Pectin in Grape Juice
I also had pain in my shoulders and neck from various injuries over the years and the pain seems to be lessened in those areas as well. My range of motion seems to be increasing week by week and I'm gonna stay on the borax for life as long as I see no adverse reactions, and so far, there have been absolutely none! I can't thank you enough for this website! Gonna try other remedies I find here as well!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I don't like drinking it in water, but I will. I prefer to just put it in a shot glass and shoot it if it's not on fish or french fries. ACV doesn't care if it's mixed with food. It's not picky. But wow, does it work.
Niacin, Vitamin C, and Avoid Glyphosate
Of course, most people told me that it was simply age that was causing this pain. I refused to accept that, since my Dad was still snow skiing at age 79. And my Dad was not really health conscious. The only difference between the two of us was that he lived in Switzerland, while I left Switzerland and had been living in the US for about 30 years.
So my intuition told me that it had something to do with the US food supply and/or water supply. By the way, the pain in my neck was really bad to the point I could barely move my head. I went to see a chiropractor, thinking I injured my neck exercising. Luckily, after a couple of sessions the chiropractor told me that it was probably arthritis. (of course, he too wrote it off to getting older).
I had previously read a couple of books and old studies on niacin and niacinamide (the form of niacin or Vitamin B3 that does not cause a flush when taken in large doses). So I knew that doctors in the past have cured all forms of arthritis with niacin. So I started taking 1500 mg Niacinamide with 1000 mg of vitamin C 2x daily. I started feeling better almost immediately but the pain didn't completely stop until about 2 weeks later.
I now take 1500 mg of Niacinamide and and 1000 mg of time released or liposomal vitamin C daily. I'm totally pain free.
Getting back to the difference in the food and water supplies between Switzerland, or Europe in general, and the USA. In Europe, GMO foods are illegal. But even more important, Europeans do not use glyphosate ("round up") as an herbicide.
Why is this important? Per Stephanie Seneff, researcher at MIT, glyphosate is responsible for a wide range of diseases in Americans. Glyphosate, which btw was derived from the Vietnam era "agent orange", is not only an herbicide but also an antibiotic, which means it wrecks havoc in your gut. Furthermore, glyphosate has a very similar molecular structure to the amino acid glycene. So in the production of proteins, glyphosate may inadvertently be substituted for glycene, producing defective proteins, which in turn cause all kinds of havoc to the body.
The bottom line is that glyphosate is responsible for widespread inflammation, including inflammation of the joints. So avoiding glyphosate is very important if you want to reduce or eliminate the cause of many forms of arthritis.
As a side note, not only do American farmers dump millions of tons of glyphosate on so called round-up ready GMO crops, but they use it for a totally unrelated purpose. They use it as a desiccant on wheat and other crops, right before harvest. (A desiccant dries the wheat, making it easier to harvest). So you get a really heavy dose of glyphosate when you eat bread or other wheat products. And this is also the reason, imo, that so many Americans claim to be gluten intolerant. It's not really the gluten but the glyphosate. That also explains why many Americans who visit Europe are able to eat the bread over there without any problems.
So in summary, if you want to get rid of arthritis, avoid glyphosate like the plague (only eat organic whenever possible), and supplement with Niacinamide and vitamin C. If your body is already saturated with glyphosate, bentonite clay and charcoal are great in eliminating toxins, including glyphosate.
Vitamin C
Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic Sulfur
Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese
This is not a 'magic bullet': it only helps about 20% of arthritis sufferers. There are several types of arthritis, and this apparently helps my type. It's certainly more useful than the NSAIDs that were only masking the symptoms. I've experimented over the years, and the type or brand of flax oil doesn't matter, nor does the cottage cheese. I do recommend cold-rolled flax oil and not heat extracted, though. The cottage cheese acts as a surfactant, and makes the oil more water-soluble and able to penetrate the cell walls. In Germany Dr. Joanna Budwig used something called 'quark', and cottage cheese is the closest American equivalent. I use low-fat 2% cottage cheese since I'm older and less tolerant of milk fat.
I did another experiment to prove the effectiveness: I quit taking it and went 'cold turkey'. After 2 months, the arthritis returned. I stayed off for a few more months, just to make sure. Then I started taking one tablespoon of flax oil and one tablespoon of cottage cheese again, and 3 weeks later my arthritis was gone again. I duplicated the same experiment 4 years later, just to be doubly sure. Same results: 2 months of no dietary addition, and the arthritis came back, 3 weeks taking it and I'm cured again. Obviously you can skip a week or two while on vacation with little-or-no ill effect.
If you research the 'Budwig Cure', it was originally a solution for cancer, but it's not a 'magic bullet' for cancer, either. You don't need to blend the two as Dr. Budwig suggests; I take one and then the other and let my stomach do the mixing. I do chew the cottage cheese thoroughly to make sure it mixes well in the gut.
Apple Cider Vinegar
She is 74 and took in her 98 year old aunt 3 years ago. The aunt has an attitude problem, but is healthy as a horse now at 101. The Aunt worked in a school cafeteria until she was 92 and quit to care for her ailing husband. She takes no medicines or supplements. She started drinking ACV and honey at age 17 and does not miss her morning dose regardless.
Our hair lady says her aunt has no arthritis and will probably out live her.
I thought the EC bunch would appreciate this tale.
I was taking tabs 2gms a day. Now, very gradually, I take 9gms. Hey what a difference, wonderful, but I have rose hip tab as well,
I take 4 MSM with breakfast, 4 for lunch and 2 early pm with a snack.
My arthritis was caused by a very bad fall from a horse straight onto the back of my hips when I crunched into the road 18 years ago. I would hate to be without MSM. But go easy at first, just a low dose, also I take glusamine. I don't have any side effects at all and would consider taking more dosage if needed.
Cinnamon and Honey
Apple Cider Vinegar
I pour a capful of Apple Cider Vinegar into a glass and put about three times that amount of water with it.. Then take a spoonfull of honey and keep it in the side of my mouth whilst sipping the Apple Cider Vinegar I let the honey go down with each sip.. I think the Apple Cider Vinegar and honey must go down together to get the full benifit, as the vinegar cracks the honey in the stomach.. I'm taking it morning and evening for the last eighteen months. I have one last nodule left on my right hand second finger but that might have been joint damage due to an accident and not a nodule. They were on most of my finger joints to some degree.
I must say that after trying the stuff out at earthclinic my health has never been better.. Just about all the agues of age have cleared up. After not seeing my daughter for about four months when I started on the Apple Cider Vinegar she said "My god you look like you have lost twenty years".. I must admit I feel it as well.. Im on other stuff as well.. I smoke and drink moderately.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Also I have dabbed ACV neat on skin irritation which stopped after a few minutes. This occurs from time to time and I can't figure what causes it except maybe chlorinated water.
I've noticed quite a few people on this site snivelling about the taste of ACV. Maybe they're not hurting enough but they should find a recipe that works for them. Take less at a time and do more often, whatever, because it's brilliant. Can't remember how I found this site but I'm so glad I did and thank you all so much. Nickie
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
I would just like to say how wonderful the site is.
About a year ago I started to search for natural cures for arthritis because my hips were giving me terrible pain and some pain in my knuckles as well. I am a male of 60 years with Muscular Dystrophy.
I started taking 2 tbs apple cider vinegar with 1/2 tsp of backing soda twice a day for 5 days on and 2 days off. I can say that today I am almost pain free. I have found that the Omega 369 has taken care of my suicidal depression, but one a day is all I can afford because our Government will not help me.
Your simple affordable remedy has saved my life because I can live more comfortably now. There was a story of a man of 53 found dead in his truck on day from carbon monoxide poisoning and I had been contemplating this method before I found Earth Clinic. Maybe if he had of known he would still be alive. No cuddo's for our gov.
God Bless you Ted.
Thank you so much for your help.
Davey D.
Blackstrap Molasses
Apple Pectin
Two 500 mg caps per day taken with either grape or orange juice (Vitaimn C) cures Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Gout, TMJ and Arthritis.
I have given it to over 50 people in my job as EH & S engineer for a manufacturing company as well as having used it myself for the past ten (10) years with complete success for pain in both of my thumbs. Lasting results have occurred within 48 hours. Will correspond. WEH
Apple Cider Vinegar