Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Head Congestion

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Sweetwater4life (Covington, Ga) on 02/01/2010

I have been suffering from pressure in the back of my (L) eye and then radiating to my forehead and (r) eye. I went to the doctor was given an antibiotic for possible sinus infection. Took antibiotic, did not work well. Still experienced pressure. I was reading a book about Barbados and the Rastafarian culture. They mentioned the use of coconut oil for head congestion. I am a firm believer in natural healing, and the use of herbs. So, I tried it along with clove oil (a droplet of clove, very strong). I mixed the coconut with the clove, and that night I slept all night without being awakened to pressure behind my eye and in my head. I have been doing this for 4 days and have not experienced the pressure that I have endured for close to 4 months. Also, clove oil is such a powerful oil, it has helped me with gingivitis (no more bleeding gums), muscle aches, bad breath, bee stings, and infections of the skin. Check it out.

Replied by Tristan
(Brisbane, Australia)

Hi, I read your post. Could you please let me know how to use/apply clove oil to reduce bleeding gums. Your reply would be much appreciated. Thanks, Tristan

Replied by Sue
(Ossian, In)

My gums used to bleed. I have used non acidic vitamin c for 4 years. So long as I stay on it no problems. I work in a healthcare facility and no longer get the colds and flu's that are also going around. It has also done wonders for my skin. Very good for your lungs. I try to take one every 2 hours. I have done this for years and will continue.. It will work!!!

Replied by Waltzxtx
(Horseshoe Bay, Tx, Usa)

Did you apply the coconut oil/clove mixture externally or take it internally? If externally, where was it applied? Thank you

Heart Health

Posted by Basset (Suisun, Ca/ Fairfield United States) on 09/08/2012

I just like to be sure on ingesting coconut oil. I know it's great for the skin hair and for aches, however for intrenal use I would think it's good as well since it's used for cooking. There's so much info out there. Would a teaspoon of it be wise regarding heart health? Peace

Thank you ~@---}}}----P>


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Linda (Salem, Oregon) on 12/14/2009

My 93 year old mother was suffering from bleeding hemorrhoids and I read here about Coconut Oil and got her some. I put some in a separate bottle for the bathroom and the rest she used in her kitchen. A nice big spoonful in her oatmeal every morning and within a few days the bleeding stopped and she is now fine and gaining strength back.

Posted by Carol (Baton Rouge, Lousiana) on 04/27/2007

When I was bleeding going to the bathroom it was bright red. I spoke with my Dr. and he told me bright red means there are hemorrhoids inside the rectum and the feces arehard and scratching. If it were cancer the blood would be dark or brownish red. I read that coconut oil was great for hemorrhoids so I used it and guess what I have had no problems in over a year. Remember no double dipping.

Posted by Terri (Carlisle, PA)

I am a nurse's aide and I have used coconut oil on some of my patients hemorrhoids, some so large the patient could not sit down without pain. After using for about 6 months the hemorrhoids have completely gone. Applied externally 2x's a day or after each bowel movement and bath. For sanitary reasons, each person had their own separate bottle for their rectum area only. (no double dipping!!)


9 User Reviews
5 star (9) 

Posted by Ellamo (Trinidad, Ca) on 02/14/2011

I have been told that 1 tbsp. of coconut oil a day can help keep the herpes virus in check, but then recently I read that coconuts are very high in arginine... Not sure if this is the case with the oil or if its just the coconut meat??? does anyone have any knowledge about this. don't want to take on a daily basis if its going to challenge my system... Thanks

Replied by Ladiem
(Santa Clara, Ca)

I usually get a breakout right before my period but after reading about the many health benefits, I applied some VCO when I felt a tingle (first sign of a breakout). To my surprise, the breakout didn't occur! To confirm, I tried it the second time when I had another tingle. I have to say that I'm a true believer in VCO!!! Now I ingest it with my egg each morning, put it in my hair, and my skin. I used it as a sunblock and it worked! Coconut is so AMAZING!!!

Posted by Claudia (Van Nuys, Ca) on 12/30/2009

I am 34 and coconut oil is the only thing that has worked for cold sores. I use coconut oil on my lips daily. When I feel a cold sore coming on, I use more coconut oil and the sore does not even grow. I also use coconut oil for my skin as a moisturizer as well and it works wonders. I highly recommend the use of coconut oil.

Posted by Krishna (Singapore) on 11/17/2009

Treatment for herpes

If anyone there is suffering from herpes virus, please try applying coconut oil on the affected area. Even if you don't have an outbreak you can still rub coconut oil on the affected areas twice daily to stop an outbreak. Coconut oils are easily available in any Indian shops. You can also make it at home. Take some milk from coconut and boil it under high temperature. Keep boiling until all the milk evaporaes. Squeeze the white substance that is left and you will get pure coconut oil. Please try, this oil treatment it really works. You don't have to spend so much money on antibiotics and it is harmless to your body. Goodluck and best wishes

Replied by Linda
(Greenville, Sc)

I will try. I've had problems since 1995. Three this last 2 months. Put Virgin Coconut Oil on problem area and ingest it 1 tbl 3 times/day?

Posted by Mike (Spokane, WA) on 01/02/2008

I have suffered from fever blisters (herpes simplex) on my lips for many years. I read that VCO reduces viral loads in the body so I gave it a try. Have had spectacular results (better than lysine) and no more outbreaks for 9 months. Regarding some of the negative feedback, I was shocked to read of the problems people have had with VCO - I guess because my experience has been so positive. My suggestion is to add some butter along with the VCO. Not sure why this works but it also works to stop repeat when taking fish oil.

Posted by SG (Bakersfield, CA) on 08/25/2007

I wrote earlier about my experience with eight years of un-diagnosed herpes. Since then, I've been experimenting with it, and I've got complete control over it--I can make myself completely symptom-free, or cause an outbreak within 30 minutes.

THE CURES: Coconut. Yep, another vote for that one. I recently discovered Thai food, and they put coconut milk in just about everything. Taking special care to eat Tom Kha Gai (Food of the gods!) or Thai curry dishes several times a week, I've discovered that I have no need for my previous supplement: Gigartina Red Marine Algae, 1000mg (4 capsules) per day. And it's a lot more fun! To be fair, though, the Red Marine Algae works just as well.

If I want to cause an outbreak within an hour, all I have to do is not eat any coconut products for a few days, and then have a Diet Red Bull. Chock full of both Aspartame and arginine, if your doctor needs you to have an outbreak for testing purposes, this will do the trick. Drinking two of these per day sent me to the emergency room with horrible sores, and was how I discovered I had herpes. Other energy drinks (containing arginine) kept me having sores for the next few months until I realized the connection.

Replied by Jenna

Very useful info thanks

Posted by Peter (Kaitaia, New Zealand) on 07/24/2007

I was diagnosed with genital herpes in 1999. It was a shock to my system, in more ways than one. The nasty bleeding scabs, the weeping sores, the pain - and the horrible sensation on the thighs, like cats clawing at wet skin. (That's just my description.) I heard about coconut oil a year ago and decided to try it. I was guided to take it this way: A tablespoonful in a glass of clear warm water, mix it up, melt it, and drink it. I took it three times a day at regular intervals. I came off my medication, Ayclovir, and waited for the usual attack. (This was after a few months of taking the oil.) But nothing happened. In order to stimulate an attack, to force it, I ate my old 'enemies' - peanuts and bananas, in great quantities, both guaranteed to cause a herpes outbreak. But nothing happened. I have been clear of the genital herpes now for at least six months, perhaps more, and the only thing I want now is to have a blood test to be absolutely sure the infection has gone. Of course doctors will say that the virus is incurable, but something has happened here, something profound and unusual. I have an inner certainty that the virus has been battered about by the oil, to such an extent it has no power left. Of course, I may be wrong. But there is no sign of it.

Replied by Maggie
(Orlando, Florida)

Peter wrote last year that he had been ingesting cocoanut oil and belived he may have been rid of herpes. His commentary stated he would be taking a blood test to find out if the remedy worked. I would like to know if Peter has written back, and if not, would he please do so, to advise on any test result. Thanks.

EC: He hasn't written back yet, unfortunately. Hopefully he will check out the site again sometime soon!

Replied by John From Maryland
(Baltimore, Md, Us)

My wife got a break out on her upper lip and then the toddler caught it too. Next, I developed a small dot on my upper lip a few days after. We all applied coconut oil although the wife was skeptical. My small dot stopped feeling sensitive that day and faded over the next few days with other hint of break out. The area on my wife's lip and the toddler's lip stopped and faded also. My wife isn't so skeptical now.

Posted by Phil (Palm Springs, CA, USA) on 05/30/2007

I am very active and love to play volleyball outdoors under the sun. I play once a week for 3-4 hours with full sun. The problem is the aftermath. It never fails. The day after I played outdoors, I would feel a tingling sensation around my mouth where the cold sore is about to come out. In the past, I would put all kinds of medications for cold sore and it would still come out painfully.

I found out that putting Virgin Coconut oil directly on my face/skin, after showering and/or after playing outdoors, the cold sore never came back. I am cold sore free for 6 months and going.

Posted by Steve (Johnson City, TN) on 02/03/2007

I have tried lots of health products to suppress herpes. both on my leg and also a bad tooth both were suppressed with monolaurin. now in trying coconut oil along with olive leaf oil. seems to work.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Tupac (Durban, Natal.rep.of South Africa) on 07/27/2012

I have been taking pure coconut oil for about a month at the rate of 3 to 3.5 tbl spoons a day. After about 2 to 3 weeks later I developed a loose and urgent need to release myself by ensuring that I made it to the toilet. The stool was not watery but it needed to be expelled. I then stopped for about 2 weeks of taking the oil. I then started again at a rate of about half a teaspoon a day. So far no urgent need to visit the loo. What is the cause of this?

Further what is the recommended daily dosage for an hiv patient who is not on any scientific drugs.

Your response and advice is urgently required and appreciated.

Thank you kindly. TPG

Posted by Lynn (Saskatoon, Canada) on 01/19/2008

While the word cure is a very final type of word, I would like to say that Coconut oil has been a welcome remedy in my life for the HIV virus. More and more information is becoming available about how the monolaurin and lauric acid in organic virgin coconut oil does its work to literally kill lipid-coated viruses such as HIV. I have been taking VCO off and on and have seen my viral load of 1100 (when 1st diagnosed) digress to 570 6 months later. I will be having another test shortly. My doctor said it was unusual for the virus to digress without medication, letting it not progress is one thing, to have it go backwards is another. Coconut oil remedies so many other ailments too, my skin feels amazing and its the only thing I use on my skin. You shouldn't put on your skin something you wouldn't ingest. Your skin is your biggest organ. I am a loyal user of this product and grateful to hear it endorsed by people like Gary Null.

Replied by Charlie
(Charlotte, Nc)

After reading your post, I would like to share I have a friend that was diagnosed with HIV, we have been researching avenues for possible cures. Is it really true you have shown major improvements with with your blood count since practicing a regime with extra virgin coconut oil? How often and how much should someone start this regime of coconut oil? Do you have any literature to share that you used for your research before beginning that I can pass along to my friend?

Replied by Fe
(Metro Manila)

Is it really true that the coconut oil can cured hiv?. Thank you

Replied by Ellie

Seems like you have little to lose and much to gain by trying it.