Natural Remedies

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alternative Treatment and Prevention

Disinfecting Nebulizer Tips
Posted by Robert V. (California) on 04/26/2020

I found this info helpful during short supply of many items for cleaning/disinfecting. It comes from the Cleveland Medical Clinic & posted as cleaning methods for nebulizer which is made of plastic material. The disposable is a weaker plastic & can only use the cold process. The cleaning method is a guide only, in case you are short of normal supplies. I think white vinegar is still available. Disposable nebulizers should use one of these cold disinfecting methods: Soak in 70% isopropyl alcohol for 5 minutes. Soak in 3% hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes. Soak in a one-part white vinegar to 3-part water solution for 30 minutes. After any of these cold disinfecting techniques, rinse well and air dry. Non-disposable nebulizers may be disinfected as described above. They may also be disinfected by any of the following heat disinfecting methods: Boil for 5 minutes. Microwave in a bowl of water for 5 minutes. Put in the dishwasher at 158 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes. Use an electric steam sterilizer (baby bottle sterilizer).

Posted by deb (uk) on 05/11/2020

I think far infrared sauna may help, if it doesn't it will be warm and relaxing which the immune system will enjoy.

Posted by XKatalinx (United States) on 05/16/2020

Hi Sasha, A Doctor treating Covid-19 patients in the USA talks about research into this in a few of the videos he makes at YouTube. (I think it's called thermotherapy) The channel is MedCram and the videos are also available at Medcram dot com. He takes a hot/cold shower after returning home from work where he has exposure to the virus, as a prophylactic. (He explains the timing of the hot and cold). He also is on a regimen of Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin as a prophylactic. The MedCram channel reviews medical literature and scientific studies, explains how therapies work at the cellular level and was originally intended for medical students.

Posted by Sasha (Freshwater NSW, Australia) on 04/29/2020

What about using saunas to kill the virus. If the sauna is hot enough maybe it can kill the virus?

Star Anise
Posted by Randy Hitt (United States) on 05/02/2020 1 posts

Viral medicine is made from star anise.

Recommended Videos
Posted by riverbow (Alberta) on 05/04/2020

Thank you for sharing Q.

Recommended Videos
Posted by Anon (Canada) on 05/03/2020

In the “Truth About Vaccines” docu-series (replayed this weekend), they've added two roundtable interviews (Part 1 on Saturday, May 2 and Part 2 on Sunday, May 3). These roundtable interviews are incredibly important about how we are dealing with coronavirus. Watch them - it will give you hope. The expert panel consists of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dal Bigtree. This is the link for the first of the roundtable discussions (the second won't be up until Sunday, May 3 later in the day): This is the link for the entire docu-series: Take care.

Ultraviolet Light Therapy
Posted by riverbow (Alberta, Canada) on 05/03/2020

What they do not want you to know.

Posted by C. Mason (California) on 05/04/2020

Self Help Acupressure for colds and flus. Last Feb I was very sick, before doctors generally knew about Covid-19, ... One thing I did that helped relieve my symptoms/suffering was acupressure. What was helpful was a) it helped me with specific symptoms like coughing, sore throat, fatigue. b) its something i could use anytime, and as often as i needed... without any driving/appointments/insurance complexity... so I wanted to share it. I put the basic self help recipe for cold/flu here: It is also in French: Italian: There are many self help acupressure tips on and if you want to know more about the 'science'-y aspects, including an interesting interview with Cheryl Gasner, Nurse Practitioner and Co-Founder of the Stanford Integrated Mind Body Program... she talks about healing while receiving an acupressure session (by me)... there is a video on youtube called 'Sick'Em- Get Well Anyway' but the sound is a bit wobbly, so the written interview is better I think...

Fermented Yeast
Posted by Adrienne Vincent (United States) on 05/07/2020

I just thought of something! My mother loved sauerkraut and dill pickles and pickled beets, etc., and I remember her saying, "I never get colds".

Fermented Yeast
Posted by Adrienne Vincent (United States) on 05/07/2020

I may have mentioned this in another part of the now massive Earth Clinic :-). Yyeeaayy! I love this website, and I am very impressed with and grateful for the founder of it! I endured colds and flus my entire life as many as three or four a year. It took me as much as four weeks to recover sometimes and one time I developed bronchitis. This may be why I discovered earth clinic. I did start receiving alternative newsletters, and one of them had a piece on medicinal mushrooms for immunity. I tried them and they helped my immunity as long as I remembered to take them daily. Then, a few years later I discovered a nutrient called Epicor. It is now showing up in several immunity formulas offered by companies that are big names in the supplement business and for good reason. Epicor is simply fermented yeast, but, boy, does it work! And, remembering to take one daily helps a lot, too! I can happily report that I have not had a cold or flu in three, maybe four years. I have had two incidents in which I felt like maybe I was getting something so I started taking Epicor every few hours and never got sick. I felt normal in one day the first time and two days the second time. The company that makes Epicor explains that it is Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is the strain of yeast used for making bread, wine and for brewing. And, I'm sure many of you who are into alternative healing know that our immune systems are based in our intestines and that fermented foods boost immunity. So, I am adding other fermented foods to my diet and feel that if I am exposed to the dreaded Coronavirus I will either not get sick or I will have a much milder version of what I might have endured. My son and his girlfriend take medicinal mushrooms and stay well, too, but at this time they have added the fermented yeast. I did send this information to CNN along with a link to a government study of Epicor. I also sent it to Sanjay Gupta directly as well as Chris Cuomo who has the virus, but I have not heard a word on that channel about any form of alternative healing. Hmm, I wonder why?

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Luann (Indiana, U.S.A.) on 05/09/2020

My husband and I started feeling the effects of Covid 19 and I think we had it for over a week before we realized this. So I googled Lugol's Iodine 5% kind and found where they used to use this to combat many different viruses, plus bacterial infections, etc in the old days. T

hey used this in 1918 when the Spanish flu hit is what I read with great success. So we tried what it said and gradually increased from two drops a day in water or our coffee once a day the first couple of days to where the paper I read said to start slowly. So first 3 days we used 2 drops a day. Then we went to 6 drops a day and after a few days we jumped up to using 6 drops in our coffee in the morning, then again in the middle of the day and then once more in the evening before bed in a glass of water. Mixing it in well before drinking it. We started improving in wellness with each passing day and our coughing we had went away after the 4th day.

This type of iodine is not like the kind with the skull and cross bones on the bottle. It's poison and you cannot put that kind in the body as it will poison you. But Lugol's Iodine you can use inside your body and drink in a glass of water, juice or coffee and I truly believe this is what healed my husband and I. We were not tested for the coronnavirus/covid 19 but we had 8 of the symptoms so I know we had it. We both had a temperature, cough, aches and pains, chest pains also, headache, etc. We took this Lugol's iodine for about two weeks or so and feel fine now. I believe it brought us through it quickly and easily and I am 66 yrs old and he is 68.

Read up on this Lugol's Iodine old time uses. There is a doctors chart of it's uses online, find it and heal yourself.

Black Pepper
Posted by Natarajan Viswanathan (Mumbai, India) on 05/09/2020

3 pieces of black pepper with a pinch of salt on every morning on empty stomach will improve immunity very much against many viruses. Nothing should be taken for one hour.After one hour one can consume his regular breakfast. Wonderful result you will see. This is a very simple remedy from Siddha Vaidya (siddha medicine) from India.

Posted by Tyler Vincent (Canyon BC) on 05/11/2020

Cayenne capsules are LIFE SAVERS, prevents covid19 induced stroke, heart attack, and blood clots; 70% of fatal cases had blood clot, 40% of ICU and severe home cases have blood clots. Canadian & US doctors prescribe blood thinners to even mild covid patients, sent back home, to prevent blood clots. Topical Himalayan pink salt will remove pains from kidneys and lower back.

I've had corona, now day 78. I'm 36; was a vaper until I got worst case corona cytokine storms, which have a 40% mortality rate. On day 58 I took two cayenne capsules, I was not prepared for what was about to happen. I felt the cayenne go into my lungs and completely clear them out. My lung pains and kidney pains are nearly totally gone now. Himalayan Pink salt finely ground in a coffee grinder placed under the kidneys in bed cured them over night. See my videos for more information. I had also posted previously about cocoa being effective for covid19... well it turns out cocoa also treats thrombosis which is caused by covid19, which causes blood clots. It also turns out cloves are the best iron reducer on earth, free iron oxidative stress is caused by covid19's attack up on hemoglobin as well, so get on cloves.

Blood clot info: Unexpected Cause of Death in Younger COVID-19 Patients is Related to Blood Clotting

COVID-19 Is Causing Blood Clots and Strokes in Some Patients—but Doctors Don't Know Why

Doctors increasingly concerned about blood clotting risk in severe COVID-19 patients

Posted by Kimberly Coppage (United States) on 06/02/2020

I have veen reading everything I can get my hands on from reputable sources such as NCBI.

These are the supplements I found info on and I have stocked up on:

Artemisinin (sweet wormwood) is otc and is also an antimalarial remedy and is safe to use vs using prescription hydoxycloroquine.

Nattokinease breaks down the proteins/fibrin needed to fight Covid. Japan has done very well fighting Covid and Natto sales have skyrocketed since Covid started. Melatonin seems to be anti everything. It has numerous benefits for use against covid. There's a doctor that is using high dose (80 mg) and says all symptoms go away. I looked it up and it is not toxic, but I'd check with your naturopathic doctor. You can get 10 mg disolvable tabs. Bats have 4 x more melatonin, women have more than men and African Americans have less, which fits the patterns of Covid.

Bats aren't effected by covid and men seem to be more susceptible. Quercetin can quiet the immune system overreaction (cytokine storm), which is indicated with Covid present. I also believe zinc is helpful early on or as a preventative. I use the throat spray version. Vitamin D status is important; however, once covid starts you don't want anyhthing that stimulates your immune system. Immune modulators are better and some of the things listed above are immune modulators. Stay well!

Posted by Melissa Spiegler (United States) on 05/15/2020

It is very clear that different methods work for different people.

Bottom line: Fluids are a must as soon as possible (when you're not feeling "yourself"). Dehydration is the culprit of many ailments and can be detrimental to our overall health...especially when fever is involved & our body burns up fluids at a much faster rate. Don't Drink alcoholic beverages (dries up body more) Don't drink high salt fluids (ex: canned soup) or processed sugars which can also contribute to circulatory inflammation.

DO DRINK WATER (preferably warm to increase sweat) with electrolytes (potassium) DO use humidifiers (to get through skin and into system) moisture through skin however possible

DO DRINK anti-inflammatory herbal teas ( many herbs are anti inflammatory, in addition to pepper fruits which keep the circulatory and digestive system flowing )

DO Gargle (ex: saltwater natural expectorant ) **Avoid over the counter suppressants which hold back the mucous which needs to be excreted increasing the risk of infection and fluid buildup in lungs.

DO Rest body

DO keep fresh air flowing (open a window whenever possible)

***Make a habit out of :

Washing hands thoroughly for 20 seconds each time Cover mouth when coughing and sneezing Brush your teeth, gums, and tongue for 120 seconds each time Keep hands and fingers away from eyes and nose.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Penny W (United States) on 05/16/2020

I responded to one of the gentlemen in the thread with this, but wanted to also include it in the main thread so others could see. He had stated that antibiotics aren't useful against viruses...generally true, but there's more than one way to skin a cat. You don't necessarily have to kill the virus, per se. You can use many avenues to making it harder for the virus to clone itself using your cells.

Antibiotics like azithromycin and tetracycline inhibit proteases the virus exploits to gain entry to your cells. These antibiotics also down regulate mast cell production. The virus triggers mast cells and then uses them damage the epithelial linings of the lungs. When the virus damages those linings, it then can get to the highly vascularized tissue beneath and travel through the blood to other organs. It also damages dendritic cells which the body uses to trigger and balance immune response. Autopsies show shriveled dendrites, shrunken spleen, heavy lungs. The virus increases vascular permeability which allows fluid build up and fibrin production in the lungs. Antibiotics aren't used to kill the virus. (CCU nurse here) Specific antibiotics like the tetracycline family and azithromycin reduce inflammatory cytokines like interleukin 6, 8 etc. Also when given with hydroxychloroquine and zinc there is a synergistic effect.

Hydroxycholoroquine alters the pH to make the cells less hospitable to viral attachment. Hydroxychloroquine is also a zinc ionophore (so is quercetin). Both make the cell more permeable to zinc. When the zinc is inside the cell, instead of in the extracellular space, and the spike protein is able to penetrate the cell and inject its RNA, the zinc damages the RNA of the virus which keeps it from being able to clone itself over and over, using your cells as the host. I would love to see aerosolized administration of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, both have been tested in the past so they are safe. This would greatly reduce the dosage needed.

When taken orally, these drugs must be given in much higher doses to achieve adequate levels in the lungs. If a person inhales them, a much lower dose is needed. If this could be done for 4 days when a person tests pos, or right at the beginning of symptom onset, I think need for hospitilization would plummet. That would really bum out big pharma...but who cares.

I survived a critical covid19 infection at home with cpap, home oxygen, (no way I was going on the vent) Proning (laying on belly 16 hours a day to improve oxygenation,, 10,000 IU k2d2, 25mg zinc glycinate 2x a day, intramuscular vitamin c infections, 750mg daily, Melatonin (wonderful antiviral effects in the lungs, also decreases inflammatory cytokines and balances immune response, sub q injection of thymosin alpha 1, 200mg hydroxychloroquine 2x day day 1, 500mg azithromycin day 1, 25 mg zinc 2x day. Days 4-6 200mg hydroxychloroquine 1x day. 250 mg azithromycin. I got a critical infection because of a history of multiple intubations related to a rare type of eosinophilic asthma.

Hope this helps .

Note-If I got sick today I wouldn't be able to get azithromycin or hydroxychloroquine thanks to our governor and the fact that it now seems in addition to being governor, he also identifies as a medical doctor. Makes me so mad....Anyway, I would use quercetin in place of hydroxychloroquine as well as luteolin. I would do inhaled glutathione and maybe inhaled 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted 1:1 with normal saline.

Quinine and Zinc
Posted by Larry (Cleveland,Tn) on 05/24/2020

Now you're talking, also we can boil lemon to the same effect.

I like to boil half a grapefruit peeling and breath in the steam directly into my lungs. I drink the soup made from the peeling while eating the raw meat of the grapefruit and eating the boiled peeling. 6 to 8 ounces of red grapefruit meat twice a day for zinc. There's ntons of vitamin C in this setup, Quinine and stuff. It will get rid of the flu, been using it for years. Its amazing it can be used for this Frankenstein Sickness of Corona.

Quinine and Zinc
Posted by Debra (New Zealand) on 05/24/2020

Great info, thanks. Any idea how this would go for someone on a blood thinner as they are told not to eat or drink grapefruit?

Quinine and Zinc
Posted by Josef N. (Illinois) on 05/23/2020 4 posts

How to make quinine, very simple. Fight the corona virus, just in case you may have forgotten, and don't forget to take it with Zinc as this will mainline the quinine straight into your cells. Even if the media attempts to downplay the effectiveness of HCQ short for hydroxychloroquine it has been proven to be effective especially if taken along with zinc. Pharmaceutical companies don't want to touch it as its patents have run out and it is inexpensive to produce. Whereas they much rather try to come up with something which eventually can result in millions of Dollars in profit. A good example is HCQ with an approximate cost of $ 0.75 versus Remsidivire from Gilead for around $ 1000.00 and questionable results at best. It also may be interesting to note that to date, there has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine made, due to the nature of the virus. Past attempts to create a coronavirus vaccine have ONLY RESULTED IN LEAVING THE VACCINATED PERSON WITH A HIGHER CHANCE OF SERIOUS ILLNESS AND DEATH WHEN LATER EXPOSED TO ANOTHER STRAIN OF THE VIRUS. Not to mention that this virus mutates and any vaccine suitable for one strain may lose its effectiveness for another.

So, in the meantime if you happen to be ambitious enough you may be able to concoct your own Quinine in a few simple steps.

In the kitchen, all you need is a pot on the stove. And some grapefruit peels. Quinine — as in “tonic with quinine” — can be made from boiling the rinds of a couple ripe grapefruits under a few inches of water, letting it evaporate against a glass-topped pot; simmering that airtight for two hours, then recover all the liquid once it cools. Voila.

A process very similar to making a tincture, in this case using hot water to extract the medicinal component from the grapefruit rinds.

Sweeten with honey; take a tablespoon every few hours to bring up the phlegm. Or, pour a cup of it, sweeten liberally, mix with OJ or drink as tea. Swallow some zinc pills, it mainlines the quinine straight into your cells. (Or, for the gentlemen, mix it with seltzer water, and take it with your favorite gin.) Forget the store bought “tonic”, even if it weren't so fake, you'd need a dozen liters a day to get the effect.

But think back to when “gin and tonic” was in its heyday, 1800s India, where the combo dulled the senses, but also fought off malaria.

Sweet Wormwood Tea
Posted by June (Cincinnati ) on 05/30/2020

Please see the treatment from Madagascar, also used in Tanzania. Very easy to google this. They are using Sweet Wormwood Tea with great success. Just buy the supplement, empty a few capsules into boiling water with honey and sip.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by whisperingsage (Northern CA) on 06/01/2020 45 posts

I just got over Covid and it lasted for 8 weeks!!!! I take the 90 essential nutrients in optimal doses (See Wallach Wisdom charts for nutrient doses and mineral deficiencies). I have been taking the optimal doses for decades. Yet I was still bit by the Round Up in the food supply bug.

Sorry for the background, I'll try to make it quick.

I retook my childhood vaccines to get into nursing school. I immediately began to have chronic diarrhea for the next 13 years. ( turned out to be MMR contaminated with Round Up [glyphosate], Stephanie Seneff) I tried every thing I could, added new nutrients, 50 herbs, etc to try to stop it. Finally I stopped it with MSM and TMG. But a lot of damage had been done from not hanging onto and absorbing my nutrients. Tooth loss, peripheral neuropathy in my feet, hypothyroid, adrenal dysfunction, osteoporosis, duodenal ulcer, 3 hospitalizations from that, and finally perforated bowel. The PB itself caused sepsis>ARDS>cytokine storm>multiple organ failure, and stayed in that cycle for almost a month. I was passed out in the ICU for a month or a little more. Total ICU 2 months, relearned to stand and walk, took 3 more months, had a huge hole in my gut with a sponge and vacuum pack on it, new colostomy, TPN (total parenteral nutrition, (artificial milk for all practical purposes) into the vein, no food by mouth 4.5 months, TPN is famous for being inadequate nutritionally and causing diabetes and metabolic syndrome. And fatty liver. This happened to me. I am using intermittent fasting to correct this). Anyway, by the power of prayer and God's mercy, most of my organs were healed and came back online. My encephalitis just left a little memory issue, and a big vertigo issue, vestibular neuropathy it's called, But it's vertigo. And the 14 abdominal surgeries caused a lot of nerve damage, more than I would have anticipated. I know the vagus nerve is a long and winding and many branched nerve that embrace the bowels So no surprise there. But that it would numb my skin all over my legs and lower body area was weird. It took 7 months for the feeling on my skin to come back. It started by weird pain on the skin of my right hip. Even though I was walking with walker by my 3rd month NOT VERY WELL I might add, this took loooooooong. It took a year at home for me to be able to walk without a cane or walker, though the shopping carts in the store were a big help and allowed me more speed and distance. I still retained a bit of shortness of breath. My lung doctor failed to tell me what ARDS was but they did xray my lungs almost daily in the hospital (5 months). But the staff was always treating me for heart issues, which were resolved even by my chart. I kept having to refuse beta blockers and statins, because as a nurse, I know that med really well and it will destroy your brain and muscles faster than anything. So NO. My legs were not swollen, and my BP was fine at that point, and my pulse was even good after I restarted my B12 (anemia will speed up heart rate,with the ulcer and NOW new bleeding , duh). But after a year home, I began to wonder maybe they were right and I did have CHF (my paperwork showed normal ejection fraction levels so NO). THEN Covid happened. And there were doctors on Youtube explaining what ARDS was and then I realized that was what I had and I had the whole complex that goes from sepsis>cytokine storm>ARDS>multiple organ failure and suddenly lots of people had it and were threatening to overwhelm the system. THEN I got short of breath again, but much worse. No more walking around almost normal for me. I was back in bed, barely able to make it to the bathroom, my oxygen was 88 on room air, I was weak and incapable again. Hubby insisted it was NOT Coronavirus. But no one was testing, I was under 65 and not in contact with anyone outside the area. My second week I went to my doc for an Rx of 02. And a vitamin C IV. I was normally on 8 grams of vitamin C daily, because it does over 300 things and I needed that still. I was also still on my optimal dose 90 essentials. Zinc included. D included. So my 3rd week I was still on the 02 and had to raise it to the max, 6 liters, and still was in the 80's on 6 liters, that was the week I thought if I were to die, this would be then. But hubby took a week off and fed me etc. Still I developed a very swollen R leg, DVT I assumed, and as I researched it turned out this was the inflammatory aspect of the covid. So I had not been feeling much like eating so I had NOT been taking my vitamins except of C and D and A. So I started back on E and krill oil and nattokinase very high, and got that taken care of in about 4 weeks. As luck would have it, I was getting bitten by something, now I think it's mosquitoes, but never before had this reaction; swelling, redness hard, white in center, then very itchy for a month. Manuka honey on a bandage did help. But on my swollen leg so that I was walking like Quasi Moto. When walking at all. The DVT mostly didn't hurt unless walking. SO these bites would give me cellulitis on top of the inflammatory or maybe, BECAUSE of the inflammation. So I'm a little better in my 7th week and then I get something, I think an eyelash in my eye, I don't have eyedrops or an eye cup so can't wash it out. I watch a horrible marathon series on child abuse and have a good cry so I think it came out, but had spent a good amount of time scratching up my cornea. Finally decided to go with hubby to town, (I need the walker again, I now need the oxygen machine, , it's a small one but still cumbersome., and I can't drive myself yet. We decide to have my eye looked at in the ER. No foreign objects, thankfully, just scratches, so antibiotic eyedrops. OK. But they too refused to test me for covid. And just for drill, I looked up covid, eye infection. And there it was. the first patient zero lady from Wuhan going to Italy has a persistent eye infection that was positive for covid. And it healed in 20 days and 10 days later it was positive again.

So it turns out this is a thing too. For other covid symptom, had a horrible cough, but one day of headache and slight fever, twice over the 8 weeks that was chased away by high dose C, D and A, which is usual for me., I wondered why it allowed any of it to hang on for so long. But it did. So I heard Dr Gundry discuss high antioxidant olive oil. And yech, I hate olive oil, (but love olives) and get the expensive Moroccan kind. And take a table spoon a day.,Yech. But my 3rd day on it, (week 8) it began I guess to work. Also about a few days before, renewed my use of oregano oil (in gelcaps) which I hadn't taken for years, but had taken before ), but both are known as powerful antivirals, antibacterial and antifungal. As an added look before restarting oregano oil, I found a study that said it regrew villi. Well, I sure needed that. Now considering that the covid is a form of SARS and considering the SARS was never able to be made into a vaccine (ALL the ferrets died, in the new tests for this covid19, all the monkeys are sick), and considering the low antibody length of time the coronas tend to have anyway, I decided I needed a prophylactic to prevent it from coming back.

My 5000 to 10,000 IU of D was NOT enough! I took care of everything before now. So Many like Francis Boyle say it IS engineered. My 8000 mg of C daily was not enough to prevent it (this has prevented and cured those that got through, and quickly) And my 50 mg of zinc (taken because I was born deficient, and always have to take a lot) didn't stop it.

Posted by Johnn Vegas (Philippines) on 06/03/2020

This is not the same article, but the same site I found the information on. This page is EXTREMELY thorough in its explanation of how Quercetin works.

Posted by Johnny Vegas (Philippines) on 06/03/2020

This is a blurb from a post online that I found from a doctor who also specializes in natural medicine. I closed the link and unable to find again, but I did copy and past part of the information for a friend. Here is the information below, its about replacing Hydroxy-Chloroquine with Quercetin. Like Chloroquine, Quercetin acts as an ionophore agent that penetrates the Covid19 virus outer lining, to allow the Zinc inside, where the Zinc then stops the replication of the virus. No side affects from Quercetin as with Chloroquine. In addition Ive read a lot about High Dose Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 (m4 or m7), which really helps your immune system. "Quercetin + Zinc + Niacin + Selenium May Be a Winning Combo - If you wanted to try a holistic version of Zelenko�TMs COVID-19 protocol, you could use a natural antibiotic such as oil of oregano, quercetin (as a zinc ionophore in lieu of chloroquine) along with oral zinc (Chris Masterjohn recommends11 taking 7 mg to 15 mg of zinc four times a day, ideally on an empty stomach). Should zinc turn out to be in short supply, consider eating more zinc-rich foods.12 Examples include hemp, sesame and pumpkin seeds, cacao powder, cheddar cheese, and seafood such as oysters, Alaskan crab, shrimp and mussels. To this you could also add niacin (vitamin B3) and selenium, as both play a role in the absorption and bioavailability of zinc in the body. For example, a study13 published in 1991 demonstrated that when young women were on a vitamin B3-deficient diet, their serum zinc declined, suggesting B3 deficiency affected zinc metabolism such that “absorbed zinc was not available for utilization.” A more in-depth exploration and explanation of both niacin and selenium�TMs relationship to zinc is provided in the 2008 paper, “Zinc, Metallothioneins and Longevity: Interrelationships With Niacin and Selenium”:14

Posted by Judith A. (West Chester. PA) on 06/07/2020

I have seen online concerns about covid19 transmission in bathroom from spray of flushed toilet water. I am a grandma, used this very simple solution to help prevent for colds, flues at all times: shut the lid, flush the toilet. Leave it down at least a few minutes then raise if you wish. Saves your surfaces, toothbrushes and maybe you.

Posted by Dave Dawson (United Kingdom) on 06/13/2020

MMS = Hydroxychloroquine

Elderberry Extract
Posted by Kenneth Burnett (United Kingdom) on 06/16/2020

Elderberry Extract ( Capsules) , the active ingredient in Elderberry stops Viruses in their tracks, it stops it proliferating in your body. I knocked out the "Virus" in 5 days using this and high doses of Vit C, 2 to 4 grams a day, spread out during the day, not all at once. Coconut Oil (3 teaspoons a day or as often as you want if you have a sore throat), and a high dose multi B vitamin complex. I never even had to take any Paracetamol.

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