Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
I have been getting BV after repeatedly for the last year. I did try douching but it didn't keep the BV away for long. But I did mix lemon and Apple cider vinegar together in a spray bottle and spray my lower region every time I use the washroom (and before I go to bed). I have cured myself (Thank you Jesus). I don't smell or itch after my period or after sex.
Yes! I keep spray bottle of acv close to bathroom but not in it...acv sitting in bathroom may cause "it" to grow bacteria in it.... Just spraying it on tissue and dabbing it around to vaginal area then drying area works....anyone suffering needs to try it.
How much lemon and ACV did you use in your spray bottle?
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
For me what has worked is to take non filtered apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and acidophilus orally on a daily bases. Each of these are best in its most natural form. Any organic non-filtered vinegar will work. Coconut oil, I order online from tropical traditions. But again, any organic virgin coconut oil will do. I'm not a big fan of yogurt, so acidophilus it is. I like natural factors brand that I get from whole foods.... Think vitamin shop sells it too. Also for the vinegar, if you can't stand the taste of it, you can do vinegar pills too. But the actual vinegar is best. 1/4 cup of vinegar, 2-4 acidophilus, and 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil. I do it first thing in the mornings to get it over with.
Unfortunately this is an on going remedy. BV will go away, but will return eventually, if you stop taking them. I did this consistently for about 6 months, however I noticed results within a week. I continued to do it inconsistently for the remaining year. Stopped taking it for a while. 2 years later, it has returned. So needless to say, I'm back on it. But the added plus about the above remedy, is that you will start to loose weight, and if you struggle with acne, like I use to, that will go away, my used to be painful sometimes irregular periods were now regular and pain free, in addition to being BV free. And they are all perfectly safe and nutritionally good for you. They each include daily things that your body is lacking from a standard American diet.
BV easily develops in people who often take antibiotics. Every time a round of antibiotics is taken, the body's immune system is weakened. So our body use to be able to naturally protect itself from this bacteria. But over the years, the American diet lacks in nutrition that supports the body to help fight off infections and diseases. In fact our diets and overuse of antibiotics may be contributing to making our body's worse at not being able to fight off these infections. The vinegar helps to naturally balance ph levels, and has good bacteria our bodies need... That's the cloudy brown stuff (mother) that settles at the bottom of the bottle. Be sure to shake it up to make sure you getting that in your body. The coconut oil is a natural anti fungal, anti viral, anti bacterial oil. Don't be concerned with it being fat. It's natural fat that the body needs that actually helps you to burn stored fat. I know it sounds crazy, but it works. Look it up, research them each, you'll be surprised at the wonderful things they can help with. Acidophilus of course has the good bacteria to help replenish the ones that we naturally have in the vagina in order to fight off BV. I hope this helps. Feel free to email me if anyone has questions about the remedy. God Bless you all and I look forward to hearing more success stories!
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
Hi ya'll, this site has been a godsend! I have been a sufferer for about 3 years, I think my Mirena has been the source of my problems... Comtemplating taking it out altogether. But anyways. I bought 5 billion count lactobacillus from Target for about $10 and have been on it for about 5 days taking one orally but just a couple of days ago, I upped it to one in the a.m. and one just before bed. I tried inserting vaginally but it didn't dissolve. I also just simply because I refused to start douching, I poured a generous amount of apple cider vinegar in the bath and I think it helped as well. I am also going to go get folic and or boric acid too in order to keep the symptoms away for as long as I can... Good Luck ya"ll
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
After reading several posts, I stumbled across Apple cider vinegar for bacterial vaginosis. I've had it for about one year now. Flagyl worked at first. But it returned. So, I chewed a tablet of acidophilus (2 billion CFU) and put it into my vagina. Then I diluted the ACV with water, drank a full cup. That had to be nastiest thing I've ever drank in my life. I then poured non-diluted ACV some onto a cloth and a wiped my va jay jay. It's been about 72hrs. It's gone. No smell, no discharge, no nothing.
(Phoenix, Arizona)
Lol I love how you avoided using the word vagina by substituting it with the word va jay jay. Sorry, I just thought it was cute is all
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
I had originally posted on this board when I thought I found a cure for BV. I got BV about 4 months ago for the 1st time, and every month up to July, after. My dr. prescribed huge antibiotics which very much upset my stomach and the following month it was back again. That's when I decided to try a natural method.
I was using peroxide as a wash, taking acidophilus, and folic acid pills. But the day I stopped or missed my regiment it would come back. I even went so far as to insert the acidophilus capsules. It helped the smell but it was totally inconvenient for me. Gave me a strange discharge (from the pills dissolving) and (after that) made my own moisture a slightly grainy consistency that was not nice during intercourse.
***So I gave up on that. I have been taking 3 ounce shots (drinks) (1-3/day) of apple cider vinegar and eating yogurt (you know the kind marketed to help your digestive track) everyday. I'm not really a fan of yogurt but I get the drinkable ones and pretend it's a treat. Ive been using regular brand ACV and it worked to clear infection, tho I am sure the organic unfiltered stuff works best.
I can say its been gone now for long enough time to vouch for this method.
There was one weekend I didn't have any yogurt or ACV and I started to notice a very slightly off odor. So on Monday I had 2 yogurts and 1 shot of ACV, and it was gone that day.
The treatment I would recommend would be 2-3, 3 ounce drinks (shot glass) of apple cider vinegar (orally) for a week for 10 days to cure infection. And from now until forever; eating yogurt every day. It sounds like a lot but yogurt is easy to find, pretty cheap, has calcium, and tastes ok. I would recommend the drinkable kind as you can throw them in your purse on the way to anywhere and drink it quickly. Also try to drink cranberry juice (not cocktail) when you can. I feel like that helps to prevent re-infection.
Best of luck
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
I have had BV for the last 40 years. The first 30 were misdiagnosed by several gynocologists. They all told me I had a yeast infection. About 10 years ago, my OB/GYN told me I had Bacterial Vaginosis and treated me with Flagyl. This got rid of my problem but only temporarily. BV plagued me 3-4 times a year. Each time I took Flagyl. Throughout the 40 years, I douched almost daily to control the smelly fishy odor. I knew douching so often was probably making the BV worse but I was desperate. Then, a few days ago I found your site and read the many positive comments about folic acid.I purchased a bottle and began taking 800 mcg twice a day. I also douched using 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. By Saturday, the odor and discharge were gone. I plan to continue taking 800 mcg 2 times per day for the next 2 weeks and maintain one 800 mcg per day thereafter. I can't believe this inexpensive supplement and apple cider vinegar got rid of my BV after 40 miserable years of Bacterial Vaginosis!!! A big mahalo (thank you) to Earth Clinic for making this valuable information available to women who suffer with BV and other health issues.
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
I have had BV since the birth of my daughter 3 years ago. I Have taken many antibiotics and nothing has worked. I looked on one of those websites about cures for BV and I paid 30$ for the e-book. It said to douche with Apple Cider Vinegar and to tak a probiotic pill and insert it in as a suppository into your vagina. I do this about 2 times a week at night and I haven't had any symptoms since.
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
I've had the bacterial infection for over 5 years and i tried everything from cream to gel. i finally took the time to look into this and see what else can be done. i used the apple cider vinegar with yogurt and the smell and discharge was gone instantly, i still cant believe it worked that fast. when i shower i just splash a little of acv on my private area to keep the bacteria from comin back. this remedy definetly works so if anyone wants to know what to do they can use this remedy it works. i though that i would never get rid of this and it has been a blessing.
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
I just tried the remedy of using plain yogurt and ACV. I've been suffering with a very pungent, sharp odor which is intense just before my menses start but I did not want to be forced to take the western medicine approach. Last night I mixed 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt and just ONE CAPFUL of raw, organic ACV and using a turkey baster, inserted the mixture before bed and wore a pad while I slept. Today the smell is gone. I will continue this approach over the next week and incorporate the Yogurt/ACV mixture into my regiment of continued health maintenance. Thank you Earthclinic!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Probiotics
I have been suffering from chronic/recurrent BV for almost 10 years now but, I also have Graves/Hashimotos Thyroiditis and feel like this would be the main cause. I didn't have a "flare up" for a while until recently, as of about a month and a half ago, because some idiot Nurse Practitioner prescribed me an antibiotic for my infected tooth without prescribing me with the metronidazole that I asked for. She specifically told me to go get an OTC yeast cure and I told her they don't work (I really have a distaste for the medical field). Well, it progressed and unfortunately, BAM! Hit with BV all over again.
Just 3 days ago, I went and got a gallon of organic ACV (apple cider vinegar) with "the mother" and an 8-strain, 100 billion CFU's probiotic. (Mind, you the smell is putrid and fishy for the last month or so).
Day 1: I mixed 3 tsp. Of ACV in 16 oz of water and downed/drank it; then took 1 probiotic pill; diluted 50/50 purified water and ACV, soaked a folded paper towel, parted my labia, pressed the soaked paper towel up against the outside of my vagina for 3-5 minutes, twice this day. I see excess discharge shortly after but the smell is gone.
Repeated on Day 2: smell is gone and discharge is now clear.
Day 3 (TODAY my period begins): Have now downed (2)-16 oz bottles of water/ACV mixture, still taking 1 probiotic pill of 100 billion CFU's and making sure I change my tampon every 4 hours; smell still gone.
Will do the 50/50 ACV paper towel "press" after I shower. I will continue this process for the duration of my cycle and once my cycle is over, I will do an ACV sits bath in "cool" water and take TWO (2) probiotic pills for just one day following the sits bath. I don't like the idea of suppositories and douches because my hormones are off anyway due to having auto-immune and being thyroidless, so I've chosen this "put-together" method. So far, all is well and this is the most comfortable period I've had in a long time and my BV symptoms dissipated within 24 hours time!
Good Luck Ladies!
Baking Soda Douche
After using the gel medication for bv, I have been dry with no smell and my discharge ranges from thick creamy to watery non slippery and taste is very sour / tart. I read that someone used the baking soda douche and it burned but helped change her back to normal....
My experience, I used half warm water half baking soda and inserted it with a plastic applicator, anyway immediately after I got a whiff of that nasty foul fishy smell.. however I do feel some slippery wetness opposed to how dry I was. But yeah it stinks bad I pray in the morning I will get back to normal. I can't sleep because I am worried about my vagina..
If there is smell still tomorrow night I will try mixing water and a little ACV to bring my ph back down.
SN: I am absolutely NOT sexually active due to not having a normal flora. Some good things to know:
- Apple cider vinegar when used topically is acidic (ph 2.8)
- The vagina is supposed you be more acidic.. (ph4-5)
- Water pH is around 5 I believe.
- Baking soda is highly Alkaline... (ph9)
- When ingested I know ACV does the opposite and alkalines the body
- Too much acid > yeast
- Too much alkaline > bv
Not a doctor just trying to figure this out like everyone else.
Baking Soda Douche
I've been suffering from Vaginosis and yeast infection for about 2 years now. I have used flagyl and Canesten 1 vaginal tablet which made me feel better for a few weeks but the infection was back again afterwards. I have also been avoiding food high in sugar and alcohol. So upon reading most of the remedies here in Earth Clinic, I have decided to try the Baking Soda douche last night. I think it's working great right now. The smell is gone and the itch went mild to none. I'll try to use it every other day for one week and will update you guys. The measurement I used was 2 tbsp of baking soda to 2 cups of distilled water. Hope this works for good!
Here's a follow-up on my health. The baking soda douche worked temporarily on me and the BV came back after a few days. I have tried the warm salt bath and inserting yogurt with acidophilus vaginally with a medicine dropper but was also not successful. The method I used above might be effective with some other women but not in my case.
So I tried the 50:50 Hydrogen Peroxide & Water douche every night for 7 consecutive days then inserted yogurt with acidohilus (half of the capsule's content) vaginally for 3 consecutive days. During the H2O2+water douching I felt relief but after the insertion of yogurt with acidophilus powder it became worse. So I thought maybe I should just use the H2O2+water douche and not the yogurt anymore. So after 2 or 3 days I douched again for 3 consecutive days. I felt relief and after about 3 days from my menstruation I douched 2 consecutive days again to have a follow up. It has been a week now since my last douche after my menstruation and I still feel good. The discharge is back to normal, no more itch but there's a little more yeast that I can notice on the side of my labia at night when I wash. I think I am better now compared before. I will just follow up with a once or twice a week douching of H2O2+water to keep the BV at bay.
Again the measurement I used to be clear is as follows:
For 7 consecutive days (before going to bed)
50:50 Hydrogen Peroxide + Water douche (use 3% strength for the H2O2 - I used the 6% but reduced it to 3% by adding more water. So it was actualy like 1/2 cup H2O2 to 1 cup of distilled water)
After the menstruation, douche once or twice a week.
Througout the treatment, I've been orally taking 1 acidophilus 2 x day, 2 folic acid 2 x a day and also 2 olive leaf extract 2 x a day. I've been eating yogurt with 2 tbsp of coconut oil in the morning for breakfast and I also try to avoid sweets and alcohol as much as I can.
For the supplements above, it depends on you if you also want to take it. But so far for me it helps. I will let keep you guys posted if ever I feel anything bad after this treatment. As of now it works and I hope this would help someone out there too.
I would also like to thank all the ladies here who shared their experiences to help one another. It really meant a lot and makes you feel you're not alone.
I have struggled with these infections for 4 years now. This past year I had a hysterectomy because my doctor said that the reason of the reoccurring was because of my cycle. I have used all the antibiotics that they have out for this type infections. I also got a 2nd opinion for another obgyn and he superscribed broic acid and this worked for a while and now I am back to getting them after intercourse or any change in my detergents. I am super happy I have found this site. This is the only thing that I have not tried in my 4 years. I am going to try this tonight and will get back to you all next week.
Baking Soda Douche
I noticed that embarrassing, fishy smell that comes along with BV so I went to a clinic. The doctor who examined me said there was no odor or any signs of it but tested me, anyway. She returned with her tail between her legs and told me I tested positive for BV (it felt good being right! ) She gave me Flagyl, which I took as directed for 7 days. However, I noticed the other day that I wasn't feeling or smelling "right" again. I have a pH test kit for just such situations, so I used it last night and my pH was dangerously low, indicating another infection. I took out a new douche and carefully added some baking soda for alkalinity. This morning, there was no itch or odor, and my pH had risen to normal range. I would suggest buying pH test strips, which can be found at health food stores and are not expensive. You can monitor yourself at home and try home remedies before you drop $75 at the nearest clinic (and then God-know-how-much-more for a prescription! ) just to be told you have what you already thought you did. Be aware that I'm not a doctor and have no medical training. I'm going by how I felt when I saw a doctor only weeks ago and assumed that my condition didn't completely clear up. Good luck, ladies.
Baking Soda Douche
1/4 tsp. of baking soda to your douch, I was told about this and it really works the discharge was gone and the smell after the first 2 times I used it. I did 1 on Monday and 1 on Wednesday and after the shower I blowed dried down their each time. And you can also put Some baking soda right into your bath on a regular basis to keep you ph balanced and its also good for your skin :)
Baking Soda Douche
For all the women out there looking for the most natural and least invasive way to cure and heal, I wanted to share this remedy I've found for bacterial vaginosis: The salt and baking soda packet mixtures commonly sold for sinus flushes. Use one packet of the sinus flush to 8oz of water then douche once in the morning and once at night for three days. Just like with a bacterial infection within the bladder, the salt acts as a sterilant. I've learned so much from this website, I wanted to give something back. Hopes this helps!