Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Folic Acid Cure for BV

| Modified on Jul 21, 2024
Folic Acid
Posted by Jeahgee (Houston, TX) on 06/30/2014

Wonderful Ladies, I HAD to write a post on this... it has actually worked. The Folic Acid has taken away all symptoms of BV in my body.

Would anyone believe that for over a decade, I didn't even know what BV was... or that I had it. It's so sad. I really wasn't educated about BV or its symptoms growing up, I just thought I was "different". I didn't really have an issue with 'strong smell' unless I was super stress, but I have ALWAYS had glumps of discharge... I just thought, well that's my body and how it has always done things.

I actually purchased some Folic Acid, not for BV (didn't know what BV was) but because it was on sale!!! How funny. Anyway, I wanted to see what it helped with and happened upon this website. I was shocked by the women's reviews. I then began taking the Folic Acid and within about 2-3 days, I noticed I didn't have an odor... it's been about a week and a few days now and it's like the BV never existed. No odor and can you believe no discharge. I have lived this way for most of my life and I am honestly adjusting to not having sticky underwear from discharge.

A few weeks ago... I was going through an EXTREMELY stressful situation and the BV caused me to smell. I was so embarrassed and didn't even know this condition had a name. To keep from smelling up the room for people around me... I actually placed spearmint tea bags in my underwear to mask the odor.

With Folic Acid, it's as if BV never was apart of my life. I took 1600mcg daily for the first few days, and now I'm weaning down to eventually 400mcg daily. I'm explaining what I did so that you all would know, but I'm sure that a lower dosage would have worked just as well. Folic Acid is water soluble, excess Folic Acid should wash away through your water intake.

Anyway, I'm BV free and super happy! ^_^ Take care!

Folic Acid
Posted by Brittney (Chicago, Il) on 03/31/2015

So I visited this site a few weeks ago and decided to give folic acid a try. I got diagnosed around christmas and took antibiotics and I felt they made it worse. I currently take the 800 mcg folic acid that says it's for women's health. idk if that makes a difference. I take 2 in the morning and 1 at night. I started this before my period started and I had very minimal discharge after which was a MIRACLE because that's when it was the worst! I mean going through at least 3-4 pantiliners a day. It's now a week after my period ended and I've had very normal discharge but I tried lowering my dose today and after my 7 hour shift at work, I discovered more discharge then I've been having lately. I don't know if my boyfriend is reinfecting me because I'm sexually active again. I will up my dose to my usual 2 in the morning and 1 at night (2400 mcg a day) and see if this helps. I will report back with my results. I've also changed my soap to olay sensitive and been washing my vagina with dove fragrance free bar soap. Also switched to cotton panties and I wash those with fragrance free detergent.

Folic Acid
Posted by Stella (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/02/2009

i would like to give hope to my fellow ladies afflicted with this terrible terrible "thing". I'd reached rock bottom.literally. BV robs you of all yourself esteem, you feel unclean, unlovable, the whole business is just disgusting.

then i came across this site and from the information on natural remedies i tried folic acid supplements(800 mcg) and multivitamin B12 supplements as well to offset any deficiency.i take 1 tablet of the folic and 1 of the multivitamins per day.i have taken these for 7 days now though the BV subsided after the first dose.

i keep up with the folic to make sure this thing does not rear its head again and grind my life to a halt. i hope sharing my story helps someone out there. i do have a few questions though:my multivitamins also indicate that they have folic acid my total intake is 1200 mcg per day.i think this might be a little too much especially considering that the monster aka BV is no more. is it okay to do away with the Folic supplements and stick to the multivits which have folic acid? will this be enough to keep BV at bay?

...Oh, incase i didnt make it clear.Folic acid cured that BV. i refuse to call it my BV.its not mine , i dnt own it , i sure as ** dont want it. all the best :)

Folic Acid
Posted by Diamond (Ma., US) on 02/05/2015

I have been taking 400mg folic acid for over a year, also I take one of the best & strongest probiotics called CatsClaw; I found it to be super strong and works quickly.It's called cats claw because the herb is shaped like cats claws, they are cultivated and put into capsules. This product has done super wonders for me, it has done a clean sweep of most ailments, I had huge amounts of inflammation that left my body at the same time. And sugar does aggravate most infections/BV. I bought some excellent yogurt great for natural flora called Siggi's; it's sold in whole food stores.I buy only the plain white.

Good Luck.

Folic Acid
Posted by Gokhals (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 03/21/2011 34 posts

800 mg Folic acid [mine had B6/B12 added to it, taken once a day sublingually, 2 pods of garlic mashed thoroughly and mixed with extra virgin olive oil, applied several times a day. Worked! Am not sure it was the folic acid or the olive oil or the garlic, but it worked.

Folic Acid
Posted by Janet (Wisconsin) on 07/11/2020

Regarding Folic Acid/Folate for vaginal odor. I take 800 mcg a day. If I stop taking it, eventually the odor comes back. It took about a week for the odor to completely disappear in my case. It really works. I've had trouble with a urine like odor from the vaginal area for years. I thought it was urine leakage but my underwear were always dry. I don't remember why I started taking folate, possibly because I stumbled upon a forum like this one. I would recommend starting with a lower dose of Folate and increase it if needed. Be careful not to take too high a dose as it's not recommended and can be harmful.

Folic Acid
Posted by Steph (London) on 06/30/2024

FOLIC ACID AND BLOOD WORK - get a blood test

I did a blood test and found out I was deficient in folate. The prescribed dose for a folate deficiency is 5mg prescription only! which is equivalent to 5000mcg!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you look at online pharmacists. So I'm sure the doses that others have mentioned in this post are still safe to use as they are nowhere near this amount.

I suggest you get a blood test done first to be sure.

Also folate is a vitamin that many people are deficient in for this reason many of our foods are fortified with folate such as cereals. Women especially need to take folate in case they fall pregnant. I had a family member who would always say take folic acid!!

I can't rate it 5 star since I'm still waiting for results but I do notice it does reduce discharge currently with 1200mcg, maybe I will up the dose and then take another blood test later.

Folic Acid
Posted by Nurse14 (Tallahassee, Florida) on 03/31/2010

Hi I was so desperate for help with BV. I have been a nurse for years and had seen doctors prescribe Flagyl for women only to have them return or call saying that they still had problem after taking the medicine. I had not had a problem with this until I started taking in alot of caffeine and sugary drinks to stay awake during late shifts at work. I was at my wits end and I found this site. I tried the peroxide douche, acidophillus, yogurt, and folic acid, and I have to be honest the only thing that has continued to work for me is taking 800mg of Folic Acid daily and thats it. The douche only worked for a day and I don't promote douching, and inserting yogurt vaginally was just to messy. As for the acidophillus I really didn't see where it was helping at all. As long as I take the folic acid I'm fine [knock on wood]. I am grateful for all the brave women who told their stories. So here's mine I hope it helps someone defeat this smelly monster.

Folic Acid
Posted by Isa (Rockville, MD) on 06/12/2009

So, after reading through a ton of these Folic Acid cure-all miracles, I went into my food closet, fished out the Folic Acid vitamins I had been avoiding to take and did a regimen of 1600mg immediately.

Next days, 800 in the morning, 800 at lunch, 800 at night.

I'll cut down to 1600 again tomorrow.

Vagina smelling healthy, though still a little off. Overall dramatically improved. I will try stopping folic acid next week to see if it comes back. But it seems everyone is saying that is comes back.

SO, what do you do for B.V. NOT to come back? Do I have to take Folic Acid the rest of my life or what?

Folic Acid
Posted by Anne (New York, New York) on 05/04/2009

I just want to inform other women about what has helped me get rid of my BV. I have suffered from this for 10+ years and have had countless visits with the gyno. I was given every antibiotic they prescribe for BV. After doing a ton of research and spending alot of money on probiotics I have discovered the key thing that I believe treated my BV, Folic Acid. I started taking 400 Folic Acid with the Vitamin B complex. I had instant results. Every now and then if I feel my PH is slightly off I will increase my dose to 800 Folic Acid and I am absolutley fine (I do alot of strenuous work outs and I sweat alot so I think it contributes to problems in that area). I have never felt so fresh and clean since I started taking the Folic Acid. I highley recommend Folic Acid and Vitamin B complex for BV. Ofcourse everyone's body is different, but this has been my cure! God Bless-

Folic Acid
Posted by Shalona (Savannah, georgia) on 02/08/2009

I want to let everyone know folic acid does work! Thanks to this site I gave it a try. To all of the woman that says it doesn't work You must be persistant with it. I take 400mg per day and it works for me. Woman must understand everyone's bodies are different so what may work for one woman may not work for another. You may have to be more aggressive so don't give up. It really depends on your body. Use a bigger dose. I have read that it's okay to take large amounts of folic acid so it's worth a try. I have used folic acid for the last two months and no smell or discharge even after my period. I can't believe it. I keep sniffing for the smell and waiting for it to come back after me and my husband make love but it's not there, no smell! After 13 years of struggling I believe I'm finally free. I know your pain, thank GOD for all of the doctors on earthclinic- you guys! MUCH LUV

Folic Acid
Posted by Holly (Philadelphia, PA) on 12/23/2008

I want to say that earthclinic is an abosolute gift from God. I have suffered with BV since I was 20 years old- with off and on mild to moderate battles (moderate after having intercourse, but I wasn't sexually active until 24). Now at 26 I had to pray to God to find an internal cure as I recently douched for the first (and last) time with a wicked BV inflammation to follow within 48 hours. I was horrified yet faithful that God had a cure for me. I came on here and read through each review and decided to try the folic acid only. I dashed out to Walgreens, bought a bottle of 400 mg and downed 2 in the car. Within a half an hour I was feeling relief- my period started the next day and there has been almost no odor. While douching and antibiotics are not for me I do blot my external vaginal area with peroxide and I wash with a feminine hygeine sensitive skin cleanser. I have used feminine spray products, but never beyond the bikini line. Also I use wipes as often as possible. I'm not a fan of yogurt but I am eating it daily along with drinking cranberry juice often. It seems like a lot but the folic acid is the key- I thank God for it, He has really blessed me with the knowledge of His healing power even within a simple drug store. BV is a disease, often chronic, but one that just may require preventative measures on a daily basis. I pray that you all may be blessed by this cure- try it alone first (w/o antibiotics, douche and acido) to see if it won't heal you. God bless.

Folic Acid
Posted by Theres A Cure (La, Ca) on 08/18/2011

I've been taking folic acid for 2 days now, twice a day and it has started to make the odor go away. My discharge has already started to change. Ladies please please hang in there. This has showed great progress in such a short time. Give it a try. And its a cheap cure!!! I bought a bottle of the cvs brand Folic Acid 8oo MCG. It ran me about 5 dollars (for those in the U. S). And for all you young girls who are afraid to tell your parents I urge you to speak up because you shouldnt have to suffer in silience. This is nothing the be embarassed about, it happens to the most of us. Its best you take care of the problem and most importantly know exactly what problem you have.

Folic Acid
Posted by Vanessa (Farmington, CT) on 09/22/2008

Folic Acid (and Flagyl): Hello everyone ...i've been suffering with BV for about 5 years now. About 4 months ago i found this website and decided to try the Acidoph and folic acid. The acidoph did not work but the folic acid somewhat helped a little. I was taking 1 (800 mcg) folic acid pill in the am and also 1 in the pm. I was still discharging and had the fishy smell but not as bad as before i started taking them. So I went to the doctor (for the billionth time) and she prescribed me Flagyl. I had to take 2 pills everyday for 7 days but i still continued to take 2 folic acid pills too. It's been 2 weeks now and still no signs of BV WHATSOEVER!!! I'm feeling great and my sex life has improved like 100% lol ... Good luck to all you ladies.

Folic Acid
Posted by Ashley (Belton/tx/) on 01/26/2014

For BV, I took one folic acid 800 mcg and it worked in 4 days. I was excited, no smell, no burn. I'm happy I found this website :)

Folic Acid
Posted by Tis (Ny, Ny) on 05/13/2010

hello Ladies, my heart goes out to all of you who suffere from BV. I know what it is, what is does, because I suffered for two years untill I came to this web site.

1) Pls do not douche.

2) Take any probiotice with at least a million acidophilus and the folic acid daily. I'd recommend 2 folic and two acidophilus twice daily for one week and once daily after.

It works. Trust me, you will be free from this ailment and I recommend you keep taking both from time to time. Eat healthy as well, lots of broccoli and avocados.

My very best wishes Ladies.

Folic Acid
Posted by Trena (Lynnwood, Wa) on 04/15/2009

I have been having an issue with BV for a while now. And a few days ago i came across the site and have been reading some of the reviews on how other people got rid of the itching and the smell and the discharge...I was so embarrassed about it. So once i read all the success stories about folic acid the next day i went to the store bought the 800 mcg and took 2 tablets in the moring and 2 that night. and i woke up the next day and the itching and the smell had gone i took 2 more this morning and hopefully it will stop the yucky discharge. But so far it has been working great! I am so thankful for the internet!

Folic Acid
Posted by Jessica (Trenton, New Jersey) on 02/11/2009

Hello, I've been dealing with Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis for about 8 years. I noticed it after I met my prvious boyfriend and had it chronicly through the years. Well I found out he was sleeping with other women. I know that BV is not a STD but I do think that sex plays a role. I recently found out I was pregnant and immediately started taking Folic Acid and pre-natal vitamins. I'm currently 4 months pregnant and have not had any sign of BV since I started taking the supplemnts. I'm shocked because I've been dealing with this for so long and now it's completely gone. Just wanted to add my story.

Folic Acid
Posted by Anonymous (Rock Hill, Sc) on 01/24/2010

I've read a lot of people interchanging the MCG and MG dosages. Here is a little lesson in science, not to be rude, but to clear things up a little.

Most medications are measured in units of Grams. If you ever learned in high school science or math, "King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk" It is a saying to help remember the breakdown of the metric system prefixes.

Kilo (multiply by 1000)
Hecto (multiply by 100)
Deca (multiply by 10)
BASE (this is your base unit)
Deci (multiply by 0.1)
Centi (multiply by 0.01
Milli (mulitply by 0.001)

It's basically a serious of moving decimal places.

So. 1 GRAM of Folic acid is equivalent to 1,000MG of Folic Acid.

Later on down in the conversions, the "Micro" prefix comes up. 1 milligram = 1,000 micrograms(mcg)

So please be sure not to confuse the two. If you are saying you are taking 400mg of Folic Acid, and as Folic Acid is most commonly measured in Micrograms, you are really taking 400,000mcg of Folic Acid. Which is 400 times the strength of PRESCRIPTION Folic Acid.

So I do believe you are meaning to say 400mcg. I just wanted to clear it up for others who may not understand the difference.

Thank you ladies so much for your help though. I never thought to try this. I was trying to find a way to avoid going to the doctor to get another anitbiotic (which, if you are like me, gives me a yeast infection EVERY time, and really isn't worth the trouble).

I am going to start this today, and I will be sure and leave feedback. Thank you so much!

Folic Acid
Posted by Nomorestresschick (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 09/05/2011

I just want to give some hope out there to those who are feeling down and depressed about this stress causing piece of crap condition. My friend told me about this site, she is studying to be a naturopath. Bless. Her. Soul. I have been dealing with reoccurring BV and yeast infections for 6 out of 10 months. It all started with my new relationship, and we are still together thank god despite the emotional roller coaster ride.

When first diagnosed, I was given metro gel and difflucan, symptoms went away and it returned two weeks later. Same treatment was repeated and two weeks later it returned. I was fine for a month and then I got pregnant and immediately started taking prenatal vitamins ( with folic acid ), I did not get BV or yeast for 3 months. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and during the two weeks of bleeding, I got BV again. At that point I had stopped taking my prenatal, so I also stopped taking folic acid. They gave me flagyl, still had symptoms so I did another swab test and waited a week for results, still had the darn BV. They then prescribed me with clindamycin cream. That helped. I found out about probiotics and got the 50 billion ones. I cut out ALL sugar and wheat products for a few weeks, used r------h every 3 days and for a whole month I was better. Then during my carelessness "I'm all better, lots of sex now" I used a scented wipe to clean private parts and I got a yeast and bacterial infection. Started taking two of those 50 billion pills while guzzling down kefir every day and symptoms got better, but because I went to the doc and got another swab done, they detected BV and put me on Clindamycin tablets. I burned so much after using that and it did not go away. I saw a new Gyno and she said it sounded like Cytolitic Vaginosis, basically and overgrowth of the good bacteria and it can cause burning. I quit the probiotics. Got a new swab from her and it came back negative for bv, overgrowth of good bacteria, yeast, everything. I was still burning after two weeks of no probiotics, so she prescribed me Estrace cream for Vaginal Atrophy, basically raw vagina, but common in women during menopause. Oh. My. God. That cream inflamed my whole vagina, it burned worse than EVER. It was inserted inside my vagina, so for several days I felt it coming out and irritating me more and more. On top of the horrible burns, I got the fish smell, which I only experienced with BV. I went to this site Saturday night, read about folic acid and the next day went to Walgreens, bought folic acid, took 2, 400 mcg and the smell went away after a few hours. I had experienced a major stressful situation that same day and the smell came back, so I took 400 more mcg of folic acid and the smell has decreased. I am now also taking , B-complex vitamins, Mother Apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp twice a day in 8 oz of water, a garlic supplement, eating coconut oil and bathing in baking soda. Burning almost gone! Odor almost gone. I can feel myself healing. I will not have sex for a week or two mainly because I do not want to stir any trouble, but now know that there is hope. Another thing I want to point out is that this can be a viscous circle, because stress and depression weaken the immune system which makes us more susceptible to infections. When I am down, so is my vagina. Let's all try to smile and stay positive, we can get better.

Folic Acid
Posted by Dree (Houston, Texas) on 01/29/2008

I just want to say that I have been dealing with BV for about 8 years and I know I've been treated by the doctor at least 50 times. It would alwas come back after intercourse or my menstrual cycle. It has always come back until I came across this website!!! I tried the Folic acid (800 mg 2x a day for the first week) and the smell was gone within 3 days. I continue to take 800mg of Folic Acid a day just to keep the Bv at Bay. I also did the half peroxide and water and felt instantly clean and fresh! There is still a small amount of discharge though any suggestions for that? Thanks so much for the post!!! I feel like I have my life back. I had even stopped working out because I was so afraid that people would notice the fishy smell. My boyfriend of 6 years had suffred with this also. our relationship was strained because I was always embarressed of the bv and sex was at a minimum. So thanks once again!!!!

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