Acid Reflux
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Acid Reflux

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joe (Fredericksburg, VA) on 12/28/2008

I am going to give you my testimonial as I am experiencing it. In the time I'm waiting for this ACV remedy to kick in, I will explain to you my follies with Acid Reflux. I developed it about a year ago. This was when something in my life happened that changed my life-style completely (I won't go into detail). Anywho, I love to cook and I love to eat food (fine or fast, doesn't matter to me). About a year ago, I laid down to go to sleep after eating a certain four-patty burger from a certain Royal fast food chain. Big mistake. About three hours later, I wake up with fire in my stomach and throat, thinking I was gonna die. I didn't know what to think, so I took some antacids and stomach-coaters. It worked for the night. I didn't think much of it at the time until it happened over and over again. So, I've been with it for a year with no remedy except time. Now that I've found this ACV remedy it seems to work. And doesn't taste too bad either. Thank you all for discovering this miracle cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angie (Lake Charles, La) on 03/05/2009

Yes I have the lap band for about 5 years now have lost 170 pounds have been suffering with acid flux for a year and half now. i am on nexium which helps but it's at night that's the problem all the problems you guys have stated i have. i am going to give the apple cider vinger a try and see. it's getting really bad i don't sleep at all plus it is affecting my ashtma to. i know if i go to my lab band doctor he will tell me to take out that band and that's not gonna happen sorry i know i would gain some weight back and i am not gonna let that happen. gonna give this a try and see.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Reebs26 (Waco, Tx) on 12/28/2009

Like Angie from Lake Charles, I had lap-band surgery. I my case, it was about 4 years ago and I've lost 165 pounds (from 300 to 135). Just this past month, I started having reflux very very bad at night. I've occasionally had reflux with the band, but it was always b/c it was too tight. This time, though, it's happening every night, and Tums and Maalox aren't working. I'm worried that I might have a slip or a hernia. Needless to say, I'll be trying the ACV and honey tonight! I'm also going on a liquid diet (protein shakes) for the next few days to try to deal with any inflammation I'm having from excessive PB's this week. Fingers crossed that that the ACV helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Roxanne (Cape Coral, FL) on 12/07/2008

I have tried the acv and did in fact get some relief. Don't be to concerned about the taste, it is such a small amount that will give you (or at least gave me) months of relief. I drink 1Tbs when needed and that's approx every 4-5 months. After the first one, you don't even think about the taste anymore (it's better cold though). In fact, my 12 year old neice suffers from reflux and I got her to drink. There is no burning, more like a cooling effect. Good luck!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jenny (Orem, UT/USA) on 11/24/2008

I also got my esophagus and stomach scoped. I have some acid reflux damage showing on my esophagus, and I don't really understand my acid reflux. I rarely have problems with it (I take antacids before bed), but every once in a while I have problems where my throat hurts, I feel sick, can't breathe, etc., and It's horrible. I take pepto and tums when I feel like that, but it takes a while to work and I feel sick for a while. I have not tried the ACV remedy yet, and I'm a little hesitant to. Does it cause any nausea? Will it burn my throat or stomach? Does anyone have any advice for my problems? I'm thankful for any advice!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (San Jose, CA, USA) on 11/12/2008

I have been suffering from an irritated scratchy throat for over three months and I was recently diagnosed with acid reflux although I never get heart burn. I have started the two TBS of apple cider vinegar 3X a day and I am wondering how long I should continue before dropping the dosage down to teaspoons?
Thank you, Michelle

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/29/2010

I have had nausea and vomitting after eating for several months.The only treatment that made a substantial difference was Apple Cider Vinegar with honey in water.

Over the months I realized I have too little stomach acid and adding the vinegar provides acid. In general, if you are short on stomach acid vinegar will work well. If it doesn't you have too much stomach acid.

Remember, the symptoms for too little and too much stomach acid are the same !!!

If you benefit from vinegar, try betain hydrochloride as an acid replacement as described by Dr.J.Wright and others.
Most of the time, when there is a shortage of stomach acid, there is also a shortage of pancreatic enzymes. This can be corrected by taking pancreatin tablets (enteric coated).

There is another benefit to take pancreatin, it is alkaline, meaning it neutralizes acid. So, you don't end up with too much acid in the body. One can test the capacity of both supplements by mixing the pulverized tablets (acid and pancreatin) in water and see what proportion results in a neutral pH (7). Used some pH paper for testing and wait until a permanent pH is reached ( up to an hour).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kevin (Surprise, Arizona) on 09/14/2008

I tried straight Apple Cider Vinager once as a preventive measure and it actually started an Acid Reflux attack. Not sure about Baking soda plan on trying that and apples for a quick fix next.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gerald (Saint Petersburg, Florida) on 09/07/2008

I am at this writing trying the apple cider vinegar suggestion, although currently taking Nexium which does not appear to be working very well.Prolosec didn't work at all, and during really bad attacks neither did the baking soda remedy, at least not in a noticeable way. just took the vinegar and after a couple of minutes I belched, Man that really felt good. I really happy to have found this site, so thanks to the owners. I will let you all know how this goes


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/28/2008 495 posts

Hi Jane, sorry you're having so much trouble now. Getting bleached flour out of your foods may elininate your GERD problems, as it did for me. I also wanted to alert you that those anxiety/ panic attacks can be triggered by the monosodium glutamate &/or aspartame so rampant in our foods these days. The best way to find out is to search "excitotoxins" on line, print out that long list of names they hide MSG under and go check everything in your kitchen and see how much you can eliminate and see if they cease.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/18/2008 495 posts

To Laura with esophageal spasms: Hi Laura, You might start thinking magnesium deficiency in any spasm, cramping, nervous, or restless leg problems. You aren't likely to have any all effects from taking a supplement and/or utilizing the transdermal application recommended by Dr. Mark Sircus, whose article "Transdermal Magnesium" is available on line.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vanessa (Hastings, New Zealand) on 01/24/2010

Hi guys, I have just been reading some of the comments on this web site and wondered if someone can help explain a few things. I have a 11year old son who suffers from acid reflux, he refuses to take any of the medication he has been given by Doctors and often complains of a sore stomach and vomits alot. I would like to try him on the Apple Cider Vinegar and water but some of the comments talk about Mother, is this another product or a name for something, or should I just try him on the Apple Cider Vinegar and water and see what happens. Any advise would be helpful.
Regards Vanessa, NZ

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barb (Niles, Ohio) on 01/25/2010

Vanessa, The "mother" in apple cider vinegar is the dark residue that you see in ACV that has not been filtered or processed. It is not the ordinary product that you generally see in a grocery store. I buy mine in a health food store; it is much more expensive than the other but not unreasonably so. (I pay $17 a gallon.)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deborah (Ronan, Montana) on 07/31/2008

This is in response to Kylie from Ft.Lee, NJ...side Effects:

The throat burning is from the acid irritation in your throat..if you can stand it a bit longer (try a little less strong mix) the burning will go away..I am a singer and have been struggling with this reflux severely for 6 Grandma told me about this cure..and it really works if you can stick with the taste and burning in your throat...patience!! Also, try sipping it..not drinking it...slower seems to keep the gas down. Hope it helps. Deb

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carmen (Jacksonville, FL) on 08/25/2008

Deborah from Ronan's comments about her singer's throat caught m attention. I have had presistent sore throat for years & trying to sing in my throat really brings it to my attention. I was told last year I have acid reflux & have tried the typical RX's that didn't help & caused other problems. I'm trying the apple now, but wanted more info on the ACV use & the issues with the throat. Appreciate any help I can get...I love to sing in church but it's a real problem. Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/26/2008 495 posts

To Carmen from Jacksonville, Have you thought of trying Bill's inhalation method of hydrogen peroxide?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Renee (Clarkston, Michigan) on 07/09/2008

I just began the AVC remedy tonight (wed. july 9th, 2008) and immediately its started working. I took one table spoon of it straight and then another mixed with water, after realizing how intense the sensation and taste of it is. Its been little less then an hour and its seems to almost be wearing off, but its not as bad as it was earlier today. hopefully its goes away in the morning when I try it again. thanks so much to this website, i really believe i found my cure! its been over 4 years and Im only 17, i will not live with this any longer. ill let you know if it works!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Annette (Oxford, Michigan) on 07/25/2008

Renee, Our 14 year old son also experiences acid reflux. He runs cross country and suffers with acid especially when he runs. Just wondering if you have the same problems when you exercise? Hope the ACV helps. We're going to also give it a try. Hate to see young people as yourself, suffer with this. Good luck!

Anyone else experience acid reflux with long distance running?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Calgary, Canada) on 04/24/2008

Hi, I have been suffering with reflux for almost 4 months now, and I feel I have tried almost everything. I read on this site that ACV was a miracle, so yesterday I went out and bought some from my local health food store and tried it. I have never had such severe reflux as after I took the ACV, and the night time was even worse! I am still suffering today, and now have a pain in my stomach that I haven't felt in over a week. I am glad that this remedy gives so many people relief, but if you are trying it for the first time, please be careful. I used 2 tablespoons in 250ml of water, but I would suggest maybe halfing the ACV and doubling the water the first time, just to be sure you don't have the same reaction I did! I have heard good things about ginger juice for ulcers and reflux though, has anyone tried it and was it successful? Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carl McLean (Conneaut Lake, USA) on 05/28/2008

If you are taking PPI's and still suffering from acid reflux then you might want to try and increase your dosage. I would check with your doctor but I currently take 3 tablets 20mg/day of Prilosec or Prilosec OTC. I found that this worked the best. Other PPI's cause me to have a bad back and sometimes a stiff neck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cheryl (Franklin, MA) on 01/18/2008

I have not yet tried the ACV but plan to do so today. For those few who say that their symptoms get worse with ACV those people truly have too much stomach acid. ACV only works on those who do not have enough stomach acid and have been diagnosed in error. I first heard of ACV in relation to acid reflux from a show on PBS - Brenda Watson's H.O.P.E. and that was what she said. If you ever get a chance to read her book or see her video she is amazing. So if ACV does not work for you - you truly have too much stomach acid. IF it does - you do not have enough.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Juergen (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 01/14/2008

Apple cider vinegar cured my "Global Sensation" caused by Acid Reflux. For the past two years I was getting more and more heartburn. My doctor subscripted me the "Purple pill" which started to work. But I didnt like the thought of paying $130 for 30 pills every time. After a view months I developed "Global Sensation". It was like a piece of food was stuck in my throat. That went on for about two months.Not even The"purple pill" took care of that. Finally I surfed the internet and found and was reading about acv. I immediatly went to the store and got organic acv unfiltered. I took two table spoons and mixed it with water, which I don't recommend. It's much better with apple juice. After one hour I was totally reieved of my "Global Sensation". It was like a miracle. Ever since I am a firm believer in ACV. I haven't taken any medication ever since. Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Jacksonville, FL) on 05/24/2008

Cranberry juice is very acidic and will usually cause anyone with reflux a problem. So, I would not add cranberry juice to ACV. Try honey instead.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (Dallas, Tx) on 08/11/2009

I use Cran-Apple with my 2 teaspoons of ACV once a day and have had no problems at all with being acidic!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Aware3 (Navarre, Fl.) on 08/11/2009

It must be unadultrated, unfiltered apple cider vinegar found at health food stores, the kind in stores do not have all the enzymes still in it, and other co-factors, also cut out sugar, coffee, strong teas, alcholic beverages, and get a book on balancing your alkalinity in your blood, and simply by adding a good green food, and there are many, which will help balance that. Blessings !

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandra (Guelph, Ontario, Canada) on 12/07/2007

ACV is a miracle, have stopped taking medication for nerve pain in legs, and for acid reflux. Arthritis is not a problem anymore, and have lost 25 lbs in 8 week. I feel 20 years younger, and will be on ACV for the rest of my life.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Orlando, FL) on 12/06/2007

About 6 months ago, I suddenly woke up with severe nausea and constant burping. Everything I ate and drank made me feel sick. I woke up nautious and went to bed nat ious every day. My quality of life started changing. I did not want to go out anymore and do things because I constantly felt sick. Being newly engaged, this really put a damper on my relationship. Who wants to be around someone that feels sick everyday and to be honest..when you are sick everyday you reach a point where you just want to be alone. I am only 27 years old and I felt like I had put on 10 years or more in the last 6 months. I even told my mother if I had to live the rest of my life like this I might kill myself. Everything made me sick. Even riding in a car. I had a colonoscopy which came back fine. I then had a scope done and showed that I had erosions all in my stomach, throat, and esophogas. I have been on prevacid and aciphex, which did not seem to help at all and the constant burping was just nasty and embarrassing. I got online and found this site and figured I would give the ACV a chance. This is only my 4th day and oh my goodness thank you god!!! I am not nauseous anymore. Riding in a car no longer makes me sick. If I burp it is one good one instead of a million tiny ones and I have energy like I haven't had in years. I have lost 3 pounds in a few days and I am not having bad cravings. I also notice my skin looks better. I also have battled depression for a long time and I actually feel happy. I woke up at 4a.m smiling thinking why am I so happy. This is truley amazing and I can't wait to keep taking it and see what else it does. If you have battled acid reflux believe me I know how horrible it is. Please just try this and you will not regret it!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Crissandra (Fairfield, California) on 11/12/2007

I have tried the ACV tablets: 3 tabs to remedy my acid reflux that starts as soon as I eat my breakfast. If I do not take them with my meals, I will start the burping, sour stomach, and I even have pain in my right shoulder from the acid reflux. But, within an hour of taking the ACV tablets, I soon get relief. This has been MY CURE, since I was taking a OTC before which gets quite expensive. If anyone reads this, trust in your own gut to tell you if it works!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steve (Arcata, California) on 11/05/2007

I have been suffering from acid reflux/heart burn on and off for 4 years. I have taken prilosec and ant acids as if they were candy, the pain would go away for a short time but always came back. I actually seemed to be getting worse over time as a result of all the over the counter meds. I bought Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau for my father in law. We decided to look up acid reflux to my suprise the cure was Apple Cider vinegar. I have taken 16oz over the last 10 days....what a great taste, however my pain is virtually gone and I have been eating all the food I love to eat.Try it it really works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jo (Whitefish, MT) on 10/23/2007

i was in agony for a week and felt like i could hardly breathe with a lump in my throat. i hadnt slept in 4 days cuz of some foam gurgling into my throat. i diagnosed an acid reflux situation but the regular sites gave me a grim view of what traditional medicine had to offer. finally in a state of delirium i found this site. i took the remedy and 6 days of agony was reduced by half within 5 minutes. hours later i took a second dose and within 24 hrs i was completely healed and feeling better than before even. i will take this magic potion as a health supplement even when i don't need it for heartburn. great energy booster! z0mg! THANX!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Roswita (Seminole, Fl) on 10/10/2007

I strongly urge you to buy only the Organic, raw, unfiltered ACV, without preservatives. I am a 62 year old woman who suffers from arthritis and acid reflux. Every morning I mix 1 tbls ACV with 1 tbls raw honey in a 16 oz glass of lukewarm filtered water. I do the same thing at night time. Only I mix it in 6 to 8 oz water. Otherwise I would be up all night. My arthritis pain has gone away and I no longer suffer from acid reflux.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Greg (Fremont, California, USA) on 03/23/2009

I noticed a few people saying to only buy Unfiltered Organic ACV. I use the Heinz APC, which is obviously filtered and non-organic, with good results. Can anyone explain why it MUST be organic ACV???