Coconut Oil
So I would like to share how I cured my BV after 6 years of having it. After many doctors Apt's, many prescribed and non prescribed medication did not work I continued my search on the internet and YouTube for ways to cure chronic yes “Chronic" BV; I came across a post that said to use unrefined coconut oil as a suppository. How I did that was melt the coconut oil in the microwave or let it melt at room temperature afterwards I would pour a little into a small ice tray and let freeze for a few hours or overnight. The reason for freezing coconut oil is because it is very messy and melts extremely fast once touching a warm surface. At night time after work I would come home take the coconut oil ice tray out of the freezer and get in the shower, I would wash my body up as usual and then slide TWO small coconut cubes way into my vagina. The coconut oil melts fast so stay in the shower until you have rinsed off the coconut oil that was dripped out. You will notice either later on that night or the next day that the smell, itching or whatever problem that you may have is GONE. I'm not saying that this remedy works for everyone but it WORKS for myself ...coming from a person that has tried EVERYTHING for over 6 years to get rid of the smell. I hope you ladies try this it is very cheap and would rather do this treatment than buying expensive pills on cream.
(Memphis, Tn)
Coconut Oil
A couple weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with vaginal itching. I wasn't sure if I had BV or a yeast infection but my vagina was not smelling the way it normally should either. I searched the web for a natural remedy that would work for both a yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis, since I wasn't sure which infection I had. I was not in the mood to go to the doctor because all they want to do is prescribe drugs, and I wanted to treat it naturally. I tried drinking apple cider vinegar for a few days and it didn't do much. So I decided to try coconut oil after seeing reviews that it works well for both BV and YI. I got one of those plastic siringe things from the drug store and filled it with coconut oil. I laid on my back in bed and inserted the plastic siringe as far up as I could and squirted the coconut oil inside me. I had some paper towels on the outside to prevent any mess. I layed there for 30 minutes. After that I would go to the bathroom to pee and have the coconut oil leak out into the toilet. (TIp: don't stand up without paper towels on your vagina or it will leak everywhere) I would then rub some CO on my inner and outter labia for good measure. Then I would put on a pantie liner and go to sleep. I did this for 5 nights and my infection is now gone. It's been a week since I did this and my symptoms have not returned and my vagina smells normal again!
Nope, the BV has not returned. No other preventative methods. I never used the capsules. Just the syringe to insert and rubbed some on the outside as well. I believe I noticed an improvement after the third day, but I did it for 5 nights. My sister's daughter just had a severe case of BV that was not improving by any other popular methods. I told her to try the coconut oil with syringe. No improvement after two days. On the third day, no itching! They are going to continue the coconut oil for a few more days for good measure.
Coconut Oil
I have tried antibiotics, tea tree oil, probiotics, vitamins coconut oil (refined), acv, yogurt and nothing helped my BV. I logged on this site and saw people talking about virgin coconut oil. This stuff has changed my life. I take about 1 1/2 teaspoons out, put it in a cup and microwave it for about 9 secs. I then use a medicine syringe to get it out and stick the syringe inside of me after my nightly shower, place a pad on and go to sleep. First time I tried this i woke up with no smell! I also take probiotics with prebiotics & cranberry and drink plenty of water.
(Charleston, South Carolina)
Coconut Oil
I literally have just made this account just to tell you my cure :D BV sucks and it can drive you mad with the doctors pushing you out with antibiotics, making you feel nuts, and the smell and burn and itch and ugh, Ive had symptoms like constipation, creamy discharge, itchiness after sex, painful sex in general. JUST SUCKS. Just to tell you of myself a little I am 19 and have been with my boyfriend for 3 years, the amount of time I have had bv. I believe that I have had bv because me and my boyfriends juices or skins bacteria don't mix. I'm not sure but it has only been around when he has been around and he is extremely faithful. But I wasn't about to maintain a bv sex relationship, screw that nastiness I felt so bad for him but he was amazing an awesome. I am a healthy vegan/vegetarian/ raw foodie and eat like 9 meals a day consisting of fruits nuts and veggies fish all day everyday I'm very active. GLUTEN FREE I feel is important as well! But good gluten free stuff. If I ate unhealthy like breads or too much fruit (natural sugar) I noticed a hint of bv would flare so I would try to do mostly greens and nuts and limited fruits.
If you want to just cut straight to the remedy scroll to my last paragraph.
SO I have tried " everything under the sun" to get rid of this bv, the only thing I probably haven't tried is the gnarly stuff like boric acid and hibiclens. I try the most natural stuff like acv, hydrogen peroxide, acidophilous , yogurt up the vjay. But nothing worked. For two years it was a long hard struggle but the third year I went gluten free, drank lots of water and started to take more vitamins because I felt maybe I'm lacking some nutrients from the way I eat. I started to take 50 billion count probiotics. b complex vitamins and a D2 or 3 vitamin. I felt better but not cured. I still had the hint of bv but discharge was different for sure.
I then tried the apple cider vinegar douche but mixed with mostly coconut oil. I was better for 3 days! Cured but then it came back. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar douche again with coco oil but more Apple Cider Vinegar this time. THE BV GOT WORSE.
SO then I started to get very frustrated and I thought about the coconut oil :D I was like lets just try the coconut oil ( Which is extra virgin and organic) . SO I laid on my back filled a small medicine syringe/dropper with coco oil and pushed it into my vagina and filled up the syringe again and repeated and continued to lay for 30 min. After 30 min I walked up to go pee and let out all the liquid and bv stuff and repeated this twice a day for 5 days and it was gone. Clear stretchy vaginal discharge with no smell. Gone after 3 years.
So the CURE :D
A LITTLE SYRINGE, MEDICINE THING (dosage per day is 2 syringes full for 30 min laying on your back) *ALSO DO NOT INSERT WITH FINGERS IT WONT GET TO THE PLACE WHERE IT NEEDS TO GO*
When doing the coco oil cure, Fill the little syringe up twice and put into vagina while lying down, lay for 30 min then empty liquids in bathroom. Do this for 5 days twice a day( If you feel you are getting better by 3 or 4th day u can reduce it to doing once a day)
Everyone is different but I really have hope for this cure coconut oil is supposed to be very good for bv and vaginas in general.
(Chesapeake, Va)
Did you do this with no sex for 5 days to a week? Or could you have sex in between?
Coconut Oil
Hi Ladies,
A bit of history into my condition: I've been having weird discharges only after drinking beer. Discharge is brownish and smells like vinegar. This started occurring after I had been vaccinated with gardasil and also having unprotected sex for the first time with my boyfriend. Been to the gyno. They say nothing is wrong with me and I have no infection, STD or otherwise. Everything is fine with me, no problems with my vagina, ovaries. However, still have weird discharge. Been on vaginal metronizole several times which got rid of the discharge. However, would come back if I started drinking beer.
Now you might think, why don't I give up beer? However, I really like organic beer, and I'm not an alcoholic, but beer is a nice way for me to release stress and plus it makes it happy.
Then I was reading earthclinic and someone recommended making coconut oil vaginal suppositories by shaping it into a bullet via clingfilm and then putting it into the freezer.
I did just once, and now the odd vinegar smelling discharge is gone and I do not smell like anything at all (I smell my panties everyday to check) I used to have a slightly stinky smell (my boyfriend told me I didn't smell like anything however) and my gyno told me I smelled normal, but now, I have ZERO smell after the coconut oil suppositories and ZERO discharge, even after drinking beer. For safety measures, I've been doing it for the last two days.
In addition, I had been suffering from low sex drive for the last two years. My vagina would literally clamp close if I thought about having sex with anyone and had problems with tampon insertion. However, now my sex drive has suddenly returned and I feel horny all the time LOL.
I still have no idea what I was suffering from, but thanks to the contributor who suggested coconut oil suppositories. Not only did my sex drive return, but I do not have that weird vinegar smelling discharge problem after drinking beer.
(Redding, Ca)
Hi, there is a Facebook group for people who have been affected by gardasil... Lots of info there. Two of my daughters are injured from it. It changed their whole body chemistry... In a bad way.
Coconut Oil
My problems with BV started several years ago when I was having unprotected sex with a particular partner. I'd never had any problems with it before. I think with age my vagina became more alkaline. Sperm is alkaline and the vagina is acidic so when the alkaline is introduced it can mess up the acidity of your vagina and cause the foul odor. Even though I haven't been having sex, I still have chronic BV. My vagina has never been the same. Ugh.
(Washington, US)
I can completely understand your misery! Another user recommended ingesting virgin coconut oil, but if that sounds icky, try swishing it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes every morning and then spitting it out. This is called oil pulling and I discovered quite by accident that it must balance either the good and bad bacteria or the pH of the vagina, because I'm cured after dealing with bv for four years! Before I discovered oil pulling, a few other things helped lessen my symptoms:
-avoiding sugar.
-using a mix of Apple cider vinegar and water as a douche and feminine wash.
-a homemade suppository of coconut oil mixed with the contents of an acidophilus capsule.
-daily probiotic supplements.
These things helped but didn't solve the problem. But since I began oil pulling I no longer douche, and I save tons of money because I no longer have to take tons of probiotics every day. What a huge relief! I hope this helps!
(San Diego, CA)
Hi there, so I've been sufferring for 4 years!! Can you tell me how much oil you used as a moutwash and for how long? How does this cure bv?
Was this all you did?
thanks, tulane
(Cornwall, UK)
(Miami, Fl)
Coconut Oil
Here is an easy and fast remedy for bacterial vaginosis, which is relatively harmless but very smelly 'down there'. Simply put some virgin coconut oil in and around the vagina. The smell will be gone within hours but keep it going for a few days to make sure the infection is gone.
(Orange County, Ca)
I have had severe bv for over a year now, I have tried this plenty of times and it never worked for me, I just wanted to put that out there.
Cold Showers
I've had chronic and sometimes intense bv for a few years. Looking over different remedies here, I thought cold water cleansing sounded easy enough. Although it's not completely eliminated, this has had longer lasting results than any of the many things I've tried. No soap, just a quick and thorough rinse with a detachable shower head. Start warm to adjust and then gradually turn the water as cold as you can stand it. It gets tolerable fairly quick. I do it at night before bed usually and then sleep nude without underwear.
I have no idea why switching from warm to cold water has helped but results don't lie. Maybe warm and cold water has different pH? I know warmer water has more sediment in it so maybe cold is just..cleaner? Idk but it helps a lot and is really easy and free!
Cold Showers
It's a near miracle, but cold showers have cured what nothing else did for me for over two years. My bacterial vaginosis is gone! Incredible.
I start hot and turn the water cold gradually. The final 30 seconds is stingingly cold. Its addictive, energizing and for a warm water wimp like me, a big departure in habit. The fact I have stuck with the program, is testament to the wonderful and unexpected results I have obtained from this.
(Kelowna, Canada)
Colloidal Silver
This is my first and hopefully last encounter with BV and it's been just awful. It took me a while to be certain things were off and it progressed to a nightmarish state really quickly. Everything was so swollen and raw and irritated down there. Even my urethra was so swollen and irritated I could barely urinate and it burned like crazy when I did. I tried the top remedies, and hydrogen peroxide definitely helped ease the symptoms, but after 10 days it wasn't getting better and I did the whole process of douche with hips up to let it simmer a bit. Eventually this became too painful as I was too swollen to even insert the nozzle. Boric acid just made the burn unbearable and I quit after 2 tries. I don't know if I was just too acidic or how it works, but I know boric acid shouldn't burn but it DID, a lot. Diluted ACV also burned, of course, but it did bring relief after the burn subsided. Not for very long, unfortunately. I only somewhat had faith in colloidal silver but I had it (homemade) so I figured I might as well try it. I drank about a tablespoon every 4 hours and after just a few hours things felt better, and after one day my symptoms nearly vanished. Finally day 12, day 2 of colloidal silver, my symptoms are completely gone and everything is back to normal. I'm so mad I didn't try this first! I let all the stuff online about it being useless get to my head. It works!
Colloidal Silver
Folic acid can help those with BV, but it doesn't help for everyone. Everyone's body is different. I have recently started using COLLOIDAL SILVER. I tried so many other "cures" which were unsuccessful. Since I have started using the silver I have felt better than I have felt in several years. My main side effect of BV was excessive discharge. After taking the silver within days my discharge had became almost nonexistant. It is pricey so I would recommend other treatments first but if they fail definetely give this a try. I have purchased the micro particle generator to make my own because you end up saving a lot of money by not paying retail value. Don't buy the really cheap ones they wont work well.
I am purchasing the Collodial Silver in the morning. I have been suffering from Bv since 12/1/14. I've seen 3 different OB/GYN and they always prescribe Flagyl, Clyndamicin and Metrogel all of these antibiotics used to work;but now I have been battling for a cure. I've spent over 1000.00 buying medicines that do not work. I think it is so sad that doctors and scientists will allow us to suffer. I pray that every woman battling this infection NEVER give up on their health. God knows we've suffered through childbirth and we should be able to live in peace without crying all night away from our family.
Hi, did you douche with the colloidal silver or take it as a supplement? Thank you
I've been suffering with BV that started during my pregnancy in 2016 & it continues still today 2 months postpartum. I thought it was maybe just hormonal changes & related itchiness/dryness from said hormone fluctuations that were the cause but now I'm thinking it's actually an infection of sorts. I'm taking L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (the bioactive form of folic acid) along with methyl B12,100 billion cfu probiotics x2, drinking some organic lemon juice & ACV in water, & tonight tried some 250 ppm colloidal silver (1 dropper full) mixed with a peri bottle of water in the shower & after the shower to wash my vagina with. Then after that was dry, I sprayed a bit of full strength ACV with the mother in it on my good girl & let it air dry before putting on cotton panties. I will continue this method for a few days to see if it helps relieve me of the burning & itching, luckily I've not had much of a discharge prior to this, just the occasional watery discharge & slight burning when I pee.
I tried the doctor-prescribed medication to no avail. I tried the boric acid up my hoo-ha. The only thing that worked was D-Mannose, a natural supplement. I used it for 5 days straight, took 1 by mouth every 2 hours. It cleared up. Wanted to post this to help others who may not have had success using different routes. I plan to continue to take it as directed, once in the morning and once in the evening as a preventative measure.
(Orange County Ca)
Dietary Changes
I literally have been coming to this website for over 10 years because I have been suffering from BV for that long. I've been prescribed antibiotics and have tried all sorts of remedies from this website. I've done extensive research online as well regarding this condition. It's unfortunate that more research isn't done regarding BV because so many women suffer from it. I mean, just look at the amount of “remedies” on this site. It's obvious that more focus needs to be placed on this condition. BV is embarrassing, depressing, and makes women very self conscious. It's just disheartening that a solution/cure hasn't been developed. But I honestly feel that my BV has been cured since eliminating dairy from my diet. After I gave birth, I became very focused on my diet and eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and limiting the amount of meat I eat. It has literally stopped BV in its tracks. Dairy is so bad for you. People should really try to eliminate dairy in their diets and you'll see a big difference.
As an update. It's been almost a year and I haven't had BV yet all because I eliminated dairy from my diet. All these years of suffering and all I had to do was quit dairy. I've actually eliminated the cow from my diet. I don't eat beef or any of the cows products. I actually still enjoy sugar in my diet and it hasn't affected me at all. Good luck to you all.
Dietary Changes
I've had bv for years and I've tried every remedy out there, but what helped the most was changing my diet! At first I thought I should be able to eat whatever I want, everybody else can! I was stubborn, but after getting no results with pills and home remedies, I decided to give it a try. I actually went vegan and it helped alot, but I started missing meat! I still eat meat but not as much. I just make sure I get a lot of green vegetables in my diet. I buy the leafy greens that come in the clear container where the refrigerated lettuce and salads are in the grocery store. You can get kale or spinach, or a mix of alot of different greens in one container... I get the mixed greens. I also buy mixed berries from the frozen aisle and what I do is make smoothies with the greens and fruit and drink it every morning! Also, I eat the greens with grapes (I call it grape salad). If you do the smoothie, the salad or both of them EVERYDAY, you will see your symptoms fade! Just try to think about choosing healthier foods and your body will respond.
Dietary Changes
Cutting sugar out of my diet was the cure for my chronic 3 yr on-and-off BV. I've been BV free for 6 months now.
For 3 years, It seemed like every month I was on boric acid, metro gel, flagyl oral, tried vinegar, vitamin C with rose hips-- it would go away and then come right back. Sometimes after sex, or my period, or too much stress...I could never pinpoint what was causing it. I'm not sure if I anyone recommend cutting out sugar or if I just immediately dismissed them because if you asked me beforehand I would have told you I don't eat that much sugar. After being in a study for women who suffer with chronic BV and getting to the end of the list of treatment options, my dr suggested I try cutting out sugar.
Through experimentation, I've found that anytime I start eating more than 30g of sugar/day, my ph starts to get off. And that terrible smell (like trash! ) starts to show up again. I use metrogel one of two nights and it's gone. Then I got back to my strict low/no sugar diet. I've tested it several times and my experiments result in the same conclusion- sugar causes my BV.
This was one of the blogs I went to to when I was looking for a cure, so I wanted to share my experience. I hope it helps someone out there.
Sugar feeds the bacteria of the BV. However, if the bacteria is not 100% eliminated, then when you eat sugar, its allows the bacteria to grow and the BV "comes back". But it's important to know that it was not fully gone in the first place if it 'comes back'.