Organic Sulfur
I am 74 yrs old and am a massage therapist. I put my hands through a lot of work. In the morning I used to wake up with stiff hands and pain during the day. I started taking organic sulfur and in two days the pain disappeared. There are different sources of sulfur, but make sure it is organic. I take the powder- it doesn't taste good, so camouflage it. Caps would be better.
(Ten Mile, Tn)
ARETE,,,,,,,, as you probably know MSM is a result of combining DMSO with H2O2. DR. JACOBS did all the lab studies for Crown Z and he suggested taking MSM orally and topically followed with DMSO to take it to your joints. One of his products contains both MSM and DMSO and is available on line at Jocobs Lab.
I put 1/2 tsp of MSM in my coffee every morning and it does not affect the taste.
(Rancho Dominguez Ca)
I am referring to organic sulfur. All MSM is sulfur, but not all MSM is organic.
(Rancho Dominguez Ca)
Robert Henry- I did further research on MSM and according to a study, Cellular Matrix Study by Patrick McGean, MSM is inferior to organic sulfur. When we found an article about the 16 "deadly" additives found in MSM—the anti-caking additives, we realized why our early participants were not reporting any health improvements. These additives benefit only the packaging industry; our health is apparently a lesser concern to them.
And according to Dr. Mercola, MSM is only 34% sulfur by weight.
I still think the best form of sulfur is Organic Sulfur.
(Ten Mile , Tn)
ARETE,,,,,,,, you may be right, but I do not understand what you mean by organic MSM. I will tell you a wild story that gives credence to your position. This is a story of what happens when a novice gets involved and does not understand why purity is important.
As a freshman in '54 at Ga Tech, we had to make salt peter in our chemistry lab. We all know what this compound does to a male. We had a 4 man suite and my roommate was a 6' 4" kid from Texas. He carried a switch blade in his jeans watch pocket. He played the "BAD ASS" role.
My girlfriend had mailed me some cookies. I took my impure lab salt peter and put it on these cookies and left them on my desk. The next morning my suite mates asked me what was on those cookies because Tex ate some and became sick as a dog, throwing up, etc. That scared my mule, but not near as much as when Tex came in that afternoon, opened his knife, stuck it to my throat and told me, " Bobby, never do that again ". I was sweating bullets. That stupid stunt sent me to school that stays with me today....62 years later.
So you are right in that you should have the purist product available. Having said this, we take a 100% pure MSM made for horses and buy it from the farmers Co-op. If you want the best MSM possible I suggest Jacob Labs. Dr Jacob has passed, but his children are still running his company.
I wish you well. =======ORH========
(Ten Mile , Tn)
ARETE,,,,,,,, reflected on your organic sulfur and suggest you research Collard Greens. When cooking these, it will run you out of the house the sulfur smell is so strong.
I get a kick out of the latest rage about soul food. Soul food is what poor Southern folks ate whether they were white or black. That is what I was reared on and love it to this day.
Getting frost, so we will pick a mess of Collards as soon as we think they are producing sugar and are not bitter. You keep posting because you are causing me to think. At my age, I need all the help I can get.
Yo buddy, ======ORH=======
(Onalaska, Wi)
(Rancho Dominguez, Ca)
(Ten Mile, Tn)
BOB, I don't know if you are addressing me or not. I have no clue what organic sulfur is. Sulfur is sulfur. My Tractor Driver and I both take MSM for joint aches. She increases her MSM if her joints ache. Seems to be a common sense thing. Try that and see how it works.
(Ten Mile, Tn)
Just got sent to school about what's what as far as DMSO is concerned. In my day DMSO was made from Black Liquor from the paper industry. Now all that is by the wayside as of 2010. Now DMSO is made the same way worldwide. But like anything else, some make a more pure product than others as with all companies.
I got into this research because some posters kept using the term Organic MSM. Cannot find any MSM product made from a plant. MSM is the product of the reaction of DMSO and Hydrogen Peroxide. Neither of these products are made from plants. So why is the term Organic used? My self, I think it's another promotion thing.
This article is what sent me to school. Hope it helps all to better understand that MSM is made in plants cannot be recovered for a supplement. That is down by a chemical reaction, which is not Organic.
I don't know what you mean by 'organic sulfur'. I have dmso and msm. I also have a bag of 100% pure sulfur that is used in my chickens dustbaths for pest control, as well as other uses in the garden. I'm really having an issue with my index finger knuckle--feels swollen like it needs to pop but won't and it hurts. Do I take this garden sulfur? How much? I have empty capsules I can put it in (it smells bad! ). The msm lotion and dmso don't seem to do anything for this pain, but it's only been a week of 1x/d application. I open mail at work-lots of mail- and this makes it really hard to do my job. Thanks.
(Ten Mile , Tn)
MOM,,,,,, just hold on. Don't take that sulfur, least you will end up in your local ER. I took issue with the organic sulfur poster and figured they would mess some folks up. Think they were referring to MSM which we do for arthritis. Suggest you go to a nutritional store and talk to them. They have MSM capsules. Normally folks buy 1000 mg capsules and initially take one to two a day with meals. Increase slowly as gas can be a side effect. You can get a good liniment and follow that with your DMSO. Won't solve your problem, but should give you some pain relief. You are smart to try to get clarification and this should be a lesson to posters that they can cause grief, if not careful.
Wish you well. ======ORH======
Thanks, ORH. I did stop in and get some msm tablets. Last night, I mixed up some dmso with my mag oil because I have terrible leg/feet cramps at night. I'm sure it will help once I get it built up to the correct level. I take potassium, too. For my arthritis, I've been applying tiger balm which doesn't help much. Think today I'll put the dmso on over it. I have an msm lotion but it's like 15%, so I can add some dmso to that and increase the dose. Will have to think on that one. I get awful reactions when I try anything new, so the msm tablet (should have gotten powder) I dissolved in 1/3 c water and took 1 tbs of that. Also, what I got has sorbitol in it so I"ll hve to pay more attention next time. Thanks for your help. I did do more research yesterday and see that 'organinc sulfur' is apparently not msm and not the garden kind, but a unique product that is not widely advertised and you have to work to find it.
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)
i have found that to get rid of pain in many kinds of arthritis, pantothenic acid or B-5 is the bomb! you must dose it 2 500mg caps with every meal will get me out of pain in 3 or 4 days .i know they have done studies using as much as 10 grams a day without harm. the B-5 is somewhat stool softening. but it will leave the body every day. i don't have to take it every day, just when i hurt. i have been taking it for so many years, that if i catch the pain the first day and don't wait i can take 3 tabs in the morn and 3 at night and i am over it in 1 day. i have used this on many people over the last 10 years and it works even on gout. brenda
One tablespoon of dried parsley in a cup of water and drink it daily no missing the daily drinking. Two months later my pain was completely gone.. One year later the swelling was gone . Three years latter still no pain or swelling. I have been taking parsley for five years and will do so for the rest of my life.
Peanut Oil
For soothing the pain and stiffness of arthritis:
Rub peanut oil into the affected joints, also massaging the tissues around the joint to bring up the circulation. If you can find the really good oil -- organic and cold-pressed -- that's great, but even store-bought peanut oil will help some. This is right out of the Edgar Cayce readings.
If you're going to sleep after this treatment, you may want to wear old cotton clothing (gloves, socks, etc.) to protect your sheets. My Mom did this every night when I sent her peanut oil for her hands. She was an avid golfer but the arthritis in her joints was getting worse, threatening to limit her golf games. She did the peanut oil rubs at night with cotton gloves and was able to keep winning club championships into her â60s.
Schedule your peanut oil rub in a cyclic pattern. For example, do it every other night; OR, do it for four nights, then take off three nights.
Some people find that pain and inflammation begin subsiding within days; for others, it's weeks. But once the pain and stiffness have disappeared, you only need to use the peanut oil as needed, if the pain returns. Once a week for prevention is recommended. (A full-body massage once a week with peanut oil may prevent arthritis from developing at all, or, if present, can inhibit its development.)
Another factor to consider: The parathyroids, tiny glands on the thyroid, are responsible for managing calcium in the body. If calcium is being inappropriately deposited, these glands may need some help. And this is simple, when you do your peanut oil rubs, finish up with massaging the base of the throat where the thyroid/parathyroids are. Tilt your head back a bit and rub in some oil there; also grasp the area and vibrate it a few seconds to "wake up" the thyroid and parathyroids.
Traditional medicine says that you need to limit your calcium intake, but holistically, we understand that, when the body "hoards" or "stores, " that means it is not getting enough of the substance. Look for calcium lactate supplements that have magnesium. And also take a cod liver oil supplement with it for vitamin D to process the calcium, if you're not out in the sun regularly.
It's better to restrict your protein (which requires calcium to process it) than to restrict your calcium. Populations with high protein intake, such as the eskimos, also have a higher incidence of arthritis, as opposed to South Sea Islanders whose protein intake is relatively low and arthritis is rare.
Peanut Oil
Peanut Oil for Arthritis and RA
My Grandmother, who lived to 92 years old, swore that the reason she didn't have arthritic problems was due to peanut oil massage. Most of these old time methods of healing are much better than our modern day medications and have no dangerous side effects. The pharmaceutical companies will never admit this however as there is no profit to be made.
Peanut Oil in the Cayce Readings. The primary use of peanut oil in the Cayce readings was as a massage oil ingredient. It was described as a "food for the nerves AND muscular forces" and a specific preventive measure against arthritis.
- Use peanut with olive oil (I add castor oil also) as a massage oil and rub into the affected area daily, the excess oil can be wiped off with a tissue before dressing. Edgar Cayce readings included oil of peanut blended with olive and pine oil for treatment of arthritis.
George Washington Carver (GWC) Rubbing Oil was created between the years of 1900 and 1910 by Dr. George Washington Carver, the famous agricultural scientist who invented over 300 products from peanuts. Yes, the same man that invented peanut butter. GWC Peanut Rubbing Oil is known for maximum penetration to relieve stiffness in joints, joint-friction from bones rubbing together, tight and sore muscles, and restricted range of movement. The main ingredient is peanut oil.
Ringmaster Pain Relief Rubbing Oil invented around 1950 Pain Relief formula contains 60% peanut oil.
For the past 6 months I've had throbbing knee pain, especially when I lay down to sleep at night. I had heard about C_____, or fruit pectin (used to make jellies and jams) can be purchased in any supermarket, stopped one individual from having a knee operation. I've been taking one tablespoon mixed with any fruit drink (you can mix it with anything really) at night and it seems to be working!! Certainly worth a try, especially since I know I don't have much fruit in my diet. Will keep you posted.
Pectin in Grape Juice
In response to "arthritis in my hands and wrists and bad knees", A simple inexpensive solution that removes all pain for many people is to mix one oz. of canning "pectin" in 12 oz. of hot water then mix that into 1/2 gal. "Concord Grape-juice" and drink a glass each day that you have arthritis pain. This I do about once a month or every other month whenever the pain shows up and then it is gone within 6-48hrs.
Try bromelain for joint pain it helps. Has anyone ever tried noni juice it helps also.
Bromelain, derived from the pineapple plant, is one of a group of proteolytic enzymes (enzymes capable of digesting protein).
Have heard that pineapple/juice cures 26% arthritis. It works and have even saw this in animals such as bears that were arthritic being helped. Make sure pure & no sugar added.
Poke Berries
Hello! My dad called me the other day to ask me to check online for poke berries to help him with severe arthritus pain he's been suffering with even with medication. I had never heard of such a thing being taken for that. And, like most everyone else, we had always been taught that they were poisonus! So, I started digging and came across this page. In my search I noticed that, even though it is available in the wild, no one mentioned where it might be purchased. Since we are not currently in a growing season, where might one PURCHASE poke berries to take till he can harvest his own? Alos, are there any pointers on harvesting?
Thank you so much for offering this thread and opportunity to reply!
(Waco, Tx Usa)
To Kathryn in Tulsa-- you are absolutely right about it being the wrong time for Poke Berries. There will probably not be any in the wild until mid to late summer. My late husband knew what Poke Salad (as he called it) was. I was a bit reluctant to eat something growing in the wild, especially if you had to boil it 3 times to get it tamed down enough to eat. I like my boiled Poke Salad best scrambled with eggs! It tastes much like strong spinach.
His father was born in the Oklahoma Territory and that is who he learned about Poke Salad from.
We lived in the country near Baton Rouge, LA when my husband spotted some growing wild behind the house. I live in Waco, TX now and there was some growing on a vacant lot down the street from me last summer so it grows quite prolifically in the central US for sure. Perhaps you can find some seeds online and plant them for plants and berries this summer.
If the powers that be have their way we will have laws passed banning all except very weak prescription vitamins (Codex Ailamentarium). We are going to have to learn how to survive with what we know about medicines from Mother Nature. People survived before synthetic drugs came on the scene, we may have to go back to natural cures.
I found this reference online"This plant contains chemicals called the "pokeweed mitogens" that are being studied for use in treatments of autoimmune diseases including AIDS and rheumatoid arthritis". Another site mentions using the pokeberry dye in their solar power units. Another site mentions making pokeberry wine for arthritis. I did not find any mention of seeds for sale but the best site I did find is by a herbalist and has a lot of comments from other people that use the berries for gout, children's medicine made as a tincture for a cold, assorted other things. That site was Google said there was over 50, 000 references to poke berries so you may find seeds online with some reading. Good luck in your quest.
About 5 years ago I tripped and almost fell. I was afraid if I had I would break a hip. However in not falling and catching myself I tore my ACLs. When I finally went to the Orthopedic guy he basically told me I needed a knee replacement and that I had a very arthritic knee. He seemed to delight in showing me how they would just slice those joints off and bolt on some aparatus. I declined at that point and in a later appointment they injected some Chicken comb material supposed to help the bones glide better with a large needle that looked sort of like a turkey baster. Needless to say it was quite an experience and I have done everything I could to stay out of his office. ACV seemed to help some, but I realized I was getting less and less active because I was in pain. About a year ago, I went to a Chiropractor and she told me about Prolotherapy and how it could help me. It's a treatment where they inject sugar water in your ligaments, causing inflammation which make them stronger when they heal. Due to having flashbacks of the turkey baster, I just let time pass. Finally about a month ago I realized I had to do something and sugar water was a hell of a lot less invasive than having my knee joint cut out. So, several days ago I went in for my first Prolotherapy session. She did an ultrasound of my knee and there were large bone spurs in the area of the most pain. She numbed the area and injected the sugar water and compared to the turkey baster - it was a walk in the park! But the greatest thing is - it's 3 days later and it's at least 75% better if not more! I went grocery shopping yesterday without any pain! I'm climbing the stairs in my house with no problem! Of course, insurance won't pay for it. So I'm out $285. But I don't care! I figure I'll probably have to have another session, but I am so stoked about this I had to share! The pictures on the internet (Youtube) are a little scary and I think that was why I was so reticent. It's just such a relief to think about doing things and realizing you can because you're not hurting anymore.
Raw Milk
Another very simple cure for arthritis is glucosime and chondroitin. And the simplest way to get it? Raw Milk. I suffered from advanced arthritis for years until my chiropractor told me glucosime and condroitin was the simplest way to defeat it. And one of the simplest ways to obtain that is raw milk. As there were several people milking near me, I was able to get the raw milk easily and far cheaper than regular milk in the store. For nine years I had no problem until both milkers shut their operation down. My pain came back with a vengeance as if someone were cutting thru my arm socket with a knife. Sleeping was impossible. I finally found another person with raw milk and after 3-4 weeks the pain went completely away once again.
When they pastuerize milk they take away all the good vitamins. Raw milk has those in it. As long as you find, preferably a small independant milker, one that's clean, as they almost all are, you will have no problem. There are no side effects from milk unless you are lactose intolerant, other than good ones. It's a simple, cheap, and very easily absorbed into your bloodstream. You won't be disappointed.
Rose Hips
I have found that high strength rose hip worked really well on arthritis in my hands and of course regular exercises to keep the joins moving.
Sea Salt
(San Francisco, Ca, Usa)
Hi Jeff, There are lots of different kinds of salt, and you do not mention the amount of it that you took. I'm sorry the Redmond didn't help you, but this is what happened to me:
I have used 1 pinch of (Celtic) sea salt in every glass of water for years now. I cook with Celtic Salt or Celtic Salt sole. I also use Himalayan Pink in my household shaker, since the Celtic is too moist to shake and guests don't seem to know what to do with it. I do not use Sodium Chloride table salt unless I am stuck in a restaurant without my own shaker (which I usually carry).
1 slightly-heaped teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt in ~10 oz of distilled water stopped my back pain and greatly reduced other muscle pain within 20 minutes or so. It didn't work until I took enough of it all at once, IOW all those pinches in all those glasses for all those years did not do it, but the onetime teaspoon did. Ted from Bangkok is right, if it's the right salt, you'll know it within 1/2 hour.
I have also discovered that if I overdo the salt (I can feel it if I do), the fastest fix for this is to drink enough plain distilled water to dissolve the ingested salt and run it out. Another thing that helps to recover quicker from a seasalt OD is to take a long, hot shower.
So IMO it depends upon your requirements and the chemical composition of the particular salt you are using. One of these days I will check out the local seasalt that is produced here where I live. I haven't tried that yet.
I hope this helps.
For arthritis, read up on serrapeptase please and the testamonials on any site you find... it sometimes (not usually) takes weeks even months for some but others have improved DRAMATICALLY within days :)
Hope this helps- it's an amazing product from all I've read.