Health Benefits

White Vinegar for Folliculitis

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White Vinegar
Posted by Julia (Surrey, Uk) on 11/15/2015


Yes, vinegar is great for helping to clear the skin, but even this does not seem to last and I keep having to rotate treatments as the infection seems to become resistant to things. Garlic is also great, I boil some up or use bought cream, and put it on at night and cover it over, then wash everything next morning. Bicarb is also great, just dampen the powder and smear it on. SO many things really, that reduce the PH or anything that fights fungus helps, like various essential oils, and coconut. I found that all the creams given to me by docs were useless, but anti fungal foot powder works (I use it on trunk of body, tummy and back mostly) as it is dry instead of creamy. If I get too hot it gets much worse, but powders help keep it dry.