Health Benefits

Relieve Gout Naturally with Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment

121 User Reviews

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Posted by Clive (San Diego, Ca) on 09/02/2012

ACV with clamato especially with the extra hot kind. Tasts like a bloody mary, I can drink them all day. Just adjust the strength to tast and you will want more.

I have had gout for 15 years and started the ACV about 3 years ago quiting all meds (Alopurinol). Good luck

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joe (Davenport, Fl) on 08/18/2012

I read this thread two days ago after my second bout with gout. The next day I tried the Apple Cider, within four hours I started to feel relief. This is the best natural cure I have ever tried, it is a miracle. Still a little sore but I can sleep without pain! I'm adding apple cider vinegar to my my daily regimine. By the way, it's better mixed with about 4 oz of juice.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tony (Puyallup, Wa) on 08/15/2012

Fellow Gout sufferers, It really works. I am currently suffering through a bout with the gout. It started in my right toe as usual but just when it was about to end it's two week stay it shifted to my left toe! I just couldn't take the pain anymore. I looked on the net for natural relief. I found articla after article praising ACV. I tried it. I can truly say it works. The taste while not good is worth the reduction in pain and duration. After just two days of taking two Tspoons with 8 ounces of water I am 80-90 better. I expect to be fully functional tomorrow! Wish I would have heard about this sooner. Try it. Try it. Try it.

Replied by Candycane
(Grants Pass Or)

Tony from Puyallup. Put a little salt in your ACV concoction. It makes it pleasant to drink. I take it every day at least 2 times. It has made my aches and pains go away since it's good for so, so many things other than gout.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mannyj (Wilmington, Nc, USA) on 07/01/2012

Hi. The ACV worked for me after I found the unpasturized natural kind. The pain went away but I still have what feels like a golf ball under 3 of my toes when I walk-it's just swelled up, not painful. Anyone know how to get that to go away?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mojosing (Olympia, Washington) on 06/07/2012

I'm 40 years old and overweight. I'm a man, 6 foot 2 and I just went on a crash diet - lost 30 lbs in 6 weeks and was feeling really good. That's when I had my first bout of gout! What is this! I found out that a few relatives on my Dad's side had dealt with it in the past and I was livid that I had this awful disease! I'm a vegetarian and didn't know anything about gout. I had to ask my parents if our family had ever had it and to my surprise they did.

Anyway, to the point. I immediately went to any website to find a remedy. I don't like taking any medications and have never taken any drugs in my life. I wasn't going to start something like Colchicine at this point in my life. My first attack, hurts like the devil. I tore my rotator cuff 20 years ago and this pain is twice as bad! I had a serious back injury 10 years ago, and gout pain is worse!! My attack has been going on for 6 days now. I had to go to work, and used a cane. I get around really slow, and people feel sorry for me. Most of my friends don't know much about the disease.

So I'm fed up and last night I took 2 TSP of ACV with the 'Mother'. Mom had bought it 8 weeks ago for our cats. They say it's a miracle cure for cats with eye infections, so we had some in the cupboard. I woke up this morning and the pain was down 80%!!! Wow! So, I took another 2 TSP 10 minutes ago. I will keep you posted. It obviously works and will monitor the next few days. Next time I feel the twinge, it's right to the ACV! Thank God for this site - thanks people!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bruce N. (Saskatoon, Sk) on 04/15/2012

Happy I came across this site. I've had gout attacks before in the last two years. However, all I did was stay off my foot and drank a lot of water and felt better in 24 hrs.

However, I had an attack 4 days ago, and drinking water did nothing. Read the comments on this page today and thought I would give ACV a try. Bought a jug of Heinz ACV at Safeway, took some of that with baking soda and honey, ate some blueberries, strawberries, and grapes about an hour ago and I cannot believe the difference.

Thank God I found this site as I thought I would be calling in sick to work tomorrow. Now I won't have to... Thanks to all for your posts.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rseg1 (Arcata, Ca) on 03/05/2012

On friday I could feel a gout attack coming and I did some web surfing for a home cure and stumbled on earth clinic and found a remedy for gout using acv. By saturday I could barely walk. I started taking 2 tbs avc with 8 oz of water every three hours by sunday morning I felt 100%. This actually works. I am so happy. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Njprincealbert (West Milford, Nj) on 02/19/2012

I tried Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for Gout after a long week of severe suffering during my first attack. I was also taking heavy doses of Ibuprofen at the time, and the first attack lasted about two weeks, so I was not too conviced, but I kept some organic ACV in the cabinet just in case since then.

I'm glad I did.

Another attack, but this time I started taking a shot glass of ACV with a glass of water with baking soda dissolved in it - to prevent any tooth degredation - several times a day, including during the night when I got up to use the toilet. I also took a normal dose of Ibuprofen with the first dose of ACV, but did not need it after that. All the same symptoms are there, but GREATLY reduced to a quite bearable level.

I've just added some Black Cherry Extract and a pinch of Celery Seed and Seltzer Water with the Baking Soda and ACV, to make a strange sort of soda-pop that is not too bad. I read about Celery Seed and Black Cherries on this site, so I figured I will give it a try.

The interesting thing is that a few days just before this attack I was craving Dr Brown's Cel-Ray Soda of all things, so I wonder if my body was trying to tell me something.

Anyway - My vote goes for Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for Gout.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brenda (Riverton, Illinois, Usa) on 12/30/2011

I found this site last week as I was searching for something that would help my husband with his gout. He had tried tart cherry juice and alfalfa which didn't seem to help as his gout attacks were coming on quicker with more pain and lasting longer each time. He takes allapurinol too. I noticed that many took ACV and so I bought some with the mother.

My husband decided to start out with a low dose to make sure he would tolerate it. He took 1 tablespoon in a glass of water in the evening. Within 3 days, the gout attack was gone. He is going to continue taking it every day. I tried to take ACV for shingles nerve pain but couldn't stand the taste. Another submitter suggested using 2 packets of dry lemon and 2 packets of stevia in glass of water with the ACV. It tastes so much better that I am going to be taking ACV every day too. Thank you to all on this site for your wonderful suggestions!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynette (Brisbane, Australia) on 12/01/2011

I have just heard of the power of blackstrap molasses in conjunction with apple cider vinegar (with mother as opposed to one deadened by pastuerising). I suffer from arthritis in the knees and have 2 teaspoons of the apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of backstrap molasses in a glass of warm water that has had lemon juice squeezed into it. Do this morning and night. It was recommended to me by someone who no longer suffers from gout in his foot due to the efficiency of this concoction.

I'm looking forward to the same relief..

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rn With Gout. (Chicago, Usa) on 11/07/2011

Well I spent the early hours of last night reading all of your opinions and feedback..... I had been awakened by an excruciating pain in my Rt big toe joint, with swelling, redness, hot to touch; I was sure I had injured it somehow. Then it hit me... Gout. I've treated many many patients with gout who were driven to the ER with the pain. They were always treated the same way, medications (Allopurinol, corticosteroids, ibuprofen), fluids and diet restrictions. It seems, as a 50 yo women going through menopause, my symptoms were spot on. I limped down the hall, took the Apple Cider Vinegar in hot water with tea. (Yes it was in the pantry) Shockingly, by morning I was 80% better and able to work. I will share this gem with my patients. It's truly the best response I've ever heard of, and experienced, and it's natural.

I know what works for one person may not for another, but it's worth a try!

Take care all

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eamonn (Dublin, Ireland) on 10/22/2011

I stumbled onto this site to find a cure for my gout. I had a bad attack recently that lasted about 4 weeks. When I felt the gout returning I decided I needed a cure that I could take straight away and not have to go to a doctor. My last doctor could only tell me I had a sore foot and charged me 60euro for the privilege.

All the people on this site were raving about ACV so I said I'd give it a try. About an hour after taking it there was a marked improvement and I had stopped limping before the end of the day. I couldn't believe the results myself so I didn't take it the next day and the gout started to return. The following day I recommenced the "treatment" and it went away again. I'm taking it at regular intervals till the stiff feeling in my toe is completely gone. I have also phoned my father to tell him as he suffered with gout for years too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maya (Elizabeth, New Jersey) on 10/20/2011

I have been suffering from gout for some time now and a friend had recommended this site and told me I might find the cure for this ailment. I'm currently taking allopurinol and/or colchicine but tonight I tried the ACV when I read it here that it worked for so many gout sufferers. And I can't believe that just after a couple of hours of taking the 'ACV potion' I thought I felt some improvement already. The pain had diminished some how. Thanks for your posts!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Melissadavid (Jonesboro, Ga, United States) on 09/14/2011

Last Saturday I attended a church function, dressed really pretty, high heeled shoes, etc. Woke up Sunday morning around 4:30 with the worse bout of gout I have ever experienced. Had to attend church on Sunday with really ugly shoes!!! For two days I received phone calls from church members telling me what to take and what to do.

Finally, today around 5:00pm I went on-line and accidently found your website and read all of the comments on Apple Cider Vinegar. I immediately "hobbled" downstairs to my pantry and there it sat, staring me in the face. I took two tablespoons of the ACV and one hour later, I asked myself, is it my imagination or am I really feeling less pain? Some of the pain had left after taking the ACV. Thank you so much contributors regarding the ACV. You have helped me through this crises. God bless each of you.

Melissa - Jonesboro, GA

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ronald (Billings, Mt, United States) on 09/04/2011

I have gout very bad, I'm a amputee and I depend on good leg all the time. I ended up with gout because of this. I do drink a lot of apple cider vinegar for last 20 years. I use it for other things too, but it has help a lot. Make sure it is vinegar from health food store.

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