Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

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Posted by Laura (Newcastle, Nsw Australia) on 07/11/2012

With the coconut oil, do you heat it in the microwave so it dissolves or you just melt the solid in your mouth?

General Feedback
Posted by Southern Bell (Marietta, Ga, United States) on 01/25/2012

I have been reading about oil pulling with coconut oil. I am taking the capsules daily, plus adding coconut oil to my morning coffee. However, the coconut oil I put in my coffee has solidified due to the cold weather. It melts in my coffee.

I would like to try oil pulling with coconut oil, but does anyone know what I could do to make it a liquid for pulling?


Replied by Laurie
(Pawleys Island, Sc)

There is a thread dedicated to that very topic:

General Feedback
Posted by Brooklyn Bridge (Union City, Usa) on 01/13/2012

The expiration date on my Certified Organic Extra Virgin Coconut oil Expeller Pressed by Jarrow Formulas is November 20, 2011. My question is if I can still use the oil for my skin? I would not take it internally.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Hi, sell by date is often used to make you throw up stuff that is still good to use internally or externally! I think that you should have a good look at your VCO and decide if you think that it is still good or not! If you see no difference at all.... It is probably good! People here in Europe are throwing away millions worth of food and other things just because of the dates while most of it is perfectly alright! I wouldn't do it with meat, fish, dairy.... But then you see they are not ok anymore! Some countries are now trying to change the way food is labled to avoid such a lot of waste!

Replied by Sweetberry

Yes you can till about a year- it's not a red light, it's a stop sign to end usage.

Replied by G
(Nyc, Ny)

I have read that coconut oil has an indefinite shelf life. You should be able to tell by the smell/small taste whether you can trust if it is "bad" or not.

General Feedback
Posted by Alicia (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 12/26/2011

Hello, can someone please recommend a good coconut oil that is available in BC Canada? Does it have to be organic and / or expeller pressed ? (don't know what that means lol )

I would also really appreciate if someone could answer some questions.

I was wondering about its use as a deodorant and after reading the many posts I'm a bit confused: does the oil HAVE to be extra virgin? How to apply it on underarms, how much? Will it be greasy and leave oil marks? Does it have to be solid or runny and does it matter?

Also I have read that some are eating it for general well being, how much and how often? Should it be cold or hot and is it better than apple cider vinegar? I know I'm asking a lot but I hope someone can help me out, this site is THE best for learning natural remedies!! I love reading the posts from all over the word. Thank you so much in advance for your help.

Happy New Year to everyone and thank you Earth Clinic!!

Replied by Glenn
(Bay Roberts, Nl)

Alicia, there is a great place in BC you can purchase coconut oil online.

Replied by Alicia
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

Thank you Glen, I appreciate you taking the time to respond, however I cannot afford upwards of 20 dollars for oil, with a min. order of 100$, plus shipping and handling. I'd also prefer to go and buy it when I need to rather than ordering online. Thank you for your input and Happy New Year!

Replied by Sharyg
(Miami, Fl, Usa)

Try Amazon, or Ebay. They have great prices there and they ship to Canada. You can find Nutiva coconut oil on both sides, wich is a very good brand. You can also find Tropical Traditions, which in my opinion is the best. However it is more expensive.

Replied by C.
(Ajax, Canada)

I'm in Ontario, I've found it in my local grocery store health section ( never noticed it before I took the time to look for it) and in the bulk barn. Was cheap at the bulk barn by $3-4. I'm not sure what stores you have in BC, but a grocery store with a good health section is sure to carry it or a bulk barn if you have those there. Here in Ontario 900ml ( appox) was about 16- 20$.

Replied by Katefeedback
(Edmontoncome, Alberta Canada)

I don't know about BC Superstores, but in Alberta you can buy Certified Organic Virgin Coconut Oil in the Natural Foods section of Superstore for really cheap!

General Feedback
Posted by Pinks (Mumbai, India) on 12/23/2011

Hi, I luv this site. I have started oil pulling, but wanted to ask if I can use parachute coconut oil that everyone uses for the hair to ingest it. We have a whole variety of coconut oils here. They all say they are pure. They are but have never drunk them. Waiting for your feedback. Thanks

Replied by Tina
(Princeton, New Jersey, Usa)

Hi Pinks! I don't if I would use Parachute oil for OP. You need to use organic coconut oil for optimum results. Do you have a company called Mother Earth in any of the Mumbai malls? I bought organic coconut oil from them in Bangalore this summer- Mother Earth had a large store in Meenakshi mall. I use coconut oil as a moisturizer as well, and this was so good that I stocked up. Try Fab India too, they often carry a range of organic oils. Hope this helps!

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
179 posts

Hi Pinks, This oil is ok for oil pulling but is not recommended for taking it internally. For internal use you should have extra virgin coconut oil which is cold pressed and not processed.


General Feedback
Posted by Simon (Somewhere, Usa) on 12/17/2011

Which is the lesser of 2 evils? Potentially irradiated coconut oil or dead (pasteurized) local butter? The coconut oil seems to have so many health benefits. Since it's often imported, it may be irradiated. They find loopholes to not have to tell us things. People still seem to rave about it here, irradiated or not so I reckon it still is effective. Anyway to neutralize the possible effects of irradiation? Does Lugols work for this?

General Feedback
Posted by Shai (London, Uk) on 12/09/2011

I recently bumped up on this web page and it's quite amazing.

I have a question to ask on use of which Virgin Coconut oil- what is best 'Pukka' or 'Tiana' in UK and which one is more effective. Any guidance on this selection will be very much helpful.



General Feedback
Posted by Sarah (Denver, Colorado) on 11/29/2011

Reply to JB of New Iberia, Louisiana: about the LouAna company--they DO make coconut oil but also make the oils that you mentioned. The local groceries decide what oils go on their shelves according to popular demand.

Also, being a "foodie" I have recently learned a little about our nation's food history. Bananas and coconuts have been coming into our ports even as our nation was being formed. I don't know when the tradition started but... "Ambrosia" is a fruit salad which includes coconut and has been served at Thanksgiving in the South for many, many years.

From what I've heard, I think baking with coconut oil--pure or not--may be preferable to using butter, which is what I do now (except for those few recipes that use a liquid oil, then I use canola).

General Feedback
Posted by Maggy, (Canada) on 07/11/2011

I have used coconut oil for most of my life for cooking and other uses. Most people in fiji make their own oil at home which is virgin. It is not a good oil. Doc in fiji recommend us to use corn oil instead.

General Feedback
Posted by Andreea (Grimsby, On, Canada) on 05/11/2011


I read a lot that was written on this site about the possible effects of VCO and decided to get some for myself. I went to the healthfood store and bought a jar and noticed on the back under the Nutritional Values that 1 tablespoon contains 22% of the recommended daily fat intake and 67% on the saturated fat intake. Given that the recommended dosage is 2-3 tablespoons a day is that normal and healthy? I am just a bit apprehensive about all that fat.

Thank you

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Andrea why don't you google the "truth about saturated fat". Saturated fat is needed by our brain, by our lungs, by our kidneys. Butter, animal fat, cream, hard cheeses are the most healthy things you can eat. Cholesterol is necessary for the brain as well.

On the other hand margarine and vegetable oils are like rubber in our arteries.

Eating a meal with animal fat satisfies our hunger. Low fat diets only make our bodies scream out for more and most people then eat carbohydrates to fill the void. The end result is obesity and many many health problems. Many children have learning disabilities because their brain is starving.

If you didn't have carbohydrates and ate animal fats, coconut oil, Cod liver oil you would be very healthy. Govts have not been truthful about what is healthy and what is not.

There are some great books out there you can read as well. Nourishing Traditions is one.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Andreea... I used virgin coconut oil in order to help successfully cure my own systemic candida 4-5 years ago. In fact, VCO helped me to lose weight as well. I now don't use any form of veg oil at all, I cook only with with VCO now and my weight has stayed off.

I also know that when you ingest VCO -- even though it is called a saturated fat(which is why everyone is scared of it) -- the VCO is handled completely differently in the body as compared to polyunsaturated vegetable oils(PVO). PVO's are Long Chain Triglycerides which are absorbed into the lymph system and are eventually stored as fats throughout the body.

However, since VCO consists mainly of Medium Chain Tryglycerides(smaller fats than PVO's), these are absorbed directly into the blood and all of it is taken to the liver where only some of it is stored and the excess is always excreted into the intestines through the liver bile. Medium Chain Tryglycerides are never stored throughout the body as fats like PVO's.

Also, the stored VCO takes a completely different pathway than fats or sugars when energy is needed in the body. When energy is needed, the VCO stored in the liver is released into the blood as ketone bodies which are directly absorbed by all cells and easily converted to glucose to provide energy. This VCO energy pathway is completely independent from control by insulin, which is why VCO is so useful to diabetics.

VCO is an anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal:

Read more about the benefits and research of VCO here:

Replied by Lily
(Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)

Excellent post Debbie, I wonder if the governments are just misinformed by nutritionalists who follow scientists who research for big brand food companies. Cheers Lily.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Andrea, Debbie is absolutely right! I haven't read Nurishing Traditions yet but I can advise you two books, Trick and Treat which I have reviewed on the book review section and Fat and Cholesterol are good for you which I will review shortly, both excellent books. I hadn't realised how important saturated fats were till I came to this site! I have to thank the knowledge I have now to Bill in the Philippines.

By the way, EC, the spell check is not working!

Replied by Stacey
(Triad, Nc)


My experience with coconut oil is that it did cause me to gain weight and did not help decrease my appetite. I am within the upper range of "normal" bmi for my size, and was hoping to benefit from the oil for candida issues. I tried to decrease my caloric intake from other foods while taking the oil, but since I was already consuming a low-calorie, low fat diet, I gained weight and riddled with hunger pangs. This was really unfortunate, as I have to be within a certain BMI to retain 80/20 health insurance through my employer.

I found that coconut oil did help with fatigue, so I was very dissapointed that I gained so much fat in such a short time (~2.5-3.0 in around the abdomen). Because of my health insurance issue, weight is actually more important than the rest of my health for retaining medical coverage, so I discontinued use.

If you are already on a low-calorie, low fat diet, and the issue of weight gain is significant for you, it is posssible to gain weight.

Replied by Andreea
(Grimsby, On)

Thank you for your reply. Perhaps a little bit more background was called for. I had my cholesterol levels checked recently and they came back at 4.5. This is way above the high limit. However, the HDL is 2.2 (so almost equal to LDL) so the ratio is good... The doctor told me I have nothing to worry about, but I still do

I also suffered an acute pancreatitis attack one year ago. Nobody knows what caused it. I am thin and have a healthy diet. I eat lots of veggies, good fats (avocados, some butter, etc) some meat, fish, I don't smoke, I don't drink So, as you can imagine - I am scared of anything that might trigger pancreatitis again.

I will look for the books and read them

Thank you again, Andreea

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Andrea, here is an excellent video by Dr. Natasha McBride on why cholesterol is vital for our health & the brain.

Pancreatitis in the past may indicate that you have trouble breaking down fats and are deficient in enzymes so maybe digestive enzymes would be beneficial (or maybe you are already taking them).

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Stacey, you said

"I tried to decrease my caloric intake from other foods while taking the [coconut] oil, but since I was already consuming a low-calorie, low fat diet, I gained weight and riddled with hunger pangs".

A low fat diet will cause hunger pangs because your body needs the fat. Most people eat lots of carbohydrates to compensate for being hungry. That is why the obesity levels are skyrocketing.

Our grandparents ate a high fat diet and mostly were not fat.

Here is a great website - Weston Price and a page entitled "know your fats". Heaps of info. Great website. Fats are also loaded with nutrients.

Replied by Andreea
(Grimsby, On Canada)

Thank you Debbie,

I watched the video, and it is interesting, will definetily go deeper into this..

I don't think I have trouble digesting the fats, I don't have any of the signs for this. After having the attack I was put on a low fat diet and I was miserable on it. I decided I was feeling that bad because I wasn't getting enough fat and started re-introducing it into my diet. I immediately felt better. That being said, I'm still afraid I might trigger something. I guess I will start with a low dose and see how it goes.

Thanks for your help


Replied by Stacey
(G-boro, Nc)

Hi Debbie,

I had made two previous attempts just introducing coconut oil into my diet without any change. I had the same weight gaining respose and no decrease in appetite. With the exception of when I had severe food poisoning, I am the sort of person who is always hungry. I have tried everything on the market to surpress my appetite, but other than diet supplements with ephedra, nothing works.

I was feeling tired walking around feeling like I was starving to death and blacking out (yes, I am hypoglycemic and do not eat sugars or statches), so I was really hoping coconut oil would work for me, but it just didn't.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Or maybe governments have their own agendas!

General Feedback
Posted by Patty (Naalehu, Hawaii) on 05/04/2011

Aloha, we are a family that are in the coconut business in Hawaii. We have been harvesting and processing coconuts for over 20 years. We sell fresh chopped up ripe coconut at a weekly farmer's market, and also make a yummy coconut candy, simmered with raw sugar.

Before coconut oil had made such a comeback, we always knew it was good. When we are chopping the fresh ripe coconut two or three days a week, we always make sure to eat some.

Anyway, I have now incorporated the oil also in to our diet, as my husband has been diagnosed with early Alzheimers. (Yes he ate coconut, but probably not enough to keep it at bay)

I just put in on toast in the morning with a bit of jam or honey.

As for myself, I am a 56 year old woman that has had coconut as a part of my diet all these years. I also have a different diet than my husband, he was raised local style, alot of good fish etc. but lots of meat and oils. Personally I have always said that it is the coconut that keeps me so full of energy and so healthy. (I also eat lots of local fruit and vegetables)

Coconut rules, I always knew that!

General Feedback
Posted by Andrew (Charlottetown, Pei, Canada) on 05/03/2011

Was wondering if one can consume both sesame oil and coconut oil daily? I do the Oil pulling twice daily with Sesame oil and in the morning after Oil pulling I take one tablespoonful of Coconut Oil.. Would like to consume Sesame oil in the evening. any info is great thks.....

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Posted by Jeannine (Depew, Ny) on 04/16/2011

I recently went to the store to buy another bottle of ACV. On the shelf to the side was bottles of coconut vinegar. Needless to say I purchased it & _____ ACV. I like to put 4tsp in my gym water bottle normally of ACV 4-5 times / week. Curious if there are any postings on the benefits of coconut vinegar. I love to cook with the Coconut oil as well. Hope to hear back from you soon. Thanks for the info in advance.

Replied by E
(Queens, NY)

I have never heard of coconut vinager but I know coconut oil is great for your hair! It is a wonderful deep conditioner! Here is a great video on how to use it best

General Feedback
Posted by Pabst (Carpenteria, Ca) on 03/24/2011

I just started taking ACV about 2 wks ago and today I read about OCO. I want to start having a better health from here on and I will give you my results of my improvements... On dry skin, itchy parts, breath and gas problems, , , , , you know I just started the OCO this morning and I have been going to the bathroom already like 3x. I feel like that guy from dumb and dumber, but I assume that I am being detox...

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Posted by Eve (Ocean City, Maryland) on 02/03/2011

I bought a small tub of Coconut oil. It was rather expensive. It says it is "natrually refined. " What does that mean? Is that not as good as unrefined? It is from the Philippines and was $50. Can I still use as a cream and as a food?

Replied by Carly
(Seattle , Wa - Usa)

How many ounces did you get for that price? It seems exceptionally high cost to me, unless you got a LOT of it!

I don't know about refined vs unrefined... But I do know it needs to be virgin, or extra virgin, and organic. The whiter it is the better too....

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

Oh, and one more thing - I pay about 20 dollars for 56 ounces.... Check around on the web. There are online health food stores selling good quality VCO for MUCH less than you paid!