Health Benefits

Borax Side Effects & Safety Guide

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Meyerbl (Tacoma Wa) on 03/14/2017

I put 1 teaspoon of borax in a liter of filtered water and have taken 1 teaspoon of this solution per day for a week now and at first I had bloated stomach for 3 days and now everything seems fine and I am going to continue and hope for good things to happen!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Pinch (London, England) on 03/08/2015


Many thanks for taking the time to reply to my post Nanowriter and Iowama. I have also written a couple of emails to Ted but so far no reply, which is not suprising considering his difficulties.

I have done a lot of reading on Borax and in 1 article found on the internet somewhere it stated that Borax can bring on a Herxheimer reaction resulting in stiffness and pain in the shoulders in hips accompanied by numbness in hands and feet.

This indeed happened to me in a big way, first in the shoulders which subsided after a few days. Sometime later I noticed similar side effects in my right leg and then my hip which became excruciatingly painful and the pain extended down to my right knee. These areas are still very painful but it is beginning to lessen. I think I am having a Herxheimer reaction. I have always been an avid brusher of teeth using fluoridated toothpaste and I am convinced that this is part of the reason for my plight. I also discovered that it is possible that I am being decalcified. Apparently the sciatic nerve can be severely calcified from fluoride and the decalcification process is not on the list of great ways to have a good time. These articles go on to say that the Herxheimer reaction is a sign of healing and not to give up, so I have kept going. 10 weeks into it now.

I know that throughout my life I have subjected my body to gruelling feats of endurance as this my OTTP nature. You always pay the price somewhere down the line but hopefully it is not to late to put things right and also learn a bit of moderation.

I am now alkalising with Bicarb and also taking high doses of ascorbate acid, epsom salts in baths and internally. The baths are wonderful!

I have a big "L" plate on my back in regards to alternative remedies but I am a firm believer that God has provided everthing we need in nature for healing. The problem it seems is that we systematically consume food that is not beneficial to health and that medical science loves a sick population to maximise their profits. "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." History provides all the evidence we need of this sad fact.

Many thanks again and good health to you always! Julian