Posted by Livia (Spring, Texas) on 05/01/2009
It is also easy to make your own Kim Chee - and much less expensive, too. Nourishing Traditions cookbook by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD have a recipe for it, and you could probably find some online, too, and in other cookbooks. Also, it is interesting to know that you can make it with or without salts and starters. A strictly therapeutic raw food version, for example, will not include any salt. Others use salt routinely as a backup safety measure, in case bad bacteria try to proliferate before the good lactobaccili really get going. You can also buy commercial starters that help jumpstart the good bacteria, too. And some recipes mix a little salt with a little starter. But it can be done successfully without any additives at all, just sayin. I've helped make it that way before, and eaten lots of it at a spa where it is a daily feature on the menu, (sauerkraut, actually, without the spices and hot produce that make it the version known as kim chee). It's all the same idea, really good for you. I met a man who cured his cancer (prostate) with a raw food diet, but he ate about a quart of sauerkraut every day, loved it. And for a 70+yo guy, he had great skin. Actually, I know women in their 40's who would wish for his skin, lol! He's had his cancer licked for many years when I met him. I learned that these fermented veggies are great detoxifiers, so it makes sense that they are good for weight loss. They also contain something that, when combined with cooked meats, turns the carcinogenic part of cooked meats into harmless and easily used amino acids. COOL!
Posted by Marc (Koloa, Hawaii) on 04/21/2007
I tried eating the Korean food, Kimchee after learning about it in school. It turns out that Kimchee contains a good bacteria called lactobacilli that helps the stomach the same way ACV does. It is also considered as one of the most healthiest food in the world by the Health Magazine. You can buy Kimchee on the Oriental section of US supermarkets.