Health Benefits

Borax for Itchy Skin

| Modified on Feb 07, 2025
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Itchy Skin
Posted by Lilly (Margate, Florida) on 06/27/2009

.I have been using borax for months now from the grocery store, I love it and also use it on my girls 5 & 7. Every now and then my skin would itch for no reason almost like crawling and it would keep me up at night scratching, until I found your site and tried it. I keep it in a container in the shower, soap up a wash towel then pour the borax in the towel (no measuring) just make a mound and wash my whole body w/ feels sooo good and I sleep like a baby, no itching, also do the same w/my girls and my husband, it feels like exfoliating and everyone loves it here, we have had no adverse reactions except soft beautiful skin. Thanks to everyone...I love your site and read for hrs.