Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Posted by Twomule (TX) on 08/27/2023

I use boron as a skin exfoliant. It leaves the skin so soft and lovely.

Posted by mr black (Ontario) on 06/23/2023

Get yourself some good quality castile soap, some 20 Mule Team borax, and some good quality epsom salt (not the cheap stuff from the pharmacy) mix it together to form like a paste and lather up really good in the shower head to toe then scrub and rinse off. Biofilm and greasy buildup on the skin will be gone. this could also be helpful for those with morgellons and heavy metal toxicity.

Posted by Valdoria (Jacksonville, Fl) on 04/12/2017

I have been using borax in water 5 days on/2 days off - for about 3 weeks... I feel rather tired which I attribute to possible detox.

However, my skin looks better and I can tell my feet appear to be shedding a bit of old fungal skin which is nice. I take 1/8 tsp in water a day and usually make a match tea with it in the morning. I sometimes will take a hot bath with 1 cup of epsom salt and 1 tblsp of borax and it does make my skin feel good, yet a bit dry... it does seem to be helping with healing.

Posted by Joelle (Ny) on 01/17/2016

It is already in your body through your pores. You have a huge surface full of pores -your skin- and bathing in it actually gets it into your system much faster than drinking it. It is the method I use to get whatever upsets my digestive system into my body. Hope this encourages you to start drinking. :-) I'm gonna try it on my face. Thx for the tip.

Posted by Branda (Detroit, Mi) on 05/10/2013

I want to comment on the borax as a face wash. I have been using borax now for a couple of weeks. After reading some of the comments, I wanted to start slow. I have to say, it works for me. My skin loves this stuff! My face is softer, smoother and brighter. I'm not at the ingesting stage yet because I can't wrap my head around drinking something that I wash my clothes with. Next, I'll try it in the bath. Thanks Earth Clinic. I get a lot of great natural remedies from this site.

Posted by Fabat50 (Sb, Ca) on 08/22/2009

Editor's Choice YEA!!!! Love BORAX my husband and I have been using it as scrub for months, no soap, still use shampoo though, But skin has never felt better. Cant wait to take shower it feels so GOOD! Just get wet, Turn off water, Get a palm or two full and scrub, FEELS GREAT! RINSE, then MAYBE a little VCO, sometimes, WOW! BABY SOFT!

Posted by Carmen (Nova Scotia, Canada) on 06/28/2009

After five months of use I feel I qualify to respond. Before the use of borax my skin was always dry, tight, red and itchy. The powerful scents and perfumes of regular shower products could be smothering. I now have no desire to use anything but borax in the shower and on my face. Also I have always had an itchy scalp but no longer. Washing the hair with borax is alot like washing it with beach sand (not very nice :))but the results were undeniable for me, no more itch. Unlike other EC posters I am not pleased with the results of using borax alone so after a good scrub and rinse with borax I do shampoo with a regular shampoo. Overall I give borax a big YEA, I am sure my husband will give it a thumbs up also. Although he has the most beautiful skin his only skin issue is back acne which has easily improved by 90% since using borax in addition to regular products (he likes the smelly stuff). Thank you to everyone.

Posted by Millie (Small Town, America) on 04/11/2008

Editor's Choice For those who are nervous about using borax, it may interest them to learn that borax is used in most Bath Salts -- that's why I already had a package of the laundry borax, was because years ago I tried making Bath Salts, and the borax is one of the main ingredients.

I also learned that when I soaked in baths containing either borax or epsom salts, that I was prone to bouts of diarhhea -- so I stopped putting together Bath Salt Recipes -- I hadn't realized how readily I seem to absorb anything placed in hot bath water.

I'm pointing this out, because this past week I read someone somewhere online caution to never put any borax on one's skin because allegedly it's so absorbable -- but that doesn't make sense, because not only do most laundry detergents contain it, & thus our clothes have residues of it, it also is found in diaper rash formulas, and anybody who likes to add mineral salts to the bath tub has probably soaked in borax on many occasions.