Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
Posted by Charlie (Stoney Creek, Ont) on 10/07/2010

Does any one know what the protocol is for intravenous administration of Hydrogen peroxide? From my current research, it appears that it is mixed with D5W. What I would like to know is the exact protocol of H2O2 IV administration. Please share here and reply to my email provided.

General Feedback
Posted by Oscar (Houston, Tx) on 10/06/2010

What's your opinion on pregnant women drinking H2O2 diluted with distilled water?

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Sistertongue (Albuquerque, New Mexico, Usa) on 10/01/2010


Heavy metal interaction with H202 caution. I had been happily using h202 for several months, then started have concerning heart palpitations, though I was not linking this in any way to h202. I live in an area with high naturally-occurring arsenic in the water supply. A neighbor mentioned that most filters do not filter out arsenic and that I should be buying drinking water. This little tidbit caused me to look up arsenic poisoning - which fit my symptoms exactly: headaches, confusion, drowsiness and heart arrythmias. The latter is where the h202 caution comes in. I read that "arsenic in cells stimulates the production of h202. When h202 reacts with certain metals such as iron or manganese, it produces a highly reactive hydroxyl radical, " which can cause neurological imbalances and disruptions in the electrical-voltage complex of the heart, resulting in disruptive intervals in the QT (that's that lovely little bio-battery we all have that keeps our heart beating at regular intervals). I stopped taking h202 immediately and stopped drinking my water. I have begun a heavy metal detox (I am also having old mercury/silver fillings removed right now) and will complete this before I go back on the h202. I think it important that, if readers have been exposed to metals or other harmful toxins, they may want to consult with health care providers about h202 interactions before proceeding with its use.

General Feedback
Posted by Olga (Fall River, Massachusettes) on 09/24/2010

CAN I take antibiotic while doing hydrogen peroxide oral treatments? I have pnuemomnia in my right lung..

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/26/2010 391 posts

Actually I have made update in the protocol here to make it more effective. I have a few cases of melasma that seems to respond better with the magnesium chloride solution remedy. Basically it is made of 60-70% magnesium chloride and 30 to 40% water. The solution is applied to the skin four or five times a day. So if the hydrogen peroxide did not work, the magnesium helped. There is another one that had similar problems and seems to respond to B2 100 mg, folic acid 10 mg and B12, but this one seems helped gradual clearing up of the skin after about a month of supplementation. It's important however that bowel movement is maintained at once or preferably twice a day, by taking perhaps 20 to 30 drops of magnesium, 30 minutes before meals. If there's enough cases of melasma, I can at least say which ones worked the best, but what I do know is in some cases of melasma, it turns out to be a vitamin B deficiency. That's why B2, B12, and folic acid works. However, some B50 vitamin B complex may need to be taken also, but that's usually twice a week or three times a week maximum to once a week minimum.


H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Sunny (Chennai, India) on 09/27/2010

Here Ted posted as an update for the protocol to make it more effective. But there is no any protocol post. For me it seems there was a protocol post which he made and later updated it. EC, did you miss any of the Ted posts regarding this. Please look into it and clarify at your earliest convenience. You can e-mail me also. Thank you

Kind Regards,

EC: Hi Sunny,

Ted is probably referring to the remedies posted here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/melasma.html#TED

and here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/melasma_questions.html#Question_2347

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/30/2010 391 posts

H2O2 might aggravate hyperpigmentation, but I haven't seen a case here that had it. Magnesium chloride seems to be most consistent in resolving this but it is rather slow. In some cases if hyperpigmentation is due to sun exposure, usually aloe vera oil works, but is applied lightly. In yet another case, I found melasma came from a vitamin B deficiency, such as B2, riboflavin and was quickly resolved in a week or two. However, I prefer to try B2, with some vitamin B complex. Usually B2 dosage I used is about 100-250 mg.

Posted by Randy (Jersey City, Nj) on 09/13/2010

I am interested in using oral H202 dosing to treat my long-standing candida issue. I see that one must generally take each dose on an empty stomach (4 hours after, 1 hour before eating). For a 3x daily dosing schedule, that adds up to 15 hours with little time to eat. Is it Ok to do these dosages all in the morning after waking, one hour apart? Thank you!

Posted by Randy (Jersey City, Nj) on 09/13/2010

I am interested in using oral H202 dosing to treat my long-standing candida issue. I see that one must generally take each dose on an empty stomach (4 hours after, 1 hour before eating). For a 3x daily dosing schedule, that adds up to 15 hours with little time to eat. Is it Ok to do these dosages all in the morning after waking, one hour apart? Thank you!

General Feedback
Posted by Kelly (Anywhere, Us) on 09/13/2010

Just finished a lengthy article on the benefits of ingesting H202. Also, a mention of fasting. Since herx effect or healing crisis can be caused by outcoming toxins, does anyone have any experience with fasting and H202 ingesting simutaneously? Would combining the 2 (i know you are supposed to ingest H202 on an empty stomach anyway) make the healing crisis more severe? Thanks in advance. Many Blessings!

General Feedback
Posted by Michael (Denver, Colorado) on 09/14/2010

I use h202 with vegetable juice fasting and it works very well. One tablespoon of 3% h202 in a glass of carrot apple juice.

Posted by Sara (Mumbai, India) on 09/09/2010

Hi Ted I'm using HP 5% to 7% as a mouthwash in my tonsils-have started paining. Is it due to the use of HP? Pls reply- is it ok to use HP of 5% to 7%? I'm in very serious condition.

Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/11/2010 84 posts

I can only get an off the shelf 6% HP here in Ireland. I simply use sterilized water half and HP half. I would think that using neat 5 - 7% would cause oral problems. As a mouth rinse it is probably not necessary to use the sterilized water.

Dental Care
Posted by Sara (Mumbai, India) on 09/07/2010

Someone help me with this. I'm not able to find hp 3% anywhere so would using 5% to 7% as a mouthwash be harmful? pls rply at its earliest

General Feedback
Posted by Zsaqwe (Brownsville, Texas) on 09/07/2010


3% Hydrogen Peroxide (Drug/Grocery Store Variety) made from 50% Super D Peroxide, Diluted.
Contains stabilizers - phenol, acetanilide, sodium stanate, tetrasodium phosphate among them.

6% Hydrogen Peroxide (Used by Beauticians for Coloring Hair)
Comes in strengths labeled 10, 20, 40 volume. Must have activator added to be used as a bleach. Stabilizers used unknown at this point.

30% Re-Agent Hydrogen Peroxide
Used in medical research. Also contains stabilizers.

30-32% Electronic Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Used for washing transistors and integrated chip parts before assembly. Stabilizers unknown at this point.

35% Technical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Contains a small amount of phosphorus to neutralize any chlorine in the water it is combined with.

35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (Also 50% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide)
Used in food products like cheese, eggs, whey products. Also used to spray inside of foil lined containers for food storage - known as the aseptic packaging system.

90% Hydrogen Peroxide
Used by the military as a source of Oxygen at Cape Canaveral. Used as a propulsion source in rocket fuel.

99. 6% Hydrogen Peroxide
This was first made in 1954 as an experiment to see how pure hydrogen peroxide could be.

H2O2 and Sperm
Posted by Blrobbins (Smiths Lake, Nsw Australia) on 09/05/2010

Hi there, I just started Hydrogen Peroxide therapy and we are trying for a baby and I just realised I better find out and make sure it won't harm sperm in any way. I can't find much info. Are you guys aware of any potential harm to sperm and if I should stop the therapy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Posted by Aranma2 (Mpls, Mn) on 09/05/2010

Hi, my name is Randy from MN. Go to http://www.CoasttoCoastAM.com and follow the links to Dr Caldwell. He was on the radio a couple of weeks ago and spoke of this topic. He stressed using food grade h202 as sparingly as possible. But, and it's an important but, only use with DISTILLED water. It won't work any other way. Filtered and tap water still have too many impurities all h202 will do is clean the water in these types of water. Distilled is the way to go.

Posted by Best (Tunbridge Wells, England) on 06/06/2017

Hi Elizabeth, I was wondering if you or anyone knows, if I can take 1% HP in distilled water in my hand held, cold mist nebulizer. It is one of these travel nebulizers from Phillips (model called Innospire Go). My consideration is that when I look into the snout of the little machine - where the mist exits - I can see a metal membrane (looks like a little round metal plate). I love my nebulizer, but have only used colloidal silver in saline solution so far. Would like to step up to HP though. I have done ear rinses with 3% HP and like this stuff very much.

Please could you advise me on this matter? Do I need another nebulizer?

Posted by Rose (Tulsa, Ok.) on 09/11/2010

How did you do this, my husband has lymphoma, we don't know what stage. Chemo really did a job on him, they still won't give anymore chemo now. Would like to try this... Rose

Posted by Linda (Bradenton, Florida) on 11/26/2010

I just wanted to know how you are doing? I pray your doing well. I guess you are drinking food grade peroxide-did you start out low how many drops? Please mail me back thank you hugs linda

Posted by Rebecca (Yankton , Sd) on 01/31/2011

My best friends husband has appendoceal cancer that has spread throughout is abdomen. He is soooo sick. Currently he cannot take anything by mouth because of the blockages. He is at the ctc in tulsa, OK. They are treating him with chemo, lazer surgery's, etc. They are very good to him, but as most of us know, chemo only cures 2% of all cancer. I was wondering if there might be a good way to help him with this without taking it orally, realizing that the ctc is probably not going to give it IV?

Posted by Tena (Champaign, Illinois) on 09/28/2011

How are you doing now? Are you still using the H202? And if you are still using it are you at the same dosage? Hope you are doing well.

Posted by Helpyourself (Houston, Tx) on 01/08/2012

Interested in an update from Jerry in Kennewick, Wa. on his use of H202 after 11/2009 and 9/2010 to the present time of 1/2012. Did not see a date on recent post.

Posted by Brandie (Oceanside Ca) on 07/27/2015

So 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide in 8 ounces water a day and that's it... my son's father was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer hepatitis C and cirrhosis of the liver. Do you know if this will help it? he was diagnosed by the doctor at stage 4 then did two months of chemo the pill and was discontinued his last labs he did were not good and the doctor basically said that it spread to his lungs and there was nothing more he could do and let him go with no pain meds. So is it safe to treat him with all of this involved.

Posted by Carol K. (Indianapolis) on 12/21/2015

How much water with H2O2?

General Feedback
Posted by Sara (Mumbai, India) on 09/02/2010

I'm not able to get 3% hydrogen peroxide anywhere, so can I use 5% to 7% for mouthwash? pls rply

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Oz (Miami Beach, Florida, Usa) on 08/31/2010

Does hydrogen peroxide treatment causes the body hair color to change? Since the beginning of the current treatment of hydrogen peroxide that I start I notice that my eyebrows hair becomes brown/ blond (my normal hair color is black). I tried to look for any kind of post about it- and I could not find any post that talks about such an event. Is this normal or am I the only report on the hydrogen peroxide Therapy I already went through the daily level of three times a day and right now I'm taking the 3% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE every 3 days 20 drops and soon I'll start to take 20 drops once a week.

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/02/2010 84 posts

HP will definitely cause hair colour change if applied directly onto the hairs. It is an ingredient in hair colour. Internally, I haven't seen any reports on this site but I do remember that at some stage the New York Times(I think it was that paper)published an article about a university study that claimed an excess of HP in the body caused premature greyness. They weren't talking about ingestion of HP but conversion of another chemical to HP within the body.

Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 08/14/2010

Hi Lisa - Try asking your health food store to order 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide for you. Some customer-oriented stores are more than willing to do that because people use it for sprouting, as well as for other purposes. Also, stores usually do not keep 35% food-grade HP on the shelves due to safety regulations (you don't want kids opening up a bottle and spilling it on themselves) so they keep it in the storeroom. You just have to ask them to retrieve it for you. The one I go to in Calgary keeps it in the back room. Good luck!

General Feedback
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 07/22/2010

Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy...a big NAY!

You all should be aware that many doctors advise strongly against ingesting Hydrogen Peroxide. . . Dr. Weil for one...

....although he is referring to ingesting 35% which no one is suggesting here. . But still advises against ingesting any form of it.

General Feedback
Posted by Liz (Rehoboth Beach, Delaware) on 07/22/2010

I use h2o2 daily to rinse my mouth with. . . I do note that this comment from Dr. Weil is talking about 35% not the 3% I use. . . Is there a big difference and is he right? thanks.


H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Lisa-lou (Perth, Wa, Australia) on 06/20/2010

I have just started h2o2 therapy orally and would like to know if bloating and uncomfortable bladder is normal. I started with 3 drops 35% hp to 230mls water.