Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

| Modified on May 29, 2024
Best Borax Protocol Tips
Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/15/2017

Ok so for those having issues with Borax. I took 1/4 teaspoon in an 8 once glass of hot water about the temp you would make tea at. It was incredible each day pain seemed to melt away. About 3 weeks into this I started to get diarrhea. So I droped my dose from 1/4 teaspoon a day to 1/8 teaspoon a day and everything was good. Did improvements slow? Yes. Did my pain come back? No. I figure after a few months I will try moving back to 1/4 teaspoon a day.

Oh I am 44 years have had 3 ankle surgeries, a knee surgery, have diabetes, a leaking heart valve and a whole in half my sacrum from spinabifida. I have been terrible pain since age six and was told I would never walk again, never play sports again blah blah....Since I had the right knee of a 90 year old man at age 12 I played sports, lifted weights, climbed mountains etc.....

Oh I forgot about my broken spine and arthritis in multiple joints including my left hand. Slowly but surely I am reversing my type ii diabetes with diet and exercise. I am reversing my many issues with nutrients including Borax. I know what it is to go from squatting over 700lbs. bench pressing 475lbs. to barely being able to get out of the way of one's own shadow.

So just keep in mind that if a dose of Borax is too high and causes you side effects do not give up on it just cut the dose until the side effects go away. You can always build up but if you give up well all is lost! Take each day one day at a time. Think in terms of weeks, months, years, decades. You did not end up where you are instantly so it will likely take some time to turn things around.

As a fellow American I know we are short on patience as a Nation and want Instant Results but life does not work that way usually! Stay focused on the dream and just take one step towards it each day a marathon is not a huge intense sudden effort rather it is a series of moderate efforts repeated over and over and over again until you get to the end!

Be blessed!

-Sincerely, John.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Rhonda (Tahlequah, OK) on 10/04/2019

Started using Borax over 3 months now. Before I started, my health was going down hill fast. My ovaries failed kicking in early menopause over 2 years ago. My thyroid function was way out of whack. Bone loss was occurring quickly along with joints deteriorating. Psoriasis on my scalp worsened and arthritis from it was insane. Cholesterol levels increased, Vitamin D levels plummeted. I had intense muscle tension, weakening muscle strength, hair loss, thinning skin, dry skin, worsening vision, bone spur on my spine, heart palpitations, depression, anxiety, brain fog, extreme fatigue, UTI's. Yeast infections, shortness of breath, blood sugar fluctuations, bleeding gums, chipping teeth, loss of libido, migraines, jaw pain, receding gum line, and I could probably go on. Discovered the use of Borax for treating a UTI and Yeast infection. I refused to take antibiotics to worsen my issue.

Made up some gel capsules with Borax to insert. Within days the problem was gone. I was astonished. To my surprise, I learned that I could possibly treat myself for a lot of the problems I had going on. I had been badly affected by halides like fluoride, bromide and chloride. Gut bacteria too of course. Started taking Borax by the Walter Last method after learning about our deficiencies with Boron due to depleted soil, and water. Used 1 tsp of Borax Powder in one liter of distilled water dissolved in a glass container. Took one tsp daily from that liter 3mg of Boron. Felt it right away. Noticed a decrease in pain in 3 days. Had a herxheimer reaction about a week into it. Backed off and started back when I felt better.

All was good, increased to 2 tsp daily for 6mg daily. Always took my doses with magnesium spaced out. 400mg Oral Glycinate and used Magnesium oil (transdermal magnesium chloride) Felt more pain with the increase, but this time, I started taking a bath in 1/2 cup Borax and 1/2 cup Epsom, daily sometimes twice for 20 min.

These baths were phenomenally healing for me. Made me feel so good afterwards. My skin loved it. It got softer and had a nicer appearance. I also soaked my head and scalp for my psoriasis. This really helped with the plaque build up and itch. Very nice on my hair too. After my bath I moisturized with a mixture of Organic Cold pressed unrefined Virgin Coconut oil and Avocado oil. (Avocados are a source of Boron.) Soon increased my dose to 9mg, 3 tsp spaced out. Still used ample magnesium to help correct the calcium metabolism and took my baths.

About a little over a month went by and I decided to try to drop off my prescription medications to see if I really still needed them. One by one I quit taking them. Asthma inhaler, Asthma Steroid, Nasal Steroid, Anti depressant, Anti Anxiety, Migraine and Allergy. I wasn't even taking much aspirin or ibuprofen. Didn't even seem to miss them. My pain had decreased so much. I was getting my life back after wanting to give up. Fast forward to today, pain has decreased to almost none. Bones feel much stronger as do my joints. My energy has returned, depression has lifted, I'm not as anxious. My thyroid gained correct function, no more heart palpitations, weakness, muscle weakness, or bone pain.

My hair stopped falling out and has returned to growing back in. Skin feels more youthful and not dry. Eye sight seems to be improving still. Libido has increased some, no more gut issues, UTI's or yeast infections so far. My nails are even growing longer and stronger. My bone spur on my spine disappeared, psoriasis improved, cholesterol and vitamin D levels are improved, muscle tension is very seldom. Another thing I did other than getting rid of fluoride and tooth paste with it, I used some of my dissolved dose as part of my oral healthcare. Poured some of the mixture on my toothbrush during brushing every time. In no time, my teeth were not chipping, sensitive or weak. Gums stopped bleeding and I had no mouth sores.

The best part, my teeth are getting whiter all the time! I'm just amazed at the results I have had. I'm continuing with a maintenance dose of 3-6 mg daily and I'm still a fan of my baths and tooth care routine. Borax has been a life saver for me. I will continue to introduce others to it. My whole family are fans too. Even my dog without her case of the itchies. It doesn't always take large doses to be effective. Low and slow is my motto. Don't forget magnesium and other essential vitamins too! Don't give up! If used properly, Borax can be the best thing we can do for our health!

God Bless!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Nathan (Auburn, Michigan ) on 01/04/2016

I've been taken borax for all most a month now and I am feeling great my knees don't hurt anymore, I'm sleeping better and getting more energy by the day.

The questions I have. Does the borax flush out fungus from the body? I have read about hair growth since I'm 48 male with hair loss.

While I'm taking 1/8 of a teaspoon borax in a liter of distilled water, do I make a paste to put on my scalp? To make the follicles to start hair growth. Or is there something else I should do.

Hidradentis Suppurative
Posted by Kristina (Arizona) on 03/15/2016

I was experiencing a horrible auto immune condition called HS (Hidradenitis Supperativa). Very, very painful and debilitating. I decided to try the borax protocol to attack the autoimmune condition. In six weeks all symptoms of my condition had disappeared and it is 10 months later and I continue to be healed. I now drink borax water once or twice a week. I drink 1/4 tsp in the liter of distilled water once or twice a week. I give 1/4 of the above mentioned dilution to both my children once or twice a week.

My Mom has been drinking it daily for 9 months (after seeing my amazing results) due to a number of health afflictions, and has skin growing on her legs where she has had open wounds for 30 years from a recluse spider bite.

My coworker drinks the above mentioned dilution daily and has had a significant reduction in her rheumatoid arthritis pain. In fact over the winter she was shocked to 'notice' she was barely hurting in her hands at all...

I was desperate for answers when I tried this and I'm so glad I did. Decide for yourself, trust your instincts. Good luck.

Multiple Cures
Posted by George S. (British Columbia) on 06/17/2021

I've been taking a small amount of Borax on a regular basis since late 2012, after reading an article entitled "The Borax Conspiracy."

Within a week, the pain in my shoulder was gone.

My wife had a calcite spur in her foot. Very painful. I told her that the boron in the Borax would help her body regulate the calcium and the magnesium in her body and may make the spur go away.

It went away within a week.

Recently, my dentist checked my jaw bone to see if I had enough bone to install a dental implant (it's unusual for someone my age [65] to have enough bone to safely do an implant without extra preparation to the bone). He was surprised/shocked to find out that I have no bone loss at all. I told him it was because I "take boron supplements." (I didn't dare say that I take BORAX--he would have flipped! )

I put 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in a 2-liter bottle of water. Then I drink about 1/2 cup of Borax-water each day, for about 4 or 5 days per week.

The $5.60 box of Borax that I bought on 24-Dec-2012 is still mostly full. It will last until I am about 130 years old or more.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Michael (Sydney, Australia) on 06/26/2014

OK, just the facts. I'm taking an almost homoeopathic dilution of borax; 1 rounded teaspoon dissolved in 1 litre of water. Then take 2 to 3 teaspoons per day of this already dilute solution. Much less than I've seen recommended here but it works a treat for me.

On the first day I noticed nothing at all, including no ill effects.

On the second day a thick coating appeared on my tongue, clearly this was yeast being chased out of my system. I also noticed that my skin was much softer. I'm male so I wasn't looking for this but it certainly feels healthier, so yay! In the evening I felt very tired and had to sleep; I have had insomnia forever so this was surprising.
On the third day the many discoloured patches on my skin disappeared - not faded; gone! I've had these patches for about 20 years and I've known they were fungus for all that time and now they are completely gone. Also my hair feels softer and thicker.
Sometime during all of this I noticed that the osteoarthritis in my knees was diminished to such a degree that the pain of walking was almost gone.

It is now the 4th day since I started taking borax and the gains continue unabated. My tongue has cleared up and I'm even losing weight. Lots of weight. In 4 days.

Can this be happening? The sceptic in me wants to reserve opinion but the results so far are so breathtaking that I had to post this. The main point I wanted to make was the extremely dilute solution I'm using, and yet it still works. So, if you are have trouble getting your head around ingesting borax, perhaps you could try this method too. By my reckoning you'll be taking roughly 1/200th of a teaspoon of borax per teaspoon of liquid and you can barely taste it. Hope this helps.

Good luck all.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Dave (Mi) on 07/11/2016

I have been taking borax internally for two months with no side effects, my toe fungus cleared fast, my stamina went up fast, my cuts heal fast. Of course Big Pharma will say it's toxic, there is no money in it for them. It's safe and my father had stage 3 bone and lung cancer and after taking borax for 6 months he is cancer free!!!! I heard it from the Drs mouth myself he is cancer free and that is what prompted me to try it.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Deirdre (LA) on 10/10/2019

My new borax protocol, working fabulously..

A pinch of borax in 4 ounces of water.

Taken two times a day. By pinch, I mean if you were to reach into a salt jar and pinch just enough salt to sprinkle on an entree, about that much. (Don't ask me to count the granules!) I spent the past 10 years on and off doing Ted's 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water. However, a pinch 1-2 times a day seems to be the perfect amount for me. I do the first dose on an empty stomach in the morning. 5 days on and take the weekend off. I was inspired by the post on Earth Clinic in the borax cures section to try the pinch after reading where someone wrote about how they generously sprinkled borax on their food every meal. No side effects with this pinch dosage! Previously borax made me feel upset for absolutely no reason like other women have mentioned here and there on the site. With the pinch of borax, after less than a day I feel light on my feet and have no joint pain lingering after strenuous karate training.

What an amazing remedy.

Multiple Cures
Posted by vernonlove (ca) on 03/27/2021 2 posts

I had arthroscopic knee surgery in May 2020. Two months into recovery the entry area had not completely healed and a staph infection had formed. My surgeon, nor any other doctor caught this. I ended up at the emergency room and was diagnosed with cellulitis, which had spread to the other leg and had major swelling from both knees down to the tips of my toes. After three rounds of antibiotics, I had not responded and was getting worse. I then thought hospitalization would be necessary.

Then by chance, I watched a video on rumble, and Borax was mentioned as a therapy for overall health issues. I have been using 1/4 teaspoon in one liter of distilled water and drinking it throughout the day.

I'm on my 8th day and have been getting better more and more every day. The only side effect is a pressure headache behind my left eye, which is tolerable. Could this be due to the decalcification of my pineal gland? I have noticed my hair and skin looking better and my teeth are whitening as well. I'm a 57 year old male who is very positive for the future!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Golden Dotz (Rural Wisconsin ) on 06/28/2021

My fiancé and I both started taking 1 liter distilled water mixed with 1/4 tsp of Borax . We drink it over the course of 12 hours . I have done this for 5 days and took several days off and now I'm back on it. I FEEL GREAT! Much more alert, healthy bowel movements that seem to be dense and I feel crap leaving my body ~ literally ~ lol, optimistic energy and a up beat positive mood. The clarity of mind is what I'm really enjoying most.. I'm a fan. I also take Lugol's iodine a few drops a week and grey Celtic sea salt regularly. I was told the borax and grey Celtic sea salt help pull heavy metals out of the body. I avoid all gluten starch and sugar ~ so that is working for my wellness, and I use the iodine to also test a food if I'm unsure if it has starch in it. Toxemia is an excellent book to read - and that's all I'd like to add for right now. Thank you.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Malcolm (Gore Bay, Ontario) on 02/02/2023

Hi just wanted to reach out and tell my story about using borax. I'm 36, am a stone mason by trade and used to power lift. I've been suffering chronic inflammation, extreme muscle soreness and extreme cramping to the point that I was tearing muscles. My last major tear was an abdominal muscle. Just for reference, I used to squat 551 bench 345 and deadlift 685 as a natural athlete. I had to completely stop all lifting and working far less hours due to these issues. By 7 pm I would start cramping and my joints would ache so bad I started using cannabis heavily to medicate so I would relax and be able to sleep. I've been to drs and specialists and have had all kinds of tests but everything has always been normal.

Found a video with a Phd talking about consuming borax and the dosages etc etc. To make it less complicated, I started out with a pinch 2x a day and worked my way up to 1/8 tsp, 2xD.

Within 3 days - spasming stopped. 5 days - joint pain and all muscle inflammation next to vanished. I have had the same length of goatee since I was 19. It grows to a certain length and falls out. At about week 3, my facial hair was growing more so than usual and by about week 5 it had doubled in length and I was having to shave far more often. I have had 3 bone spurs in the last decade. One in my right shoulder, my left heel, and recently my right heel. It was digging into my achilles and causing a lot of issues. I did some reading that talked about cal build up and on my search I found that video about taking borax. Also around the 5 week mark it is 90% heeled up. Full rom, 3/10 pain but only 1/10 constant.

Recently decided to stop drinking coffee and stop consuming cannabis. I stopped taking borax, and within a week my joints started to ache again and my nails are chipping and have all kinds of lines like they are going to split.

As I'm writing this I have hot water beside me ready to drink. Just wanted to reach out and share my story.

Knee Joint Pain
Posted by George (Newquay, England) on 07/25/2017

I have been using Borax in the recommended dosage for about two years now. I have digested it two ways: in 1 litre of water and in my fruit smoothie. The latter being the easiest for me. I am now 67 years of age.

I started having serious pains in my knee joints about three years ago. I was recommended for surgery to undergo total knee replacement. First my left knee, then later, my right knee. I found an article on Borax, by chance, while waiting for a hospital surgery date. I decided to give Borax ingesting a try.

By the time I was given a date for surgery, I even attended the pre-op interview. At that interview, I decided to postpone the surgery and give my knees a second chance using Borax.

Two years later, I have both my natural knee joints in place. While I still have very minor discomfort, now and again, I am pleased I decided not to have the surgery.

It is not a "magic bullet" solution. It takes dedication and determination to go and stick with Borax. At my age, I feel my muscle strength and bone health to be as good as it was 10/15 years ago.

What I failed to mention: During my knee pain era, I was taking 2 - 4 pain killers everyday, only available on prescription. I have not used (Tramadol) for over 18 months now. Another "blessing in disguise."

I hope my story and it is a true story, is of benefit to someone out there.
Thank you and stay well.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Tamara (Fort Collins, Colorado, Usa) on 04/19/2013

I've waited to write a post on this for a long time as I have been adjusting our treatments to see if they really are effective. At this point I'm pretty confident about borax's ability to stem fungal hair loss and other ailments that my boyfriend has, although this is still very much a work in progress. We are also trying to heal and remedy other ailments that might or might not be connected. This is going to be long, sorry!

It all started a few years ago when I noticed that my boyfriend's beard was getting patchy and also very itchy. He's very laissez faire about everything health-wise, so I just waited until he felt ready to address the problem. He's almost 40 and has hair loss typical of a male his age on top of his head, which he also scratches. Soon, the beard patchiness was getting very obvious; to the point he was not growing hair on his mustache in certain places, and it was even showing when he did shave. I started to tease him that he looked like Hitler, because it wasn't growing past the width of his nose on one side. That's when he started to notice. He had large patches on his cheeks where hair wasn't growing, either.

A month later we moved from sunny Colorado to rainy Seattle and he developed a small patch of ringworm on his back. That's when I put my foot down and decided that we were going to treat his fungal infections instead of waiting for them to spread further. As soon as I saw the ringworm I made him jump in a bath with a 1/4 cup of borax and scrubbed his back (and head, neck, and chest) with the borax in a paste with water. I had him leave it on for about 5 minutes. He said that his skin felt like it was burning, but mildly, like a rash. After the bath he said his skin felt good and wasn't itchy. As a health experimenter, I felt that this was a good sign that his hair loss was a fungal problem.

Within a week of daily baths his ringworm disappeared. Within a month of scrubbing his face with borax he no longer had patchy beard growth. I had him shave more frequently and "borax" his face, along with applying tea tree oil and coconut oil, as well. He shaves intermittently, sometimes twice a week, sometimes twice a month and isn't very consistent with doing anything but borax. Even then, he forgets why until his face becomes itchier. We continue to put a few tablespoons of borax in his bath water (he likes baths) to counteract the chlorine, fluoride, and any continuing fungal issues he may still have.

I was still concerned, however, that we were just chasing after the fungus and not treating it. If he didn't take a bath every day or didn't scrub his face with borax when he did, his beard would get itchy and slightly patchy. It would go away the next time he scrubbed, but it was still disconcerting to me. The problem is, I am not him, and therefore it is not my life to dictate. If it were me, I would immediately assume that I might have a case of mild systemic candida and treat it as such, probably by following Bill's protocols. He is his own person and does not want to give up his Dr. Pepper habit, hates vegetables, won't take anything that tastes bad (like alkalizing remedies): pretty much the opposite of treating candida. Ok, c'est la vie. So I work with what I can do for him, and offer solutions when I can.

After giving him some information on borax and boron several months ago, he decided that he wanted to explore the possibility of boron supplementation. He started taking a boron and mineral supplement and found relief for a few niggling concerns. For one thing, his knees stopped hurting, which he hadn't even realized were hurting! Also, he found that his hormones started to perk up and found he had a libido again, after seeming to lose it without realizing either! (Maybe he needs to work on his biofeedback response?) So far the pills seemed to be an effective remedy, but still weren't addressing the fungal issues like I had hoped.

Somewhere along the line, probably realizing the cost of expensive boron pills, he felt ready to take Ted's borax in water remedy. We already use borax for baths, cleaning, laundry and killing mold in our damp apartment, so I have plenty on hand. I decided, for ease of use to use the "concentrated" dosing recommended in the Walter Last article on Borax, here: I use warm distilled water and dissolve the borax in it and use this concentrate, a teaspoon at a time. He takes this twice a day for five days and then takes a break for two days. We have found this to work very well for us.

This hasn't been a completely side-effect free, experiment, however. I believe that he has die-off effects from the candida, as well as halide poisoning symptoms. We seem to be able to mitigate these effects with Bill's liver protocol, as well as avoiding sources of chlorine, fluoride and bromine, especially. He also feels big mood swings, probably from his hormones trying to rebalance, and goes from being very grumpy one day to cheery, almost manic, the next day. I'm still trying to work on his hormone balancing and haven't found a solution to that yet.

As for a list of benefits, he's found great relief from his facial fungal problems. He no longer needs to be as vigilante about scrubbing his face with the borax paste. He has a renewed libido and no longer has painful knees. And the biggest, so far unmentioned, have been the cessation of symptoms of his allergies. He used to have very bad allergies, which I've been trying forever to remedy with everything I can on EC, including honey, apple cider vinegar (which is a staple in our house), probiotics, and countless other things that I can't even remember because they didn't work. At this time last year (and every year previous) he was a big, soggy ball of running nose, eyes, itchy throat, and sneezing, with sinus headaches on top. Today he can stop his allergies from turning on full bore with a sip of water with borax in it. It's a very big difference, although it is not perfect. He still has lingering issues, but so far so good.

I have been a faithful reader of EC now for over 6 years and read the Real-Time Posts page nearly every day. It's exciting for me to read all of the posts of people being helped by the information shared on this lovely site. I like to look at the wealth of info provided here and put together the connections between folks and their symptoms or remedies. I hope that somebody can gain some useful information from this post. Borax is a Yay! For us.

Weight Loss
Posted by Pan (El Paso) on 04/09/2021

I have definitely noticed a weight reduction since using borax 5 days now. My diet has actually gotten more diverse. I was on gluten free paleo diet for health reasons. I felt sick so I couldn't exercise. I'm eating like a kid again so I know it's not my diet causing weight loss. Boron has my back. Thank God for this wonderful mineral to counter act the toxicity of this world.

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Herman Rutner (Ma ) on 12/03/2016

I am a retired chemist and have used boric acid and borax extensively, in the lab and as supplement, both oral and topical. Though extensively used as an effective ant poison when mixed with sugar, boric acid is quite safe and non irritating, indeed having been used for decades as an eye wash. Similarly borax is basically boric acid with a lot of sodium. Both contain boron about 22% for boric acid versus 11% for borax. And oral borax is instantly converted to boric acid in stomach acid. Contrary to medical hype attempting to block its use as an effective arthritis remedy in Australia and Europe where sales are banned, it is about as toxic as common salt and widely used baking soda in antacids.

The major problem is high sodium in borax for persons on low salt diets. Luckily it can still be bought also as fairly pure 20 Mule borax for use as an excellent detergent enhancer and an arthritis remedy at about 1/4 teaspoon borax or hard to find pure boric acid, best USP or NF grade, in quart of water taken in small portions over about 16 hrs. Google The Borax Conspiracy to get the facts and disregard medical hype seeking to outlaw this arthritis remedy, another miracle drug like aspirin.

Also chelated boron sold as 3 mg capsules may not be as effective.