Health Benefits

ACV for Arthritis: Effective Natural Pain Relief

| Modified on Jul 09, 2024
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 01/13/2016

Editor's Choice HI U OLE PATOOTS, , , , , , , , , got a wild and strange story to pass on via the lady who cuts our hair.

She is 74 and took in her 98 year old aunt 3 years ago. The aunt has an attitude problem, but is healthy as a horse now at 101. The Aunt worked in a school cafeteria until she was 92 and quit to care for her ailing husband. She takes no medicines or supplements. She started drinking ACV and honey at age 17 and does not miss her morning dose regardless.

Our hair lady says her aunt has no arthritis and will probably out live her.

I thought the EC bunch would appreciate this tale.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bel1954 (Santa Fe, Nm) on 04/03/2017 2 posts

Editor's Choice I had painful knee Arthritis with swelling and stiffness everyday. I tried a Cortisone shot helped for a month only and knee surgery was out of the question. I was desperate for relief! All I did was search on the internet for help. I found an article on benefits of drinking Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Since last Summer I drink 1 tablespoon with 6 oz. warm water everyday faithfully! I no longer suffer with pain or swelling my stiffness is very minimal to none. I am also not a big fan of taking OTC pain relievers and definitely no prescribed drugs!! Today I am a healthy pain free camper and feel healthier

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Madison, Wisconsin) on 03/16/2009

Editor's Choice I have spinal stenosis and scoliosis and my back got so bad that I started limping. I had severe pain especially if I bent over. My back literally was killing me with pain. I was taking prescription naprosen (1000 mg/per day). That had little effect on the pain. I had arthritis in both index fingers, both shoulders and my back was full of it. I remembered that I had heard or read somewhere about ACV. I found this web site and read everything I could on ACV. I was so encouraged! I went out that day and bought a qt of organic ACV. The first time I took it I wondered how could I continue taking it. However the taste was not as bad as the pain I was going through. I quit taking the pain medication and just used ACV. I take about 3 ozs. to 4ozs a day in some water. After about 3 or 4 days, I noticed the pain throughout my body starting to subsiding. By the end of 2 weeks the pain was literally gone. I can bend over with no pain, hop around with no pain and play with my cat. No more NSAIDS, only ACV. I have been telling everyone I see about this MIRACLE CURE FOR PAIN. I hope I have encouraged someone sitting on the fence to try this. By the way, there are other benefits to taking ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Erin (Calgary) on 05/15/2021

Editor's Choice I've taken Apple Cider Vinegar for 30 years. Took a break for 2 or three years, I just always felt amazing. Lately, I've been super stiff. Joints, body, etc. Groaning when getting up, all that stuff. I started using Apple Cider Vinegar on my fish sticks and fries (I like salt and vinegar on fish and chips). I use like 6 or 7 cap fulls at a time on it. A couple capfuls per stick. Of course, after like 3 days of doing that, I'm magically, completely NOT stiff anymore.

I don't like drinking it in water, but I will. I prefer to just put it in a shot glass and shoot it if it's not on fish or french fries. ACV doesn't care if it's mixed with food. It's not picky. But wow, does it work.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marla (Us) on 05/29/2016

I have horrible arthritis and within 2 1/2 weeks of starting the ACV, I have had no pain or symptoms since. It is a miracle.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by William (Texas, US) on 04/12/2015

I use 4 to 4.5 oz. of raw organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a gallon of filtered water with trace minerals added with a shot glass of stevia. I start with one gallon of apple cider vinegar that I add 2 table spoons of cinnamon and 3 or more table spoons of ginger. The ginger dissolves after a few days and what does not dissolves of the cinnamon settles to the bottom. From this I get the 4 oz. to add to the water. I consume about 3 or more gallons of this a week. Great PH balance beverage. The trace minerals added to the 6 gallons of water I consume per week three of which is apple cider vinager allows me to take 1100 to 1200 plus mg of magnesium per day with no side affects.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Francesca1971 (Tasmania, Australia) on 09/14/2013

I began getting arthritis in my fingers and feet about six months ago. I now take two teaspoons of ACV morning and night diluted in a glass of water. Gone, within a couple of days. If I slack off a day or two my limbs begin to seize up again. Brilliant.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ubound (Lebanon) on 09/20/2013

I suffer from water on the knee since I was 18 years old (now 34). My knees swell from time to time for a few days then I am back to normal again for a week or so. It subsided for many months in a row but has been back in recent years. The condition wasn't severe, just slightly uncomfortable. I started taking ACV with water for another issue but realized that my knees didn't swell anymore. I was completely fine as long as I drank ACV. However once I stop ACV the attacks come back and are much more severe to the point that I can't leave the house for 2-3 days. This never happened before. I never had to change my plans or rearrange my schedule because of this condition before. I am puzzled. I know if I take ACV I will be fine, but once I stop it's very scary. I don't know if I should continue. Does anyone here experience worsening of symptoms when they stop drinking vinegar? Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Va Beach, Va) on 05/29/2013

I've been taking Apple Cider Vinegar mixture with water and honey for a week now twice a day for arthritis in my hand and it seems the discomfort has intensified. Is that possible or have I not wait long enough for the ACV to actually work? Thanks for any comments.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) on 01/17/2012

Been completely free of arthritis and rheumatism for over 38 years by taking ACV daily in my drinking water. I like the tart taste and do not use honey.

John GOD Bless

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 04/28/2011

Editor's Choice I has Heberden's nodes at my finger joints and I've been on ACV for a year and they have all gone but one, and that has definitely reduced.

I pour a capful of Apple Cider Vinegar into a glass and put about three times that amount of water with it.. Then take a spoonfull of honey and keep it in the side of my mouth whilst sipping the Apple Cider Vinegar I let the honey go down with each sip.. I think the Apple Cider Vinegar and honey must go down together to get the full benifit, as the vinegar cracks the honey in the stomach.. I'm taking it morning and evening for the last eighteen months. I have one last nodule left on my right hand second finger but that might have been joint damage due to an accident and not a nodule. They were on most of my finger joints to some degree.

I must say that after trying the stuff out at earthclinic my health has never been better.. Just about all the agues of age have cleared up. After not seeing my daughter for about four months when I started on the Apple Cider Vinegar she said "My god you look like you have lost twenty years".. I must admit I feel it as well.. Im on other stuff as well.. I smoke and drink moderately.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janet S-D (San Diego Ca) on 09/22/2023 8 posts

Apple Cider Vinegar really worked fast 4 my very painful Arthritic CPPD Knees

9-22-2023 I'm an 78 yr old Caucasian woman in reasonable health for my age, although I do have Osteoporosis and low thyroid. From June 2023 till Sept 2023 I suffered with incredible knee pain, worse than natural child birth, to the point I could only get to the bathroom (only 15' from my bed, by using crutches. In early Sept. 2023 I looked up home remedies on Earth Clinic & found that many people used Apple Cider Vinegar with a bit of honey. I decided to try it as all the ER room at the hospital could offer me was very strong & addictive pain pills. So my 1st day I mixed up 4 tablespoons of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar(with the mother) & a few drops of organic honey (from Florida I had on hand) with 6 oz of filtered spring water and I sipped that for a few hours. Within hours the pain started to dissipate.

By the end of the day I drank the full glass. (other posts said to drink 2 glasses, but I only drank 1 glass) I did the exact same thing for the next 2 days & each day the pain got less, but day 3 I could walk without the crutches, but still some pain...then I switched to honey from bees in Ca. and the pain level stayed the same(low, but still there)...I did that for a few days & no reduction in pain. 1 day I only drank 1/2 glass & the pain started to come back. What I read on here said to drink 2 glasses for 7 days with 1 added table of AVC each day. I learned, don't skip a day! Today I mixed 7 tbl of AVC & a few drips of the honey from Florida...that was a few hours ago & already I'm feeling less pain. I'm not sure if the progress in less pain is due to more AVC or the honey from Florida. I'm just so glad it's working and I wanted to share and hope this helps someone else as much as it does me.....because Western Medicine (that I was raised on) has no ways to get rid of the crystals in the joints that I've been able to find.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Jarrell, Tx, Williamson) on 04/23/2013

i also had tried ted's remedy of the borax... It has helped me.. I have had RA for 29yrs. What I do now is AVC w/honey and garlic started this in april. My inflammation has gone down alot (i can see all the damage in my joints)

  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar (must be organic) w/the mother
  • 1 cup raw honey
  • 8 cloves garlic

mix on high speed in blender for 60 seconds. Pour into a glass container. Seal & leave in the refrigerator for five days. Normal dosage is 2 tsp. In a glass of water or fruit juice, grape or orange juice is best before breakfast. I do this 3 times a day. it also has other benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Iowama (Pella, Ia/usa) on 08/16/2011

I have concluded that the ACV tonic is working well for me. I quit drinking coffee and started drinking one cup of this tonic per day about 6 weeks ago and began to notice that the nodules on my finger joints appeared less inflamed and they also appeared to be smaller and that other joints were no longer hurting. Also, I have just felt so energetic. I had started oil pulling just a week prior, so I wasn't sure which remedy was helping with the arthritis. Then I stopped drinking the tonic for just the past 2 days and today the pain came back in some of my joints. I guess I have my answer! I am mixing 1 TBSP ACV with 1/8 tsp baking soda. Somewhere on this site, I read that men can use 1/4 tsp of baking soda. After all the fizzing is finished, I stir in hot water and a teaspoon of honey. Now that I'm sure it is working for me, I will start to experiment with some of the other ACV teas that posters have suggested. I would like to send my sincere thanks to Ted and to all who have recorded their stories for the benefit of all of us.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Muckracker1 (Evansville, In) on 12/01/2011

I am currently using cinnamon and raw apple cider vinegar for hip and knee arthritis. It has helped greatly though I have been using it about 10 days.

One thing many people don't know about over the counter pain relievers; when used for arthritis, they wind up, over time, destroying cartilage. So, you wind up needing joint replacements because the pain reliever you used to banish the pain, banished the pain and destroyed your cartilage.

A friend of mine was very succussful using raw apple cider vinegar to alleivate gout, also.

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