Colloidal Silver
Health Benefits

Colloidal Silver Health Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Toothache, Gingivitis, Cuts, Eyelash Infection

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Stefan (London) on 03/21/2020

I bought Colloid Silver (Results RNA ACS 200) via cured a toothache and gingivitis and healed a friends cut overnight which amazed her and in addition cured an old recurrent eyelash infection...a few days a go I had spot and sprayed it and there was not even an inflammation the morning after-Maybe other brands work as well or better and I am not a salesman...this stuff works...I don't have the time to set up homemade machinery to make it and so can only vouch for this brand.

Replied by kelli

what brand did you buy on Amazon?

Where to Buy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Deanna (CA) on 09/20/2021

Collidol silver . Can any1 tell me where to get real CS that has the smallest particles to cover the most area to fight a blood infection in the body, real not just claimed real. Also what would be a good way to fight heartworms In dogs naturally?

Replied by Art
2395 posts

Hello Deanna,

This link is to a true colloidal silver AgNPs that are a very high concentration (> 19,000 ppm) that takes only drops that can be diluted down to 20 ppm. In a study which I previously posted on EC, this product when analyzed had a very narrow particle size spread of just 2 nm that was right at the best part of the optimal range of particles for the least amount of damage to normal human cells while being a very effective pathogen neutralizer. Here is a link to the study :

Here is a link to the specific product which showed high quality standards along with almost ideal particle size:

This is true colloidal silver AgNPs, not colorless ionic silver and is a very dark brown in color because of the ultra high concentration of silver nanoparticles. It is expensive, but when compared to a MesoSilver Carboy (5-gallons) that is supposedly heavily discounted, the coated silver product is significantly less expensive.


Replied by J
(Phila., PA)

I would look into Sovereign Silver. They have a lot of available testing for you to look at and decide if it's for you. I've used their topical product with success in what I intended it for (curb dandruff under facial hair).

Where to Buy
Posted by Andrea (Nevada) on 05/22/2020

Hi, I saw on one of your YouTube videos that you recommend buying the SilverTron Elite Generator to make colloidal silver at home. I tried going to their website to purchase one but it said that their website is under construction. Do you know where else I can buy one or do you recommend another generator that I could buy to make colloidal silver at home? I appreciate your help and everything I have learned from watching your YouTube videos. Andrea

Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Hi Andrea, So sorry, unfortunately I am not well versed in other colloidal silver generators on the market. It is very sad that the inventor of Silvertron is no longer able to make these generators due to health issues. Maybe Art from CA can offer an alternative suggestion here? Art posted a link to YouTube a month or two ago with a review of a CS generator costing over $300. The video showed just how poorly constructed it was when the guy opened up the machine, with materials costing no more than $15!!

Replied by Art
2395 posts

Andrea, Unfortunately, I do not have another recommendation for another retail silver generator. I knew the day would come when the builder of my generator would no longer be able to make it so I bought two to have one as a backup. I am completely spoiled by the Silvertron unit when compared to any other unit under $500. This unit is actually a mini computer which makes it very accurate and very adjustable. When I bought it, I looked at every unit I could find that was under $500 and there was nothing that even came close in terms of build quality, accuracy, product support and adjustability. I think it was around $350 and other units that were in that general price range were very basic by comparison and much more limited in adjustability of batch size and adjustability of parts per million. Most machines could only produce 20 ppm or lower and some had no adjustability of batch size. I did find one machine back then that seemed like a somewhat comparable unit, but back then, that unit was over $900 so it made my decision easier. I am sorry that I do not have another recommendation for you. Art

Replied by John

The original designer of the Silvertron has stopped manufacturing, due to personal issues. Apparently, he is in talks with another member of the, who may -or not- take over the device's production. As to what to buy...? I recommend looking there for any recommendations.

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