insert it that way.
Boric acid capsules have been working for me.
Blood, semen and cervical mucus bring vaginal ph to 7.0 where it should be around 4. on average. Using tampons during a cycle and changing 2-4 hours helps remove blood but not healthy bacteria. I personally urinate immediately after intimacy which helps remove most semen and use a boric acid capsule right after.
This has been a preventative since I have been dealing with BV for almost 2 years. I'm looking forward to this method in keeping me BV free.
An antibotic can help, Metrodenzanole works best for me when BV is strong. Kills it immediately. Boric Acid helps after intimacy and use tampons every cycle.
Taking new chapter probiotic daily, CONSISTENLY helps in overall good bacterial health.
I have been dealing with this issue for 5 months now... I hae taken the gel that gave me the most disgusting reaction in the form of a wet tissue discharge. I took the pill for 2 months straight, it came back. Now I am 3.5 months pregnant and it is still present. I am married for 13 years and I have NEVER EVER had this issue and I barely douched. I am going crazy. I want to make love but I am ashamed. I can't stand up becasue I smell it, and if I do than I know that other people do as well. I feel so insecure it's not funny. Good thing that my love has a great sense of humor. But on the outside I am laughing but on the inside I am crying constantly. I read that this can affect my pregancy and this is another red flag. What do I do????? I know what you all are going through especially those who never had this before, funny thing that I read that this infection is on the rise which makes me think maybe we are getting this natural infection from something that we are eating. Just a thought.
Hello ladies! I just wanted to let you all know that I'm in the same boat! It's driving me absolutely crazy where I have no idea what to do next. I'm only 26 years old and have been dealing with bv for about 6 years now and have only had two partners in my life. I've been in and out of the doctors spending ridiculous amount of $ on antibiotics that only help for a certain amount of time then back right where I started. I used to have an awesome sex life with the guy I'm with now for the last seven years and now I'm so insecure to even do anything because is so embarrassing.
Well I came on this site and tried a few of the home remedies they did not work for me. The yogurt in the vagina and femadophilus did nothing. Douching with baking soda and water did nothing. Douche with ACV did nothing. I was hysterical thinking this was gonna be my life. So I went to the doctor one final time got some antibiotics and took some femadophilus and thought all was well until a week before my period I had that embarrassing odor back. I had some left over metronizole vaginal gel so I put only a little in my vagina for 4 nights while taking two femadophilus pills a day along with one vitamin D pill and one folic acid pill and eat one Greek yogurt everyday. The smell was gone in two days and throughout my whole period and now it's been a week after. I would recommend this home remedy to anyone. Thanks to all who were before me to give me some ideas to use. Good luck just got to keep trying to see what works for you.
What the hell is BV? and why don't women know about it? I never heard of it in my life and I tell you I have had this for sometime now, I feel ashamed, humiliated, embarassed and the list goes on, I never had any vag problems before, now I have this creature, I cannot stop crying, I used to be fun, active, sexy and everything outgoing, now I'm a shell in my own body, I feel no confidence at all, the doctors suck, been to the gyn 6 times and same ol BS, this is a damn shame women have to encounter such a ugly thing and lose your sex life, I tried everything here and nothing is working. I'm glad some things worked for some of you, I can't even sit down and get up, thinking ppl will smell me, this is really bad, and it is just a little discharge with bad odor, I do not burn nor itch, thank god because I could not deal with that.
I met this handsome prince, he is all I want in a man, but I can't even be close to him because I feel like a freak, I do not know what else to do, all I do is pray, I feel all your pain ladies and I hope no more women get this, I got this douching, so it was my fault:(( I did not know it would mess up my PH, I want to laugh again but all I do is cry, I wish I was rich so I can just stay home and avoid people, but to be around ppl is so so so difficult, as u all may know.. I'd rather have stinky feet, than a nasty vagina, I have a ten year old daughter and I tell her take care of yourself, I have a bad personality now, she knows I'm different and does not understand, I'm depressed severely, I hate this, I am not a fish, I am a woman and this is killing my life, I want to marry that new man, and I do not think so with this.. I'm gonna go now, I have nothing more to say, goodluck...
Hey all, I am living in Cambodia and have some severe doubts about the medical system here. I think that I have BV. I went to the doctors before I left and had no problems. I am not sexually active here. Recently I have developed a white discharge with kind of a bad odor. Not to be digusting, but it is like a paste. I have never had a yeast infection either. I can probably get any antibiotic but have some doubts on what to choose. Any advice?
Ok well I have had bv for about 5 years now also I'm only 20 years old but Ive had it since I was about 15 and I was not sexually active until after I was 18 (noting I was married already) the problem is is that I knew it couldn't have been normal but I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure..... After I got married my husband would ask why the odor was there during sex and I honestly didn't know so I suggested because your d*** stinks but it wasn't him it was me!!! I finally got treated with correct antibiotics 2 years ago but then it came back and then I got pregnant so until I was 6 months pregnant I just had to live with it I would take the medicine and be fine and then boom it came back soon! I finally bought this feminine wash from walmart that has really made a difference for me but every now and then I smell that horrible odor..... I see people have left their partners to keep a cure but I love my husband and am very happy. Is there anyone who has tried these remedies and in a marriage who just like me will not get divorced over THIS?? Please help...... I just want to be bv free and understand this crap it's so frustrating being paranoid all the time it's basically a disease also I haven't tried any of the remedies but I will soon!!
So glad to know that I am not the only one suffering with this horrible problem. The smell is embarassing and I always feel dirty. I have suffered with this for years. Generally right before my cycle, or when using condoms so this really sucks. I worked for an OBGYN in 2000 and the only thing that has ever worked was metrogel (not generic version) 3 non-consecutive nights for 6 weeks and to my surprise I was fine for about 4 years! I have been having a problem convincing my doc that this works for me and can't get the rx. I also use iodine douches and this works if I catch it early on. Good luck everyone!
I solved the exact same problem by stopping the use of toothpaste with fluoride! Never had a problem again.... After one go with toothpaste with salt it was finished. Now I use a range of natural toothpastes!
Sounds like this white slimy coating is thrush, a bacterial (yeast-like) infection I believe inside your mouth. "Nystatin" although not natural is supposed to be good for this because this medication does not go into your bloodstream and hurt any of your organs unlike other meds.
I have finally found a cure to my embarrassing BV. I suffered with the embarrassing odor and constantly having to wear painty liners was getting quit ridiculous. I had this issue off and on for 8 years. After trying EVERYTHING, I finally discovered folic acid and probiotics. I take 400mg of folic acid and 2 capsules of probiotics each day. Within two days of this regimen the smell and discharge was completely gone. I wanted to cry I was sooo happy. I have been free from BV for almost 4 months now and couldn't be happier.
What I first want to say is THANK YOU to all of the women who have shared their experiences here! I have had BV for 4 mos now and had enough of abx from the MD. I first tried the H2O2 douches, acidophilus, and 800 mg of folic acid x 3 days. It burned significantly for about 5 secs, then went away. But I realized that I wasn't doing the douching correctly as the nozzle wouldn't go all the way. Clearly a positional issue. I was doing it in the shower, lying down. The discharge would be gone for the night, but back by morning. Then, I decided to douche differently (on the toilet)... Well, this worked perfectly. I have a retroverted uterus and believe this is the reason it didn't work out for me lying down. Anyways, I stopped using the peroxide b/c it burned and I began itching right at the vaginal opening. Here's what I did thereafter that has worked wonderfully:
Douche 2x in the am w/ 1tbs of baking soda in water bottle (1 disposable douche bottle filled twice)
800 mg of folic acid (2x/day)
1 Garlic pill daily
80 billion live probiotic (in the refrigerated section--email me at roband2000atgmaildotcom for specific brand info)
Douche again at night w/ one iodine douche
**If I have itching, I also rub a little pure coconut oil in those areas. Works like a charm.
There still may be a little stinging, but it goes away pretty quickly.
I'm on day 7 and I'm squeaky clean! Hang in there. I plan to do it one more day. If I feel the symptoms returning, I will do it first sign. I've also read where many of the women are doing it w/ a monthly regimen. I too may adopt this plan b/c its wonderful to not have to worry about BV. Thank God for EarthClinic!
Update: 2 months since taking antibiotics and I am still better. I have continued taking the a probiotic pill with a reuteri strain daily. I have not made any other changes. One more tip for you ladies if you don't already do this- always wipe front to back after going #2! Very important.
I'm so happy I found this site! I cannot believe how many women suffer from this awful infection! Can you believe there is no permanent cure? I'm sorry, but I refuse to continue on antibiotics... they're temporary, the side effects are horrendous and the visit to the doctor plus the time and cost is inconvenient.
My husband recently came home on leave for three nights from the military. We're newlyweds and haven't seen each other in months. I felt awful because by the second day he was here I could feel the BV coming on. He was so understanding and very patient, but I'm frustrated! I don't want this to affect my marriage. I enjoy sex with my husband and don't want to have to sacrifice that because of this stupid sickness.
I started the boric acid suppository treatment yesterday. Symptoms are all gone! I will continue it for two weeks. At first I was very nervous about using boric acid because what I had read online was that it was used to kill ants and roaches. However, I'm sure Flagyl could do the same. That stuff is awful! I've had no side effects from the boric acid.
I'm also considering the hydrogen peroxide method. I'm awful at taking medication on a daily basis, but I'm going to really try this time!
I hate to get my hopes up because the thing about "chronic bv" is that it always comes back.
I wish all of you ladies luck and hope you find a cure for yourself! Just think of the fortune we could make if we found a universal cure for this!
I have been suffering BV as well as UTI on and off for about 3 years now. I am on inhaled corticosteroids which are taking their toll on my immune system. I have been living on Metrogel and Flagyl (BTW, Licensed Healthcare Professional here). Went to the pharmacy to fill a script for ABT for raging UTI and decided to try the Acidophilus tabs instead of the tea tree oil. I have completed one full day of acidophilus via vagina (one in the AM one in the PM). I purchased a "piston" and did a vaginal flush with H2O2 diluted with regular tap water. No abnormal discharge nor sour smell (at times the vagina would have a fecal odor to it from the bacteria). I will not over do the H2O2 flushing. I find that after intercourse, the BV returns raging. I think I will stick to H2O2 flush after intercourse and once this seven day period is over, I will take the Acidophilus once daily by mouth. I have also incorporated Cranberry Caps which contain Vitamin C and E in addition to my Essential Daily Multivitamin. I think the homeopathic way will definitely beat science. My local pharmacist agrees with my theory.
Baking soda is alkaline and apple cider vinegar is acidic. So it seems pointless to combine them.
I'm thinking the lab test was a vaginal discharge culture. Once BV is diagnosed a sample of the discharge can be examined for the specific types of bacteria present that are causing the infection. The phrase 'Real time - PCR' often appears to designate that the lab grew the culture to see what particular strains of bacteria are present and flourishing.
BV remains persistent in women because not all methods of treatment work for all the types of bacteria that cause BV, most treatments are not being done for a long enough time period (allowing the bad bacteria to build up again), once the infection is cured proper pH must be maintained and healthy bacteria re-colonized to keep bacteria and yeast from returning. Most treatments only eliminate the symptoms, not the infection. So the infection resumes once the 'coping' treatments are lessened or stopped.
@ Southernbelle - thanks for the summary. I implemented several of the suggestions and it worked. Since I don't know which one thing did the trick, here is the list of "cures" I used:
- acidophilus probiotic pill (refridgerated kind) inserted into vagina twice a day- I lied down each time, similar to the suggestion when using a yeast infection suppository.
- external vulva wash with hydrogen peroxide a few times a day (this stung for about 30 seconds the first few times, then I didn't feel it thereafter)
- drinking organic cranberry juice (pure, undiluted, with no sugar) several times a day. This stuff tastes NASTY, but I did it anyway. During the first few days I felt a difference down there within a few minutes after drinking each cranberry shot (I'm not sure if the instant response was psychosomatic... perhaps brought on by the bodies need to recover from the nasty, super-bitter cranberry taste.)
- folic acid, B12, multivitamin and Omega 3.
-cotton panties by day, nothing by night
@Cate from Auckland, New Zealand- hi I have bv and I'm only 16 too. its nice to know I'm not the only youngish person with this problem, so thanks.
I've had it for about five years now, starting just before my period did. I still cant get it to go away, but there's a lot of suggestions for remedies here, and I hope they will help. Do what you can to get rid of it now, because I waited a long time before trying and I think that made it worse.
You should try not to eat sugar, I've been to a doctor about 5 times and she always says that. Fruit should be okay though. You need to wash up, she said takes lots of baths rather than showers- baths are good for you, and no soap or other stuff, just water. To wash up with soap you can take a shower afterward or later. I take lots of baths and they do help, but don't cure it, so I need the other remedies. I have tried the antibiotic pills and gel multiple times and they haven't worked, but I think if you haven't had it long the oral pills might work. I've also tried acidophilis and it didn't work (but try that, it works for a lot of people! ). Get lots of air down there, it should get some oxygen, my doctor suggested sleeping with no underwear on. I've heard of yogurt helping too, and cranberry juice too.
If you have some money you can buy this stuff at the store, but if you wanna see a doctor you'd probably have to tell your mom. I told mine, which was hard and I really dreaded doing that, but it wasn't so bad. My dad complains about me taking baths so much, but there's no way I'll tell him why so he just has to deal.
Other stuff: the gel might lead to yeast infection I've heard so shouldn't try that, and also sex (and wearing tampons too long or to much) can make it worse. Ok thats all, bye!
Taking a bath with one cup of apple cider vinegar always does the trick for me of getting rid of a BV infection.
Has any one used the vh essentials and I was just wondering being that it is a vaginal insert; am I able to use during my period? Being that I started the dosages 2 days ago and just started my period today????? I would greatly appreciate the advice... I don't want to block something up there that needs to come out.. Or it might slide out (the pill) I d k... Help/ kuz I don't want to waste a 28$ product... Again. thankz ladies you all seem to have helped me out prior to this ...
That is what I am doing, I took the antibiotic got it cleared up now I am trying to prevent it from even coming back so far I have been free for 1 mth.
Don't just use any acidophilus, you should try the fem-dophilus they have the two main strains that will help you balance your ph, you can get this on amazon.com. Also I know everything does not work for everyone, I use the yogurt everytime after sex, I put it in with a turkey baster, I use the plain yogurt from publix, it's disgusting, I have only been bv free for one month so far everything I've been trying has been working. I don't wash the yogurt out I insert it and let it come out as if I was using a cream of some sort, it usually take most of the day, wear a liner, I take vitamin d, b, folic acid, and oil of oregano pills. I don't know what's really working but so far I've been good. Try prayer also, that's my favorite medicine :)
I have been battling with BV for a very long time. I tried a range of acidophilus brands and methods: from the most expensive one (especially created for women) to supermarket plain live culture yogurts. I've taken them orally, I've inserted them, I combined with Folic Acid etc... I also followed many different kinds of methods suggested by BV sufferers: ACV, honey, most of over the counter gels, garlic/probiotic pessaries, peroxide douche* (*side effect: it gave me a horrible thrush infection, something I had never experienced before - at least my BV is pain/itch free), etc. But in my case BV was so resistant that I was never able to get hid of it - the awful BV smell/discharge remained persistent. Frustration was high.
Then, last week I decided to try my last resort - antibiotics. I went for the "classic" twice a day oral course of Metronidazole 500mg/for five days (doctor's recommendation). I must say that, at first, after researching online about other users comments, I was very scared - just by reading about the side effects people experienced on this drug made me feel sick. But I took the risk - it was my last shot. I took all the precautions I could during the treatment - made sure my stomach was full before taking the tablet and took plenty of live culture yogurt and cheap acidophilus a couple of hours after each tablet. Studies pointed that taking probiotics might help to prevent BV recurrence and it can also minimize the side effects of antibiotics (despite knowing that most bacterias good/bad will die off the antibiotic effect).
I'm glad to say that only 7 days after starting this treatment something worked for me. I didn't experience any discomfort during the treatment and today I can announce that for the first time in years I'm BV smell/discharge free! I'm not celebrating, I know it's very recent, and, as we know, the chances of getting it back are quite high. But my strategy now is to fight it with all the natural methods in order to prevent it. I'm taking live culture yogurt daily and a high strength probiotic tablet with folic acid 2X day. I will try as many natural methods as I can, hoping this will keep stuff under check in the long term. I will post updates.
My top tip is: never give up! You must be persistent and patient until you find out what works best for you! In my case, acidophilus didn't work as a "cure" for BV, but certainly will be a valuable method of prevention. Good luck to us all!
I finally stopped being so stubborn about my previous doctor's visit, and found a different doctor to go see. She was was really nice, and actually did a pelvic examination, which the previous doctor did not even do and let myself diagnose myself with a yeast infection. Turns out it is definitely bacterial, and I am now taking metronidazole (Flagyl), I am on day 7 and it seems to have cleared up. Ladies, I wish the natural cures worked for me but they didn't. I tried EVERYTHING but boric acid. I'd say try the natural cures but don't let it go on for months and months! If you're tearing your hair out and crying over this go see a doctor. Not all doctor's are evil and uncaring. AT LEAST get a proper diagnosis from a pelvic exam, you don't have to take what they prescribe you but you can at least know what you're actually dealing with.
I'm definitely going to continue with the folic acid and probiotics as well to maintain and prevent this from happening again. But I think my infection was just too far gone for them to help on their own at this point. I may also consider using vagicare inserts (ascorbic acid) or hydrogen peroxide after my period to keep the pH level down so that I never risk getting this again.
About a year ago I noticed a strange odor and went to my gyno to check out what the problem was, once I was there they tested me and told me I had bv. I was prescribed the metronidazole pills and within days the smell had disappeared and I assumed the bv was gone, I was wrong. About 2 or 3 months later it reappeared and next I was prescribed the metronidazole gel which once again rid me of the problem months later it came back and it started to become reoccuring! The smell was not as prominent, but it was still there and being a woman this is a very uncomfortable problem! Every time It would come back I would get another prescription of the gel and it would come back!
The last time it came back I called and spoke to a nurse and the gyno and she told told me she heard woman who took acidophilus and said it seemed to help with the problem also upon research I read that taking 800 mg of folic acid along with the acidophilus greatly improves your chances! She reading the great reviews I gave it a try and 8 months later I am happy to say I have not been visited with bv! For any woman out there I know it is tough to deal with this, but take it from me this combination of medicine really helps and it also has good side effects that help with not only bv, but other things throughout your body! I really hope this helps!
@Cate from Auckland, New Zealand- Dear Cate, I have a daughter, 20 y old, who started to battle BV and she is also not sexually active. Sexually active or not, I believe you would do yourself a favor and do tell your mom, moms are there to help and guide and why would you be suffering alone? Gynecological issues are just like, lets say- tonsils issues, anyone can have them, so please do not to be embarrassed by problems you can't control and you didnt cause.
One last follow up. I completed the Essential's treatment. All symptoms went away. The next day I started the capsules (to maintain a balance). The first day I could feel symptoms trying to come back, but they would come and go until by the end of the day they stopped and I was back to normal.
It's a few days later now and I've been taking the capsules every day and continue to have no symptoms. I have not had sex yet so I don't know to what extent that will trigger everything all over again. If and when that happens I will post again.
I know this hasn't helped everyone here. I feel blessed that it was able to help me.
Try douching with some freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. It will reset the ph in your vagina and you will be free of bv and it is all natural. I used a half a grapefruit to squeeze the juice and douched with it. I did not mix it with water and it did not burn. It is a magnificent cure for bv. Let me know if it works for you. Be blessed.
Thank you ladies and Earth Clinic. I'm 40, and had my first symptoms of BV 2 1/2 months ago after a round of antibiotic and a new partner. I have had NO SYMPTOMS at all since I combined a multivitamin that is FORMULATED for women (400 mcg of Folic Acid) and 50 Billion acidophilus. The KEY is not to get regular, or even refrigerated acidophilus because your body will digest it in the stomach and very little gets to the place it needs to repopulate the flora. I tried regular stuff at first and it helped but did not cure. Buy the delayed release acidophilus which sold at health stores for vaginal health. This acidophilus gets digested in the intestines and WILL repopulate the good flora. Thanks to all that posted, and good luck to everyone. No one should have to have this problem ongoing.
I have been dealing with BV for years and have read all of the remedies on this site. I've already tried the yogurt and it didn't work so I am going to try the acidophilus pills inserted in the vagina. My local health store only carries capsule form and I was wondering if this was safe to insert in the vagina. Also, if anyone has done this, I would love to hear if it worked for you. Thanks!
It's a few hours later and just wanted to give an update on how I'm feeling using VH Essentials. Like I said, I'm on my fourth day of using this and I have been feeling achy and tired like my body was fighting this though my symptoms never got worse. I took about 5 acidophilus' again today (I don't care if I overdose on them). I also took a One-A-Day.
I was getting my energy back as the day has gone on. I did some cleaning, went food shopping, did some cooking, played with the dogs outside. I rested for about an hour and I'm realizing I feel "NOTHING"!!!! I have strength back, I'm not achy or tired. I haven't obsessed about it the last hour and find my mind wandering onto other things.
Thank God for this relief and hope. Like I said, my last dose I take tomorrow night and then I'm going to go on one more round of this stuff. After that I'm taking at least 4 months worth of their capsuls which I'll take daily.
Hopfully this will work long term.
I've unknowingly been suffering from BV for 4 years. My doctor never diagnosed it. I thought I had cancer or something. Finally I went into a urgent care center and the doctor took all the tests. A week later she called and said I had BV and prescribed Flagyl. That worked perfect. But the episodes came back twice after sex with the same partner.
I can feel a sensation right away even before any strong odor occurs.
This time I ran to the store to see if there was anything over the counter. I found BV Essentials too, and I'm agreeing with Sammi. I just took my fourth insert of VA Essentials last night. My first day I took the half a pill and could feel it working within 3 hours. The last two days I just felt really run down like my body was fighting this bacteria, That sensation comes and goes for a few hours at a time but never gets worse. But I get scared because after reading all these messages, I have just learned that this can just go on and on and this scares me. So many people have been through so much with this.
I'm going to do another round of treatment with the essentials on Tuesday. I also ordered two boxes (4 months worth) of the oral capsuls that you take one a day. Hopefully this will help.
Southernbelle from Atlanta, I agree, pray first. It's not the medicine but God giving us knowledge of what we need and working through that medicine.
I've been suffering with BV for years now (longer than five). I tried the hydrogen peroxide thing. Ok. I believe it worked. First off, I emptied a douche bottle and then rinsed it out with purified water. After I put half H202 and water inside and douched for five minutes (held it inside). The smell became faint. I did it again (no smell). Yesterday I had an obnoxious smell (putrid) and it's gone. I'm not going to swear by it but it has worked so far. And girls, my BV is triggered by semen so I'm wondering if I douched with purified water after sex if it would work. I'll let everyone know. I know it would be a pain in the neck to douch (purified water) after sex each time ya do it but it beats smelling bad so..... I'll say that hydrogen peroxide has worked (so far).
Hello, I too was battling with BV... For five years straight the only time I did not have it was when I was pregnant with my son and that's because I didn't get my cycle. Like clock work every month right after my cycle I would get it. It's the worst feeling emotionally and physically, so I totally understand what you and others are going through. Month after month at the Dr office getting medicine and with insurance it can still be expensive.
So the first thing I did was prayed to God for him to take this away for good, I had been praying for years but this time I asked my mother to pray for me a strong woman of God and second I bought a probiotic from a whole food store called fem dophilus by jarrows. I take it once a day sometime 1 capsule and other days 2 but no more than 2. For the first time in five years after my period I didnt get BV!!!!! Amazing. I even went to the dr just to make sure and it was no sign of it. All I could do was thank God for healing me.
So my advice to all women who are in desperate need of a cure would be first to pray and ask God to heal your body and believe he can do it... Because he can and will and second get this probiotic.... Its $25.99. Also the month before I started the probiotic I had BV so I got treated for it and took the diflucan pill with the antibiotics because we all know that you will get a yeast infection with antibiotics and then I went and bought the probiotic so I started taking all the medication at once along with the probiotic. This way you are killing the bad that bacteria that is causing the BV and replacing it was good bacteria that is in the probiotic capsules.
Now I have to be honest I give credit to the probiotic but I know its God that is working through this capsule because we can take as many vitamins, eat spinach, cut out sweets, whatever it may be to cure this but if God doesn't work through whatever it is that you are taking then it will not cure you. It's God that work his healing through the medicine that your taking. I know this to be a fact God has healed me more than once. So pray over yourself and if you have someone that can pray for you that you believe is a woman or man of God then get them to pray for you as well and have faith that God has healed you. And for whatever reason it doesnt go away right DO NOT doubt God continue to believe everyday that you are healed in Jesus name and one day you will be. Walk by faith and not by sight!
Hi guys! I had never even thought I had BV until I decided that the foul fish smell from between my legs was certainly not normal! I have done a bit of research and have come across this site and I'm wondering if any of you fabulous ladies could give me some advice...
Here's the thing, I'm only 16 and have never had sex etc. If I do have BV, which I suspect I do as I have the odour but not the itching, then I have had for about 6 months. I live in the southern hemisphere and with summer approaching, I do not want this problem persisting! Being only 16, my access to resources is more limited and I'm waaay too embarassed to ask my mum for help so I think I'm going to treat this on my own!
From what I have gathered, acidophilus pills are good (what was the size needed? 1 billion?) and using plain yoghurt on a tampon. I also saw a post about apple cider vinegar baths, is this any good?
I'm only 16 and this is causing me self confidence issues. If I can hit this BV on the head, I would be so much happier and less worried about being different!
Any help and all help is so appreciated and thank you in advance!
*I'm requiring STD tests from all my partners from here on out. STD *TESTS.
*(plus the amount of yeast infection medicine)
Oh, and a couple more good suggestions:
- semen is one of the main causes of BV (so your partner could be giving it to you). I think that both men and women are what they eat in terms of the acidity of his semen and the taste/smell of her secretions. So if he wants to ejaculate in you he needs to change his diet and eat healthy as well
- I think a good test of the acidity of your partner's semen is to take a vaginal PH screening test (goes up to 7) of your vag before he cums in you and after (b4 and after sex). If there's a change, then he either has to stop (if you arent trying to get pregnant) or he needs to figure out how to make his semen less acidic.
- Use acidophilus from the health food stores (not just the grocery, unless it has an amazing health food section). Some people said they've paid up to $40 for the top of the line acidophilus...
- acidophilus caplets, the pressed kind
- Reuteri/Primadophilus by Nature's Way- Multi strain 5billion CFU (stored in refrigerator section/ask attendant)
Don't want to jump the gun, but my smell is gone :-) (btw: it wasn't a loud fishy smell, just an "off" smell that I could smell when opening my legs, and minorly through my jeans/leggings, oh and there was no itching or burning, etc)
Before going to the store last night I put in a rephresh, went to the store got the stuff from my list, and came home, finished my lasagna and garlic bread and juice (I know thats sorta a naughty meal to eat if you have BV, but I was hungry, lol), and fell asleep on the couch.
This morning the smell was still there. So I started my "treatments".
Most of the vitamins say take with a meal, so for breakfast I had 2 tangerines, a few spinach leaves, cup of grapes, and a banana...
First, I had a small glass of 100% cranberry juice (unsweetened), I ate a tangerine, 3/4 the banana, and a few grapes, then drank the small bottle of lifeway bio kefir (immunity pomegranant/blueberry flavor), ate a few more grapes, then took 1 folic acid (800mg), acidphilus (2 billion active cultures), and 1 one a day vitacraves gummies adult multivitamins, then I finished the banana, ate about 8 spinach leaves, and finished the grapes, and other tangerine-- all washed down with a bottle of water.
Minutes later (maybe 15 or so) I could feel some tingling in my vagina. I didn't even have that symptom with the BV, so I got worried. Checked myself about an hour or so later, and the smell was gone. :) I could smell my usual sweet/sugary secretions-- which happens when you eat alot of fruits (especially if you eat citrus like tangerines and clementines).
I don't know what in particular did it or helped, but for now I'm just going to keep this up, and hopefully it's gone for good. I'll check my pH with a screening test, and update everyone later.
btw, I think the lifeway Bio Kefir (cultured milk) really helped. It's mini probiotic drink that has 2x more live active cultures than regular kefir, 20 billion to be exact.)
I also am grateful for this website. It's such a blessing!
My doctor just diagnosed me with BV (Bacterial Vaginosis), and prescribed me Cleocin (Clindamycin). I went to go pick it up from Walgreens today and the price was a wopping... Wait for it.... Wait for it.... $100. Wtf? Really?! So after implementing my Aetna insurance it was STILL $74. So I had to walk away from that situation... I knew there had to be cheaper or even natural remedies that could help.
And honestly, with my sugar-crazy diet (I'm a literal sweetaholic) I'm actually not too surprised my vagina is a little off (in PH and bacteria) and I know that if I green it up and/or just cut down on all the candies and chocolate chip cookies things would probably look up. PLUS my partner ejaculated in me the last time we had sex (unprotected sex) and I didn't use rePHresh after, so I'm sure that added to the BV. (He was also just recently diagonesed with Herpes 1. I was tested and I don't have anything, I'm STD-free Thank God) (sidenote: I'm done with open relationships after the STD scare and I'm requiring STD from all partners here on out (whether they are past present or future), even if they're just performing oral on me or vice versa, STDs can be passed from just about anything sexual)
Anyway, I decided to come here and the remedies you ladies have given are awesome (many blessings to all who have given us advice from your own personal experiences). It's ashame that doctors have you purchase $100 medicine ( the amount of the yeast infection medicine you'll have to buy b/c of the antibiotics) before just telling you to up the acidophilus and folic acid intake and eat plain yogurt (with live cultures acidophilus). Oh, and wash your vagina with hydrogen peroxide if that doesn't work. (Then boric acid w/ vegan capsules as a last resort). That's not too much to tell me, and it's umm.... something like 75 bucks cheaper.
After scrolling through several pages... I have the list of things I need and I'm about to head over to the grocery store. I'm going to purchase:
My "Cure BV" List
- acidophilus
- organic cranberry juice (pure, undiluted, with no sugar)
- vaginal ph screening test (I'm going to test before and after)
- spinach (the kind in the bag) and carrots (healthier snacks instead of cookies and candy)
- plain greek yogurt with fruit at the bottom
- probitotic drink
- kefir (has L. Acidphilus and live cultures)
- hydrogen peroxide
- folic acid and b12 (I might just order these online though)
- Bolthouse Green Goodness (has ALOT of healthy good green stuff in it, and it's tasty)
- And though raspberry leaf tea is usually used for women trying to get pregnant or who are pregnant and want a more pain-free birth, (or for those dealing with menstural cramps) I plan to purchase a box to help strengthen and tone my lady parts.
I'm going to check the internet for the best brands to purchase of everything above, I'll check Amazon of course.
And I may also purchase 1 or more of the following from online:
- femdophilus
- rephresh pro-b probiatic feminine supplement
- renew life ultimate flora vaginal support 50 billion
- VH Essentials BV Treatment
Just to Summarize more of the Great Advice given:
- Use Probitoics that are refridgerated, this will ensure live cultures
- When creating the boric acid capsules to insert into your vagina, purchase powder boric acid and empty vegan capsules (size 0 or 00)
- GNC's Super Bifido probiotic complex and Super Acidophilus probitic complex
- There are 4 different strands of Lactobacilli, and supposedly the best are L. rheuteri and L.rhamnosus
- Douching/Washing with Hydrogen Peroxide and/or Apple Cider Vinegar
- Liquid Probiotic Acidophilus inserted into your vag using a turkey baster
- Acidophilus pills inserted into the vagina
- Bio K (looks like tiny yogurt) from Whole Foods
- Taking "shots" of pure cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, and/or kefir each morning.
- Freeze dried lactobacillus acidophilus with vegetarian capsules (4 billion)
- Taking Multi-Vitamins and Omega 3 Fish Oils daily
- Raw Natural Coconut Oil is supposedly good for the vagina, it's often used to cure yeast infections. Frozen coconut oil in the vagina. (I haven't heard it discussed, but it seems like coconut oil would make for a healthy, safe natural lubricant, especially to those suspectible to BV or any type of vaginal infection)
- Men can pass on BV, and/or can atleast HEAVILY contribute to developing BV. That means it's very important that your partner has a clean private area before entering you. Men tend to be dirty sometimes, so that middle-of-the-day-sex may not be the best thing to engage in if he's been sweating and what not. Also, some women have gotten BV because of a particular body wash or soap their partner was using to shower, so make sure he uses something unscented and light on his privates when you're going to engage in sex. Summary: he needs to be clean!
- Some women are irritated by bodywashes and certain soaps, so be cognizant of your body wash and how it affects you.
- Wear cotton panties and keep your vag aired out
- Don't forget to change your loufee monthly, it could carry bacteria. I personally have two different ones, one for my body another for my booty (lol), and I wash my vag with my hand. But I think just having one and cleaning your vag with your hand is just fine too.
- drink LOTS of water (lots and lots and lots of water)
- lay off the caffeine, some women just stopped drinking coffee and their BV went away
- Candida Diet (basically a much healthier, virtually sugar free/gluten free/carb free diet)
- Some suggest always pairing b12 with your folic acid (I think you might be okay if you take a multi vitamin with b12 in it)
- Don't forget normal vagina pH is 3.8 - 4.5. BV occurs once it's above 4.5.
- Antibiotics aren't able to differientiate between good and bad bacteria, so it will kill it all. And once the bacteria grow back, if the bad outgrow the good then your BV will come back (happens in 1 of 3 women who have BV). That's why a natural remedy is the best for most women imho.
And most importanly remember that everyone is different so some methods may work for you, but not others, buuut with that said there are so many pages of people summarzing their symtoms and experiences that you're bound to find what works for you. And please do share your story and what worked for you, especially if your symtoms and cure hasn't been written about yet.
Thanks Earth Clinic!
I also tried Eco-vag - the first session went like a dream - smell gone, normal discharge - perfect! Then I had my period and the symptoms were back. So I thought I would try round two - and although the smell quickly went after two days I found that I would have a really heavy discharge, that would be thin and clear at about 10:30 every night!
It was a bit overwhelming so I stopped and things were fine, but then the smell and discharge started again. So I decided to go back on. I took another one and the next day everything was perfect again through the day but the next night about 10:30 this really heavy thin discharge. I am a bit confused whether or not to continue or not, is it just the bacterias fighting each other - if I continue will things get worse? Has anyone else used it at all or had a similar experience?
Hi ladies! I am back to update on what happened. I thought the acidophilus did the trick but I was the one being tricked! LOL.
I made a mistake of having sex with the guy who I believed caused me this problem and bammm BV came back again. So I went to the doctor and got metronidazole at 200mg and given 20tabs. I religiously ate the pills at same time (or as close as possible to the schedule I gave myself) and when I missed it I just took the pill at the next stated time. BE CAREFUL not to take 2 pills to so call cover back. Just take as per your doctor recommendation. AVOID ALCOHOL AT ALL COST when on the medication. It did the trick for me. And when I had sex (this time I was smart enough to wear protection and I ditched that other guy) voila, my vajajay is back to normal. It's been two months and I do check the status by of my vag when masturbating and boy am I glad it is gone for good. I thought it might come back after my period but it never did. Thank God! I am so happy to have my vagina.. It smells so much cleaner and better than I ever remembered. Oh also while on the antibiotics I took 2 capsule of acidophilus orally 3 hours after my antibiotics dosage, once a day was enough. Just wanted some probiotics to help me out as well. And I continued taking acidophilus for a couple of days after I completed the course.
Please please do complete your course. It is very important otherwise you would only make yourself immune to it and it would take a much stronger dosage in future to treat it. I am glad I found the right doctor who helped me out, a kind old male doctor who was understanding enough and did not even make me strip because I explained to him abt the whole wrong diagnosis from a different doctor. I also think he probably wanted to spare himself from the possible stench. Hahaha. Anyways, good luck to all of you and have faith and relax because stress will only make it worse. There is a solution to our problems, we just have to find what works best for us.
PS: Ditch your men if you need to. Else, get him treated to prevent reoccurences.
I do also have this rash. I don't know to call but it's round in shape and a red lining on it. It's very itchy and I can't help but to scratch and everytime I do it, it's just worse. I put flucinonide ointment because it indicates there that it can cure dermatitis. But for only a week because it became steroids. I use it and until now my rash triggers. But the only thing I notice and my theory, it worsen every time I use panty. My hobby since then to take off my panty every night. I can't feel any itch but again when I wear panty it triggers again. I did not yet ask for doctors help because I don't want to examine my vagina (duh, ... ) it doesn't have any smell or anything, just itchy, hope someone has like my case and open to hear some medications also thanks! I know we overcome it!
Haha, sorry to laugh Debbie, but the sad thing about this problem is that I KNOW I am not pregnant, unless it's a miracle baby. I've never actually had sex. I want to now, but why start now with this problem when I've already waited this long.
Have you ruled out pregnancy? A thick discharge is one of the first symptoms.
I originally thought I had a yeast infection, but 2 diflucan pills and 2 rounds of creams didn't work. I have thick, whitish yellow discharge (mucousy) hardly any smell, no itching. Then I discovered ph tests and found I had a high ph which implies bacterial. I've been taking a probiotic similar to femdophilus with the reuteri strain in it for almost a month. I used some vagicare inserts which brought the ph down a bit and my discharge was a lot thinner after, more milky, but still there. I have a doctors appointment coming up in 3 weeks and I'm insisting I get some proper tests this time.
In the meantime I had a chat with a pharmacist about some ecovag inserts and she said I should try them as they wouldn't hurt. The ecovag inserts are vaginal inserts with L. Gasseri and L. Rhamnosus, the ones that apparently give off the most hydrogen peroxide and help to get the ph back to normal.
WELL, can anyone explain why after the 1st night of trying the insert (and subsequent 3 days), the discharge got SO much worse, so thick and gross, yellow whitish, (but not itchy or cottage cheese like or anything like that). I used a tampon soaked in hydrogen peroxide and it seems to calm it down again. Why was it so bad after using the "acidophilus" inserts?
I had BV for years- pretty much all the time. Then I started drinking this seaweed drink. Within a couple of months the BV went away, never to return! That was 5 years ago. The thinking is that the seaweeds have nutrients that get your body into balance again, your immune systems responds by getting stronger and ailments like bv go away naturally. It can take a little while but if you stay with it, it will work! Also my psoriasis that I had for 20 years went away (after 4 months), chronic sinusitis ended among other great things. The stuff really worked!
I used the Vh essensials it did nothing for me, seemed like a waste of 25 bucks and I bought the pills, I'm so down I do not know what to do, I do not intend to smell like fish for my whole life!!! You know what I hate most, when they say BV is very "common"- no a cold is common, because never in my whole 42 years have I heard of bv, there should be so much more info about this and prevention, I got this from douching and bam blew my balance off, I'm a clean person like I said and to smell like fish is depressing, it is taking my life over, I have a 10 year old and when she wants to play, I do not because my mood is bad because of this crap:((
Anyway I was watching some DR. OZ video he talked and different vaginal problems and he mentioned this one and he said vitamin D is good to help this, that is the only vitamin I never tried so u know Im gonna get it tomorrow!!! If he said it I believe him:))also someone esle mention nature made gelcaps for women got rid of her bv, so Im buying that too, I tried everything esle here and NOTHING worked, maybe my body is too alkaline, I dunno, I changed my diet, I'm trying so hard not to lose my mind, I will post next week to tell you guys how everything here, I'm not douching with peroxide, I think it is bad idea and caused a yeast infection for me and I do not need another headache, good luck, we are not fish we are women!!
I agree with Sammi. VH Essentials is a great product to treat BV. Last week, my symptoms were flaring and so apparent that my sister noticed it and said, why does it smell like fish. The next day I went and got it, inserted the whole pill the first day and smell was gone. But I also took a probiotic by RePhresh and Folic Acid, and the smell got a little better earlier during the day. It's been a week and a half and no smell or symptoms. I regularly take the RePhresh Pro-B and Folic Acid, and still no symptoms. If you're looking for a quick remedy, use the VH Essentials for BV and take 800 mcg of Folic Acid. They really work overnight. Folic Acid is not only good for treatment of BV, but it also regulates your bowl movements. Ever since I've started taking the Folic Acid, my metabolism has increased, I have more energy during the day, my bowl movements are always at the same time everyday, and I feel amazing and confident because my BV is not noticeable and isn't flaring. If you're not on Folic Acid, you should be, it will help you so much with your BV and benefit you in the long run.
Hello, I have suffered with BV for a long time. Not knowing what actually causes the reacurring beast, the meds are horrible. I have tried jus about everything mentioned in the forums, but not topically. I beleive that this bacteria had so many different strand is it hard to pinpoint what causes our ph to react in the it's form(terrible experience)! I detached the acidolphilus capsule, used the metro-gel at the same time & inserted into the vagina, I'm on mg second day now, no sign of discharge.. If the physician actually find a cure for this do u know what that means? No more office visit, no more flagyl/ metronidazole, metro gel tinacozole. Sea salt is a great douche depending on ur strain of bacteria.. Don't give up- do your research. Every woman's body is different... Fem- dolphins Greek yogurt, primadophilus use on contact. Goodluck!!
Hi thank you so much ladies, on my lunch break today, I went to Walgreens. I did pick up some ACIDOPHILUS!!! I pray all is goes well. I been having this odor for about a month and a half. I was really starting to get scared my doctor did prescribe me with a few anti-B which did not help. Reading this site has made me realize that there are many other woman out here going through the same thing. I just really wish alot of woman out here be more into there selves like they are men, it can really be passed from one to another, it's sad but hey I hope and pray by the end of this week I be free of that nasty odor. I was really feeling like my partner gave me and STD smh!! I was in a 3yr relationship and I was scared because me and my X has never used condoms, then for me to break up with him and 4months later have sex with this man. We did use a condom, come to find out I am allergic to condoms I have to use non-latex condoms so hey I said for get it being honest, Now me and my partner are having sex- not often but when we do I will smell something and he would say " baby I don't smell anything " but me knowing my body I'm like what the hell is going on. But anyway I went and picked this up I pray it work. I said I will eat my yougurt every day and use this as well as the Peroxide D, only when needed. Let's pray ladies that it work. I will let you guys know my status shortly:)
Wow so grateful to have this site and thanks to all of the wonderful contributors. I am 40 and just got my first experience with BV about a month ago. Thought it was a yeast infection but the symptoms weren't right and treating for that only gave me a bladder infection. I tried the Hydrogen Peroxide on a tampon with NO improvement whatsoever, so decided to try this. I took 800 mcg of Folic Acid morning and night for the first 3 days and a FloraJen (20 million) (on an empty stomach) and then I only took one 800 mcg Folic Acid and one FloraJen per day after that. I got my girlie days after I started, so I don't know exactly how long it took, however after one week at the maximum, I have NO MORE SYMPTOMS at all. Yay!! Thanks everyone, hope you all find yourselves happy and healthy.
Dear Sammi,
Im going to CVS to buy the product you talked about, believe me I have tried EVERYTHING!!! Even the Femdophilus, nothing works:((( I smell like fish, not too bad but bad enough where I just want to hide, I never in my life heard of bv, I think there should more info on this and the doctors need to stop perscribing things that do not work!!! I used to have confudence my sex life was great until 7 years ago, boom I got it after I caught a std, I douched because I felt dirty, not knowing I was messing myself up, when I had sex, the next few days I noticed a odor and when I went to the doctor she said you have BV, I said "what?" I never heard of this monster in my whole 40 years, this is killing me socially and emotionally, I'm depressed most of the time and the only time I feel clean is when I shower, I decided to change my whole diet, which is not bad, a lot more vegetables and fruits water yogurt keifer, I'm gonna leave the vitamins alone, they r not working for me and I don't want to waste my time on them, I met a lovely man, and it hurts me that we can not have sex, for what? So I can turn him off because my vag smells like dead fish? I'm not trying to be funny but I want to cry, I hope that CVS product works, I'm so broke, spending so much money on remedies, I just want my VAG back to normal, I'm gonna cut out the wine to because that is yeast and I read that feeds the bacteria, I will post this weekend to let y'all know how the product went for me, I do not have itching or burning, never painful sex, like I read some stories here, just slight discharge and fish odor, damn the stuff women go through.
LADIES!!! THIS IS A MUST READ! I've struggled with BV for about a year. I've tried everything! Every home remedy and nothing worked. Recently I came across "vh bv treatment". GO GET THIS PRODUCT NOW!!! I've never been the type to write reviews but I need to let you ladies know about this product. It IS the first over the counter treatment for bv. You can get it at walmart, walgreens, or cvs for about 25. 00 bucks. The first day I used it it completely got rid of my fishy odor. I really recommend this. Do your own research on this product, but I'm telling you it WORKS! It feels so nice to not have to worry about the odor. It's like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I am once again the confident young woman I used to be! P.S. I used the whole pill, with the insert my first time, even though it recommended halfing the pill, in case of side effects. I recommend u take the whole pill too if you want to get rid of that odor quick.
Try fem-dophilus. The acidophilus will not work. Buy fem-dophilus, and insert one every night for 3 nights, and take two by mouth every day for 1 month. After day 2 or 3 it will be gone for good. Promise! Good luck. This stuff is a miracle in a bottle.