Hello, I've been drinking H202 for about 5 months. I am a 42 yr old male in good health except I've injured my low back over the years and several other minor injuries. I had been taking cyclobenzaprene regularly over the past 2 years(mainly for muscle spasms)and medical dose Naproxen regularly, prescribed by my VA Dr. (the VA loves to give out pain pills and are not focused on cures. Whatever costs less. I'm very thankful though that I have this medical resource. )
A friend of mine wrote an ebook on how his father-in-law beat COPD & emphysema in six weeks with h202. This was over 20 years ago and he is still alive also he continued to smoke. This is who I learned of H202 from. I put 15 drops of 35% in 6 oz of apple cider and drink. I first did the drop treatment for six weeks but only once a day. I don't do it daily even and Wow-I don't have to take the pills anymore. The achiness and early arthritic soreness in my body that I've felt for a number of years is Gone. No more muscle spasms either. Hallelujah
H2O2 in ear for colds: I get sick almost every month, usually with a bad cold during, or right after, my period. I tried H2O2 in my ears right when I was getting that familiar tingle in the back of my throat and tired feeling I always get before a cold. I used about a half a capful of 3% hydrogen peroxide poured into my ears, one at a time, lying on my side and let it sit and fizz for about 10 minutes each before dumping it out. The itchy feeling started disappearing right away and the next day I wasn't sick as I was sure I would be. I normally get sick for a good week or two when I do, so I was really glad it worked!
Broad Benefits
I've been using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide for some time now. I bought a quart and it came with the dropper bottle. I simply used a small funnel and filled the bottle with about 1 ounce of the 35% liquid and followed the protocol as outlined by Dr. Williams (his articles are posted on the internet). I started with 6 drops in a 16 oz. bottle of water (he recommends distilled water which is much cheaper). Then I added two drops a day as recommended.
The H2O2 far exceeded expectations! I recovered much faster from my running and tennis and my endurance and stamina are way higher than before. The morning stuffiness, runny nose, etc. are gone-no allergies. This is amazing stuff and I'm telling all my friends!
COPD, Dry Peeling Feet
I love this website. The thought of losing so many loved ones recently makes me very sad. Had I known about Earth Clinic, perhaps they would still be here. I have been using several different remedies. I tried the hydrogen peroxide method first. I use it in my water mostly, but sometimes I use the spray pump. I smoke heavily and my breathing has changed so much for the better. I have much more energy and overall feel good. I am diabetic and have very dry peeling feet. I soak my feet in enough water to cover the top of my feet and add about 1/2 cup of peroxide to the water and soak about 30 minutes or longer if I have the time. After 2 times, I could see my feet start to heal.
Also, I found 3% peroxide without stabilizers at the family dollar store. I can taste the difference. Thank you so much.
Broad Benefits
I am sorry I was not clear. You can try two methods.
First I take a bottle of shampoo (i work in ml...hahaha 500ml or 600ml and use some until I can fit about 100ml H2O2 in the bottle, about a 1/4 cup of H2O2). I pour it in and shake the bottle. You have to shake the bottle everytime you use it otherwise the H2O2 comes out first (it is floating on the top). Wash you hair as normal and rinse it. If you can keep it on the hair a few minutes do so. If you keep it on very long like 30 minutes every time your hair will start to become lighter so be careful if you don't want the colour to change.
The second method is more direct and I use it when I feel my scalp needs rejuvenation. (I live in China and I think the water here is not clean and sometime my scalp ich from irritation or dryness). I then just wet my hair and comb in some H2O2 and leave it on to dry. It smells a little but when you then wash and rinse your hair it becomes very soft and shiny.
I have been doing this since the '70s and my hair is really in good condition. I am also happy to report that I have no grey hair! a nice side effect. Regards
NOTE: I don't know what the laws are and I don't want to get sued. Use my information at your own risk. I'm just trying to help in any way I can, because NO ONE should have to go through what I went through - numbing devastation and fear. If this helps you, PLEASE spread the word!
3 skin cancer growths on my face cured in a WEEK of applying Hydrogen Peroxide on them - HOW YOU APPLY could mean the difference between EFFECTIVE, or NOT (read further for detailed explanation). (NOTE: I use a lot of repetition, to make sure you understand exactly what I'm referring to.)
I would definitely recommend trying this before you try bloodroot.
THANK GOD!! WOW! I'm still shocked it worked and it took only a WEEK!!! How is this possible that people don't know about this and a truth so simple is not known by everyone is beyond me.
My story and how I used Hydrogen Peroxide 3% to cure my skin cancers: Over the period of two years two cancerous growths appeared on my face (nose); one of them was growing very slow the other one faster. Then in less then a year another one appeared on my face as well - on the side of my nose very close to my eye. That one was growing at an alarming rate. All those growths hurt with unusual intensity when touched and had tiny veins but they were not moles. They were kind of the color of my skin except more red and at times really red. I applied just about every fruit on them I could think of with what seemed no effect. I was getting worried and felt helpless. I begged God to help me and I searched a lot. I found this great site and read that there have been reports that Hydrogen Peroxide cured melanoma. I was going to try the eggplant and white vinegar remedy, but was worried about the fumes from the vinegar being so close to my eye. So I decided to try the Hydrogen Peroxide first. At first it didn't seem to have any effect at all. I was getting so worried by that point because the spot close to my eye was growing even faster and by then it was about 5 millimeters in diameter and just few months ago it was a tiny spot. In my helplessness.
I took a cotton swab and soaked it in Hydrogen Peroxide and kept rubbing the cancerous growth with the Hydrogen Peroxide soaked cotton swab until the growth was soaked in the Hydrogen Peroxide and was white. It stung badly, but I didn't care, I just wanted these things gone. I was so desperate, my eyes watered every time I looked at the spots on my face. After the soaking of the growths I applied cotton soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide on them. NOTE: when soaking the skin with Hydrogen Peroxide make sure you don't do it to the healthy skin, because even though it is more resistant to getting white and soaked with the Hydrogen Peroxide, it will also get white after a while. If healthy tissue gets white like that, let it air out until it regains its normal color. So do the soaking to the unhealthy tissue only or as close as you can get. After soaking and making it white apply soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide cotton ball on the growth and when the cotton gets dry, wet it with more Hydrogen Peroxide. How it worked was: the soaked cancerous growth after a while formed as crust much like what happens with a normal sore. The strangest thing is I see no scars it flattened it out like it was never there..IN A WEEK!!! Even the fast growing one!! I'M STILL IN SHOCK. I tried SO many things. THANK GOD. THANK GOD!!!
It is not the peroxide that caused your cancer. I am thinking it was already there and if you continued to use the treatment of food grade peroxide it would have cured the cancer. A dear friend of mine had anal cancer and did treatments of food grade P. for one month and a butt rinse of baking soda and the cancer is gone. I hope you have found a cure. Bloodroot is good too.
Fountain of Youth
I mix 3% topical hydrogen peroxide with salt and a little bubble bath as a wetting agent and apply it to my skin. This has been incredible! With the added salt it is absorbed into the body, but does not burn the skin at all. It seems like the salt should make it burn more, but it helps the body absorb it and does not burn the skin. Even if it gets into a cut with the salt and wetting agent it does not hurt anywhere near as much as straight hydrogen peroxide. I first started using it to treat a facial condition, but I was so impressed with the results that I began using it on larger areas of my body. Now about once a month I mix about a half pint of this solution and sponge bath my entire body with it. I have been doing this for about two years with no adverse results, and my body seems to have a more youthful appearance. I believe it kills a wide range of organisms that reside within the body, yet does not harm the body's own cell tissue. I know it sounds wacky, but I believe that anyone who tries this treatment will be amazed by the results.
Earth Clinic Report
the fda is a government entity, its all about money, our gov. has been hiding things from us for many years. Common sense your body already has water and oxygen in it. so hear is something to think about, no one can make money on.
H.P. they would rather treat than cure anyways, money is in treatment.
there are many God given remedies out here, you just have to do your research
I do 4 drops (3%food grade) in 8oz. of water when I feel bad and it picks me right up. the medical field is way over rated alot of guess work.or grey area as a doc would say.
H2O2 offers an extra molecule of oxygen to fight off bad bacteria that grows best in low oxygen environments. The good bacteria tends to do well in higher oxygen environments so, used in proper dosage, I would think the H2O2 would be beneficial to the digestive tract. Regarding the previously discussed nausea: defective cells being killed off by H2O2 and removed from the body can cause a feeling of nausea.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
When buying the Food Grade H202 it has to be bought online. It cannot be bought in stores, the food grade H202 is 35%, yes it may be more costly, but it's better to be safe than sorry using regular peroxide. Mixing the H202 with a 8oz. glass of distilled water and drinking it daily has proven to help someone with cancer, to this day he is still free of cancer.
Colds and Flu
I am really glad you put the percentage of HP to use as I have noticed too much on these sites that people do not put exactly was % they are using, which is bloody dangerous not too.
I've used brown bottle HP 3% to help disinfect ears after swimming in dirty seawater and to help eliminate some ear wax. I've always heard it fizzing away like it's boiling and doing something active.
I got some food grade HP 3% to nebulize and breathe. I switched to that for my ears thinking it would be better. But when I use the food grade I don't hear any fizzing noise so I don't have the confidence it's doing the same as the brown bottle HP. Does anyone have any comment to that?
Warfarin...Blood Thinner
Using 35% H2O2 at 10 drops in 12 oz of distilled water before eating, first thing in morning has reduced my Warfarin amount for the last 5 weeks. INR levels tested weekly.
Started out 1 drop and increased to 10 over several weeks time.
No nausea or other discomfort, aside from some loose stools, I feel great.
Have held steady at 10 drops for 2 weeks now and thinking about increasing H2O2 until some decrease in effectiveness or discomfort is observed.
Tested at Portland VA hospital and Anti-Coag Nutritionists are aware and said no known contraindications.
First started out with 1 drop and increased every 4-5 days.
Have held steady at 10 drops for a couple of weeks.
Genital Herpes
Hello dear Ted, I would like to ask your help about the Hydrogen peroxide. I was diagnosed with HSV2 last year, I read about the internal use of HP. I have been drinking it, 3% food grade HP almost for three months, with half dl distilled water 3times a day, 10 drops each time. Is this the best way to use it? I still always have outbreaks, more than I used to.. Could this be the healing crisis? or it just doesn't work for me? :( I need your advice what is the best way to use it to kill this disgusting virus. Thank you very much.
I was Dx with COPD a few yrs back and none of the inhalers perscribed helped. I started doing a natural remedy and have been drinking the 35% food grade H2O2 diluted at a ratio of 5 drops H2O2 to 8 oz distilled water once a day and I have more energy and have not been on the inhalers for 2 months now. I can breathe alot easier. In this suffocating heat I did not have any trouble.
I had pretty persistent acne growing up; as I got older, it mostly went away, but I could never seem to get rid of it on my back. I've recently been investigating H2O2 therapies for a different ailment, which has proven very helpful.
One of the problems regarding treating the back, is that it is naturally difficult to reach much of it. I decided I'd try spraying 3% pharmacy H2O2 on my back after showering. I've been using food grade for internal use, but as this is an external application, there's no problem using the more commonly available kind.
I found that the spray nozzle for a liquid wrinkle remover fit the fairly small opening to a regular bottle of H2O2, and that it sprayed a very fine mist, which is perfect for this application. I noticed an improvement almost immediately... It didn't take very long to clear up most of the back. However, it took about 3 months to finally clear up a persistent area located in the middle of my upper back. The treatment can be drying, which didn't bother me, but if it is bothersome to you, I'd expect that you could apply the spray every other day instead.
Anyway, it's a real relief to have cleared up my back for the first time in over 30 years, and I feel quite certain that it will continue to be successful. I hope this will help someone as much as it has helped me.
To Ender from Robertsdale , Al. Why would you say that distilled water is poisonous? This is false. I have been drinking about 3 liters of distilled water per day for the last 18 years(since 1992). Filtering water only removes SOME of the contaminants but steam distilling water removes a lot more. Distilled water is said to leach out some minerals but who does't want unhealthy things leached out of their bodies as long as they regularly add back in the healthy life-promoting minerals and trace elements with good nutrition and supplementation. Jay
Lung Issues
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Frank, I have been using FGHP (35%) for many years with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. I am 56 yrs old now and have only great things to say about it, Thanks to God. I started using it at age 30. I had severe joint and back pain at the time. After three months, starting with 3 drops 2 to 3 times daily (FGHP) and 1 Capful of the Cider Vinegar, working up to 25 drops of FGHP 2 to 3 times daily, I've had astronomical results. The results were verified by my then girlfriend who was also useing the same program. (1) No more heavy or bad breath, (2) No body odor, (3) You will only need approximately 4 to 5 hours of sleep per day and when you awaken you will be wide awake, not sluggish or groggy. After you reach the 25 drop level you can then taper off. Find the instructions on line. Oh, people think I'm no more than 30-35yrs old! Enjoy.
EC: FGHP - Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
I'm age 76, have basically avoided doctors for about 45 years now, as I know they never get to the CAUSE of any of our ailments. I learned about right nutrition and fasting as a natural route to healing if I had any problems, and that has basically been adequate. Until a couple months ago when I developed what I suppose was arthritic PAIN in my left shoulder/elbow/wrist/ hand...and I'm left-handed! And it would keep me miserable enough I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't seem to shake it by what I knew to do. I didn't really want to fast at length, as in recent years I'm skinnier (5'3" and about 115): people ask too many questions and besides, it's uncomfortable not to have enough padding on your bones! (been there/done that) So, I prayed, and I believe it was God who showed me info about taking peroxide. I did quite a bit of research on it and was convinced it was a valid route to go. I began 12 days ago (continuing) with just ONE cautious drop, then TWO DROPS the next morning (after that I went to 3 drops 3x a day, and building up)...and to my amazement about a couple hours after I took those two drops, I realized ALL that pain I had suffered with for WEEKS was GONE. Wow. Is that fantastic, or what?! And it hasn't come back.
I'm continuing because I saw that the peroxide has a cleansing effect much like the fasting does, except I don't have to lose weight in the process. I have a few little matters that I mostly ignored because they don't HURT (nothing like some pain for motivation to change!!)....so decided to deal with them via the peroxide. I have a slight bit of tinnitus (which I mostly don't think about, but it's there so could get worse?), my eyesight (I wear reading glasses), my hearing (I miss some conversation), my BRAIN (ach! "senior moments" are not funny, really)...might the peroxide help in those????? I'm hoping! :-)
A couple days ago I had some cold symptoms develop, ( a LOT of sneezing and MUCH clear nasal discharge) which I know were just to be expected...but I seem to be past that. I have a couple questions!? About day nine I was nauseous after taking the peroxide in the morning, so thought to put four drops of my orange-flavored liquid stevia in each time, is that OK? Some places said use juice or milk, but other places said just water, and I hate to go through all this and not have it as effective as possible! AND for a while now I have put sea salt at the rate of a teaspoon per gallon of drinking water, as that is what Dr. Batmanghelidge says we need...is that OK with the peroxide? (He didn't say put it in drinking water; that was my idea since I don't like to salt my food much...and the water doesn't taste salty, just good) I'm using reverse osmosis water by the gallon from our local health store. I'm thinking of getting a reverse osmosis system for under my kitchen sink: they seem reasonable in price. Can anyone un-confuse me about the 3/4/5 phase systems in them, which is adequate?? I'll let y'all know how this peroxide regimen treats me in days ahead! I do believe my brain is slightly more clear already. :-) Oh, and I have for years had irregular sleep (I hate to call it insomnia)...hope maybe that is a problem the peroxide might help. Am I expecting miracles?! Well, that arthritic pain gone in two days was a miracle, wasn't it?!
2/16/2009: Jean from Somerset, KY writes, "I have another question. I read we should build up gradually to taking the peroxide AND decrease gradually, but I haven't read WHY the gradual decrease. What would happen if some morning I am tempted to think, I CAN'T DO THIS ONE MORE DAY!! (??) I might deal with that thought better if know ahead of time why I should and can decrease gradually???"
I got an H202 treatment at a clinic in Scottsdale and was shocked how it helped clear up my lungs. I was sick for a week but took it all in stride as I knew it was because the H202 was clearing out my lungs and other toxins in my body. I am a firm believer in H202 therapy and I looked at it like this...It can't hurt me...I might as well try it. And am glad I did. PJ
you people should be able to tell when a story is a hoax or not by now.. 'according to the FDA' ?? are you kidding me.. ?? you are posting things on this site where the majority of users would not believe a word the FDA says, not to mention when it's about something that is a complete threat to their goals.
obviously everyone on here has been talking about FOOD GRADE PEROXIDE, not 3% pharmaceutical stuff.. so why you are sitting here responding to someone that said show us the studies to do with debunking the FACT that cancer and AIDS thrive in low oxygen bodies more so than high oxygen bodies..
Broad Benefits
If I was stranded on a deserted island and could have 3 items, the first would be a bottle of peroxide. I have used it for years to brush my teeth and gargle with. I put a drop or two in ears every day, I use it on "old age spots" every day and in time they dissappear. Any kind of scratch, pimple, Etc., out comes the wonderall, inexpensive proxide. I am 65 years old, have all my teeth, never have colds, and have beautiful skin. It's excellent for nails, cleaning my jewelery, stains on white countertops and I could go on and on. But the health benefits are amazing!
One thing to be aware of is that H2O2 chelates (dissolves) metals so you will want to be sure that your dog's water bowl is not made of metal.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
I read the post regarding stabilzers and bought the 3% drug store type from Wal Mart & Kogers. I didn't think there were any it the product because listed on the label under inactive ingredient it only says purified water on both bottles. Also did the sunlight test and bubble test and both bottles passed. After ingesting H202 for a couple of days I called the poisen info. # on the back of the bottle and they had no information but advised against ingesting. The Kroger's bottle had a product information 800 number that I called. I asked if the product contained stablizers and in about one minute I had an answer. The kind women read off about five chemical stablizers and additives that were not listed on the label. As soon as I hung up I went online and ordered 35% Food Grade H202. I did use the rest of the two bottles to put in my bath. To those of you who posted that you are drinking the 3% H202 from your local CVS. Rite Aid's or Walgreens I highly recommend you check out what's in it before you continue drinking it.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
When I do this I use the recipe from "The One Minute Cure" book by Madison Cavanaugh. You start with one drop of food grade 35% HP in 8 oz, 3x per day, and increase by one drop every day until you reach 30 drops or so. You can find the book on eBay. It's getting harder to find and more expensive.
Bad Breath
I had stinky breath that nothing would help, I did work in a steel mill and AC work and the smell was coming from my lungs, mold or fungus was what I thought it was. What I did that helped a lot more than just the breath, 3% Hydrogen peroxide diluted by 3:1 by distilled water in a house hold atomizing hand sprayer. I put the sprayer on the finest mist setting and breathed the mist, I didn't swallow any, spitting out what was left in my mouth, I breathed the aspirated diluted peroxide. within a day, no more smell and I breathed better. I'm 68.
12% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Hello Angie.
Clarification on why take H2O2 on an empty stomach. The reasoning is H2O2 will foam when it comes in contact with a variety of substances and microorganisms some of which are likely to be found in the food you eat. So if you take it soon after or before eating it is likely to foam up in your stomach, making you feel queasy or nauseas. If you dilute it enough you can avoid that issue from that angle.
The difference between 12% and 35% is just the ratio of H2O2 and water. Add twice as much water to a 36% solution and you will have a 12% solution. Also if your formula is 2 drops of 35% to 8 oz of distilled water then 6 drops of 12% to 8 oz of distilled water should give you just about the same solution.
Also be careful double check your actions as some of the posts here leave out an important fact. If you are taking advice here double check your actions against some other post or resource. Hope this is helpful.