Hi Chandu, Yes. I used serpina tablets, along with Ted's lemon & bi-carb soda alkalizing drink with added magnesium and potassium, whilst weaning myself off blood pressure medication. Now my blood pressure is mostly in the upper normal range. I monitor it occasionally and if goes up a bit I take the tablets till it comes back down. All the best.
Indian Snakeroot for High Blood Pressure
I know that you all don't want products submitted, but if I don't give it, no one will be able to find it. It is for High Blood Pressure and worked for me on the very same day by the end of the day. You must experiement a little with dosage to get a good range for yourself-range is indicated on the bottle. Start small, and if not good enough, work up from there. You can find the info on - http://www.himalayahealthcare.com/innovation/serpina.htm and
http://www.himalayahealthcare.com/products/serpina.htm .
It is also sold on www.blueboyherbs.com -http://blueboyherbs.com/herbs_ayurvedic.htm. I hope that you all share this information. It seems to be a little known cure but the best and fastest working one I have ever seen for high blood pressure, stress and anxiety. It comes from a plant in India and has no known side effects. If a person is on blood pressure medicine, the pressure lowering effect would be too great if taking them both, so if they are trying to wean off of thier medication, I would probably start with 1/2 a Serpina pill and work up slowly as they take themselves off of the blood pressure medicine while closely monitoring it. They don't want the blood pressure to drop too low. Serpina is normally effective by itself. It helps lower and regulate the BP as your body gets in the cycle. In the meantime, you want to take measures to get healthy. You may be able to lower your Serpina intake. If you come off the Serpina and are still doing the same old thing, the BP will gradually go back up again. You can continue to take the Serpina, but I would think that you would want to make some lifestyle changes to be healthier. I hope this helps many many people. God bless!