Health Benefits

Melatonin Protocol for COVID-19

Posted by Romina (Fort Lauderdale ) on 04/22/2020

Thank you for this post, Art! I am wondering how people can tolerate 80 mg of Melatonin per day without being completely out sleeping all day? I have been talking 5-10 mg Melatonin daily for years but I can't even imagine taking 70-80 mg/ day. Wouldn't that cause sedation? Also what is your take on the latest findings about COVID19 presenting more as a High Altitude Sicknesses than an upper respiratory viral infection? Thanks a lot!

Posted by Art (California) on 04/22/2020 2175 posts

Hi Deborah, Yes, it appears that those supplements and combinations can be very helpful judging by the comments on them across the internet. Vitamin C seems to be most effective through IV, which can be hard to get and is pricey. Liposomal C can be similarly effective as IV vitamin C, but it too is pricey. Zinc can be helpful also, but zinc needs an assisting ionophore such as Hydroxychloroquine or quercetin at high dose in order to help get enough zinc into the infected cells and disrupt the viral replication process. Covid-19 has those spike proteins and these attach or dock to a specific cell receptor and once they dock, they inject RNA into the cell and hijack the cell to turn the cell into a virus making factory until the cell dies and all of the viral particles inside are released and move on to other cells to infect in the same way as the first viral particle did. When enough zinc can enter the cell with the aid of an ionophore, then the zinc can disrupt the viral replication process effectively. Zinc on its own seems to have limited access to the cells. The ionophore assists with cell entry by zinc. Iodine has already been discussed extensively on EC. There are a some specific things about melatonin that make it practical for this purpose. 1. It is relatively inexpensive and although a limited number of cases, Dr. Neel has seen improvement in just one day in his patients so it is fast acting and it alleviates the symptoms making it easier to tolerate the disease while it is active in your system. 2. It has shown that it is effective along side Hydroxychloroquine, and based on the available studies, it has shown synergy with other supplements such as the quercetin + melatonin study in the original post for this thread. 3. Melatonin has a very good safety profile as it should considering the the pineal gland produces it and excretes it every night. 4. Melatonin level peaks around the age of 5 years and the level declines very sharply from puberty on and is very low by the late fifties and beyond, the same age as those who are at highest risk for succumbing to Covid-19, as the chart inside the initial post clearly illustrates. 5. Melatonin is easy to obtain in the US. I don't know if you have shopped for the items on your list lately, but they are simply hard to come by right now, while melatonin is still available the last time I checked. 6. Melatonin actually attenuates part of the immune response so as to greatly reduce the chances for a cytokine storm and allows the immune system enough time to create antibodies to fight the virus the way it should and all the while making more antibodies to destroy the virus. Dr Neel is essentially just using melatonin with oral vitamin C, but the hospital in the Philippines is using melatonin by itself and melatonin + Tocilizumab / Actemra which is a specific IL-6 inhibitor that is sometimes used for arthritis and cytokine storms. The doctor who commented on it said that Actrema and melatonin seem to do the same things. 7. Melatonin appears to be effective on its own which makes it an inexpensive and very simple treatment with a good safety profile while significantly ameliorating C-19 symptoms while further allowing the immune system to do the job it was meant to do! 8. Melatonin in hundreds of studies has shown its ability to protect the major organs of the body and with the latest available information from patient autopsies, C-19 is showing that it is also attacking the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and possibly the brain because viral particles have been found in the brain. 9. In reality, most of the possible drugs are still being trialed which means they are not available to the masses until one of the trials proves that that particular drug is effective enough and then the FDA will have to review the trial and approve the drug for off label use and all that means that it will be a bit of time until one of those drugs is ready for use by the public for Covid-19. Given the worldwide demand for such a drug, there may simply not be enough available to meet demand, even with a ramped up production plan. Bottom line, will there be enough to go around? This sounds like a pretty good case for melatonin, at least to me it does. Given all of the above, it certainly seems worthwhile to have a conversation with your doctor about melatonin before you actually need to take it. Art

Posted by Deborah (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/21/2020

understood, I'm taking zinc as well and thank you for your site and info.

Posted by Eden (Texas) on 04/21/2020

Art, Thank you for this!!

Posted by Ed Jones (tennessee) on 04/21/2020

Awesome article, Art. I have a national podcast, the holistic navigator, where i interview dr smith, medical director of life extension, on this exact topic. to learn his opinion on dosage, log onto Also, has the best prices and only allows quality products on their site. ed jones...

Posted by deborah (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/21/2020

Hi Art, I've been using melatonin 5mg in PM for sleep dissolve from CVS, but you mentioned the combination of Melatonin and Quercetin...?? ? where do I find that or is it not combined in the Melatonin you are suggesting. I have been using this from CVS, and sometimes it works and other not.. Then I just take one more at a later time of the PM, like 2:30am when I wake up and can't sleep. My mind is very active and does not shut off... I do wake up sluggish, so I also think Melatonin has an effect when one wakes up...but then it wears off.

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