Tried borax for almost 2 weeks
Hi, I tried borax starting with about 1/32 a teaspoon and working up to 1/4 teaspoon, and I had a negative reaction to it. I only used it for about 2 weeks total, but for the last 3 weeks, since I stopped using it, I have had kidney, testicle, and head aches. The pain in my testicles and my headaches mostly stopped about a week ago, but I am still having problems with kidney pain.
Incidentally the pain decreased when I introduced calcium/magnesium in a 2:1 formula, as I knew that magnesium was good for kidney health, but the other pains continued and I just had to stop in fear of might be happening. I still am having kidney pain - only light pain now - occasionally throughout the day, especially at night when trying to sleep. I REALLY wish I hadn't tried the borax (20 mule team).
I am still looking for an alternative to the borax! As now that I think about family members, I see 3 different conditions that are probably caused by fluoride. Thanks for the information though I wish I hadn't participated in the borax 'trial'.