Natural Remedies

Natural Gout Remedies: Diet, Topicals, and Precautions

| Modified on Jul 20, 2024
Natural Remedies for Gout

Gout, a particularly intense form of arthritis, is characterized by sudden and severe pain attacks. The good news is that natural treatments for gout are not only effective but often provide rapid relief. Gout management encompasses both internal and external solutions. Sometimes, a single remedy suffices, while a combination of two or three might be required at other times.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar stands out as a renowned remedy not only for arthritis but also specifically for gout. Its ability to alkalize the body enhances its efficiency in flushing out uric acid crystals. Dive deeper into the benefits and usage of this remedy here.

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)

While it might seem surprising, ordinary baking soda, a staple in many kitchens, can be a potent remedy for gout. This cost-effective ingredient helps neutralize the body's acidity, subsequently relieving gout symptoms.


Cherries not only tantalize the taste buds but also offer substantial relief for those battling gout. Explore the diverse cherry-based remedies suitable for gout on this page.

Herbs and Vitamins for Gout

Among natural remedies, herbs like Alfalfa, Celery Seed, and Cat's Claw have proven effective against gout, typically consumed in capsule form.

Garlic, a potent anti-inflammatory herb, is most beneficial when consumed raw. Incorporating it generously in meals is a convenient way to reap its benefits.

For gout sufferers, Vitamin C is vital. Sodium ascorbate, a less acidic variant than ascorbic acid, is recommended due to its stomach-friendly nature. A dosage of 500 - 1000 mg, taken twice daily, can be beneficial.

External Treatments for Gout

Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil, though unassuming, boasts remarkable healing properties. To harness its benefits for gout relief:

  1. Immerse a cloth in castor oil and gently cover the affected gout area.
  2. Overlay with plastic wrap, followed by an ace bandage.
  3. Enhance the treatment with a heating pad or hot water bottle if bearable.
  4. An overnight application is particularly effective.
  5. However, due to its greasy nature, it's advisable to wear old pajamas and place a towel underneath to prevent potential staining.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Besides its internal benefits, apple cider vinegar can also be applied externally to alleviate gout pain. For a comprehensive guide on its topical application, explore the detailed process here.

Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt baths serve as a therapeutic remedy for gout discomfort. For a full-body soak, mix 1-2 cups of Epsom salt into a tub of warm water and immerse for 20 minutes. A footbath is efficient if targeting gout specifically in the foot or toe. Simply add 1/3 cup of Epsom salt to a basin filled with warm water and indulge in a 30-minute soak daily.


Hydrotherapy, utilizing the healing powers of water, is an accessible remedy to alleviate gout-induced pain and inflammation. This method alternates between warm and cool treatments:

Warm treatments enhance blood circulation, promoting healing.
Cool treatments effectively diminish swelling and inflammation.

For localized gout in the foot or toe, use two basins - one with warm water and the other cool. For areas like the elbow or knee, alternating warm and cool cloths is practical. Each application should last 30-60 seconds. Begin and conclude with a cool treatment, and rotate between the two a total of seven times for optimal results.

Dietary Adjustments to Manage Gout

Diet plays a pivotal role in managing gout. Certain foods can exacerbate the condition, while others can offer relief:

Foods to Limit or Avoid:

Red meat and shellfish
Foods high in purines
Processed foods
Sugars and artificial sweeteners
Note: Prolonged high protein/low carb diets can elevate gout risk.

Recommended Foods:

Unprocessed, fresh produce
Whole grains
Cherries, a top recommendation for gout relief
Berries like strawberries and blueberries also offer benefits.

It's important to recognize that even those on vegetarian, vegan, or seemingly impeccable diets can experience gout. It may necessitate some investigation to identify potential food or drink triggers.

The Importance of Hydration:

Water is fundamental to our well-being. Contemporary diets laden with sodas, coffees, teas, and energy drinks often sideline water consumption. Proper hydration aids in pain management, with even slight dehydration intensifying discomfort. Prioritize drinking ample water daily. Herbal teas and water infused with apple cider vinegar can also contribute to your hydration goals.

Precautions and Recommendations

  • If you suspect you have gout but haven't been officially diagnosed, it's essential to consult a healthcare expert. Other ailments, such as cellulitis, can resemble gout and can become severe without timely intervention.
  • If you're on prescribed medications, discuss them with your healthcare provider before introducing new herbs or remedies. For instance, activated charcoal, a potential gout remedy, might diminish the efficacy of certain medications.

We'd love to hear about the methods you've tried for managing gout. Alternatively, continue reading to discover how our community has tackled their gout challenges!

Related Links:

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

A-C Carbamide

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Posted by Jay (Coos Bay) on 04/10/2024

I had suffered with a painful ankle for a long time. It hurt so badly, I actually wondered if I had cracked a bone and didn't know it.
Looking on earth clinic for a cure for my sisters gout problem, I suddenly wondered if I too might have gout. I had seen a chiropractor on you tube recommending a product by standard process called A-C Carbamide for gout. I just so happened to have some I had bought for my husband for another condition, so I tried it just before bed. Woke up with no pain in my ankle after weeks of excruciating pain. Since then I have had gout flare up in different joints. Each time I think I must have cracked a bone it's so painful and literally made me cry it ached so bad. Finally a light bulb will go on and I'll think, hey, maybe it's gout! And I will take the pills and the pain will go away. I've discovered painful joints start after eating sugar. If I take one capsule a day I usually can prevent any flare ups, unless I eat sugar several days in a row. Then I'll take three capsules to get rid of the pain. Usually only takes one day, but a few times two or three days. But it ALWAYS works. I hope this helps someone as there is no pain like gout. Just horrible. I believe sugar is the culprit, not meat.

Alkalizing Remedies

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Posted by Ruby (GA) on 01/07/2021

Diagnosed with gout and put on Allopurinol 300 mg and colchicine .6 mg twice daily all of which helped little and caused many more problems like heartburn, diarrhea. bleeding, nausea, etc. I had researched natural cures but was always sent to a website advertising some expensive bottle of herbs, etc. Desperate, I tried again and amazingly found you! I immediately tried the lemon juice, water and baking soda and am also trying ACV, baking soda and water. THANK YOU. You saved my life!

Apple Cider Vinegar, L-Orthinine

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Posted by Clew (Tx) on 06/15/2020

Editor's Choice My husband came home from work and took his shoes and socks off- then he called me over to look- on the top of one foot was this dark purple rash just above his toes- it was about 4”x3” and had very small bumps mixed into it! Scared me and I remembered that many years ago he had been diagnosed with gout (it was soooo bad) but had no more issues since then. I had no idea if it was gout or a bug sting (he is allergic to most bug stings) or athletes foot or what???? So I immediately came to Earth Clinic and researched foot rashes!

I saw that apple cider vinegar had the most cures- but then I remembered that L- Orthinine would help eliminate the uric acid -if it was gout! So I immediately started him on the L-Orthinine at 3 Capsules of 500mg first thing every morning and a foot soak of ACV and a bit of water to cover his foot- at first it seemed his rash became more purple- but within 2 days of the ACV foot bath it was about 1/2 the rash as when we started. By day 4 it was 90% gone and he ask if we could let it heal on out from there. We are very grateful for all the articles from Earth Clinic.... Wish you had a book, with everyone's experiences mentioned!!! Thanks.

Baking Soda, Lime Juice

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Posted by Mikemike77 (Uk) on 11/04/2016

Editor's Choice Gout relief achieved by bicarbonate of soda and lime juice.Take about half a teaspoon of bicarb on an empty stomach with a little lime juice and make sure the fizz has totally gone before drinking. First thing in the morning is good. Take another maybe before bedtime. I had suffered for weeks and I kid you not, within a day there was a major improvement and even after an hour I could walk better.

After only one dose my foot was nearly back to normal.

Baking Soda, Vitamin C

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Posted by Annec (Nyc) on 01/31/2017

Baking Soda and Vitamin C treatment for Gout.

My brother could not walk yesterday. I did not know what was wrong. The doctors stay it was arthritis, yet he got no relief. I came to this site, I used the baking soda first 1/2 teaspoon with 1/2 glass of water. Then I gave him 2 packets of 1,000 mg Vitamin C that dissolve in water. Within half an hour he was able to walk. I will be giving it to him on a regular basis.

Black Cherry Juice

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Posted by Diane (Pennsylvania) on 10/24/2023

Black Cherry Juice Concentrate for Gout

I had a second gout attack this year, which began a couple of weeks ago (left big toe). The first time it happened, I drank lemon juice, and it took it away in a day. This time, it went on almost a week, until I was at my wit's end, and I called the local health food store. The lady who owns it told me to use Black Cherry juice. 1 TBSP black cherry juice CONCENTRATE with 3 TBSP water. So my sweet husband went right away and picked some up for me. Within one hour after the first does, the pain began to subside from a 9 to a 3. After two more doses, the pain left entirely. It did take a few days for the redness and the pain to the touch only, along the left side of my foot to go away.

Before trying the black cherry juice, I tried the lemon juice, baking soda, apple cider vinegar (with the mother), celery seed, tart cherry juice, and even the activated charcoal.


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Posted by Stuman (Oceanside, CA) on 02/05/2023

What makes burdock root particularly interesting to gout sufferers is that the herb is a very powerful xanthine oxidase inhibitor, the enzyme in the body that produces uric acid. Blocking this enzyme is how the prescription drugs like Allopurinol and Febuxostat decrease uric acid levels in the blood.

https://goutandyou.com/gout-and-burdock-root/#:~:text=What makes burdock root particularly, acid levels in the blood.

In the past I've successfully used celery seeds for gout pain. This time the celery seeds worked but the pain came back 4 times in different location on my left foot and ankle. The burdock seems to stop the crystals from forming.

A good approach would be:

  • stop eating high purine food and stop overeating. When I overate low purine food, it seemed to cause a flare up.
  • Eat burdock to prevent crystal formation. I've been eating about 2-4 ounces of the root as food 3-5 times a day.
  • Remove the crystal in the joint with celery seed and lots of water.
  • Reduce the swelling turmeric and resveratrol helped short term but I eventually used the pharmaceutical Aleve for 12 hour relief.

Chanca Piedra

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Posted by Ong3 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 10/02/2021

Chanca piedra is a better remedy for gout. I have tried ACV, tart cherry juice and some others but I find chanca piedra most effective. I mixed a teaspoon of chanca piedra powder in a glass of warm water and drink the mixture. You should feel the pain lessen in a few hours. Twice a day if you are already suffering from gout. The mixture is quite bitter or take chanca piedra in capsule form, without the bitterness.


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Posted by Rh (Iowa) on 12/29/2022

I use to get gout terribly. 3 years ago I bought a liquid collagen supplement and take it daily. No gout for 3 years. Lately I have gotten off schedule and missed my daily dose for 2 or 3 days and I have a gout flare up.

Hot Water Soak, Massager

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Posted by Petrolmica (Tasmania) on 06/06/2024

This is my 2nd bout of gout and on my other big toe.

I have been taking anti inflammatory meds for 5 days along with celery tabs and drinking "ural" and water and lemon juice drinks. This has has made an improvement but still in pain and walking with a limp still.

I had woken up during the night in more pain than usual on the 6th day.

The next day I did more research on the net and decided to do the following:

1) Soak my toe/foot in the hottest water I could stand for about 20/30min

2) Then straight after I used a massager on high vibration and put my foot on it firmly for around 20min, concentrating on the painful area of my joint and around my whole toe area.

Within a couple of hours I couldn't believe it! ....I could walk normally with all my weight on my foot and just a bare minimum of pain. I woke up and was still the same.

I will be doing this method again today and for the next few days or more.

I believe the hot water loosened or help dissolve the crystals and the vibration helped remove them from my joint.

Please try this for yourself as if it worked for me it may work for you.

Lithium Orotate, Vitamin C

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Posted by Joe (Las Vegas) on 12/05/2018

I have been using Lithium Orotate combined with high doses of Vitamin C to control my gout attacks with great success for the past year. Twice a day take 2,000mg of a good Vitamin C supplement along with 10mg of Lithium Orotate and you will control your gout.


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Posted by Peter (Los Angeles, California) on 05/22/2021

Without knowing what it was at the time because it didn't affect my joints as is common (i.e. big toe), but actually the soft tissue at the bottom of my foot, I suffered a handful of gout episodes in my right foot that I attribute to high uric acid levels from drinking too much beer on numerous occasions.

I tried a number of supplements to remedy the situation with varying degrees of success (i.e. ACV, cherry juice, baking soda, cherry extract) One thing that permanently relieved the aforementioned gout no matter how poorly I ate or drank is MSM.

I take a tablespoon of MSM on most days and ever since I have never had one episode of gout related pain again. I attribute the success of MSM to its known ability to enhance the permeability of the cellular membrane which allows water and nutrients to flow in while allowing toxins and waste to flow out of the cell so as not to accumulate as in the case of uric acid which builds up as sharp crystals inside the cell which is what causes gout pain.

I never took any drugs for this or even saw a physician. MSM simply works for gout pain because I believe it prevents the built-up of uric acid inside the cells by enhancing the function of the cellular membrane. If you want added insurance to prevent gout, take Quercetin. It deactivates the same enzyme in the body that produces uric acid in the body that the drug Allopurinol does.

Red Light Therapy

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Posted by DebraM (Sydney, Australia) on 06/19/2024 60 posts

I have had an agonizing pain come up in my big toe over the years and only just realized it's gout. I knew that cherries helped with gout so I started drinking cherry juice and eating jars of cherries but when I did, I felt the gout everywhere in my body, my wrists, neck, jaw, lung, shoulder blades, it was agonizing. I remembered last time it flared in my big toe, I used a wand I have that has infrared heat, near infrared light and negative ion release and when I used it on my big toe years ago, it didn't come back for years. So I'm using it again now and the pain in my toe is almost completely gone. Red light therapy is amazing for pain conditions.

Replied by peter

Can you share the red light wand brand?

(Sydney, Australia)
60 posts

The red light wand I have isn't available anymore but there are many other red light wands on them market. Amazon carries one that is close to what I have. It doesn't have the negative ion release but it does have 630nm which was shown in studies to be the only frequency to heal many cancers.

Reduce Protein Intake

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Posted by Donna (Nyc) on 01/05/2016

My husband had gout and after cutting back his protein intake, the gout goes away. Also, tart black cherry, which he gets at the health food store in capsule form helps.


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Posted by Marsh57 (United States) on 10/30/2019

In 1998, I awoke in mid-summer with my big toe on fire. Excruciating pain with a sheet covering it, but I could put a shoe on and walk. Went into the college nurse who diagnosed it as gout. Ok, so I wasn't an overweight, drunken smoker. Instead 110# and yes, probably partying a little too much. There was a health food store next door, so chatted them up. The lady gave me the name of a reflexologist. Made an appointment, and to this day just remember begging for a wooden bullet. While he worked on my feet, I could literally hear the crunching of uric acid. It took a few sessions, but well worth it. PLUS stopped eating fried foods, American cheeses, processed foods. 30 years later (where did the time go?) not another episode. I still have reflexology done a minimum of 2-3x a year to keep any uric acid from building up, although there isn't much with the dietary changes.
