33 year old female
I have had ongoing health concerns for a few years. Fungal Issues and suspected Lichen Sclerosis. I read many reviews regarding using the Borax remedy for both issues. So, about a year ago, I started taking borax internally. My issues at first flared, but then my skin was visibly healing within just 2 weeks time. However, I stopped using the borax internally because my hair started to fall out 2 weeks into using it.
A year later, I really wanted to use the borax solution again and confirm that it indeed caused my hair fall. Again, I did the borax for two weeks. Again, there was improvement in skin issues but severe hair fall.
Has anyone else experienced this? I have read a few studies on toxicity induced alopecia- but I don't think borax would cause this.
I am wondering if potentially the borax stirred up a fungus in my hair follicles that caused the sever hair fall? And I am wondering if I should stick with it longer- lose more hair but potentially come out the other side with a healed scalp?
I do have visible dandruff. And the hair fall didn't stop upon stopping the borax. Which makes me think it could be fungal.
Any suggestions would be so helpful and appreciated!!
Borax Side Effects

Borax Side Effects

Borax Side Effects

Borax Side Effects

My mom in her 70's has been taking borax for nearly a month. The last digit of her thumbs, index fingers and middle finger tingle, are somewhat numb and at times uncomfortable. She was a typist most of her life. She's experiencing bone loss noticeable in her teeth. Her energy is not great.
She lifts weights and walks and has a very health diet (a lot of raw fruit and lightly cooked veggies, all organic) though she does have a cheat night every week (pizza) and does eat organic wheat soft taco shells 1-2 times a week. She had a hysterectomy, part of her thyroid removed and suffered from IBS for a long time. Now and for over a decade, her digestion is very good, no IBS and she takes zero meds. We're trying too reverse her bone loss, increase her energy and hopefully help her finger tip issue.
It appears that the borax makes her more tired than normal and saps her energy.
She started at 1/16 tspn and is now taking 1/4 + 1/8 tspn daily which I believe is the recommended amount for woman post-menopause with osteoporosis. She also takes 10,000iu d3/k2, vit B complex, molybdenom, vit C (camu camu), magnesium chloride, and recently added 2 tblsn ACV pre-mixed with 1/2 tspn BS. The vit c, acv/bs mix and molybdenom are added to her borax drink which she sips throughout the day.
Anybody have any advice or experience? Herx reactions and/or detox slowing her down via kidneys or liver is what I'm thinking.
Borax Side Effects

Borax Side Effects

My weight: 55kg, my hight 170cm. I wanted to take this high dose for about three months and then lower it to a minimum for the rest of my life. Next year I wanted to check on my osteoporosis to see if there is any improvement. So far, nothing helped and I refused the bisphosponat treatment.
Borax Side Effects

Hello everyone. I starting taking Borax internally about 4 yrs ago to combat an internal yeast overgrowth. It took care of the candida over a long period of time. Really appreciate having learned about the anti fungal properties of Borax.
I live in a hot tropical region and so fungus issues are prevalent and reoccurring here and so like to keep the Borax on hand so when an issue arises I can take care of it quickly by ingesting some Borax for a short period. My question for you guys is has anyone noticed becoming heat intolerant while taking Borax. I mean I am so overheated once temps go over 30c and almost am dead when it nears 40c. I never was like this before I took Borax. Lately a friend of mine who also lives in the tropics has just started taking Borax and she too is complaining about sudden heat intolerance. We are both experiencing extreme excessive sweating. I put two and two together and it seems it is Borax that is effecting us in this most uncomfortable way. Have any of you experienced such a thing while consuming Borax?
Thank you and I love Earth Clinic!
Borax Side Effects

I have ongoing issues with candida and constipation related to EDS and I'm gluten-free and mostly avoid dairy.
The first 5 days of the 'bug' were 2 times a day mass evacuation of sludge (I assume to be the impacted content). Then I got to 4 days of water type and one explosive day with green (I'm assuming that was the actual bug coming through) - then it slowly returned to twice a day sludge alternating with more traditional type watery diarrhea.
there have been what I'll describe as colon spasms (rather than 'stomach cramps') that will occur randomly over the day.
Is there any chance that the borax has caused an issue - in the first few weeks I was seeing improvement with candida so I was thrilled that this might be helping - but now I'm wondering if I should stop?
any thoughts would be much appreciated as I can't find a page with 'real side effects' as all the searches will go straight to mainstream, it's 'poison' type information.
Borax Side Effects

Borax Side Effects

Borax Side Effects

The Borax I used WAS several years old... but still...
And I doubt this was a detox reaction... I have been taking some cilantro and lugol's occasionally, eating pretty healthy...
Borax Side Effects

My husband and I have started taking borax in the 1tsp to 1 liter solution. He has systemic candida and broke out in mouth sores within 3 days of taking it.
I have arthritic pains in my hands that come and go and within a week of taking the solution, my hands are much worse.
We both also experienced crushing depression as well. Is this just a normal herx reaction? I'm going to stick it out but I have been unable to find anything that mentions these specific symptoms.
Borax Side Effects

Borax Side Effects