Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Posted by j (aus) on 09/25/2023

All Borax is the same, from the two mines in the world, America (20 mule) or turkey. Just check it is pure with nothing added. One of the best things out there, everyone should be eating it. A bath is a waste. Keep it stocked for your grandkids. My kids also have it and they have no cavities, strong bones, no fungus, we all wash our hair with it and have a pinch to eat now and then with magnesium chloride and magnesium sulphate. Has fixed many problems. Listen to your body, learn to listen and use your own head.

Posted by Bess (Millstadt Illinois ) on 11/14/2022

Now that you mention it, my TMJ is gone! It was subtle to begin with, but came on suddenly during all the covid bs stress. So for a couple of years, it's been annoying me on and off. I've been taking boron for fluoride detox for a few weeks, but not consistently, and I've not had the TMJ! I didn't realize this until I read your testimonial, so it can be added to the list of benefits!

Posted by Amy G. (Michigan) on 06/11/2022

Editor's Choice Maybe 10 years ago I discovered Borax on this site for detoxing metals. An unexpected side effect was my TMJ disappeared within the first week. I'm surprised that after 10 years, I still don't see TMJ listed as something else borax cures, so I'm adding it here myself! TMJ is basically untreatable through conventional methods so to be able to open my mouth fully again with no pain or even tightness is a miracle to me! I hope others will find relief too.

I follow Ted's Borax protocol of 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of distilled water 5 days a week for 4 weeks. I've had to repeat the protocol a few times over 10 years.