Recently I was talking with a woman who had started on a regimen of colloidal silver for a particular reason and ran into a benefit not related to the original reason that she was taking colloidal silver for. She said that she had been having fairly severe pain in one knee that she had to take aspirin for everyday during her waking hours to take the edge off of the pain and sometimes when it would wake her during the night. After about three weeks of daily dosing, she said that she no longer needed to take aspirin for her knee pain. She said she is going to continue the colloidal silver for the original reason that she started using it, but the pain relief in her knee is now an unexpected bonus. I plan on contacting her later to see how her knee is doing over time.
I have seen anecdotal reports suggesting that colloidal silver may offer some benefit for arthritis, but have never really spent any time looking into it because borax seems to be fairly effective for many people with arthritis. However, since borax is not effective for everyone with arthritis I thought that it might be a good idea to see what the available literature had to offer on the subject. This anecdote made me decide to look and see if there are any studies that might suggest that colloidal silver may be active against any type of arthritis. With that thought in mind, the first thing I found was an abstract of a rat study that suggested there is potential.......well at least in rats that have been dosed with Freund's adjuvant to induce arthritis like symptoms. Here is a link to that abstract and an article link that tend to confirm each other:
The following article suggests that colloidal silver plays a role in inhibition of angiogenesis and angiogenesis is a factor in terms of arthritis, so this is a different angle by which colloidal silver might be useful in controlling arthritis.
This recent article partially discusses the anti inflammatory qualities of colloidal silver.
While this is hardly conclusive evidence, it is at least a couple of steps in the right direction.
So I talked with this woman again and here is what she told me. She had started on colloidal silver and annona muricata (AM) because she had been diagnosed with a cyst on one kidney and a "mass" on the other kidney which her doctor told her may or may not be cancerous. They would need to do further testing to determine if it was cancerous or not.
Apparently it is the colloidal silver that is helping her knee because she started with a loading dose for two weeks and then went down to a maintenance dose. When she went down to the maintenance dose, her knee started to hurt a little bit, so she went all the way back to the loading dose and shortly after, her knee stopped hurting again. She has been taking the same dose of AM everday since she started.
Last week she went back to the doctor so they could see if the cyst or the mass had grown. The doctor called her this past Tuesday and told her that the mass had shrunk substantially and was now the size of a very small stone and the cyst had also shrunk very significantly. In any case, she is elated with these results and said she plans to continue with her protocol for at least two more months. I think she has been on this protocol for about 8 weeks now. Her doctor told her they are just going to monitor her for the time being .
One other thing she mentioned to me was that she had recently found lumps on her breasts as well as under her breasts and she said all of the lumps have also diminished or disappeared. She seems pretty happy with her results so far.
I am taking a shot glass full of 20 ppm colloidal silver (true colloidal silver, not clear ionic silver). This is to kill candida and fungus in addition to herbs.I think it's amazing but I have a question for anyone who knows colloidal silver chemistry. The silver causes a brief stomach ache about 20 minutes after I digest it, when it hits my stomach. With food or without food. Any ideas why? Is this the candida being killed off in the gut? Nonetheless, I love it and will continue. Just curious about the stomach ache.
Colloidal silver helps my migraines too as well as my arthritis. It is the best antibiotic I never take pharmaceutical antibiotics. Skin problems, cuts, warts, fungus anything like that it works wonders.
I have not had the flu for over 45 years, not saying I have taken sliver that long of course but I have a natural immunity I guess, no colds either. Don't take flu shots either. Some hay fever in the summertime when the wheat is pollinating especially, the silver works for that too. So, with all the hype about the evils of silver I can testify it is very beneficial in a number of ways.
Best Brands of Colloidal Silver
14 Commercial Colloidal Silver and Ionic Silver Products And How They Compare
This was an interesting read that helps further clarify which products are what they say they are. I found product #12 (Meso Silver) and product #14 (Coated Silver) interesting for different reasons.
MesoSilver seems to proudly announce that their product is .65 nm sized particles at 20 ppm. Actually this article measured the particle size range at 10 to 50 nm, which might partially explain the amber color (dark iced tea color) instead of yellow color as would be expected for AgNPs in the 20 nm size. The actual ppm were measured at 24.7 ppm, so they are close on that point, but way off on particle size with some particles measuring as high as 50 nm.
Particle size is important for efficacy with 12~20 nm shown as an effective range with minimal toxicity to normal cells, but effective against various pathogens. Particles below 10 nm are significantly more toxic to pathogens, but to normal cells as well. Particle size above 20 nm are less effective against pathogens and particles at 30 to 50 nm are much less effective against pathogens. So to me, MesoSilver is a disappointment. I can kind of understand why their particle size is so far off because of the testing method that they used to determine the particle size. Studies of AgNPs use different methods to measure particle size.
Product #14 (Coated Silver) is interesting because for one, it is claimed to be 20,000 ppm and only requires 4 drops to make 8 ounces of 20 ppm AgNPs. The actual ppm was 19,200, so not too far off target and I would think that at this many ppm, the size of the drops could be very critical in determining how close you stay to the claimed ppm. Another interesting point about #14 is that the particle size range is 10 to 12 nm whereas the other colloidal silver products were over all larger. Now they use a proprietary coating to reach this very high ppm and unfortunately we have no clue what the release of the silver is like from this coating.
Overall, many manufacturers who claim their product is colloidal silver are actually selling colorless ionic silver and this article briefly explains the difference and effects.
Here is a link to the article if you are interested in checking out how these commercial products tested compared to the manufacturers claim.
All of these silver based products are available on Amazon according to the article.
I thought it was interesting from way back on the benefits of CS. I have been researching for months now on CS as I've never heard of it until joining EC. So, thank you to everyone!
I have had 3 family members killed by the deadly hospital cv19 protocol. All 3 went to ER for O2 support and signed papers to be admitted thru scare tactics by pharma rats provided "the lines" to be used by CDC guidelines to the docs. It is EUA euthanasia IMO. Kidnap and kill with 30+ bags of unproven drugs to include overtreatment of O2 which we know causes brain swelling, blood clots to the brain and blown lungs. They essentially are drowning the patient in poison inside the body and call it death from cv19 complications/cv pneumonia. Criminal and somehow still legal after more than 2 yrs with nothing changing with inhospital protocols, same playbook.
I could go on and on.
Coughing And Choking At Night
A friend recently asked me about an issue he was having where when he would try to go to sleep, it felt like mucus was some how leaking down to his throat and it would wake him up either coughing or choking and he said this had been happening for more than a year and it was not allowing him to get good sleep. He also told me that he could only lay on his right side to get some semblance of relief. He said that if he slept on his back or left side, he would cough and choke frequently, which would wake him up every time. He also told me that if he swallowed shortly after laying down, the situation seemed to be worse.
I told him it might be a sinus infection of some type and suggested colloidal silver might help if it is an infection. I gave him two, 2 ounce spray bottles of 20 ppm colloidal silver so he could try it out. He started using it right away at 3 times per day with two sprays in each nostril for a total of 12 sprays per day. He told me that that was similar dosing to some nasal sprays he had tried so he would use the CS in a similar manner.
I recently saw him and asked if the silver had helped him. He didn't answer me right away and looked like he was thinking about it. He finally answered with a yes. He said he hadn't even thought about it lately, but realized he could now sleep in all three positions with no coughing or choking. He said it must have gone away very gradually because he hadn't even realized that the problem was gone!
Not the most severe health issue by any means, but I love a happy ending!
Arthritis, Kidney Cyst and Mass
The hospital administrator(s) and board members are the ones who accept the protocol and flow down to everyone else. Then docs have carte blanche on whether you live or die. Just because you have Power of Attorney they do not have to honor that even under EUA. Just WOW.
I have only found one documented case of someone losing their life to cv that did not go to the hospital. All points to hospitals using deadly protocols killing people not cv19.
Profit over patients to the tune of up to $500,000 per cv19 death. Sickest thing I've ever heard of from our own gov't and hospitals we are supposed to trust with "saving" our lives.
HPV - Genital Warts
I was diagnosed with HPV in September 2017. I've had genital warts since then and they were hideous. I tried the Apple Cider vinegar, however it burned like hell and it seemed to just bring more warts. I stumbled across Colloidal Silver and decided to give it a try. This was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life!!! I soaked cotton pads and placed them over the warts every night for about a week (I left them on overnight). And within the first 3 days they were disappearing. It has been a month since I used the Colloidal Silver and I haven't seen an outbreak since then.
File lawsuits against hospital, doctors, nurses, all involved. Place a complaint against the hospital admin's bond. They will most likely could lose their job if a complaint against their bond is filed.
Morgan & Morgan law firm has many client suites against all the above including Pfizer, Moderna, ect.
CS Ultrasonic Delivery Method
Don't miss EC's new video on the most effective way to inhale colloidal silver and instructions on how to do it.
Appreciation and a giant THANK YOU to Art for his informative posts on the subject. We've been testing this ultrasonic humidifier delivery method for a few months now and it's very effective.
Thank you for your replies. YouTube just took down another colloidal silver video from 2018. Slowly but surely, they are taking them down.
This is the email they send each time:
"We wanted to let you know our team reviewed your content, and we think it violates our medical misinformation policy. We know you may not have realized this was a violation of our policies, so we're not applying a strike to your channel. However, we have removed the following content from YouTube:
Video: The Science of Colloidal Silver: How It's Made and How It Can Be Ruined - Earth Clinic's Guide
Time it occurred: You can see an example around 00:02:11 in your video. While this is one example, there may be other instances.
We realize this may be disappointing news, but it's our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all. If you think we've made a mistake, you can appeal this decision - you'll find more details below..."
Note: They promptly deny the appeal every time.
Arthritis, Kidney Cyst and Mass
In reply to Jeanette (Asheville),
I can't say what a loading dose should be, but I can tell you what this woman told me she used. One quart of 20 ppm colloidal silver per day and then she went down to a maintenance dose. She said she will have to rethink her maintenance dose because she feels it may be too low for her. She mentioned that she was thinking that she may continue her regimen for at least two more months, but she said it will depend on what her doctor tells her at her next visit.
Hopefully I will be able to talk to her again so I can find out how it all works for her.
Joint Pain, Cyst, Liver Spots
In 2016 my wrist joints hurt, I had a quarter sized cyst on my left wrist, and noticeable liver spots on the top of my hands. Other joints were also getting stiff. I was 54. I learned about how to make colloidal silver and studied the benefits. I make my own in concentrations of about 20 ppm tp 100 ppm. I decided to cleanse my body, consuming a gallon a week for a month. The results were quite remarkable.
The pain in my joints went away, the cyst went away, and the liver spots are gone.
I use it in nasal spray form and humidifier during flu season, and do a 1 gallon cleanse once a year now (a gallon in one week). I havent been sick at all, walk over 30 miles a week, eat right, take nascent iodine, and my physical this year was excellent with normal bloodwork and BP. My wife also takes it when she feels something coming on and it helps tremendously. Have also used it on scrapes and cuts with no issues. I keep 6 gallons in stock in dark jugs. This is our go to medication. And it wont turn me blue.
In reply to Nattakit (Bangkok, Thailand),
Yes, that is the dosage she told me she used as her loading dose. She said it was based on previous dosing studies that she had read in relation to her estimated blood content which she said for her is over 6 litres of blood. Her maintenance dose was significantly less. That loading dose equates to approximately 19 mg of silver per day. The amount of silver per day is important and sometimes when you talk in terms of parts per million it can get confusing because 1 litre of 20 ppm CS is equal to 20 mg of silver, but 500ml of 40 ppm is also equivalent to 20 mg as is 250 ml of 80 ppm. It seems simpler to me to say how much silver per day total as opposed to all of the potential ppm doses.
I've never seen a commercial colloidal silver manufacturer recommend that high of a dose and I doubt any of them ever would because for one thing, they would probably have to explain to the FDA why. That type of a dose is likely to be used to actively try and treat a health issue and not as a preventative, in my opinion and CS manufacturers can not say that CS treats any nealth issue period.......pretty much like supplement manufacturers who can not make health claims. Most supplements will have a dosing schedule that recommends one or two capsules a day, but many alternative sites will recommend much higher dosing to try an obtain a specific health effect.
An average sized adult in the 150 to 180 pound range will have a blood content of approximately 1.2 to 1.5 gallons or 4.5 to 5.7 litres. Larger people will have a larger blood content and smaller people will have less and the blood content can vary between a man and a woman of equal weight.
People who dose as this woman has are likely trying to reach a specific blood level of CS that has shown positive effects in the available studies. Unfortunatelly there are not any studies that I am aware of that specifically say that if you have exactly 5 litres of blood and you take X amount of 20 ppm CS you will achieve a blood level of Y, so this leaves consumers to try and figure it out for themselves based on the currently available studies. I asked this woman if she noticed any type of bad side effects from this dose and she told me no. She said the side effects she noticed were the positive ones like her knee pain reduction and the reduction of the lumps in her breasts.
If I get a chance to talk to her down the road, I will be very interested in finding out how it is or isn't working out for her, but for now she feels it is working well.
Banned Colloidal Silver Videos
Well, I have looked into this to see if I could find any info about this. The only thing I could find was a memo from the FDA talking about cracking down on non-medical advice. Also in Canada they are looking at cracking down on the supplement industry using the same method.
So I assume someone somewhere forced the hand of google, youtube, and other social media orgs to gently remove this kind of content.
I mean, we all know that 'they' want us all to rely on the medical establishment and the corresponding medication that goes along with it!
Stay safe!
Bacterial Resistance to Colloidal Silver
Thank you for the reminder that bacteria can develop resistance to colloidal silver(CS) with everyday use of CS. The problem is also compounded when a sub optimal dose of CS is used that is too weak to kill the intended pathogen. This allows some of the bacteria to survive and the surviving bacteria can become more resistant to CS. That is why I look at CS similarly to an antibiotic, antiviral or antifungal. Repeatedly using a dose that is too low to kill the pathogen can quickly cause an increase in resistance of that pathogen to the treatment.
I realize that some people like to take 10 or 20 ppm CS at teaspoon dosing daily thinking that it will ward off getting sick, but that option can ultimately work against you in the long run.
In terms of resistance, CS when combined with certain antibiotics that a pathogen has developed resistance to, has shown the ability to improve the effectiveness of those antibiotics again.
I think silver is best used only when actually needed to fight a pathogen and not so much as a preventative.
Lisa, on a related note, melatonin has shown benefit in reducing negative effects of heavy metals and also has shown a chelating effect for some heavy metals as discussed here :
Here is a relevant quote from this very interesting study :
' There are several mechanisms by which heavy metals induce cellular toxicity, but the main mechanism is the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause cellular oxidative damage [4]. Melatonin is highly effective in reducing such oxidative stress, as proven in a large number of reports. Its protective actions are the result of several means: the direct detoxification of ROS and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), the stimulation of antioxidant enzymes, and the suppression of other free-radical-generating enzymes. Additionally, melatonin also chelates transition metals, which are involved in the Fenton/Haber–Weiss reactions; due to its metal-chelating ability, melatonin reduces the formation of the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (•OH), which probably accounts for more than 50% of the oxidative stress that cells sustain [5]. Evidence shows that melatonin reacts with a number of metal ions, resulting in the formation of stable metal complexes. For example, using absorption voltammetry as a means of evaluation, it has been shown that melatonin, in proportion to its concentration, binds several heavy metals, including aluminum, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, and zinc, similar to metallothionein [6]. Melatonin chelates both iron (III) and iron (II), participating in the Fenton reaction to generate •OH. Melatonin is able to restore the biological activity of hemoglobin by acting on highly covalent iron and transforming it into iron (III), and it also reduces •OH, which is highly toxic.'
In my opinion, if heavy metal toxicity is suspected, but testing for heavy metals is not a viable option, melatonin would be worth considering as an overall protectant against toxicity from multiple heavy metals.
Bacterial Resistance to Colloidal Silver
Hi Lisa,
There are many useful ways to detox and remove heavy metals from your body.
Supplementing Selenium(@200mcg with meals twice a day) + Acetyl Cysteine(@600mgs with meals twice a day) + Milk Thistle(1000mgs with meals twice a day) + Alpha Lipoic Acid(@600mgs with meals twice a day) is one of the best protocols for heavy metal detox AND poison removal from the body.
Using Ted from Bangkok's advice, another really easy and efficient way of removing heavy metals is to just add a handful of fresh coriander leaves to your hot food or salad 3 or 4 times a week. Ted has said that if you follow this protocol then you should be able to get rid of all heavy metals from your body within a month.
And another one of Ted's recommended heavy metal detox protocols is to take humic/fulvic acid(aka shilajit) once or twice a day both morning and evening outside mealtimes. You should always buy the granular form of humic acid, which works quite well. In the past I've simply used a cheaper veterinary product that is widely available online -- called Humic Vet -- as my primary granular humic/fulvic acid source which has worked well for me. The way I take it is to add 1/8 teaspoon sea salt to a full glass of water. Then I add 3 drops of 10% Sodium Thiosulfate solution to remove any chlorine from the water and then I would add 3 to 5 granules of the humic/fulvic acid to achieve the light golden color that is always required. This humic acid mix is not only useful for removing heavy metals from the body, it is also a strong all-round antiviral as well. This humic acid protocol is also the safest protocol for detoxing because the heavy metals become trapped in molecular "cages", which will eventually be excreted normally and safely from the intestines I.e. the dangerous redistribution of the heavy metals in the body never happens. So, if think that you are chock-a-block full of heavy metals, this humic acid protocol is very safe because it has the fewest side-effects.
As for me, my favorite detox has always been to supplement 8 drops or more of 5% Lugols Iodine(LI) every day, either in a single dose or in split doses. Lugol's Iodine will act to chelate and remove cadmium, lead, aluminum, mercury, bromine and fluoride from the body. Also remember that LI is an efficient pathogen killer -- LI kills a wide range of bacteria, viruses, fungus, mycobacterium, mycoplasma and parasites. LI acts both to strongly support the immune system and also acts by directly killing the pathogens as well. If truth be told, Lugol's Iodine hugely benefits your body in many other ways as well. And if you decide to take this protocol, please don't forget to take all the recommended Lugol's Iodine companion nutrients as well.
There are several other heavy metal chelators that you could also use like Sodium Thiosulfate or Tetrasodium EDTA. It really depends on what your needs are.
Arthritis, Kidney Cyst and Mass
Very interesting article on colloidal silver, Betty, especially at that time(2008).
I don't agree with all that they say and current studies tend to disagree with some of the information also, but overall, very progressive CS article for 2008.
I once saw CS keep a person with HIV healthy for two years until they were able to get insurance to cover their meds. It clearly destroys SARS CoV-2. If doctors would nebulize their Covid-19 patients in the hospital with Covid Pneumonia, I think they would see much better outcomes in those patients. Oral CS only goes where the blood goes so nebulizing for the lungs is the only way it will help.
CS has tons of potential, but serious human studies are lacking and that leaves us to our own devices to figure out the best ways to utilize it.
Arthritis, Kidney Cyst and Mass
Hi Deirdre,
To answer your question, no she is no longer on CS. She went from a quart down to a 500 ml/day maintenance dose and her cyst, lumps and mass went away shortly after I wrote that. Shortly after those were gone, she stopped the annona muricata/graviola as well as the colloidal silver. She never mentioned her knee again so I don't know how she is doing on that front, but the cyst, lumps and mass never came back.
Colloidal Silver and MRI
Dear Dvan34,
Using colloidal silver in the ear, or orally for that matter, will not cause any trouble with the MRI. The particles are minute and will be absorbed by the body. If you would like to err on the side of caution, you could avoid them a day before the MRI.
You might consider using castor oil for the tumor. It is helpful for reducing growths. You could massage a drop of oil behind the ear daily. It will not hurt and it could help.
~Mama to Many~
Scalp Flaking, Chest Congestion
I know there are many aspects to being or becoming healthy. The journey with me was a discovery of a Colloidal Silver shampoo and a Colloidal Silver Conditioner as I searched for the answer to my severe scalp flakiness. All the over the counter preparations with zinc as its active ingredient only worked for 1 day. I became grateful that I was able to wear head caps during the pandemic. Then, one day, as I perused through the online service, I got this nudge as I came across the colloidal hair products and said “why not I've tried everything else” and bought some to try. I've never seen so much improvement from the first wash, no more flakes, hair has become more softer, fuller and manageable…….made me a HAPPY CAMPER and I haven't looked back since 09/2023!!!! So being so pleasantly surprised at the outcome of the hair, I've since ordered the Colloidal Silver liquid for the persistent chest congestion that was labeled as bronchitis and non responding to the prescribed treatment which made it a recurring situation along with an ear infection that took 1 year to get an appt so the doctor could even look into my ear. Last time they looked into the canal, they said “it looked mushy in the canal ” but I couldn't hear out of the ear. After being reffered for getting hearing aids…..I followed that nudge again and found the Colloidal Silver products. …”why not, the other colloidal products worked real well” and I tried that too. I'm so happy I followed the nudge because now I can take a deep breath in without having any audible lung sounds and the cough is gone as well. My ear has gotten where I can hear better out of it now and it no longer feels hot or clogged up.
I AM SO GRATEFUL for the journey to this path of wellness and want to thank you for your work!
Best Reducing Agent for CS
Tammy O, I use the light/colorless Karo Syrup as my reducing agent. I dilute it 50% with vodka instead of distilled water because water and Karo can form some type of mold in a month or less and I do not want to risk contaminating my batches. Pure Karo does not form mold and substituting vodka for distilled water in the Karo also will not develop mold. The vodka or water is used to thin the Karo Syrup so it is easy to measure out drops of the reducing agent to make AgNPs from Ag+.
Where to Buy
Hello Deanna,
This link is to a true colloidal silver AgNPs that are a very high concentration (> 19,000 ppm) that takes only drops that can be diluted down to 20 ppm. In a study which I previously posted on EC, this product when analyzed had a very narrow particle size spread of just 2 nm that was right at the best part of the optimal range of particles for the least amount of damage to normal human cells while being a very effective pathogen neutralizer. Here is a link to the study :
Here is a link to the specific product which showed high quality standards along with almost ideal particle size:
This is true colloidal silver AgNPs, not colorless ionic silver and is a very dark brown in color because of the ultra high concentration of silver nanoparticles. It is expensive, but when compared to a MesoSilver Carboy (5-gallons) that is supposedly heavily discounted, the coated silver product is significantly less expensive.
Best Brands of Colloidal Silver
THE best colloidal silver, by far, is colloidal silver you make yourself and the reason for that is because your greatest risk in purchasing pre-made silver is the possibility of there being no silver in it or of it containing "special" additives, for whatever reason a seller might claim to make theirs seem "better". You don't want either.
Man has been using and saving his own life with some of the gunkiest, nastiest and even intentionally contaminated homemade colloidal silver, SUCCESSFULLY, for decades. That we know. What we DON'T know is what is in the bottles of colloidal silver we purchase. Even a good brand, when shipped by someone other than the maker, could contain just about anything or even nothing but water.
Making your own is worth it for many reasons and there are many ways to do it or you don't even have to make colloidal silver at all. You could probably simply suck on a fine silver spoon or pendant for a few minutes everyday as silver is unique in that it sheds ions into moisture, by nature.
Where to Buy
Hi, I saw on one of your YouTube videos that you recommend buying the SilverTron Elite Generator to make colloidal silver at home. I tried going to their website to purchase one but it said that their website is under construction. Do you know where else I can buy one or do you recommend another generator that I could buy to make colloidal silver at home? I appreciate your help and everything I have learned from watching your YouTube videos. Andrea
My father in law was also killed the same way. Age 65. He went into the hospital for oxygen. He was very sick with COVID but in otherwise good health. He called everyone from the hospital after he received oxygen and said he was feeling better. The next thing we know he's put onto the hospital's COVID treatment conveyor belt- meds, induced coma /paralysis drugs, ventilator. After 30 days they pressured the family to pull the plug. He died right away after that.
Genital Herpes
Topical Application of Colloidal Silver for Herpes
I used a $30 bottle of colloidal silver from my local pharmacy with great success. I caught herpes from my first partner and it was unfortunately recurrent plus it began to worsen over the past five years. I am amazed at how effective this is. After all that money wasted on useless medication and stress over the condition, all it took was a month of topical application and I haven't had a symptom since. I highly recommend!
Colloidal Silver Mouthwash
Chewed up 2 aspirin about 10 minutes after rinsing, swishing, gargling and swallowing the 20ppm.
I don't know if it released stored sedatives from an old surgery or some weird virus of some sort but it nearly knocked me plum out.
I dozed off at my desk and when I woke up, I actually stumbled when I got up to go lie down for a nap. I felt exactly as if I'd been sedated. It really knocked me for a loop so it's definitely not something you want to do and then get in your car and drive somewhere or go to work. It wasn't a "high" but just a full-on sedative effect. Muscle relaxant, sleepy - that sort of thing. If the aspirin is releasing sedatives the body had locked away, rather than a virus, that would be very interesting and make the silver/aspirin method a good cleanse for toxins if one did it before going to bed but, since nobody takes aspirin anymore, I'm going to say that "taking it slow" might be the best way to go so as not to overload the liver. I'm a little surprised there's been no rash...but I've never had liver issues so...I don't know.
Tomorrow, I'm going to skip the aspirin, then do the same the day after and note any differences there might be - a lesser effect, no effect or another significant effect - as, today, I would call it a pretty significant dose of whatever it is/was. I've had two surgeries, about 15-20 years apart with the last being about 15 years ago so...other than the gas you get at the dentist, that's probably the worst of whatever might be released but we'll see what happens.
Strange that DMSO has never done whatever this is doing...I'm beginning to think that the rampaging cancer, heart issues and other illnesses might be because people stopped using aspirin...
Candida and Fungus
If the colloidal silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) you are using are not capped there will be a reaction in the stomach as soon as the particles run into hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride. The AgNPs will break down quickly if they are not capped and the particles will agglomerate and fall out of suspension and become useless. This reaction could be one potential explanation for what you are feeling.
When you look at studies for AgNPs, you will notice that almost all studies use some type of capping agent to protect the AgNPs from destruction in the stomach and to help prevent agglomeration.
When I make AgNPs I use gelatin as the capping agent which is very effective at not just protecting AgNPs from agglomeration, but also improving the effectiveness of the AgNPs as shown in this study:
Notice that these gelatin capped AgNPs showed superior stability and antibacterial ability than uncapped AgNPs against Staphylococcus Aureus.
If you do not know if your AgNPs are capped or not, you can make a small mixture of hydrochloric acid and table salt and then add some of this mix to a small amount (1 oz.) of AgNPs. If the addition of the acid/salt mix causes the AgNPs to turn color and become cloudy, they are not capped.
I use a lot of supplements, herbs and thoughts to try to steer my ship back toward life abundantly. It's been a journey. Recently , I have studied comfrey. Here a few things I have read. When it goes in the compost pile, it speeds up the composting. When you make a tea fertilzer out of it the plants flourish. When you put it on a wound , it can heal the wound at insane rates. When you drink the tea it begins working on every area there was a wound inside the body. Women used it in sitz baths to speed recovery after childbirth. It supposedly heals leaky gut. A poultice on a broken bone heals it rapidly(nicknamed knit bone). Before they villified it with fake studies, it was used in green drinks and salads for hundreds of years and was a friend to man. You can buy roots to grow, dried leaves by the pound, tinctures, creams, and I have used a lot of it. I plan to use a lot more. I give most things a year before I try some new things. I hope to encourage others to get past the scare tactics and apply some old wisdom to recover their lives. Blessings, Charity
I was feeling really tired and cranky since yesterday. I thought I was just tired. On a whim I took a few teaspoons of colloidal silver in some water and within maybe half an hour felt much better. I vote CS a miracle supplement. :)
Hi Mario,
I'm sorry for the delay in this reply, but I just now saw your post.
This is what she told me she used:
Anonna Muricata which is also known as Graviola, Soursop and Guanabana among many other names. This is the product she told me she used :
She said she used the maximum dose on the label which is 2 capsules 4 times per day for a total of 8 capsules per day.
The other thing she used was colloidal silver at 20 parts per million. She used a quart a day as her loading dose and then went down to a maintenance dose of 250 ml or a cup of colloidal silver, but then increased her maintenance dose up to 500 ml. or 16 ounces. I don't know her weight, but if I were to guess, I would say over 300 lbs. I suspect this is why the 250 ml maintenance dose was not enough for her, but might be enough for people weighing less. Unless you are making your own colloidal silver, these doses are expensive as shown here:
MesoSilver Carboy
5 U.S. Gal Carboy (640 Fl. Oz.)
- Concentration: 20 PPM
- Save 67% vs. the single bottle price
- All sales final - Carboys are NOT returnable
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Colloidal Silver and MRI
Hi Dvan,
The MRI uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate images of different organs of the body.
Colloidal silver is made using silver. Silver is a non magnetic metal, so the strong magnetic fields of the MRI are not a problem in this instance where silver is only at nanogram levels in the body.
Banned Colloidal Silver Videos
Sota Instruments in Canada just had a colloidal silver video removed from YouTube.
It was called “SOTA Silver Pulser – What Should Ionic-Colloidal Silver Look Like?” and had the warning: “This video has been removed for violating YouTube's community standards.”
I'm wondering if the various global agencies are starting small (a few videos at a time) because they don't want a public outcry if all the videos were removed at the same time.
With the impending Disease X (?! ) getting more and more attention lately, agencies will be trying it make it even more difficult for people to take charge of their own health.
Save copies of videos, PDFs, etc.; stock up on all types of supplies while you still can, folks!
Aromatherapy Diffuser Vs. Vaporizer
Can I use a cold steam aromatherapy diffuser for treating my bronchitis with colloidal silver?
Thanks to Madelyn of Idaho for sparking the idea but, as some have reported greater efficacy with regard to colloidal silver when they started to swish it in their mouth for a minute or two before swallowing, I just tried it and not only does my mouth feel fresh but it actually leaves that "feeling" of the after effects of mint mouthwash. Not the flavor but that...sort of..."coolness" that mint leaves behind. It's perfect! I can even feel that minty coolness in my nasal passages!
I also read reports of people swishing and then, keeping it in their mouth and breathing deeply over it for bronchial infections.
Swish, breathe, gargle, swallow and you're good to go!! And, taken in that context, the taste of it sort of makes sense to the brain so you can think, "tastes like mouthwash" and get no argument from the bod. VERY interesting!! Awesome, even, I would say! Safe for children and probably an equally effective or almost as effective, shot to their immunity whether they swallow it or spit it out! It even gives you that "coolness" you get with mint when you drink water after? If you know what I mean...
It seems the colloidal silver is still digging stuff out and the reason I say that is because I popped a dropper of cayenne extract under the tongue, just because I picked it up when I was dusting the shelf where it sits, and I felt it shoot down the left side from under the jaw to a mole on my neck and a minute or so later, I could feel it burning inside the left side of my nose. VERY interesting.
I have NO idea what that's about as I often pop a dropper of cayenne under the tongue "just because" and have never had that experience nor anything like it before and I haven't been doing that because I've been playing with the colloidal silver on its own.
I've seen several reports from people who realized after using colloidal silver for some weeks or even months that they notice that something they hadn't given any thought has gone or something that used to happen doesn't happen anymore or whatever so...
Where to Buy
The original designer of the Silvertron has stopped manufacturing, due to personal issues. Apparently, he is in talks with another member of the cgcsforum.org, who may -or not- take over the device's production. As to what to buy...? I recommend looking there for any recommendations.
I have been taking c/s since 1998. I had shingles on my face headed to the eye and c/s completely eliminated it BUT you must take it internally for 6 months for it to be effective. Take only 1 tablespoon full a day swallow for gut under tongue or on top of the tongue for the blood.