Hunza Bread
Hydrolyzed Collagen
![0 out of 5 stars](/images/side-effects.png)
(New Zealand)
Research: serrapeptase.... for some it gets much worse before it gets amazingly good!
There's more about serrapeptase on google than earth clinic, unfortunately. I have also heard people say that old injuries and problem areas get more painful as they get repaired and to bare with it.
I purchased a self-hypnosis book and audio CD online and it has been worth every penny! There were so many to chose from. I bought a couple before I actually found one that really worked and spoke just to me. Not only do I now have my weight under control, I am more at peace and life is truly worth living every day.I now eat to live instead of living to eat! And...all my sweet cravings went away. I now drink only pure, clean water (nothing else - I don't even want or crave anything else!). No cakes, cookies, candies, white sugars, white breads, etc. All those cravings are NOW completely gone. I don't have the desire for any of that stuff and this therepy has really helped in that respect. it took a couple weeks of listening to the audio CD daily until it kicked in and I finally "Got It" so if you decide to take this approach, give it a couple weeks to sink in.... ...It doesn't just happen in one session...
It is a form of brainwashing but I believe it's a good kind of brainwashing. You definately have to be open to this kind of therepy as well, going into it with a positive mind, knowing that it will be working for you. No negativity whatsoever! You can only get out of it, what you put into it.
My hypnotherepy session begins every morning before I get out of bed with a half hour tape session (using headphones). I do breathing exercises (kinda like yoga) along with it and during the whole session I am repeating positive affirmations. Stuff like... I am in complete control of my eating habits", "I deserve to be fit and healthy"...."My self esteem grows stronger and stronger every day", "I remain a healthy eater forever", "I deserve to be fit and healthy", etc. It also offers some imagery sessions to so you can focus on what you WANT to look like when you accomplish your ideal weight.
I am now strong believer (and a witness), that if you tell yourself positive things every day, you begin to believe them more and more. I think all of us need positive feeback constantly, to remind us how wonderful we really are as human beings, and what our capabilities are.. in order for us to function to our full capacity! I am now filling up my mind, my body and my soul, not to mention my tummy, with healthy words of encouragement, and really believing them... and the weight is coming off... Not only do we have to get rid of the junk food that we have put into our bellies, but we have to get rid of all the junk that has been fed into our minds throughout our lifetime, by beginning to replace it with healthy, positive thoughts. As of today, I am so full of full of life..... .... and so full of.... H20! (Smiling as I take a sip).... Soooooo... Happy dieting. Happy living. I hope you find that which what works for you! Take care. Janie
(In The Valley, Ca, Usa)
(Mattoon, Illinois)
I have mentioned something about Inositol in a post or two.
In four months, it took 20 pounds off me, it is still off. It helped my daughter's excess heavy bleeding from a fibroid to regulate.
Here is some basic information on this supplement. You will learn the different types of Inositol and take your pick for your health and situation.
Jackie's Miracle Bread Recipe
For non-salad-lovers like me juicing and liquidising have been perfect, since one can get all the good stuff down in just a few gulps.
Here's the recipe from the book:
1 head romaine lettuce or celery
5 to 6 stalks kale
1 to 2 apples
1 whole organic lemon (don't peel it)
1 to 2 inches fresh ginger (optional)
Juice all ingredients. For best results, drink on an empty stomach. Not a good idea to drink with meals according to the author. You can use any greens in place of romaine and kale. Important thing is to have dark leafy greens.
Highly recommend this book, by the way. Simply prepared "quick-exit" foods. Great philosophy.
(Atlanta, GA)
I've just finished 14 days of juicing at least once a day. I recently discovered chunks of fresh turmeric at the international market nearby and have been adding this to the drink when I can remember to. The drink is very energizing and great for the skin. As far as weight loss, slowly but surely. Additional exercise has really been the key for me, but this drink has indeed been a great appetite suppressant and removed sugar cravings.
Best green lemonade combinations:
1. Celery, Romaine, Ginger, Lemon, Granny Smith
2. Kale, Romaine, Ginger, Lemon, Fuji apple
3. Spinach, Red Lettuce, Ginger, Lemon, Granny Smith
Collard greens - extremely bitter, beware! Causes nausea that lasts several hours, despite the lemon juice and ginger.
I go on a month-long juice fast every 2 or 3 years or whenever needed. This last time I went for 40 days. I didn't have a hard time apart from the very first day. Only on this day did I feel really bad. All the other days I felt rather good or even euphoric. I did drink fresh fruit juices, mostly in the first part of the fast grapefruit-orange juice (as it was available in our garden) and later added vegetable juices. I also made a rather large vegetable broth from a bowl of veggies including kelp and nutritional yeast. This made a wonderful hot alkaline drink. After I lost a lot of fat, I desired the nutrients of vegetable juices and included a lot of "green drinks". I haven't looked at my weight but I lost all my overweight. I was also determined to overcome my compulsive overeating habits.
(Pleasanton, CA)
(Spring, Texas)
It is also easy to make your own Kim Chee - and much less expensive, too. Nourishing Traditions cookbook by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD have a recipe for it, and you could probably find some online, too, and in other cookbooks. Also, it is interesting to know that you can make it with or without salts and starters. A strictly therapeutic raw food version, for example, will not include any salt. Others use salt routinely as a backup safety measure, in case bad bacteria try to proliferate before the good lactobaccili really get going. You can also buy commercial starters that help jumpstart the good bacteria, too. And some recipes mix a little salt with a little starter. But it can be done successfully without any additives at all, just sayin. I've helped make it that way before, and eaten lots of it at a spa where it is a daily feature on the menu, (sauerkraut, actually, without the spices and hot produce that make it the version known as kim chee). It's all the same idea, really good for you. I met a man who cured his cancer (prostate) with a raw food diet, but he ate about a quart of sauerkraut every day, loved it. And for a 70+yo guy, he had great skin. Actually, I know women in their 40's who would wish for his skin, lol! He's had his cancer licked for many years when I met him. I learned that these fermented veggies are great detoxifiers, so it makes sense that they are good for weight loss. They also contain something that, when combined with cooked meats, turns the carcinogenic part of cooked meats into harmless and easily used amino acids. COOL!
(Rustenburg, North West, South Africa)
Hi Citigirl27, You probably have extra weight because of your soy consumption because soy products contain a lot of phytoestrogen & leads to estrogen dominance & leads to weight gain. Only way to take soy is in its fermented form then its chemical commposition is changed & you only have a small portion/meal. Look up estrogen dominance on the net & you will have a better understanding what you are dealing with.
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
I am very familiar with soy and all of its benefits and implications. I have had weight issues way before I ever ate anything soy (my whole life since birth/vaccination), and have not gained any since beginning my soy regime -in fact I have lost a few, so it is nothing to do with soy. Let's keep this on the topic of Lecithin.
(Houston, Usa)
Hello Citygirl27 from Richardson, Tx, Usa, Be VERY careful with soy consumption especially in this day and age where soy is found as non-GMO, and is extremely harmful to one's health.
Only if you find non-GMO, fermented soy you can consume safely once weekly. Otherwise it messes with your hormones and causes weight gain.
Please research / google before you begin the lecithin regime. Better to have a few extra pounds than consume a nasty substance.
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
You have a valid point for everyone. Watch out for the GMO soy. I use organic soy products that are labelled as non GMO. I wish I had a "few" extra pounds, it is a lot more than that and does not respond to calorie reduction and exercise. Would like to hear from anyone who has experienced weight loss, unintentional or not, with lecithin of any variety.
(Rustenburg, North West, South Africa)
Hi Citigirl, If soy is not causing the weight gain, it must be starches in all its forms, because overweight people are sensitive to starches & are fast oxidisers & must stick to protein & veggies. Look up Metabolic Typing it could help you a lot, because then you will know in which direction to go. You will have to send a sample of your hair to be analised.
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
Still looking for answers from anyone who has experienced weight loss with lecithin. Let's try to keep replies on this topic. Still haven't had one reply on topic yet. Who has used lecithin before and noticed a drop in weight?
FYI I do not have extra weight "due to soy consumption". I have been overweight my whole life since puberty. I have a damaged hypothalamus (metastat) due to childhood seizures and seizure drugs. Let's not be jupming to conclusions. As it happens, I have switched to almond and coconut milks for the last year, with no effect either way. This isn't about me, however, the discussion is about weight loss with lecithin.
Lol your comment to stop talking soy.... I thought the same thing. Read ages ago ted from Bangkok said to use soy capsules I think it was several times a day for weight loss and after fatty foods.
havent tried it but the apple cider vinegar three times a day and fresh ginger root all day sounds the go!
if nothing else apparently is anti aging for your face😁
(Geelong, Australia)
Hi there,
I'm no expert but ironically have just been reading up on soy products and the effects they can have in our bodies. According to a few sources it contains the hormone eostrogen, the female hormone which can encourage the body to hold onto fat. What is your understanding of soy lecithin regarding positive effects for weight loss? I'm familiar with this as an ingredient included in sugar free chocolate. I've always avoided it and anything soy related ever since I underwent some training on acne management, learning it can trigger flare ups. I worry about encouragement of any increase of hormones in the body, mainly due to a higher risk of cancer. Interested in the theory of soy promoting weight loss! - Nat
(Kobe, Japan)
(Fayetteville, Nc)
I took lecithin at my doctor's request (she practices alternative medicine as well as being a licensed M.D.). I took it for panic attacks though. It really helped me! It helped to increase the seratonin levels in my brain due to having to take very strong antibiotics and steroids for an extended period of time after a major appendectomy surgery. Thanks to her excellent advice I no longer have panic attacks!
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
The fact is, no matter what your metabolic type, weight, or health condition, lecithin is a fat emulsifier. This means it makes fat water-soluble and ready to be flushed out of the body. The reason you see it in foods is because it allows oil to be mixed with water based ingredients without separating or clumping. Lecithin does not contain the phytoestrogens everyone panics about (if present they are trace and insignificant), but rather has phosphatidylcholine. In plain speak, that is choline like that which is in eggs, but instead in the form of a phosphatide from a plant. It works as a liver cleanser. If you are gaining weight, it means that receptors elsewhere in your body from what your liver is releasing are weak and are responsible, not the lecithin. Ted speaks of soy lecithin granules for weight loss in several pages on EC.
Lemon and Honey Cure
(Lawrenceville, GA)
(Orem, Utah)
Lemon Juice in Warm Water
(Chicago, Illinois, US)
About a year ago I went on a citrus Fast (Lemons/Limes) for approximately 10 - 12 days. I would use half a lemon and a whole lime since they were small in a 8oz water bottle about 4-5x a day. I didn't think I could last 2-3 days w/o eating a meal. Everything seemed to be going fine, I was feeling good, I wasn't tired or hungry and I saw some shrinkage in my belly area. On the last day of my fast I went to the bathroom and noticed that my urine color had changed from clear to almost brown. I did panic because I have never seen my urine become that dark. I drink lots of water on a daily basis (more than a gallon I know) but not exactly sure how much though.
Can anyone explain to me what they THINK or KNOW what happened? I need to know if that was a good thing or a bad thing that happened.
(Richardson, Tx, USA)