Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Abdominal Pain, Bloating
Posted by Merlin (Queensland) on 09/10/2016

I too have found a huge, albeit unexpected, improvement in my gut since taking borax powder (This didn't happen whenI was taking borax supplements in tablet form). Pretty much since the day I ran out of the tablets and used 'cleaning' borax (pure with no additives) I have noticed this effect. I told my mother about it as she too has had major gut issues that have caused her serious pain for over 20 years. She has been diagnosed with IBS and told basically that she has to live with it. She too has had next to no issues since taking borax powder (1 tsp dissolved in 1 Liter of water, then add 1 tsp of this liquid to a glass of water to drink every day, sometimes 2x a day.)

Mouth Sores
Posted by Kelsie S (Grand Blanc, Mi) on 09/07/2016

A dilution of Borax in water worked beautifully on curing my daughter's mouth sores. She had cracks in the corners of her mouth for a few weeks. I applied herbal balms and kept them clean, but they just weren't going away. Then I checked earth clinic, my favorite site, and someone mentioned that its a fungal infection. My lucky day!! Because I know Borax knocks out fungus like no ones business. And it didn't disappoint this time either.

So I just diluted Borax in water, about 1/4 cup of Borax in 8 oz. Use warm water and stir until most is dissolved. Sometimes you're left with extra borax crystals and that's ok. Now you use this solution on the corners of your mouth 2-3 times per day, or anywhere you have a fungal infection. Just saturate a cotton ball and dab on. Don't rinse off, just air dry. It may cause drying. You can use a nice herbal salve or whatever to moisturizer. I also recommend applying borax to any fungal infection for 5-7 days after the sores have cleared. Fungus is a tricky beast. You gotta kill every last bit or it'll sneak back in..

Well that's it! Seriously, try this remedy for yeast and fungus. You won't regret it. And nothing to be worried about...Borax is less toxic than table salt if swallowed. Its a useful internal remedy too, but that's another subject matter. Good luck!

Borax for Children
Posted by Nicole (Usa) on 08/29/2016

I use it with all my kids, down to age 2. Used sparingly, it is very safe and effective. I always treat our juice with a pinch of Borax if it is "from concentrate." Also, canned foods contain fluoride, so it is good to add a tiny amount of Borax to any dish with canned ingredients.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/27/2016

Ted's original recommendation is this:

For men: 1/4 teaspoon borax in 1 liter of water sipped throughout the day. 4 days on and 3 days off.

For women: 1/8 teaspoon borax in 1 liter of water sipped throughout the day, 4 days on and 3 days off.

If you notice side effects, reduce the amount taken. It could take months to notice improvement, so don't give up right if it doesn't seem to be working right away. My husband has been doing this for about a year and a half.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Deebee (Germany) on 08/27/2016

How should I take borax for better eye sight?!? How much of borax and how?

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Tim (Boston) on 08/24/2016

Try coconut oil to moisturize without getting greasy.

Systemic Yeast Infection
Posted by Tamara (Toledo, Oh) on 08/12/2016

Have you tried using the sodium bicarbonate and ACV and Borax mixture? I've recently received information about the baking soda, that it is used to kill any and all fungus in the body, even cancer.

Wishing you good health

Multiple Cures
Posted by Brent (Georgia ) on 08/06/2016

50mcg of mometasone furcate aqueous nasal spray, is sold as NASONEX® (mometasone furoate monohydrate) Nasal Spray, 50 mcg

It requires a doctor's prescription and is made by Merck.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Debbie (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 08/04/2016

Hi, I've had severe tinnitus for several years and also have Candida overgrowth and Lupus.. Pse can you tell me what the actual prescription name is for the nasal drops your Dad used in his ears.? I'd really like to give it a try.. I'm taking it that this was prescribed for you by your GP in Canada.? I would like either the name of it or the compound that I could give to my GP to get some made up for me via a prescription. Thank you so much.

Chronic Laryngitis, Difficulty Swallowing
Posted by Nicole (Rochester, Ny) on 07/31/2016

Following a severe chronic illness from which I have otherwise fully recovered, my singing voice was lost. Although I am a trained vocalist in both soprano and alto ranges, I was only able to sing tenor for seven years. In addition, I experienced a difficulty swallowing such that I would frequently have to try twice to make a single bolus pass my epiglotis. I never connected these two problems in my mind, but after a week of very conservative borax use I have experienced relief from both. I have most of my singing voice back, but for a slight artifact on a few notes, and my swallowing has become normal again. I suspect that the cause of both of these problems was a swollen set of parathyroids, which correlates with hyperparathyroidism, which is known to be a possible result of boron deficiency. While by no means conclusive, I think I have a fairly good explanation for my experience and I would recommend careful use of borax to anyone willing to take the "risk".

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Marianne (Kansas) on 07/28/2016

I have used borax water to clean my hair for years. I use 1 teaspoon of borax in a cup of hot water to dissolve. Then I put it in an empty 16 oz shampoo bottle and top it off with RO water - we're on well water which is extremely hard.
In the shower, I shake the bottle and use about 1/4 of it on my hair to clean it. Rinse, spray with ACV water (1 part apple cider vinegar to 5-10 parts water, in a spray bottle) and then do a final rinse.
The ACV in the spray bottle is not an exact science, seems to work just as well with the weaker amount, too.
Good luck!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Nicole (Ny, Usa) on 07/25/2016

The nausea I have experienced has been from the detoxification effects of Borax. I find that taking chlorella when the nausea comes on stops it immediately.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Nicole P. (Usa) on 07/24/2016

I think the dilution is to avoid getting to much NaCl (table salt) in your tummy. The Borax reacts with the HCl in your stomach to form Boric acid (H3BO3) and NaCl. If you drink salt water at too high a concentration, you will vomit. I would surmise, then that if you take Borax at too high a concentration, you would also vomit from the resultant salt water.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 07/21/2016

Hi Steph from Los Angeles,

I suggest either spraying your 50/50 mixture on your scalp 15 minutes before showering (& maybe shampooing?) and then rinsing off with a mug or two of "nice" water with a teaspoon of lemon juice in it. OR spraying the same 50/50 mixture on 5 minutes after having shampooed and then rinsing off as above.

Someone on this site also suggested massaging the scalp for many minutes to stimulate it and get the blood flowing etc.

I hope this helps.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Steph (Los Angeles) on 07/21/2016

I use borax and water and may add some sweet to it. It is very anti parasitic and I wash with it too.

After I rinse with water. then I use half and half apple cider vinegar and water not sure of the best way to do it or I would follow that.

Multiple Cures
Posted by John (Holland) on 07/20/2016

Please could you give me some more info about how and how much you used, which brand and purity level? I really hope you will answer because this is of great importance. John,

Multiple Cures
Posted by Dave (Mi) on 07/11/2016

I have been taking borax internally for two months with no side effects, my toe fungus cleared fast, my stamina went up fast, my cuts heal fast. Of course Big Pharma will say it's toxic, there is no money in it for them. It's safe and my father had stage 3 bone and lung cancer and after taking borax for 6 months he is cancer free!!!! I heard it from the Drs mouth myself he is cancer free and that is what prompted me to try it.

Multiple Cures
Posted by G (Sydney, Au) on 06/18/2016

@Michael: Yes, I experienced weight loss, which I wasn't expecting - but the weight I'd gained was the result of a disease that normally makes people lose weight (I had to be the 1-in-10,000 who gained it - ugh!).

I wasn't even noticing that the weight was falling off until about 2 weeks after I began taking 20ml of the concentrate in a large glass of water, 4 x a day - I had other health concerns that I was focused on healing at the time, so the weight loss was a very pleasant and unexpected bonus.

Very happy to say that the weight has remained off and I'm still taking the same amount of Borax daily.

@Les: I bought mine online from some shop in Qld but I'll be purchasing from Blant's from now on.

Here's the link if you're still looking:

Posted by Robert (Ca) on 06/13/2016

Please be careful with DMSO as it will carry anything it combines with into the blood stream. One drop on your finger & you will immediately taste it. Liquid potassium iodine at 2-drops is 100% RDA, please research effects, dosage, etc.

Be well.

Posted by Gail (Idaho) on 06/13/2016

Look up angioedema. It is a reaction to meds and it does indeed act like a burn.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Urs Christen (Queensland) on 06/10/2016

Hi Les, I am in Brisbane, I buy the Borax at Coles, it is all the same, it doesn't have to say for internal use, in fact they are not allowed to say that it is because the big Pharmas could lose money in Europe it has already been removed from Supermarket shelves!

Psoriatic Arthritis
Posted by Art (California ) on 05/31/2016 2148 posts

Nadine in Wisconsin,

Regarding borax, I still use it at the dose that Ted recommended for men way back when.........1/4 teaspoon dissolved in a liter of water and I take this dose 4 to 5 times per week. I did try to go down to the lower 1/8th teaspoon dose, but it was not effective for me over time so I had to go back to the higher dose.

I am still in remission and have not had any problem that I am aware of after years of borax use.

As far as a mycoplasma issue, I have no idea. I know many people feel that arthritis as well as many other health issues have a mycoplasma as the root cause and I suspect that is absolutely possible, but for me on my own, I don't have any idea how I would go about determining whether that is the case.

I think if I went to my doctor and said please check me for a mycoplasma infection to see if it may be causing my psoriatic arthritis, he would probably laugh me out of his office. So I have no practical way to know for sure if there is a mycoplasma involved or some other type of pathogen.

What I do know for sure and without any doubt at all is that borax works extremely well for me and has done so for years!

Thanks to Ted!!!


Psoriatic Arthritis
Posted by Nadine (Wisconsin) on 05/30/2016 12 posts

Hi Art,

I was wondering how you are doing with the borax. How is the mycoplasma? Has it done away with it?

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Daniel (Fresno, Ca) on 04/29/2016

Hi--- you say your legs are heavier-- I understand that to mean water retention or bloating water retention in your legs?

that means to me your liver is working slow or the liver is getting backed up---I will suggest a liver detox and milk thistle--super milk thistle will help detox the liver and help get the water out faster.

Google-- benefits of milk thistle.

Hope this info helps-- I use milk thistle everyday and my legs are doing well. I used to have water retention not anymore.

Borax detoxes the whole body and milk thistle helps the liver detox.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Daniel (Fresno, California) on 04/22/2016

Just wanted to say--those little white things you see... I have them also- and my theory is--borax-- removes the calcification--the glands get calcified and other organs and the white flecks are calcified remnants the borax is detoxing and removing

Boric Acid Vs Borax
Posted by Mark (Breda, Nl) on 04/13/2016

Borax turns into boric acid depending on pH. If the pH is low (acid) like in your stomach, borax turns to boric acid, if the pH turns high again (alkaline) like in your intestines, most of it will be borax again.

Boric acid and borax are about equally effective.

I got this info straight from Walter Last, who wrote the article on borax.

Multiple Cures
Posted by G (South Australia) on 04/09/2016

I'm not sure about flushing out fungus - someone with more knowledge on that could better advise you.

However, I add one level teaspoon of Borax to one liter of water and use that as my concentrate, from which I take 20mls, twice daily, in a glass of water. Lesser amounts, I found, didn't seem to have any effect on my system - but then again, my body has been very ill for just over ten years, so perhaps it takes a bit more for someone like me.

As for hair loss, have you tried dispensing with commercial hair products and instead, using your Borax 'Concentrate' to wash your hair with? (You can make up a separate bottle of the concentrate for washing hair to leave in the bathroom.)

Of course, it doesn't lather, but it does feel slippery when you pour it onto wet hair, so you know where it is when you touch your scalp.

Just let it sit in your hair for a moment or so (or you can 'scrub' if you like as you would with shampoo), and then rinse thoroughly.

After that, rinse with the same dilution of citric acid in water (1 level teaspoon in 1 liter of water) and pour over scalp and hair.

Rinse out the citric acid 'rinse' - and you're good to go.It's a lot less fuss than commercial products and a lot less damaging to scalp, hair, eyes and skin.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Lisa (Az) on 04/07/2016

Hi Cheryl,

I am sorry for you and your husbands illness. One thing that stood out to me when reading your question was the fact the he consumes a huge amount of Coke. Soft drinks are well known to be health destroyers. If there was any way to curb this habit hopefully he would feel better. Interestingly enough, I attended a nutrition lecture last night given by Dr. Denice Holtzman on just this very subject. If weaning him off Coke is not possible, look for the Coke that is bottled in Mexico. I know! I was shocked by this also, but apparently Mexico forbids the use of many artificial ingredients including sweeteners as well as GMO's. (genetically modified organisms) Who Knew?

I hope you find this useful and your husband regains his health.

Sincerely, Lisa in Carefree AZ

Multiple Cures
Posted by Kyle (Canada) on 04/04/2016

I gave my dad my nasal drops. This was a prescription. He sprayed it into his ears as they are always itchy and ringing for the past three years. He even had a surgery. Well I said try it and he says he's been cured ever since. The spray was 50mcg of mometasone furoate aqueous nasal spray. Came in a bottle that contains 140 metered sprays I believe two sprays in each ear twice for two days was all he needed. He is in his 70s.

Posted by Vonita (Edmonton, Ab) on 04/02/2016

The dishwasher detergent would be a lot more poisonous to you than borax. Borax in small doses is necessary for our health. There are 20 MG of Boron (the element in Borax) in an organic apple. We are all deficient because it isn't an element added in the commercial fertilizers. Boron will help most conditions.

Posted by Bonnie E (Michigan) on 03/29/2016

Sounds like you might be allergic to the sun. The burning pain you describe.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Art (California, Usa) on 03/28/2016 2148 posts

Ted and many others here including myself have mentioned Borax as a very effective arthritis remedy that is readily available and is dirt cheap. Borax is just over 11% boron so if you use Borax at the doses that Ted has previously mentioned of 1/8th teaspoon for smaller people and 1/4th teaspoon for larger people, you will be getting about 55mg or 110mg of boron respectively.

For me it takes the larger dose to completely control arthritis, but each person is different and starting lower and working your way up makes good sense......why use more than you need to get the desired health benefit. Dr. Rex Newnham, Ph.D., D.O., N.D, who discovered and popularized the use of Borax and boron in the 1960's said that some people found benefit with as little as 10 mg per day and for people who's condition was more severe and or of longer duration, it could take more Borax or boron and it could take up to 3 or 4 months to get the full benefit.

Studies on boron show that it offers many health benefits to people that goes well beyond just arthritis and osteoporosis, two common uses for it. Below is a short abstract from PubMed that lists some of those health benefits of which there are more than what is listed.

For those who are concerned about the safety of Borax and boron, as you should be, there is an abstract below the first one that explains this in clear language and Ted's dosing does not even come close!


Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015 Aug;14(4):35-48.

Nothing Boring About Boron.


The trace mineral boron is a micronutrient with diverse and vitally important roles in metabolism that render it necessary for plant, animal, and human health, and as recent research suggests, possibly for the evolution of life on Earth. As the current article shows, boron has been proven to be an important trace mineral because it (1) is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone; (2) greatly improves wound healing; (3) beneficially impacts the body's use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D; (4) boosts magnesium absorption; (5) reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α); (6) raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase; (7) protects against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity; (8) improves the brains electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory for elders; (9) influences the formation and activity of key biomolecules, such as S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-e) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)); (10) has demonstrated preventive and therapeutic effects in a number of cancers, such as prostate, cervical, and lung cancers, and multiple and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; and (11) may help ameliorate the adverse effects of traditional chemotherapeutic agents. In none of the numerous studies conducted to date, however, do boron's beneficial effects appear at intakes > 3 mg/d. No estimated average requirements (EARs) or dietary reference intakes (DRIs) have been set for boron-only an upper intake level (UL) of 20 mg/d for individuals aged ≥ 18 y. The absence of studies showing harm in conjunction with the substantial number of articles showing benefits support the consideration of boron supplementation of 3 mg/d for any individual who is consuming a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables or who is at risk for or has osteopenia; osteoporosis; osteoarthritis (OA); or breast, prostate, or lung cancer.






[Available on 2016-08-01]

Biol Trace Elem Res. 1998 Winter;66(1-3):343-57.

Comparative toxicology of borates.

Hubbard SA1.

Author information


Inorganic borates, including boric acid, Na, ammonium, K, and Zn borates generally display low acute toxicity orally, dermally, and by inhalation. They are either not irritant or mild skin and eye irritants. Exceptions owing to physiochemical properties do occur. Longer-term toxicological studies have been reported mainly on boric acid or borax where the properties are generally similar on an equivalent boron (B) basis. The critical effects in several species are male reproductive toxicity and developmental toxicity. The doses that cause these effects are far higher than any levels to which the human population could be exposed. Humans would need to consume daily some 3.3 g of boric acid (or 5.0 g borax) to ingest the same dose level as the lowest animal NOAEL. No effects on fertility were seen in a population of workers exposed to borates or to a population exposed to high environmental borate levels. There is remarkable similarity in the toxicological effects of boric acid and borax across different species. Other inorganic borates that simply dissociate to boric acid are expected to display similar toxicity, whereas those that do not dissociate simply to boric acid may display a different toxicological profile.



[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Hidradentis Suppurative
Posted by Kristina (Arizona) on 03/15/2016

I was experiencing a horrible auto immune condition called HS (Hidradenitis Supperativa). Very, very painful and debilitating. I decided to try the borax protocol to attack the autoimmune condition. In six weeks all symptoms of my condition had disappeared and it is 10 months later and I continue to be healed. I now drink borax water once or twice a week. I drink 1/4 tsp in the liter of distilled water once or twice a week. I give 1/4 of the above mentioned dilution to both my children once or twice a week.

My Mom has been drinking it daily for 9 months (after seeing my amazing results) due to a number of health afflictions, and has skin growing on her legs where she has had open wounds for 30 years from a recluse spider bite.

My coworker drinks the above mentioned dilution daily and has had a significant reduction in her rheumatoid arthritis pain. In fact over the winter she was shocked to 'notice' she was barely hurting in her hands at all...

I was desperate for answers when I tried this and I'm so glad I did. Decide for yourself, trust your instincts. Good luck.

Borax Scent
Posted by Jacqui (Devon, Uk) on 03/02/2016

Strange that Canada should ban Lugol's. Spoke to a friend recently returned from Canada, and she was surprised by how many cannabis plants she saw growing in people's back gardens. Definitely weird country.

Posted by Jenn (Florida) on 02/23/2016

Look into Neem for your skin condition.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Cheryl (Manhattan, Ks) on 02/05/2016

Yes, he also takes Magnesium. That helps his digestive system. I have noticed he hasn't had quite as much angina; he still has some. I know it took me 6 months of taking Borax regularly for my eczema to go away.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jack (Columbia, Tn) on 01/26/2016

The headache you are experiencing is from taking to much at one time, I think? I've had the same thing happen to me. I backed off a bit because it gave me diarrhea .... It did seem that after I ate a good meal thus replenishing the nutrient's in my system the headache went a way.. look up "hexrheimer."

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ivone (Edmonton, Alberta) on 01/19/2016

Increase Iodine in the winter. We tend to consume less if it during winter and skin depends on it to stay smooth and moist. Dry skin is a symptom of Iodine deficiency, says Dr. Jorge D. Flechas.

Posted by Joelle (Ny) on 01/17/2016

It is already in your body through your pores. You have a huge surface full of pores -your skin- and bathing in it actually gets it into your system much faster than drinking it. It is the method I use to get whatever upsets my digestive system into my body. Hope this encourages you to start drinking. :-) I'm gonna try it on my face. Thx for the tip.

Posted by Mary (Oregon) on 01/16/2016

I tried Borax for the first time last summer. I had a normal detox reaction, I was so toxic as I had not detox in many months. It really did work. I felt like I had the flu for about 3 days and then it subsided. I like the idea of being able to detox without spending a fortune. This is good for those with limited income. A whole box will last a very long time. I also use it as a hair rinse and in my clothes. It can also be given to a dog or cat to detox as their food is not perfectly pure either and they breathe the same air we do. I also like to take activated charcoal along with Borax. If, after taking Borax, you break out, it is just toxins coming out through your skin. Keep detoxing, you will be so glad you did!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Agnes (Oregon) on 01/11/2016

If you're still having bleeding issues (I realize this post is very old), Chaste tree 1st thing in the morning 5-6 am daily will normalize all female hormones and periods in 3 months.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Lauren (Athens, Georgia) on 01/10/2016

Is he getting enough water to balance out the Borax since it is normally consumed with a liter of water? If not perhaps you should consider a smaller amount in his hot chocolate. I'm also wondering if your getting him to take magnesium as well, which he should for both the Borax and the heart (if I recall correctly).

Multiple Cures
Posted by Les (Mackay, Australia) on 01/04/2016

hi Michael I'm in Australia too and I was wondering what brand you use of the borax and where you buy it thank you. Love earth clinic.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Nathan (Auburn, Michigan ) on 01/04/2016

I've been taken borax for all most a month now and I am feeling great my knees don't hurt anymore, I'm sleeping better and getting more energy by the day.

The questions I have. Does the borax flush out fungus from the body? I have read about hair growth since I'm 48 male with hair loss.

While I'm taking 1/8 of a teaspoon borax in a liter of distilled water, do I make a paste to put on my scalp? To make the follicles to start hair growth. Or is there something else I should do.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Cheryl (Manhattan, Ks) on 01/03/2016

My husband has severe RA. Would not take Borax for the life of him. I started giving him a little more than 1/8th tsp in his hot chocolate about 5 days a week. I started this just shy of a month ago and he is so much worse than he ever has been. I can't tell him why, but I know that the symptoms will most likely be gone in a couple more months. But seeing him in pain like this is killing me... I am really scared the pain won't ever go away. He drinks coke everyday, it is like he is addicted to his soft drink... He drinks some water also, but has to have a couple cokes a day... He also has a severe heart condition.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Mary (Big Stone Gap, Virginia) on 12/11/2015

I would not take more and more borax. A post I read said to take less as time goes on. Unless I missed something. More isn't always better. Sometimes less is.

Posted by Brian (Ft Worth) on 12/10/2015

Andrew. how much borax do you take to increase testosterone?

Demodex Mites
Posted by M. (India) on 11/19/2015

I am a woman and suffer from severe rosacea and demodex mites. can sometimes feel them crawling on parts of my face and eyelids. I have started internal borax treatment for my demodex after being encouraged by the reports on earth clinic. I ordered griffith borax and mixed about 1/10th teaspoon in filtered water and sipped it all day. distilled drinking water is not available in India

today is my 4th day- started on 16th, Monday. my face is quite red and inflamed for last 8 -9 days. There is no relief since I started the borax- face continues to be really bad. I just feel tired and a bit nauseous.

I can't do borax and peroxide since I also have dermatitis and very sensitive skin.

Please help with some advice on what I can do.

Thanks, M

Psoriatic Arthritis
Posted by Art (California ) on 11/12/2015 2148 posts

Timh, all very good points! Thank you.


Psoriatic Arthritis
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/12/2015 2063 posts

A: Good to hear of your benefits with Borax.

I think it worth noting that the likely culprit in many of the RA and osteoarthritic conditions is chronic mycoplasma infection. In this event, it is best to continue the small dose Borax, limit Arginine rich foods, supplement Lysine, and use any number of natural antibiotic herbs and/or Zapping. The insidious nature of mycoplasma requires this smart & aggressive approach, or it (as you have confessed in your case) just keeps coming back.

Psoriatic Arthritis
Posted by Art (California, Usa) on 11/11/2015 2148 posts

I have had severe psoriatic arthritis for most of my adult life which affected my toes, feet, ankles, knees, hips, lower back, upper back, shoulders, neck, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers. So pretty much everything.

I used the borax remedy frequently posted here and around the web and within three months, I had complete remission and I went from severe joint pain to no joint pain and the effects of the borax would last for months if I stopped taking it and then I would start the borax at the first hint of joint pain and it would go away within two weeks and I would stop the borax again. So that was how I used it.

More recently I did more reading about borax and have decided that instead of stopping borax once the joint pain stops, I will continue using it at the smaller person dose (1/8th teaspoon in a liter of water) instead of the larger person dose (1/4 teaspoon). The reason for this is that borax has other health benefits and in order to get those benefits it will probably be better for me to take borax continuously at the 4 or 5 day a week schedule outlined in the borax remedy.

Borax is purported to work for other forms of arthritis like osteo, rheumatoid and juvenile.


Posted by Jeri (Wv) on 10/30/2015

Is it possible the iodine could raise your blood pressure? I was using Ponaris nasal emollient on advice of my ENT and while it made breathing possible and reduced mucus production, it seemed to raise my blood pressure. Once off, no more problems. It does contain iodine. I suppose it depends on the condition of your thyroid (?)

Posted by Jeri (Wv) on 10/30/2015

In the event you return to this site, copious amounts of green tea consumption will also make you pee green. Personal experience.

Posted by Sunny Grandma (Manila, Philippines ) on 09/26/2015

I am 60 years old, diabetic and had chronic vaginal candidiasis. Six months ago, I have had severe itching and swelling on my genital and anal area. I also have had cheese-like white discharge on my labia and pain when I urinate which driving me crazy. I tried every remedy I know, but to no avail, until I' ve read about the borax. Every time I urinate and wash my private part, I dab my fingers( ring and point fingers) on borax powder and spread the powder on my genital and anal area. I feel soo relieved..Iam simply amazed at the progress I made with this...hope this will help... Sunny Grandma

Hair and Scalp
Posted by John H (Pa) on 09/26/2015

Until today, I have never read about mixing borax with water for washing hair.

I have long hair, and sometimes only wash my hair once or twice a week. When my diet is less than ideal, my hair gets a bit greasy, and at times I get somewhat of an itchy flaky scalp.

After learning about borax for dish washing (the clearest glass you will ever see! , and it kills the mold in your dish sponge), I decided to try washing my hair with it.

For many months now, I just dump a handful of borax into my palm, and rub it all over, mostly the area subject to be oily where my hair meets my forehead. Borax does not normally foam when you clean with it, but it foams when I rub it into my wet hair. I try rub the powder all over.

The first several times, I would just wash it out with water, but then I started using a diluted alkalizing and natural green soap. At first, the wet hair will have a dry feeling to it, but once it has thoroughly dried, it will be the softest hair. It just looks and feels great after this.

Any dandruff or flaky scalp will be gone for a couple of days after this. If your scalp is really bad, I would recommend following the protocol outlined above where the borax is diluted in water first.

Also, my hair is thinning, and I think, but am not sure, that the thinning has slowed down severely since I started using the borax wash.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Mark (Exeter, United Kingdom) on 09/12/2015 12 posts

Hi, its recommended that only citric acid is powerful enough to remove borax from the hair.

Here is the section on diy borax shampoo by

Dr Hulda Clarke (Ph.D., N.D)

'The cure for all diseases' page 528 (free ebook)


Borax liquid is ready to use as shampoo, too. It does not lather but goes right to work removing sweat and soil without stripping your color or natural oils. It inhibits scalp bacteria and stops flaking and itching. Hair gets squeaky clean so quickly (just a few squirts does it) that you might think nothing has happened! You will soon be accustomed to non-lathery soap.

Rinse very thoroughly because you should leave your scalp slightly acidic. Take a pint container to the shower with you. Put ÂÂ1/4 tsp. citric (not ascorbic) acid crystals (see Sources) in it. For long hair use a quart of rinse. Only citric acid is strong enough to get the borax out, lemon juice and vinegar are not.

After shampooing, fill the container with water and rinse.

Rinse your whole body, too, since citric acid is also anti-bacterial. All hair shampoo penetrates the eye lids and gets into the eyes although you do not feel it. It is important to use this natural rinse to neutralize the shampoo in your eyes.

(Some people have stated that citric acid makes their hair curlier or reddens it. If this is undesirable, use only half as much citric acid.) Citric acid also conditions and gives body and sheen to hair."


Hair and Scalp
Posted by Rick (Los Angeles, California) on 09/08/2015

Thanks for the response Dave. I am finding the site easier to navigate the more that I use it.