Sea Salt, Banana
By the grace of god, my blood pressure has started coming near to normal. The changes I made were I started using sea salt in place of normal salt and after getting up in morning I try to have at least half banana within 15 minutes, that keeps my acidity low, and if thats low my bp is also normal.
Indian Snakeroot for High Blood Pressure
I know that you all don't want products submitted, but if I don't give it, no one will be able to find it. It is for High Blood Pressure and worked for me on the very same day by the end of the day. You must experiement a little with dosage to get a good range for yourself-range is indicated on the bottle. Start small, and if not good enough, work up from there. You can find the info on - and .
It is also sold on - I hope that you all share this information. It seems to be a little known cure but the best and fastest working one I have ever seen for high blood pressure, stress and anxiety. It comes from a plant in India and has no known side effects. If a person is on blood pressure medicine, the pressure lowering effect would be too great if taking them both, so if they are trying to wean off of thier medication, I would probably start with 1/2 a Serpina pill and work up slowly as they take themselves off of the blood pressure medicine while closely monitoring it. They don't want the blood pressure to drop too low. Serpina is normally effective by itself. It helps lower and regulate the BP as your body gets in the cycle. In the meantime, you want to take measures to get healthy. You may be able to lower your Serpina intake. If you come off the Serpina and are still doing the same old thing, the BP will gradually go back up again. You can continue to take the Serpina, but I would think that you would want to make some lifestyle changes to be healthier. I hope this helps many many people. God bless!
(Mumbai, Maharashtra , India)
Has anybody had any luck in lowering blood pressure systolic using serpina?
(Gippsland, Australia)
Hi Chandu, Yes. I used serpina tablets, along with Ted's lemon & bi-carb soda alkalizing drink with added magnesium and potassium, whilst weaning myself off blood pressure medication. Now my blood pressure is mostly in the upper normal range. I monitor it occasionally and if goes up a bit I take the tablets till it comes back down. All the best.
(Batavia Ny)
Serpina is found in mukta vati indian herbal pills. I've been taking for a few yrs now. Has not lowered my bl pr but has lowered my resting heart rate which is good, so I still take it.
Special Diets
This is a must for those with HBP issues. I believe HBP to be directly related to the type of sodium in our food or artial plaque build up. In my case,and yes I had test run by a medical facility and everything was in good shape, my blood pressure always seemed to be borderline at around 130 over 90 and sometimes depending on what I ate or drank would go up to 140 over 95. So I believe my HBP to be related to the type of sodium in our foods.
I have expermented with this and can make my blood pressure increase and decrease with what I eat in my diet. My BP came down in one week to 118 over 76. I was truly amazed. Well after losing motivation I soon slipped off the diet and my BP slowly crept back up. After starting the diet once again, my BP was down.
I will give you the basic diet I used (There is a book on this,but I know Earth Clinic does not want titles or products) So you will need: A blender; Whey powder; Sea salt (All natural/unbleached); Ground Flax seed; Ice; Fresh or frozen fruits and veggies; Raw almonds and other nuts; Beans; Dairy of any kind, must be fat free or 1%; Unsweetened, unfavored instant oatmeal; Eggs; Lean meats; Peanut butter (again all natural); Olive Oil;100% Whole Grain cereals and bread; Berries (Fresh or Frozen); and Low fat yogurt.
So the goal is BP reduction, but you will lose weight with this also. You will be eating every 2 to 3 hours 6 times a day. Serving sizes should be no more than the palm of your hand and you basically combine the foods such as,1 ounce of almonds with 1 ounce of raisins as a snack or an apple and a cheese stick. For supper, a serving of Tuna, Spinach, Peas, and a glass of fat free milk. For desert, a few pieces of dark chocolate. I hope you get the idea.
The very best part is the smoothies though because you can actually drink 6 of them a day instead of meals and snacks. Take a blender, add 1 cup of crushed ice or 3 or 4 ice cubes, 1 cup of Fat free milk, 2 Tablespoons of low fat vannila yogurt, 2 Teaspoons of Whey powder. These are your basic ingredients and will be in every smoothie you consume. Now you add fresh or frozen fruit of any kind (about a cup) and 2 Teaspoons of peanut butter OR 1 pack of cooked instant oatmeal and blend (this usally makes two servings). A serving will be 12 to 16 ounces and can be drank up to 6 times a day spaced apart at every 2 to 3 hours.
A few teaspoons of flax seed spread over salads or added to smoothies is a good addition. Just remember to try to cook from Raw and add sea salt for flavor.
You can do smoothies all day or you can combine the other foods as snacks and meals. I really do wish I could name the book (Diet). Snacks can be a cup of low fat yogurt and a boiled egg or an egg sandwich on 100% Whole grain bread. I really hope this will help. Incorporating bananas and asparagus as part of this diet will help keep the kidneys flushed from sodium. If sodium is the cause of your HBP, this should be a cure.
Hello, would anyone recommend adding L-Arginine for HBP along with what I am taking now? I am now taking Taurine, magnesium, acv, olive leaf ..I am 59 and female and mostly vegetarian diet but do eat fish about three times a week.....reading conflicting reports on the L Arginine....
Beberobozo: Arginine is indicated to lower bp thru a mechanism called nitric oxide which dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow. Arginine also boost growth hormone production and increases the size and activity of the thymus gland (which improves immunity). Arginine rich food is almost all nuts. So I would recommend particularly Walnuts as they are also high in EPA's or "good fats" which is very much indicated for cardiovascular health.
(Denver, Colorado)
Beberobozo: Raw ferments have a phenomenal record at playing a vital role in cardiovascular well being. I make home made ferments from sucanet and buckwheat. There is a 112 year old woman living in Russia who drinks goats milk yoghurt every day. Ferments have more biological value than food and more nutrients than supplements. Many people who are challenged by concerns see a remarkable improvement after taking ferments.
My blood pressure was high. 198 over something. I couldn't take any prescriptions for it other than a diuretic (prescription) because my muscles in my thighs kept hurting. That can be a dangerous side effect especially since your heart is a muscle.
1,000mg of Taurine and my blood pressure went down to 150 over something. Then 130 over something. With a prescription diuretic and 1000mgs of Taurine my blood pressure is in the teens.
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
That makes perfect sense, as taurine regulates and normalizes heartbeat. Contrary to what is claimed, it is not the ingredient in "energy drinks" that causes any problems. Taurine also occurs naturally in red meat. It gets its name from the "meat of the bull".
Traditional Chinese Medicine
I go to my Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor for my blood pressure. I was allergic to all the medications prescribed by my primary care physician. My TCMD gives me acupuncture, herb pills, and an herb tea to drink. She also told me to eat a lot of watermelon. It really does help.
Vegetable Juicing and Meditation
Quickest way to reduce blood pressure it to avoiding omega 6 fats, stop eating white grains and anything with sugar. Then simply juice vegetables. If you don't like the taste simple add carrots or an apple for taste. Avoid all process foods, any caffeine including tea. My blood pressure used to be 159/108. Now it is 118/78. For fats you can have low amounts, flax oil (can't be heated), olive oil, and coconut oil (no more than 1/2 a teaspoon a day). At all cost avoid canola oil it is very toxic to the body. Meditation will help lower blood pressure, so will yoga, yoga can teach you how to meditate or go to a zen buddhist temple nearby. From juicing fresh vegetables you will lose weight and you will be less hungry. So get out there a get a juicer
Vitamin B Complex
Hi everyone, my bp was straight 120 over 80 for more than 50 years, then it went nuts about 8 years ago, spiking a Lot.
Went through many EC remedies, nothing worked. Recently a nutritionist I follow said, watch your Vitamin Bs. Threw my head back, laughed (because everything's fortified, enriched, right?), and was in so much pain I got Standard Process B formula Catalyst whatever- with the additional Catalyst formula for more support (also kept on with years of cutting down coffee to once weekly, sugar down somewhat, tried to cut stress too..ha! ), plus kept taking a very nice probiotic, months on end...
Long short, BP went down in a day or 2, consistently down, been 4 months. And, my hair stopped falling out. This last didn't notice til plumbing didn't need unclogging as it had for about 8 years, a quarter cup coming out a wash.
So, I guess, watch your Bs!
Vitamin B Complex
Adele Davis, the well know American nutritionist, says that trials have been done using cholin which have been proved to help lower BP. This is an ingredient in a Vit B complex supplement. I had been neglecting to take my vitamin supplements and decided to get back into the habit. Each evening I take an executive B complex, a calcium/magnesium tablet, a fish oil capsule, multi vitamin and a 500 mg Vitamin E capsule (vit E tends to increase BP if you don't start taking it in small doses). When I returned to the doctor after a few months, my BP had come down significantly.
I have been walking more lately and my BP has dropped to 114/73 and I'm 66 yr young. I take Apple Cider Vinegar 2x a day and 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil a day. I have also eliminated taking any acid reflux meds also which I was on for 8 years. The site has been good for me and my health. I am lucky that that is all the ailments I have is high bp which is under control and acid reflux which is under control. Now about those 6 grandkids, lol.
I also have high blood pressure, just drinking a glass of water will greatly reduce it, but not for long. Its finding a way to keep it down where you dont have to drink water constantly thats tricky!
High Blood Pressure - Water. The reason apple cider vinegar 'cure' works is because it's usually taken with lots of water. If you don't like the tast of apple cider vinegar, just drink 6-8 glasses of water per day--2 glasses upon rising and the rest before 5pm. High blood pressure is actually just the adaptive process your body has to severe "water deficiency". Drink lots of pure water daily and don't be surprised if your other ailments are cured within weeks or even days.
(Pacific Grove, Ca, Usa)
I have had high blood pressure for years. I have always drank about a half gallon of water a day. I started taking apple cider vinegar every morning with apple juice. I still drink a half gallon of water a day, or less. Now my blood pressure medication has been cut in half. If my water intake is the same or less, and it's all about water, then why has my medication amount been cut in half since I started taking the vinegar?
Response to Hans:
12/09/2008: Hans from Delft, Zuid Holland / The Netherlands writes: "Hi Ted, Thanks for all your alkalizing advice. I have been using the lemon + baking soda formula for over 6 months now. I have a lot of energy. My skin looks great. The pH of my urine is 7,5 or higher consistantly. I take one lemon plus about 1 teaspoon of baking soda. I add one liter of water. this is what i do twice a day. Now here comes my question. Some people noticed my change in energy and also the way i look. They started doing the same, but they experience a rise in bloodpressure. My own bloodpressure doesn't rise above 125 / 83 even when i add extra baking soda. Could you explain why my bloodpressure stays the same while my friend's bloodpressure rises? Several others didn't report anything but positive from this remedy. My aunt and brothers told me their Acid reflux was gone in a few days. They also experience significant weight loss. Thanks alot!
Best regards,
High blood pressure is often caused by chronic dehydration. The body needs a certain amount of sodium, but the body also needs to be constantly flushed by drinking enough water, which will help flush excess sodium from the system. When you feel thirst, you are already very dehydrated as this is one of the last symptoms of dehydration to manifest.
As a rule of thumb, take your body weight in pounds and divide by 2. This simple calculation gives you the number of ounces of water your body needs daily. Coffee, tea, juice, and colas don't count. Divide by 8 and this will tell you how many glasses of water you need each day.
Drinking this amount of water daily will naturally bring your blood pressure in line. A good friend of mine was able to discontinue his high blood pressure medication within 2 months of beginning this practice.
Keep in mind that strenuous physical activity and living in dry climates may increase your water requirements.
(Atlanta, Georgia)
True. Dehydration is sometimes the cause. That has happened to me. My blood pressure was high and I drank a glass of water. My blood pressure fell like a rock.
White Cumin Seeds, Fennel Seeds, Green Cardamom
White Cumin seeds, Fennel Seeds, Green Cardamom for Hypertension (Blood Pressure)
Found this protocol highly effective. My age 65 yrs. had Cardiac arrest in April 2022. Given medications to regulate BP. As a result, my uric acid jumped, which I have normalized by taking daily 4 tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water 3 times a day.
For normalizing BP, I take 1 tsp of white cumin seeds, 1 tsp of fennel seeds and 2 whole cardamoms. Put them in 1 cup of water. Bring the water to boil. When about 1/2 cup of water is left. Drink it as tea with breakfast. You can drink it warm or cold and interestingly it is very tasty. My regular BP use to be 125-130/80-85 using 50mg of Metoprolol. In a matter of few days/1 week, BP dropped to 90's/60's. Dr reduced the dosage to 25 mg.
After reducing medication, BP is around 100/65. It is important that you have a good BP monitor machine to regularly checking your BP. I will experiment by taking this tea twice a day or eliminating my medicine and see the effect on my BP. As I said earlier, this protocol is highly effective. I hope this info helps.
Instead of 1 cup, boil 1 1/2 cups of water. When 1 cup is left drink it warm or cool.
Hello everyone,
Ted mentioned to use either Erythritol or pure Xylitol to lower blood pressure. Erythritol is a substitute sweetner - do these products actually lower blood pressure significantly? Has anyone tried them and got good results? Thank you!
(Portland, Oregon)
(Taylorsville, Kentucky)
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Now I am mixed up.... After reading quite a bit about Xylitol and how good it is for your teeth I bought it, now you say that it is not good.... Sometimes one doesn't really know what is good and what is not!
(Nyc, Ny)
(Batavia, Ny)
I only know that xylitol is very poisonous to dogs.