I believe it is a candida problem.
I am desperate so I tried first the H2O2 inhalation method for a few months - amazing results. Much better quality of sleep. Increased energy. Faster reflexes. Happy mood.
I did develop a rather painfull cough during this treatment but I believe thats simply a moron problem. (I still smoke)
Next I moved on the H2O2 internal use therapy. This has been an extremely hard road. I took me almost 3 months to get up to 25 drops. I had to take it slowly due to side effects. (nothing too bad though - I was able to work the entire period)
Once I hit 25 drops 3 times a day all hell broke loose.
I should point out at this point my taking the dose 3 times a day became patchy, sometimes I could only make myself do it twice a day.
First off I got an extremely nasty rash all over my neck (both sides) and one side of my face. These rashes had pimple like heads that would break and become infected. At one point for about 3 days I couldn't even turn my neck - it was that swallen. I ended up treating this with DermAid (a hydrocortisone 0. 5% cream) It was almost 2 weeks before I could shave again. (and even then it was not a good experience)
Once the rash was under control I managed to get the dose back up to 25 drops x 3 times a day. At this point during the treatment whenever I took at dose I would go to sleep within about 45mins for 2-3 hours. The rash issue was ongoing but never severe. My toilet experience was all over the place. I developed a severe brain fog. I had both kidney and liver pain. (some days unable to stable upright) I could no longer continue the treatment and work. Life being what it is I had to take breaks from the treatment whenever any mission critical work came up that I could not put off. I did power on with the treatment. (by this point I had decided I would continue with treatment no matter what - like I said I am desperate for a fix)
I have been able to take an entire week off work now and manged to dose myself properly (25drops x 3 times a day) for 5 days. By the 5th day I feared for my life. (it is day 7 of this period now)
I developed flu like symptoms. I grew a pimple like sore on my face which has burst and has been pumping out crazy amounts of puss. (on my chin) When it was at it's peak it felt like I needed root canels on half my teeth! The swelling was substantial. I started developing a boil on my butt.
Any cut no matter how small gets massively infected. I somehow nicked myself while sleeping one night. (an extremely small scratch - maybe 2mm) That turned into my finger swelling right up within a few hours. Funnily enough I treat these infections with 3% h2o2 - works a charm. (I have had several now) Both my nostrals grew zits inside them which have become infected. trust me when I tell you - this drives you nuts especially with the flu like symptoms.
Being the sucker for punishment that I am I decided to go see my GP and tell him what I was doing to see what his opinion was. What a waste of time. I was told western medicine does not believe it any form of detox and that all my problems are psychosomatic. He then proceeded to give me a depression test which actually showed I am quite positive person these days. (I was not before I alkalised my body but thats another story)
I believe the cause of my suffering is candida toxins/poisons flooding my system as they die.
I remain confident that h2o2 will change my life - regardless of the extreme side effects I have suffered.
The purpose behind this post is 2 things -
1> I want to do my bit in making sure that people out there considering h2o2 treatment realise how rough it can be. *** please note I have not described all side effects just the worst in my experience.
2> I am hoping someone who has completed the h2o2 internal therapy with similar problems might consider contacting me and telling me its been worth it for them
If anyone has any questions, ideas, thoughts (good or bad) please feel free to message me. Due to size of post concerns I have left quite a bit out of this.
I will post again once I have finished the therapy.
I'm continuing because I saw that the peroxide has a cleansing effect much like the fasting does, except I don't have to lose weight in the process. I have a few little matters that I mostly ignored because they don't HURT (nothing like some pain for motivation to change!!)....so decided to deal with them via the peroxide. I have a slight bit of tinnitus (which I mostly don't think about, but it's there so could get worse?), my eyesight (I wear reading glasses), my hearing (I miss some conversation), my BRAIN (ach! "senior moments" are not funny, really)...might the peroxide help in those????? I'm hoping! :-)
A couple days ago I had some cold symptoms develop, ( a LOT of sneezing and MUCH clear nasal discharge) which I know were just to be expected...but I seem to be past that. I have a couple questions!? About day nine I was nauseous after taking the peroxide in the morning, so thought to put four drops of my orange-flavored liquid stevia in each time, is that OK? Some places said use juice or milk, but other places said just water, and I hate to go through all this and not have it as effective as possible! AND for a while now I have put sea salt at the rate of a teaspoon per gallon of drinking water, as that is what Dr. Batmanghelidge says we need...is that OK with the peroxide? (He didn't say put it in drinking water; that was my idea since I don't like to salt my food much...and the water doesn't taste salty, just good) I'm using reverse osmosis water by the gallon from our local health store. I'm thinking of getting a reverse osmosis system for under my kitchen sink: they seem reasonable in price. Can anyone un-confuse me about the 3/4/5 phase systems in them, which is adequate?? I'll let y'all know how this peroxide regimen treats me in days ahead! I do believe my brain is slightly more clear already. :-) Oh, and I have for years had irregular sleep (I hate to call it insomnia)...hope maybe that is a problem the peroxide might help. Am I expecting miracles?! Well, that arthritic pain gone in two days was a miracle, wasn't it?!
2/16/2009: Jean from Somerset, KY writes, "I have another question. I read we should build up gradually to taking the peroxide AND decrease gradually, but I haven't read WHY the gradual decrease. What would happen if some morning I am tempted to think, I CAN'T DO THIS ONE MORE DAY!! (??) I might deal with that thought better if know ahead of time why I should and can decrease gradually???"
First I take a bottle of shampoo (i work in ml...hahaha 500ml or 600ml and use some until I can fit about 100ml H2O2 in the bottle, about a 1/4 cup of H2O2). I pour it in and shake the bottle. You have to shake the bottle everytime you use it otherwise the H2O2 comes out first (it is floating on the top). Wash you hair as normal and rinse it. If you can keep it on the hair a few minutes do so. If you keep it on very long like 30 minutes every time your hair will start to become lighter so be careful if you don't want the colour to change.
The second method is more direct and I use it when I feel my scalp needs rejuvenation. (I live in China and I think the water here is not clean and sometime my scalp ich from irritation or dryness). I then just wet my hair and comb in some H2O2 and leave it on to dry. It smells a little but when you then wash and rinse your hair it becomes very soft and shiny.
I have been doing this since the '70s and my hair is really in good condition. I am also happy to report that I have no grey hair! a nice side effect. Regards
Fountain of Youth
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Colds and Flu
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
EC: FGHP - Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Broad Benefits
The H2O2 far exceeded expectations! I recovered much faster from my running and tennis and my endurance and stamina are way higher than before. The morning stuffiness, runny nose, etc. are gone-no allergies. This is amazing stuff and I'm telling all my friends!
COPD, Dry Peeling Feet
Also, I found 3% peroxide without stabilizers at the family dollar store. I can taste the difference. Thank you so much.
Breathing Issues
Earth Clinic Report
H.P. they would rather treat than c-re anyways, money is in treatment.
there are many God given remedies out here, you just have to do your research
I do 4 drops (3%food grade) in 8oz. of water when I feel bad and it picks me right up. the medical field is way over rated alot of guess work.or grey area as a doc would say.
Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Colds and Flu
I got some food grade HP 3% to nebulize and breathe. I switched to that for my ears thinking it would be better. But when I use the food grade I don't hear any fizzing noise so I don't have the confidence it's doing the same as the brown bottle HP. Does anyone have any comment to that?
The label on the 3% drug store version says you can use it as an oral debridement but not to drink it. Imo, that label is simply there to protect the manufacturer from being sued by people who think you should be drinking H2O2 like soda or water in massive amounts. It is inevitable that you will ingest a few drops each time you rinse your mouth with H2O2.
Also, don't fret if you can't find 35% solution. You can use a lower concentration but you just have to increase the dosage. E.g. if you get the 12% concentration, then you just triple the number of drops in the same amount of water (3x12%=36%). Same for the 3%. Just multiply by 12 x.
Blood Thinner
Using 35% H2O2 at 10 drops in 12 oz of distilled water before eating, first thing in morning has reduced my Warfarin amount for the last 5 weeks. INR levels tested weekly.
Started out 1 drop and increased to 10 over several weeks time.
No nausea or other discomfort, aside from some loose stools, I feel great.
Have held steady at 10 drops for 2 weeks now and thinking about increasing H2O2 until some decrease in effectiveness or discomfort is observed.
Tested at Portland VA hospital and Anti-Coag Nutritionists are aware and said no known contraindications.
First started out with 1 drop and increased every 4-5 days.
Have held steady at 10 drops for a couple of weeks.
Genital Herpes
Hydrogen Peroxide Baths
I started a month ago, trying out the baths, the inhalation method, and also the food grade drops internally. For anyone who is worried that the h2o2 bath is less useful since it's used externally, don't worry about that. The baths work just as effectively. In fact, I've had to taper off the number of bottles (32oz at 3%) I use per bath, from 4/day to just one, because my detox symptoms started to become pretty bad. I've done a lot of metal detoxes, and I recognize from those the same anxiety and flu-like symptoms when my body can't clear out the toxins fast enough.
Anyway, for me drinking the drops in water led to a lot of nausea which was a deal breaker, so I stopped. The throat spray seems to have been incredibly powerful, but I stopped doing that as well since it irritated the back of my throat. The good news is, if you have those problems, you can easily get the same results from the baths alone. And they make my skin look excellent as well.
What I want to mention though is this: it is possible to overdo it! Someone else on this site wrote about a "hang over" effect from the h2o2, and I think that must be what I've had? I believe that the h2o2 is building up over time, and that it needs enough space between doses to clear itself out? Has anyone else had a similar experience, finding the upper limit on the dose they can handle? And what happens after that?
Overall, it seems that my muscles and joints are less rigid than before I started. I'm taking the h2o2 for persistent low level arthritis and fibromyalgia. Thanks so much earthclinic for providing such valuable information!
Lung Issues
General Feedback
There is much confusion on this site about the H-202, and the percentages and how to apply or injest. I just finished reading the Most intelligently written book on H-202, called "Flood Your Body with Oxygen", by Ed McCabe. Read 1st, chapter 9, it will answer all your questions, specifically, to each of you, on all applications of H-202, orally/topically and the Power of H-202, Oxygen for your body!!!
Go to: www.oxygenhealth.com
To all the mis-informed, so called experts, and uneducated people who call this all nonsence, Oxygen & Water is in the H-202, and Oxygen is what your body runs on everyday, the minute you stop your Oxygen intake, How long do you think you'll survive?? Disease CANNOT SURVIVE IN AN OXYGENATED BODY! Therefore, when you ingest Extra Oxygen, H-202, food grade, (35%) diluted to 3% in (Distilled Water Only) IT WILL KILL ALL BACTERIA, FUNGUS, VIRUS, PARASITES, YEAST, EXPELS TOXINS OUT OF THE BODY , AND DOES NOT KILL HEALTHY CELLS !!!
Listen Up PLEASE: The peroxisomes are areas in our cells programmed to make hydrogen peroxide. The white blood cells engulf bacteria, viruses, or other unwanted invaders and squirt hydrogen peroxide on them. They simply burn up, or oxidize, the offending microorganism! That's your immune system in Action! The very fact that all your cells make Peroxide defines this process as your first line of immune defense. But, You must have enough Oxygen in your system to make it in the first place.
The peroxisomes make our peroxide continually, but normal healthy cells are left unharmed! This is Extremely Important for You to grasp, for it is the reason we can put Oxygen Therapies into our bodies without hurting the normal cells.
PEROXIDE: CALLED Oxygen Water, Dioxogen, Alphozone & Hydrozone.
For the past 100 years in America, people have tried imbibing or orally ingesting diluted solutions of pure H-202. They diluted it in distilled water and drank it. This old folk remedy that goes back to the 18th century has a remarkable ability to kill bacteria, and is unique in its simplicity. This information about the power of H-202, has been written about in the Medical Journals by Doctors in the US back in the early 1920's. Thousands of reports have been written about the Doctors success in treating their patients with diluted Hydrogen Peroxide!
I have been using this wonderful product myself for the last 2 yrs, with great success!!! I have not had a cold, flu, nor any other issue. In fact if I get a headache I just take a glass of water (distilled) with 35% (about 5-6 drops) of H.P. in my water, drink it, and headache gone. I also place the H-202 in my water when I exercise and have excellent energie in my workouts. I also place diluted 35% H.P. (in distilled water) in a spray bottle and spray on any area of pain in my body, spray several times per day, and with great results. OXYGEN IN THE BODY, OR APPLIED TO THE SKIN, HEALS!!!!!!!!
1. Never mix the Hydrogen Per. with any other liquid other than Distilled Water if taking orally!
2. For oral use to irradicate whatever issue in your body, Always Start Slowly, example;
start with distilled water 4-5 once, and 3 drops 35% H.P. 3x p/day, then increase by one drop every other day, you will notice as time passes that you will feel cleansing reactions such as, a cold, or a rash in a previously injured area, or loose stools, or a fever. The cleansing reaction means the oxygen has hit the spot where you start burning up, or oxidizing, or destroying the bacteria, the viruses, the fungus, and the pathogens.
If the cleansing symptoms are too harsh slow down the dosage of H-202 intake for a week of so and then start to increase dosage again, accordingly.
Always use Caution & Common sense. Read the Book mentioned above first, and educate yourself!
3. Always, (when taken orally, the water with H.P. take One Hour before a meal, and one hr. after.
4. NEVER, just Stop taking the H-202 in water suddenly, you must decrease your drops slowly each day and then just take a few drops 4-5 p/day for maintenance..., if you STOP suddenly you will experience that your body has not finished it's cleansing and will give you other symptoms. Taking the H-202 orally, high amounts, for issues should be taken for a period of 2-3mos as your body will experience a cleansing and it needs that time to clean itself out!
5. Wear gloves when handling the 35% H.P., as it can burn/irritate your skin.
6. Never, Ever, take the H-202 anywhere near your eyes, it will cause major damage.
Remember, the H-202 by itself cannot do it all, one also needs to eat a healthy menu, ie;
lots of fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, drink lots of water and stay away from sugars, boxed food, fast food, dairy..., and BREATHE MORE OXYGEN, YOUR BODY WILL LOVE YOU!!!
**I do hope this has been helpful for many of you! I wanted to return the favor to "TED", and say "Thank You TED" for a wonderful site, with much wisdom! This site has given me so much and has opened my eyes and helped me to see a hidden Secret!!
God Bless All of You,
Simona, Irvine, CA