Bacterial Vaginosis
Health Benefits

Boric Acid Cure for Bacterial Vaginosis

Boric Acid
Posted by Mbg (, Chicago, Il,) on 01/16/2014

I've been suffering with BV for roughly 3 years. I know EXACTLY how I got it. I started using those cups to hold your monthly flow and left it in too long. Since it was at the very last day of my period I also had sex with my boyfriend after I'd already realized that I had that fishy order down there. From that point forward I was getting BV after every sexual encounter. I went back regularly to the doctor to get metro gel. Then the BV started coming right after every period. It was wrecking my life. After much research on this site and others, I started using hydrogen peroxide douches. That always cleared up the symptoms but it still kept coming back. I also figured that all my douching was clearing out my good bacterial which ain't good either. So I tried the boric acid capsules in my vagina. I made them myself (use Amazon to get all the materials). I started with 3 nights in a row then weekly from then out and whenever I had sex and on the last day of my period. VIOLA! While results are still early (like 3 months) I can say I've not had a recurrence and I was getting it like every 2-4 weeks depending upon my sex action. I'm keeping up with a weekly insert and see how it goes. I was fearful of using a roach killer down there but it's totally safe. No irritation just a little run off the next day or 2.

Boric Acid
Posted by Leticia (Miami, Fl) on 11/03/2013

Hi, I tryed the Vitanica, but the bacterial arrest. Didn't work for me. I have suffering with bv for years trying everything and spending lot of money. Can name all the things that I try. Some of them make me ping pong between bv and yeast It's horrible. Probiotics aleved it but not cure, thanks to vitanica I discover that boric acid was good for mantein the acidity level in balance down there, so I tried and thanks God it works. Finally!

Boric Acid
Posted by Nadia (Florida) on 08/07/2013

I have chronic BV, I am now trying making my own 00 size capsules of boric acid. I didn't realize, but I bought empty BEEF gelatin capsules to insert vaginally into vagina to heal a Bacterial infection. Everything I have read says to use VEGETARIAN capsules.. Is the beef ok to insert into vagina? Sounds gross. Also, is there an odor (not from the BV) that is from the boric acid discharge? I don't have any burning.

Boric Acid
Posted by Wdg6731 (Baltimore, Md) on 08/01/2013

I am a 46 year old peri-menopausal woman who has been battling BV/yeast infections/UTIs for the past 2 years. I had a laparascopic hysterectomy six months ago (still patting myself on the back for doing that) so my the recurrences are not as frequent but I still get them. I am considering trying boric acid (buying the powder and capsules online) but want to know if any of you have experienced any side effects. I am in a committed relationship and don't use condoms and don't want to have to go back to using them if I don't have to but am tired of having to deal with this.

Boric Acid
Posted by Jennifer (Houston, Tx) on 06/27/2013

Boric acid is a God send. I have ridiculous, recurrent BV. Thankfully, I discovered boric acid after a favorite remedy changed the formula for their suppository. I was desperate and found the boric acid remedy on this forum. I haven't taken antibiotics for BV in six years, but I've had it several times a year since then. A few days' worth of suppositories and it is seriously gone until I commit the ultimate vaginal sin of semen in the vagina.

Boric Acid
Posted by Marie (Germany) on 01/28/2015

How often do you use them? What is your routine? Thanks!

Boric Acid
Posted by Cindy Lou (Portland, Or) on 10/21/2012

I have to say thanks to all of the ladies out there who are brave enough to type out all of their woes. I have laughed, cried and felt a ton of empathy as I read your stories. I have been suffering from BV off and on since I was in middle school. I am now in my mid 30's. I didn't even know what BV was till last year when I was actually diagnosed. I thought it was just me. I was so ashamed, I didn't know what to do. How embarassing when my boyfriend turned away from me one night and exclaimed, "It smells like old seafood. " Oh you know I about died. I have never tried any of these home remedies. Tried the prescription stuff, but yes it returns eventually. One thing to keep in mind is the reality that boyfriends cheat. Eventhough BV isn't a sexually transmitted disease, when they sleep with other women and bring their stuff back to your body it changes the ph in our vaginas. True story. I had to figure it out the hard way. :(

I'm going to try the boric acid and see if it works... Kind of scary but I'll try it. I do notice a common theme here that there could be links to other imbalances. I have also struggled with acne ever since I was about 14. So maybe I should try the alkaline water... Thanks for all of the great ideas. I am ready to BV free!

Boric Acid
Posted by Shannon (Tucson, Az) on 10/09/2012

After 3 uncomfortable and confusing months I was diagnosed with BV. My doctor prescribed me with an oral antibiotic which made me physically ill, and although my symptoms decreased while on the antibiotics, once I ran out the symptoms came back worse than ever. The symptoms became so uncomfortable that I didn't want to exercise or have sex because of itching, the horrible smell, and the pain. First I tried eating garlic and taking folic acid, then I added acidophilus. When those remedies didn't work I tried douching, first with hydrogen peroxide, then with yogurt, then with colloidal silver. I even changed my diet and started vegetable juicing twice a day. Some of those remedies made a difference, but the BV always came back.

Finally, thank God, a friend of mine told me she used boric acid. I was very skeptical and I really didn't want to put some chemical I could buy at a hardware store inside of me. It just seemed dangerous. However, after 2 years of struggling with BV, I was SO desperate!! I went to a local compound pharmacy and bought medical grade boric acid. Then I bought empty gel caps. I made a paper funnel and filled them myself by hand carefully as I was super paranoid about accidentally consuming the boric acid. Then I inserted one capsule each night for ten nights. It worked SO well! I didn't have any symptoms at all for a month and a half, until after my next menstrual cycle when experienced very mild symptoms. I did another round of 5 capsules and it has been 7 months since I had any symptoms!! My life is finally back to normal. Please, BV sufferers, don't be scared of boric acid! It will change your life!!

Boric Acid
Posted by Pedro (Sao Paulo, Brazil) on 07/26/2012

Be careful with doctors in the US because they are very ignorant about foreskin-intact men (most of the guys in the rest of the world are intact with no issues). In my experience they have their own agenda on the topic because of propaganda and also push for male multilation even when there is no religious reasons. Insane!

The truth is that I doubt your bf would be unaware of a bacterial or fungal infection down there since they produce discharge and creates irritation.

That being said it would be very easy to treat it. All he has do do is clean the area a few times a day with 3% hydrogen peroxide (if there is an infection it will foam). I was diagnosed with male candida years ago, and prescription creams worked but it would sometimes come back. One day I discovered that 3% HP clears the problems in no time, with no discomfort. Saturated borax water also works like a charm. Good luck!

Boric Acid
Posted by Barker (Salt Lake, Ut) on 07/03/2012

I'm sorry but when I read posts like yours on here it REALLY bothers me. Pure Boric Acid is Pure Boric Acid - - it is a compound of Boron & if altered in anyway - it cannot be sold as BORIC ACID. As mentioned on this site numerous times - Humco is a brand that can be purchased at a pharmacy by request or online. Our local compound pharmacy sells & uses the Humco brand boric acid to fill 600mg capsules. 00 size gel caps are what the pharmacist uses to make 600mg capsules of boric acid. Fill the large size of the capsule only - as compactly as possible and cap with the small side. There you have 600mg boric acid capsules for vaginal insertion.

Anyone skilled enough to fill 00 capsules with powder (which is incredibly easy) can make their own boric acid capsules safely with the Humco brand. If you educate yourself about boric acid there is nothing to fear. Listening to fearmongers will keep you scared, in the dark and unable to cure yourself of anything.

Boric acid simply changes the pH inside the vagina, that is all, it is not directly killing anything unlike antibiotics. The stink of BV is from a pH imbalance. Menses changes pH and that is why it is recommended to use BA during menses. Sex & fluids change pH and that why it is recommended to insert after sex so the funk doesn't have a chance to get started.

Boric Acid
Posted by Brandy (Ny) on 05/17/2012

Hi, I just came across this website a few days ago and been reading the comments, unfortunately to say I have been struggling wit BV for 2 1/2 years, and it seem to get worst by the days. I have tryed all the over the counter remedies, been to six different gynocologist an they all keep prescribing the same antibiotics ( Flagyl, clyndamicin, and so many others) still no relief. The odor gets worst and the discharge gets heavier. I recently moved into a new neighborhood and found a new gyn who I explain my constant problem to and ask her not to prescribe me any antibiotics because it does not work. She then prescribed a boric acid compound, which she says work for her cronic patients who face the same problem I am having. I its a 600 mg boric acid capsul which I should insert in the vagina at nights for ten days. I just started last night, so far no odor but the discharge is still there but its only the first day. I'll keep you posted hopefully this will work for me.

Boric Acid
Posted by Wanthealth (Austin, Tx, Us) on 03/04/2012

First of all, thank you for posting! I've been waiting to see if anyone would and I could definitely use help! (I posted on 2/15/12 directly below if you want to see my "story"). I went back and found the post you mentioned from 6/29/2010 and since your story is similar, I have a question for you. I got a prescription for 2 weeks worth of 600mg boric acid suppositories from People's Pharmacy. It has definitely helped. I'm still having slight burning intermittently, which is a little concerning, but things are much improved. I have 2 suppositories left and I'm starting to get nervous that things will wear off (scared to get too excited after a year of this... ). Do you think I should go ahead and make my own capsules to keep on hand "just in case"? Do you know if homemade capsules are stronger than the compound prescription I got? Thank you so much, I appreciate any help you are able to give!!

Boric Acid
Posted by Marina (Grants Pass, Oregon) on 03/04/2012

Hi, my story is under YEA - Multiple Methods. For me, boric acid made a marked difference after weeks of being very diligent with H2O2, diet, probiotics, multivitamin, folic acid....... & 5 months of hellish paranoia. I am not a doctor but educated medically which involves science but, nonetheless, I could be totally wrong about what I am about to write but it is my understanding that boric acid is the chemical compound of (3) Hydrogen, (1) Boron, (3) Oxygen or H3BO3 or B(OH)3. BA is a weak acid of boron often used as an antiseptic, insecticide & flame retardant, which is a good element when your crotch is on fire!!! I think boric acid is what it is and it cannot be altered or patented. Just make sure it is not cut with anything funky and is 100%. When I see people say get medical grade and don't get the roach killer again, I'm not positive but I do not think there is a difference if it is 100% boric acid. I was in Portland and went to a compounding pharmacy and just asked for the powder it was $8 for 12 oz. I also bought a bag of 00 veggie caps. They are not allowed to fill the capsules for you without a prescription but again not positive but I imagine they use the same bottle/brand when they do fill a scrip. Fill only the larger side of a 00 capsule and cap with the little side. This is suppose to be 600 mg. I was later told I could get boric acid powder at any pharmacy. They just don't keep it on the floor I guess???? Again, and maybe ask the pharmacist, I don't think you can get a stronger dose unless you insert more and there is not necessarily a 'better than' because BA is what it is, H3BO3. The humco brand that people talk about is what the cool pharmacy sold me.

Boric Acid
Posted by Lucy (San Antonio, Texas) on 09/18/2011

I had been suffering with BV on and off for 8 years. I have tried every antibiotic prescribed and nothing had worked. It got so bad that I stopped having sex with my husband all together. It had been 4 months of no sex that propelled me into finding a way to rid myself of the BV for good. I tried:

yogurt tampons every night for two weeks... didnt work.

bv treatment (7 day suppositories)... didnt work.

antibiotics prescribed... didnt work.

Finally I bought some boric acid for $3 and 00 size veggie capsules for $7.99 and made 14. I inserted one every night for two weeks. I noticed that the smell and discharge was gone after the 3rd day but kept on doing it until the last capsule was inserted. Its been about 2 months/plenty of sex and two periods later and still no BV. I insert a capsule the morning after sex and after my period just to be on the safe side. I am finally able to have "spur of the moment" sex again and its amazing...

Oh and I also started inserting frozen coconut oil (100% organic) suppositories before sex to help lube and the coconut oil kills off yeast infections!!! I FEEL AMAZING!!!! Good luck ladies and I want to thank you all for letting me know I wasnt alone..

Boric Acid
Posted by 904mami (Jacksonville, Fl) on 05/27/2011

hey ladies... Ive been reading everyones post and I tried all of the remedies and they haven't worked for me so im about to try the boric acid..... I will toon in tomorrow and or a few days with my results wish me luck...

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