Nicotine is being investigated for the purpose of using it against Covid-19. The reason is because smokers weren't getting it like non-smokers. In fact, they were shown to be 50% less likely to contract it.
The reason, they suspect, is because of nicotine, which is a micronutrient found in many vegetables and for which the body has an entire system for handling and distributing. The *same* pathways viruses use - but can't, if the receptors contain enough nicotine. Hence, I suspect, the smokers who weren't getting it didn't get it from breathing contaminated air. Which is just one way to get it. I suspect those who DID get it got it from food or skin contact or whatever because the receptors in the airways contained the nicotine but the pathways that would be used via ingestion and/or skin contact did not. In other words, smokers are still susceptible, just not via the singular pathway of the respiratory system.
I'd been looking at tobaccum because it was a very useful herb, prior to its demonization. It's primary use was for skin issues, including warts, moles, psoriasis etc.. Basically, anything having to do with the skin. And it was used by "natives" all over the world, for thousands of years.
SOO, anyway, I've been treating plantar warts on the bottom of my feet for several years now, trying various things, letting them come back and trying something different and so on. As a smoker, I make my own cigarettes so I have tobacco plus I switched to "Vaping" for a short period but it just plain did something horrible regarding dehydration. Dried me out something fierce. So I went back to smoking and I've smoked since I was 10 when I just "started smoking like an old man", my mom said, so that's 50 years but, anyway, given the use of tobaccum as an herb and the plantar warts I was growing back on my feet, I decided to try some old vaping "juice" I had leftover from when I was vaping on the warts.
Let me preface this next part by explaining that vape "juice" was initially available in several "strengths" AND kids were trying to use it to commit suicide but would end up just throwing up and being fine 2 hours after so, it's not deadly. Not by any means, as the amounts of nicotine they were ingesting were phenomenal. Could have probably cleared termites out of several houses as they were drinking it by the bottles which, by comparison, when you vape, you might vape the equivalent of a cigarette to the tune of 3 or 4 DROPS of the stuff. Nowhere NEAR the amount kids were drinking in an effort to kill themselves, so...anyway...
I only used it on my foot once, as it was before I'd learned it wasn't deadly after alll and feared poisoning myself. What happened is very interesting. The amount was probably somewhere around only 3 drops, altogether, but it did the exact same thing vaping did. The glycerin dried me PLUM out. Dry mouth, plain old crackly, dry discomfort and the whole bit but it ALSO - and this is the interesting part - it made me turn my nose up at cigarettes. For a couple of hours. Which I was TOTALLY not expecting. 3 drops? On the bottom of one foot? It was insane.
I probably got some on my hands and whatnot but I was shocked when I realized I was rolling a cigarette but had no desire to smoke it. Which had never happened before except when I was vaping.
They're testing nicotine now, for Covid. They're testing nicotine patches, gum, drops and all of the nicotine replacement products used to stop smoking.
I'd always known that the lung damage caused by smoking was smoke damage but I should have realized that the desire to control tobacco must have meant it had some true usefulness that would bite into the profits of some Fortune 500 vampire - and I was right. Just 2 or 3 weeks ago, there was no information whatsoever available on the internet, other than what was available as books scanned for the archive but today, a lot of old information is floating up to the surface where people can get their hands on it and it's definitely worth checking out.
Nicotine is a nutrient. And man has known this, at least, for as long as he's been naming body parts and it would seem that the only ones getting it - yet not enough - are smokers. It's entirely possible that it's not an addiction but merely a craving for a particular nutrient that is missing from the diet. Much like boron. The body simply needs it.
I'm not saying people should smoke as, apparently, it doesn't get distributed very well when inhaled but it could be added to lotion, soaps, used as a tincture or poultice - it's just a nutrient that happens to come in, among many other veggies, tobacco. Something people want and are more willing to pay for than grow for themselves. It's a profit center..and, apparently, everything the common man has been told about it is a lie. Yes it's poisonous - to BUGS - so is orange peel and a dozen or so other items that might be found in just about anybody's kitchen.
It's worth checking out. Even if only as a killer of viruses which are basically insects, as bacteria are basically plants. Many of the foods we eat are useful as insecticides and/or herbicides.