Posted by Chany2198 (Syracuse, Ny) on 04/06/2010
I have been taking 800 mcg of folic acid, vit D 3, and my prenantal and it is not helping at all so I am confused as to why so many women are saying it is their cure. I think the odor as gotten much worse since. I tried inserting the folic acid vaginally and that is not helping either. I am so deseprate for a cure. I am so sick of turning down my husband because I dont want him to smell me.
Folic Acid
Posted by Betbizpartner (Watertown, NY) on 04/23/2009
Have been diagnosed with BV twice. Before and during pregnancy. have been living with it for about 2 yrs. now. It is killing my relationship as my husband is very sexual person and sex has become extremely uncomfortable, physically and emotionally, for me. I find myself starting fights with him for made up reasons just to avoid sex. I did not have BV, that I noticed, before I met him. Now, I am pregnant and just finished the metro gel. It gave me a yeast infection, a bladder infection, and my UTI that i just got rid of came back. Have taken Flagyl previously with only slightly better results. It will not go away. But i must try, so i am taking a prenatal which is full of folic acid, seems to be doing nothing. I will now try garlic and cranberry pills and baking soda baths and anything i can get my hands on that I don't fear endangering my pregnancy, I think the BV is doing a fine job of that on it's own.
Folic Acid
Posted by May (Bellingham, Washington) on 10/12/2008
So I came across this site regarding home remedies for BV. And I bought Acidophilus (10 mg-100million active lactobacillus acidophilus) and folic acid (400 mcg). The first day I took 1 folic acid in the morning and at night. I also took 1 acidophilius in the morning and at night..and it didn't work. The next morning is was still I thought maybe I should increase my dose? So I started taking 2 of each morning, afternoon, and at night..and i even inserted a capsule of acidophillus..and now the discharge is worse than before. It's still the white discharge and the odor is still there. Nothing seems to be helping..How long does it take for this work? Some girls have said overnight?? Am I taking the wrong dose?PLEASE HELP ME..I'm tired of going to the doctors and paying for meds and insurance when I'm gonna have it all over me..