60 User Reviews
British nurse, Margaret Hills, who developed rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and later osteoarthritis in the early 1960s, popularised using apple cider vinegar specifically to manage arthritis symptoms. Hills claimed that consuming apple cider vinegar helped her to lead a pain-free life.
She promoted the approach in a book and later established a clinic promoting apple cider vinegar's effectiveness at helping to treat arthritis and the symptoms associated with the condition.
Many people believe that adding apple cider vinegar to your bath before bed can also help to relieve arthritis pain. “Add one cup of the vinegar to your evening bath and sit in the solution for 20 to 30 minutes. This can help reduce overnight stiffness and swelling.” https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1459197/arthritis-diet-drink-apple-cider-vinegar-reduce-painful-symptoms
Coventry nurse Margaret Hills and her cure for arthritis
Source: https://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/local-news/coventry-nurse-margaret-hills-cure-3030082
British nurse Margaret Hills, who died in 2003, famously cured herself of chronic arthritis in just 12 months – using cider vinegar and honey, black molasses and an ‘acid-free' diet.
She wrote a best-selling alternative medicine book and her ‘drug free' treatment has brought relief to thousands around the world, including the explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes. Catherine Vonledebur visits the family-run Margaret Hills Clinic in Kenilworth, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year...
Margaret Hills was a carefree trainee nurse in 1940s London when she was first diagnosed with arthritis at 22-years-old.
Anchor She was in extreme pain and ordered complete bed rest for four months after a Harley Street consultant told her she had a “very enlarged heart”.
The eldest of seven children from Lixnaw in County Kerry, had to give up her three favourite pastimes: dancing, cycling and swimming.
Before leaving St Stephen's Hospital in Fulham the Medical Superintendent told her she must never dance, cycle or run uphill again, give up her nurse's training AND never have children. Margaret thought to herself: “If I am to live my life like this, I may as well be dead.”
She ignored the advice and finished her nurse's training in London, got married, moved to Coventry and had eight children – five sons and three daughters.
But for 16 years she continued to suffer from chronic osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis – in every joint.
At its worst Margaret was taking 12 aspirins a day and wearing a surgical collar, surgical corset and splints on her fingers.
She set out to research a cure and read all the ‘natural cure' books she could find until she hit upon the treatment aged 36 that cured her of all signs of arthritis and kept her totally pain-free.
MARGARET'S' best-selling book came about after she wrote a letter about her cider vinegar cure to the Coventry Evening Telegraph in 1982.
In a 1994 interview, Margaret said: “It was a twist of fate which led me to open my clinic.”
Her daughter Christine Horner, aged 58, a nutritional therapist, recalls how the letter came about.
The mother-of-two said: “My mum read an article in the Coventry Evening Telegraph about the amount of money spent on drugs for arthritic diseases.
“She thought, ‘this is ridiculous – what a waste!' and wrote a letter to the paper.
“She described how people could help themselves, she said it was not difficult, she had done it.
“Her life was about to change. The next day the postman delivered sacks of mail and the paper's switchboard was jammed with callers about her letter. The local response was amazing.”
On June 16, a follow-up story reported how Margaret was inundated with more than 1,000 enquiries from across the country.
Christine said: “My mother printed out her treatment in the paper and it brought even more letters. Within a matter of weeks she decided to write a book.
“As well as looking after four children and her day job as a district nurse she was up at 3am to write.”
The book was originally called Curing Arthritis – The Drug-free Way.
Christine continued: “She found an agent in the area who said: ‘It's very difficult to get a book published'.
“But every publisher she approached wanted to publish it.
“As Margaret was a Catholic, she chose the most Christian. It was a best-seller for them, and I updated it in 2004.
“At first people kept coming in to our home in Gibbet Hill, Coventry.
“After work mum would find people waiting for her to get some advice so she set up a clinic at home charging a small fee which was donated to her favourite charity, Baby Lifeline.
“It was set up by Judy Ledger, who my parents fostered when she was 15 years old.”
Margaret gave up nursing to focus on her arthritis clinic which later moved to Oaks Precinct, Caesar Road, Kenilworth.
In September 1988 she also opened the Margaret Hills Health Food Shop in Millar Court, Kenilworth.
Margaret wrote: “... day after day the letters arrive from people in various countries telling me how much they have benefitted from following the treatment... and thanking me... I feel so humble and grateful.”
One young woman even flew over from Sydney, Australia with her mother hoping for an appointment.
Margaret also did talks – her last was in her home town in Ireland where 900 people gathered.
“There were so many I had to give two talks, ” laughed Margaret in an interview on November 25 1994.
Margaret died peacefully at her Kenilworth home, aged 78, in May 2003.
Treating Arthritis – The Drug-free Way is currently translated into six languages – Portuguese, Polish, Italian, Romanian, Finnish and Arabic.
SINCE the family-run Margaret Hills' Clinic opened 30 years ago it has helped thousands.
Christine Horner – the second eldest of Margaret's eight children – and her daughter, Julia Davies, continue Margaret's work.
They are both nutritional therapists and run a pain relief clinic.
Christine said: “We treat around 900 people at any given time these days, with the vast majority treated at a distance – by email, phone and post. We also carry out ten to 20 face-to-face consultations and treatments weekly.”
The mum-and-daughter team has received hundreds of grateful letters. In the hallway of the clinic is a map of the world with pins in all the countries where they have patients including Peru, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Tibet, Australia, the Falklands and Jamaica.
* A consultation is £66.50 ($87.38). For more information, call 01926 854783 or visit www.margarethillsclinic.com
The treatment aims to cleanse the body of too many toxic acids and strengthen the body's immune system.
Hills believed arthritis is caused by the body building up acid, which crystallises and lodges between the joints. The acid crystals become surrounded by fluids, causing swelling, soreness and stiffness. So Hills concluded that the condition would be alleviated by cutting down on acid entering the body.
By controlling the amount of acid going in through diet we aim to increase the alkaline resources in the body that cause the crystals to break down.
The overall effect of apple cider vinegar and honey is alkalising and helps to create the right environment in the stomach to start off the digestive process.
* Dissolve one teaspoon of clear honey in a little hot water, add 300mls (10oz) of cold water and one dessertspoon of cider vinegar. Take three times a day
* One teaspoon of black molasses, three times a day
* A bath in Epsom salts three times a week
* A full range of vitamins, which can be supplied by the Clinic
* Gently exercise the joints
* An ‘acid free' diet. No red meat, no citrus fruits, no dairy products except skimmed milk, cottage cheese and eggs, no sugar, chocolate, cakes, pastries, pickles, fried food or alcohol
* Eat a healthy diet - 100 per cent wholemeal bread, fresh white fish, poultry, rabbit, lamb, plenty of raw and cooked vegetables, non-citrus fruits, ie banana and apple
* Positive thinking. Avoid stress
Julia's Story - I suffered constant headaches and sore ribs until I was treated
MARGARET Hills' grand-daughter Julia Davies was eight years old when she was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis.
The 30-year-old mum-to-be suffered from constant headaches and sore ribs.
She said: “I was never a fussy child and would have done anything to feel better.”
Julia treated under the guidance of her grandmother and within 18 months her symptoms had cleared up.
Mum Christine said: “Julia's hands were so bad she could not straighten her fingers.
“There was bullying at school which was causing Julia emotional stress. We moved schools and she was so much happier.
“Stress causes excess acidity and the whole treatment we do relieves acidity. Cider vinegar neutralises it. We removed all acidic foods and kept Julia off processed foods.”
Julia was left with a mild curvature of her spine.
But having experienced arthritis so young Julia always knew what she wanted to be when she grew up – a therapist.
After passing three scientific ‘A' levels she achieved a 2:1 in Human Physiology at the University of Hertfordshire.
Before joining the clinic Julia worked within the Civil Aviation Authority's health unit for three years and then studied Nutritional Therapy at the College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Julia has worked with her mum for six years and runs the Margaret Hills Health and Lifestyle store, Millar Court Kenilworth.
Until her maternity leave she held a free drop-in health clinic every Thursday. “I love the shop and have tried-and-tested everything!”
While pregnant Julia finished writing her first book, Treating Arthritis – the Supplements Guide.
She said: “I really believe in my grandmother's principles. I wanted to look at the science behind it and explain why the Margaret Hills treatment works.
“It is an update on everything that's available for joint health - why they work or don't work and how to use them.”
A new edition of Margaret Hills' Treating Arthritis the Drug-Free Way and Julia's new book, Treating Arthritis – the Supplements Guide are available this summer (Sheldon Press).
Success Story – Ranulph Fiennes cured thanks to Hills' remedy
ONE of Margaret Hills's most famous patients is the adventurer Sir Ranulph Fiennes, who suffered arthritis in his hands and hips.
In his 1999 book, Fit for Life, the 67-year-old explorer describes how following Margaret's remedy cured his arthritis.
He wrote: “After many years of Army and SAS activities, followed by decades of expedition work, I developed arthritic pains in both hands and a hip.
“My mother, 74-years-old at that time, was suffering from pains in her lower back which x-rays revealed to be arthritis-related.
“She read a book by Margaret Hills, Curing Arthritis the Drug-Free Way, and after six months of following the book's food-control advice, her condition improved dramatically.
“I did not follow Margaret Hills' instructions to the letter but I did take up two of her main remedies.
“I began to eat a dessertspoonful of black molasses daily and, every evening after supper, I drank a mug of cider vinegar with hot water instead of my habitual coffee, tea or hot chocolate.
“After a while I grew used to the unusual taste and within eight or nine months my arthritic pains disappeared.
“That was ten years ago, and I have been free of arthritic pain ever since, despite numerous old fractures, sprains, operations and a life of abusing every bone in my body as a soldier, parachutist, long-distance runner; sleeping on snow, ice and mud floors and, to top it all, living on Exmoor, which is famous for its damp climate.
“Proper food control can cure you by using balanced nutrients which neutralise excess uric acid. If you already have bad arthritis, I advise contacting the Margaret Hills Clinic.”
Four cups of vinegar a day cured my crippling arthritis
Source: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/150382/Four-cups-of-vinegar-a-day-cured-my-crippling-arthritis
An arthritic musician is back at the keys of her church organ – thanks to daily doses of honey and vinegar.
Mother-of-four Sarah Gall was left virtually housebound after arthritis spread to her spine, leaving her in constant agony.
But after drinking four cups of cider vinegar and honey every day for four years the condition has cleared up and Sarah, 55, is again playing the organ at St Stephen and All Martyr's church near her home in Bolton, Greater Manchester.
Sarah decided to try the strange mixture after reading about its natural properties.
And after combining it with regular exercise, Epsom salts baths and a healthy diet, she says she has never felt better.
Sarah, who has written a booklet telling of her amazing recovery, said: “I haven't suffered any adverse effects so I felt I needed to tell as many people as possible who are in the same situation.”
She was diagnosed with osteo-arthritis, which attacks the joints, in 2005 after antibiotics failed to cure a bout of bronchitis.
She said: “I didn't realise that bronchitis is related to arthritis – it is a warning sign. Then my knee suddenly swelled up and it was agony.
“I was prescribed anti-inflammatory tablets and painkillers but nothing was working. Then one day my back was in agony and I couldn't get out of bed.”
She and husband Alan, an electrical engineer, decided to try the cider vinegar cure after her daughter searched the internet and found a recipe from 1961 devised by a nurse called Margaret Hills.
Hills believed arthritis was caused by the body building up acid, which crystallized and lodged between the joints. The acid crystals would then become surrounded by fluids, causing swelling and stiffness. She concluded the ailment would be alleviated by using the alkalising effects of vinegar and honey to cut down on acid entering the body.
Sarah said: “It suggested drinking cider vinegar mixed with honey and hot water so I started to drink it four times a day. After only a week the pain started to lessen.
“I started to get gradually better and I began to start to exercise too. Eventually the arthritis had actually disappeared. I didn't need to see the specialist again and didn't take any medication. I was pain free.
“My doctor who had seen me when I was bed-bound was flabbergasted. He almost fell off his chair when I told him how I had got rid of it.
“I had no side effects from the cider vinegar and I was back playing the organ regularly for my local church after fearing I might not walk again, let alone play the organ.”
Apple Cider Vinegar
9-22-2023 I'm an 78 yr old Caucasian woman in reasonable health for my age, although I do have Osteoporosis and low thyroid. From June 2023 till Sept 2023 I suffered with incredible knee pain, worse than natural child birth, to the point I could only get to the bathroom (only 15' from my bed, by using crutches. In early Sept. 2023 I looked up home remedies on Earth Clinic & found that many people used Apple Cider Vinegar with a bit of honey. I decided to try it as all the ER room at the hospital could offer me was very strong & addictive pain pills. So my 1st day I mixed up 4 tablespoons of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar(with the mother) & a few drops of organic honey (from Florida I had on hand) with 6 oz of filtered spring water and I sipped that for a few hours. Within hours the pain started to dissipate.
By the end of the day I drank the full glass. (other posts said to drink 2 glasses, but I only drank 1 glass) I did the exact same thing for the next 2 days & each day the pain got less, but day 3 I could walk without the crutches, but still some pain...then I switched to honey from bees in Ca. and the pain level stayed the same(low, but still there)...I did that for a few days & no reduction in pain. 1 day I only drank 1/2 glass & the pain started to come back. What I read on here said to drink 2 glasses for 7 days with 1 added table of AVC each day. I learned, don't skip a day! Today I mixed 7 tbl of AVC & a few drips of the honey from Florida...that was a few hours ago & already I'm feeling less pain. I'm not sure if the progress in less pain is due to more AVC or the honey from Florida. I'm just so glad it's working and I wanted to share and hope this helps someone else as much as it does me.....because Western Medicine (that I was raised on) has no ways to get rid of the crystals in the joints that I've been able to find.
I wanted to add that it now appears to me, that they brand of honey and the location the honey came from as well as other things added to the honey could have an important effect on how well this works for you. I found that when I took the same brand of honey from Florida for 2 days then took the same brand from Ca for 3 days, the honey from Ca didn't stop the pain as well as the honey from Florida. The brand was the same, Local Hive, but the one that seems to work best on me is from Florida, with "Floral Notes": Brazilian Pepper, Citrus, Clover, Gallberry, & Tupelo. I've added this info because I've read that one honey(Maluleka Honey) has very good health benefits, so I'm guessing that may also be the case with Local Hive Honey from Florida and CPPD Arthritis in my knees. I've now ordered some of this same honey from Florida (as I've run out of the Local Hive Honey I had from Florida and once I give it a try, I'll report back if it does indeed keep that horrible pain away. I hope this works for anyone else with this horrible pain.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Using a mix of 2/3 +/- plus 1/3 water in a spray bottle to relieve an itchy rash (and also a fever) decided to spray sore ankles/ feet. In minutes, my ankles snapped (normal for me except when swollen), relieving the pressure. Applied to my hands, my knuckles enjoyed the same fast relief.
Spritzing water alone never provided this kind of relief, so I'm holding vinegar accountable.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I don't like drinking it in water, but I will. I prefer to just put it in a shot glass and shoot it if it's not on fish or french fries. ACV doesn't care if it's mixed with food. It's not picky. But wow, does it work.
If you're going to take ACV straight, make sure and brush your teeth.
I was taking it in a shot glass all week and did notice some sensitivity in my teeth! I will be drinking it in water from now on or brushing my teeth after.
(somewhere, europe)
Renee, they say not to brush teeth until a half hour after ingesting the acid food or drink, but yes to rinse your mouth. Brushing while the acid is still there, might erode the enamel of the teeth.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
She is 74 and took in her 98 year old aunt 3 years ago. The aunt has an attitude problem, but is healthy as a horse now at 101. The Aunt worked in a school cafeteria until she was 92 and quit to care for her ailing husband. She takes no medicines or supplements. She started drinking ACV and honey at age 17 and does not miss her morning dose regardless.
Our hair lady says her aunt has no arthritis and will probably out live her.
I thought the EC bunch would appreciate this tale.
(Somewhere, Europe)
What a hoot, ORH!!!!
(Ten Mile , Tn)
HI U Mmsg, , , , , , , , , glad you liked that story because it was true. I only come across things like this ever so often. The aunt is driving our hair friend crazy, because she wants to be the boss. Sounds right to me. I do think the ACV is the reason the aunt has lived a long healthy life.
This reminds me of the story of when the North Carolina country doctor learned that one sister never got breast cancer like her other sisters because she ate baking soda with molasses all her life.
Speaking of cancer, I got my DNA cancer read out today and I am slowly bringing down my numbers with my 3 cancer protocols. Yesterday I went to my Dermatologist and the two hickies on my face were sent off . He said he was certain that they were cancer, but not Melanoma. I could cure them with my Cruaderm but will opt out. If they don't get it all then I will handle that.
My next post will be about Timh. This fellow is sumpin else. He has been down so many dusty roads that he needs to stop posting and write a book. I truly admire this lad. He knows what has caused his problems and has helped lots of folks on EC.
Out of spit. =======ORH======
Oh how funny you are....late 60's and knees are killing me. Will get on that ACV ASAP! Not that I haven't known about it but,, geez life just keeps shoving more problems in the way and have not yet gotten into the "habit"....will start right now.
Dear god,,, take away this pain.
Be well....thanks for the laugh and this is the BEST site in the world for your health by way of Mother Nature!!!
(Ten Mile, Tn)
HI U TEMIS,,,,,,,,,, don't want to rain on your parade, but the 101 year old woman has taken ACV since age 17. I don't think ACV is a silver bullet. It did not help my knee, but ozone shots did. At the same time ozone shots have not helped my back pain. Ice packs do. Another suggestion for you is to use Bio Freeze followed by DMSO on your knees. Wash knees and hands before. Also, take MSM.
Right now I got a case of the ass that I would like to pass around while I got the floor. My Atlanta Integrative doctor that wrote my Glutathione Compounding Prescription has moved on. I have the prescription formula and took it to the nurse practitioner that I use as my family physician. Her MD boss would not allow her to write this for use in a nebulizer.
She explained that I need to get a doctor that does that sort of thing. My Nurse got an education in profanity directed at him.I used this guy for 20 years and he never once listened to my heart, lungs or checked my ears, fingernails, tongue or throat. All he did was check my blood work. When I went to him, he could not believe that I did a niacin flush to detox. He only knew to write a niacin Rx for 500 mg to start for his high cholesterol patients. No one can stand that initially. I promise you that a regular EC reader is more knowledgeable in health, than their MD.
I only use MD's for physical things. The rest I research and do myself, if I can. There is a new deal out that uses the old and the new and is sweeping the medical field. That is UVLrx which is old as dirt, but is now coupled with ozone. Also, there is a new $3 dollar word out and it's called Functional Medicine. More and more MD's are going this way. They ain't dumb and money is not satisfying them. They want to help folks get healthy using natural things.
Ask any old patoot,,,,,, do you want your health or money? We all know the answer to that. ======ORH========
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(New Mexico, US)
Get the incredible book "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue. Your STRIDE may be the cause of joint pain. I walk pronate on one foot, supination on the other due to polio surgery. I found WEDGES, for the heel and they seem to help. I believe the solution is found by examining the movement of the body. With the book: look in the index for the MANY solutions to many issues, including migraines--then share with your friends. Good Luck!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar
On the advice of a Doctor of Functional Medicine, I started an elimination diet and found that when I ate sugar or gluten, the inflammation would kick in again. This is not to say I'm cured. Sometimes I get carried away in the garden and suffer the consequences. I've read that arthritis can be a bit of a blessing in that even though it is caused by overuse, it can reveal an autoimmune problem. I do wish you success in finding out the source of your inflamation.
Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar (must be organic) w/the mother
- 1 cup raw honey
- 8 cloves garlic
mix on high speed in blender for 60 seconds. Pour into a glass container. Seal & leave in the refrigerator for five days. Normal dosage is 2 tsp. In a glass of water or fruit juice, grape or orange juice is best before breakfast. I do this 3 times a day. it also has other benefits.
Apple Cider Vinegar
John GOD Bless
Apple Cider Vinegar
One thing many people don't know about over the counter pain relievers; when used for arthritis, they wind up, over time, destroying cartilage. So, you wind up needing joint replacements because the pain reliever you used to banish the pain, banished the pain and destroyed your cartilage.
A friend of mine was very succussful using raw apple cider vinegar to alleivate gout, also.