Natural Remedies

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alternative Treatment and Prevention

Posted by Sunlight888 (Atlanta, Georgia) on 07/28/2020

My mom of 78 had Covid. Dry cough extreme headache, no strength whatsoever almost even to walk. No fever but body pains, pain in the lung area.. Stomach pains.. She took MMS with 4%hcl (citric acid has many side effects) 3 to 4 x a day 4 to 6 drops (varied).

Two days later, she was TOTALLY normal.. It was almost unreal.. Of course I was in tears as I love her a lot. Am taking it myself now for heavy metal detox as I read hair root tests after two weeks showed no more heavy metals. They put this stuff in bloodbags to kill Hiv etc and viruses. (look it up) also in our water. But to use as a cure they are so scared as there wd be no more money for Pharma and taxes.

They shout it is Bleach. It is NOT. I'll prove it, hydroxine peroxide H2O2 and water H2O, are they the same? No. Well the difference between Bleach and Chlorine Dioxide is ALSO one 0xygen molecule taken away... And as different as Hydroxine peroxide and water, so is Bleach and Chl. Dioxide.

Seriously, it's worth. Keep doses low, max 4 drops or 6 when you have Covid. Start low and when you feel any detoxing going too fast, go little less.. If any effects, it is from dying off of viruses or pathogens or fungus. When you don't take it for a while (been 3 hours, take vit C. Non acidic is better for your tummy for some of us who have hyper acidity)

Strength to you in these trying times.

Posted by Cassidy (Guatemala) on 07/09/2020

In Latin America cds, chlorine dioxide, which is made infusing the vapor of combined MMS and citric acid in an air tight container, is catching like wildfire. Hundreds of testimonials from doctors and patients can be found in Spanish in Facebook groups, bitchute and lbry. Treatments on many covid patients with 100% success.

Posted by J. Park (LA, CA, US) on 06/08/2020

As expected, MMS starts showing wonderful results curing Covid-19 just like that !!! 100% cure! Also, see

Posted by Save Lives ( on 04/04/2020

Chlorine Dioxide for Coronavirus Covid-19: A Revolutionary, Simple and Effective Approach This lifesaving video is made for free distribution. Please watch carefully till the end. Andreas Kalcker: Coronavirus Special Information for Physicians and Researchers Jim Humble: Blog update: Covid-19 cured with MMS

Posted by J Park (Los Angeles, CA, US) on 02/27/2020

Hi, Bob from Murphy, Nc Thanks so much for this thorough information on MMS. I need to study and learn myself. I've been exposed to MMS and using it for several years and have certain amount of confidence in that. As you know current Pandemic, COVID-19, is threatening us and there is no known cure as of now. I'm ready to tackle this with MMS (CDS 24,000ppm in fact) if it should come in my way(I hope not but no one is sure). Since you mentioned SARS virus, I like your opinion on the Coronavirus (2019). Jim Humble already sent us a newsletter saying he thinks MMS will handle this CoronaVirus too. I agree with him and got my CDS bottle ready to fight. Can you give us your feedback on this ?
