50 User Reviews
(Cleveland, Ohio)
I have been suffering with BV on and off for several years, and it's only now that I thought to look up a home remedy. I am so relieved to see that I am not alone in this personal battle I face that comes with being a woman. Before I invest time and money into this home remedy though I would like to ask: Is this something I will have to take/do every day for the rest of my life? Or is this a treatment for 3 days, maybe 7-10 days then stop, and the BV is gone? I also see that there are so many different options as far as dosages, and route. What's the best dosage, and what's the best route? I need to do something TODAY!
(Gso, Nc)
(Harpers Ferry, Wv)
Folic Acid
(Seattle, WA)
Folic Acid
So I stumbled upon this site one day last week when I was googling the topic again. I read the reviews on Folic acid and decided to try 1 more remedy. I went to whole foods and bought 800 milligram capsules. I started on my first day taking 2 at once. Right away it seemed to work but I was apprehensive. I took 4 the next day and then 2 the day after. It had almost completely cleared up my discharge and odor. Only a very small amount appeared once in while on those days. I then read online that too much folic acid can be harmful, so I reduced to 1 800 milligram capsule a day. The symptoms are gone. It's totally amazing. I just can't believe that the western doctors prescribe antibiotics for something that a simple vitamin can cure. It's very frustrating.
I am so grateful to have fund this site and the folic acid remedy. I hope more women can discover this as well, as I know how awful it can be to deal with this problem. I will definitely be checking back here for future health concerns. I love it!!
EC: We found fantastic information on this website about importance of taking folic acid and B12 together:
Here's a snippet from the website, but please click on the above link for much more information.
These nutrients are especially critical for 2 reasons:
1 - There are so many conditions & commonly used drugs which deplete them or interfere with their absorption
2 - The deficiency of either can go undetected to cause great damage & suffering.
These 2 nutrients are addressed together because when supplementing one, the other must also be supplemented, again for 2 reasons:
1 - If there is a B12 deficiency & only folic acid is taken, it can mask some of the blood changes & clues that a B12 deficiency exists. Such masking can allow progressive & irreversible damage to take place in the brain, spinal column, & peripheral nerves. Further, folic acid must be present for the proper use of B12.
2 - Many of the same factors contribute to deficiencies of these 2 nutrients."
Folic Acid
(Cleveland, Oh)
Regarding Folic Acid/Folate for vaginal odor. I take 800 mcg a day. If I stop taking it, eventually the odor comes back. It took about a week for the odor to completely disappear in my case. It really works. I've had trouble with a urine like odor from the vaginal area for years. I thought it was urine leakage but my underwear were always dry. I don't remember why I started taking folate, possibly because I stumbled upon a forum like this one. I would recommend starting with a lower dose of Folate and increase it if needed. Be careful not to take too high a dose as it's not recommended and can be harmful.
(New Jersey)
Folic Acid
I AM SO HAPPY!!!! FOLIC ACID, YOGURT and Also a better diet...One Happy Lady in NC
Folic Acid
(Jacksonville, Fl)
I just read how a lady thinks sex plays a role in BV. I have been married for 12 yrs in a monogamous relationship and started having BV symptoms after our child was born. Around that time my husband was visiting "clubs" and became interested in one of the girls there. He said that nothing ever happened and even took all the STD tests to prove it to me. I still have trust issues and wonder if he might have come into contact with something that caused me to get BV! He is the only man I've been with - ever. I was prescribed "Met gel" which got rid of the itch, but as soon as it was done, the other symptoms returned. I never had discharge/odor before BV, and I want that gone too! Doc says to try H2O2/water douche, but that only works for the day if I'm lucky. I've been suffering with this embarrassment for 4 years! Will try some folic acid tomorrow.
Folic Acid
Folic Acid
Folic Acid
Folic Acid
(Cleveland, Oh)
Your comment was very very helpful and informative because you used both, described your symptoms, then you went to one, described those symptoms, then you changed your dose and described THOSE symptoms. I think I will try the Folic Acid 400 mg bid and see how that goes. My only question is you mentioned that you have "been doing this for a month". Have you ever stopped taking the Folic Acid and if so, are you still symptom free?
(Rock Hill, Sc)
Folic Acid
Folic Acid
Folic Acid
my daily vitamin has folic acid in it (400mcg) and i have been taking it this whole time. Maybe it's not enough? i'm going to get an additional folic acid supplement. What does "mcg" mean anyway? is that different than "mg?" recently started the acidoplous, seems to be helping. garlic too, i just swallow a couple of small cloves everyday. Keeping my fingers crossed, I really miss my happy vag!
I noticed a couple of women who are say they are using antibiotics regularly as "preventative" medicine. Ladies, this is a TERRIBLE idea. not only will it not help, but you will also become resistant to the antibiotic and you will continue to kill off your "good" bacteria. you can also make your self more susceptible to disease this way.
(Rock Hill, Sc)
I've read a lot of people interchanging the MCG and MG dosages. Here is a little lesson in science, not to be rude, but to clear things up a little.
Most medications are measured in units of Grams. If you ever learned in high school science or math, "King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk" It is a saying to help remember the breakdown of the metric system prefixes.
Kilo (multiply by 1000)
Hecto (multiply by 100)
Deca (multiply by 10)
BASE (this is your base unit)
Deci (multiply by 0.1)
Centi (multiply by 0.01
Milli (mulitply by 0.001)
It's basically a serious of moving decimal places.
So. 1 GRAM of Folic acid is equivalent to 1,000MG of Folic Acid.
Later on down in the conversions, the "Micro" prefix comes up. 1 milligram = 1,000 micrograms(mcg)
So please be sure not to confuse the two. If you are saying you are taking 400mg of Folic Acid, and as Folic Acid is most commonly measured in Micrograms, you are really taking 400,000mcg of Folic Acid. Which is 400 times the strength of PRESCRIPTION Folic Acid.
So I do believe you are meaning to say 400mcg. I just wanted to clear it up for others who may not understand the difference.
Thank you ladies so much for your help though. I never thought to try this. I was trying to find a way to avoid going to the doctor to get another anitbiotic (which, if you are like me, gives me a yeast infection EVERY time, and really isn't worth the trouble).
I am going to start this today, and I will be sure and leave feedback. Thank you so much!
Folic Acid
Folic Acid
By the third day, I still felt awful, and still had the odor. I was convinced it didn't work, but I trekked on with it,( I had nothing to lose) and by the 4th day, I could feel myself beginning to heal. I began discharging normally, ( a puss, yellow color)and little by little that burning, itchy, God awful feeling was going away. I'm on my seventh day, and I feel great. It's almost gone, the smell is gone, the discharge is clear, It works!!!
(Ashland, Oregon)
Most of us don't know exactly what may have caused our BV but I believe for myself that it developed after having more then one sexual partner. The first time I ever experienced the smell was almost 10 years ago. I thought it was him since I had NEVER experienced any problems in the Punnani area before and had only been in serious relationships. Plus it seemed to only smell during sex. We were both baffled! Shortly after that I became pregnant and started taking a prenatal vitamin everyday which contains 800mg Folic Acid. The smell became less frequent. When I went to the Doctor for my first prenatal check up we told her about the smell we've experienced and she said that everythign looks great!! That it sounds like a BV but there are no signs of me having or had one. Okay!? Yay! And it NEVER CAME BACK the whole 8 years I was married. But I never linked its dissapearance to the folic acid until i found THIS SITE! :)
I've been single for 3 years and sexually active having more than 1 partner. The smell started again last year. Again, didn't link the prenatal vitiman aka folic acid tell recently. I've been taking it 800 mg folic acid every day and acidopholice as well and as long as I dont miss a day it's gone. But if i do it seems to creep back subtley.
I KNOW folic acid can CURE it for good! The difference in my life style from when it cured it 8 years ago may be the reason it hasn't yet. I consume alcohol & caffine on a regular basis, which obviously I didn't when I was pregnant or breastfeeding (21 months). And I've had more than one sexual partner which I belive to throw my whole ph balance off.
So for one month I plan to take 1 800mg of folic acid and the 5 acidophilus pills daily. Starting with 2 800 folic acid the first day. Sustain from drinking beer and coffee and increase water.