Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

H. Pylori

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shweta (Denmark) on 07/06/2016

Coconut Oil has cured my H pylori infection. I would recommend it to anybody who is suffering from this nasty bacteria. Go for cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil and it will surely kill this bacteria forever. Also please do not consume any coffee and dairy product while on this treatment. Eat healthy and drink lots of water. Believe in nature.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jaki (Small Town, NM) on 08/07/2007

I have been using coconut oil for several weeks, initially for weight loss. A few years ago, I heard of using it as a remedy for so many things, but when I tried it, my face broke out, so I stopped using it. I quit smoking (YAY!) almost 4 months ago, and not only gained weight but was told by a doctor that my distended belly was the result of h.pylori bacteria. I can't believe I aquiessed, but took the prescription for double dose antibiotics I was given. I have rarely taken any antibiotics, and don't like them at all. They caused a Candida imbalance, and a return of intestinal parasites. Then I came across a jar of organic VCO in my fridge, and figured it was worth a try. Amazing results; my energy level rose immediately, my belly started disappearing after a week, and I seem to crave "good" food, while being relatively uninterested in unhealthy food. An unexpected benefit was how clear my sinuses became; even 2 months after stopping smoking, my head and ears were stopped up. I am now experiencing some minor break out on my face, but am beginning to suspect this is a cleansing reaction from candida die-off, parasite die off and tobacco cessation. I think it is important that the VCO be ORGANIC. Thanks for the site!


11 User Reviews
5 star (10) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Debbie (Stanfield, Nc, Usa) on 12/06/2012

I started using coconut oil on my hair about a month ago. I have EXTREMELY dry and really frizzy hair. I put it on til my hair looks oily (not drippy oily but like its about time to wash it oily (lol)). I do not wash it out. I'm retired so I dont have to go out if I dont want to, if I did I would probably pull it back or wear a scarf. Because my hair is SO dry, I dont wash but once or twice a week. Within a day of putting on my hair, it has totally soaked in and not frizzy and not oily looking. (told you my hair is extremely dry). When my hair has been shampooed and i'm blow drying or hot ironing, I put some on (like when you put on "heat treatment" that is over the counter that you're supposed to use before blow drying or heat ironing).... I dont have to use all that stuff the hairdressers recommend using.... Shiney stuff, body stuff, heat treatment stuff, etc etc etc. I love the way my hair is starting to look AND with only ONE product. I use it also on my legs for conditioning but just started that and it takes a bit longer than lotion. Also, I started Apple Cider Vinegar about 3 weeks ago and my energy has really improved. I need to check and see what all Apple Cider Vinegar is supposed to do but I know I have some more energy. I LOVE THIS SITE!!!!

Posted by Lakshmi (Edinburgh, UK) on 03/28/2009

I am basically from India. Coconut oil is a part of our life. People use it in cooking and it makes them fat. Coconut oil has very high saturated fatty acids. It is good if taken in very little amount it helps in detoxing the body. They are very good for external applications. In the place where i come from it is a habit to apply coconut oil on hair everyday like applying moisturiser for skin. It is really important in a weather like that which will dry out hair. It protects hair and give a beautiful shine. Now i dont live there I stopped oiling my hair and it is very thin and lifeless.

Replied by Karen S

I have to take issue with the poster saying that Coconut Oil makes you fat. Nuh uh!! Coconut oil's MCT are absorbed from the intestine thru the portal vein and straight to the liver! It does not get stored as fat. Please make sure you know what you are posting and that it's true before you do, because people believe this stuff and you might've steered somebody away from one of the most terrific things on God's green earth - Unprocessed Coconut Oil!

Posted by Molly ( Austin, Tx) on 07/17/2008

I use cocunut oil for many ailments, however I just tried it this week as a mask for my very dry hair, I dyed, bleach, and ironed my hair for years, so its incredibly coarse and frizzy all the time, I've tried EVERYTHING available in stores and salons, with little to no results. So I scooped out a few handfuls of coconut oil (enough to cover all my hair) and I work it in really well (as if your coating all your hair with gel) then I put a shower cap on, and in about 20 minutes I showered as normal, and my hair in SO FREAKING SMOOTH, and shiny and soft, I still iron my hair, but this is the first time I never had to use some kind of smoothing gel, its amazing, I'm going to do it all the time now!!!

Replied by Fay
(Suwanee, ga)

Where do you purchase your EVCO? thanks

Replied by Cindy
(Woodland, PA)

I buy my Virgin CoConut Oil on the website It is really good. You can also get expeller cold pressed if you don't like the coconut taste. Check it out.

Replied by Sharyg
(Miami, Fl, Usa)

Ditto on Tropicaltraditions!!! It is the best coconut oil and the most natural!!! And as she said, If you don't like strong coconut taste or smell, they have the expeller pressed oil, wich is very bland in taste and smell, but still has all the properties that make coconut oil great. Coconut oil has transformed my damaged, dry, brittle hair, into a beautiful shiny, healthy, thick mane!!! My skin feels like butter. And I just started taking it internally, so I'll see what it does for that!!!

Replied by Eunice
(Lagos, Nigeria)

Is the coconut oil in its natural form or already finished product?

Replied by Cj
(New Zealand)

Coconut oil should NEVER be 'refined or deodorised'. Buy only "organic, virgin, unrefined coconut oil". If it doesn't have a gentle smell like coconut, then throw it away. It simply will not have the healing properties you are after.

Replied by Sandy
(Riverside Ca. U.s.)

Regarding Coconut oil! There are utube videos on line that show you how to make your own coconut oil. Not that difficult. Just knowing how.

Posted by Mary (Chicago, IL) on 02/08/2008

Of all of the remedies/cures I've tried on this board my ALL-TIME favorite is Coconut Oil, prefer Barlean's but also have used Garden of Life's version. Why? Because ever since I started using it on my hair it's become silky smooth without being greasy. It has made my once dry, unruly curly hair extremely manageable. Nothing has worked on my hair like coconut oil and I've tried every brand of conditioner known to man to make my hair manageable. Also, it's a great moisturizer on your face, especially if you live in a harsh climate like I do in the Midwest. I use it in the morning and at night. Also, I use it on my legs. It has reduced the dermatitis and itching I get in the winter. So definitely go to the health food store and buy this product, it's definitely worth it!

Replied by Heaven
(Berkeley, Ca)

How are you using the coconut oil on your hair and how much are you using? Thank you.

Replied by Bob
(Denver, Colorado)

Another way to get nice smooth hair is to use a Castile soap such as Dr. Woods instead of regular shampoo. It does not contain the harsh chemicals found in regular shampoo. I use the castile soap with lavender and shea butter and my hair has never been so nice and it smells great.

Replied by Sharyg
(Miami, Fl, Usa)

For hair, I use enough to cover the entire head until all the hair is saturated. About 2 or 3 tbsp. I cover with a shower cap or plastic bag for 30 minutes to an hour. If I'm cleaning the house that day I'll leave it in till I'm done. I then wash it out with a sulfate free shampoo. Love Peter Lamas shampoos. They are 100% vegan and they are the only sulfate free shampoos that I've found to lather real well, and not leave hair feeling like straw (wich castile soap does). After washing all the oil out I put in my regular conditioner for 10 minutes. Rinse, put in a little leave in conditioner and voila!!!! Beautiful amazing hair. Not only does it look healthy, but it looks so thick!!! Super shiny, and it is soft like silk. I was never before able to achieve hair like that. And I've spent thousands of dollars since my teenage years, in expensive hair treatments. This is it! The miracle I've been looking for!!!

Posted by Mirnah (Colorado, USA) on 01/22/2008

Coconut oil has been used for over a Thousand years by the People of Kerala(South India)where Coconut Trees grow very abundantly. Coconut oil is used for cooking & also for Hair & Skin care. Women from this region have beautiful radiant skin & knee length lustrous hair. Most Indian women apply slightly warmed coconut oil to the scalp & hair regularly and wash hair after 1/2 hour to 1 hour. I've done the same for about 2 decades now with good results.

Posted by Danielle (Atlanta, Georgia) on 09/03/2007

I am a black woman with fine hair. I have never been able to have the shiny beautiful hair I wanted so I wore weaves and braids for many years because my "real" hair was sooo hard to take care of and it always seemed to break off. recently I took my weave out, and I was worried because my hair is down my back and I thought it would break off, but I discovered VCO and have been using it, my hair that was once dull is now shiny, it doesn't tangle, it doesn't come out in huge amounts when I comb it like it did before, and the ends look wonderful. I don't have to use any of the expensive products for my hair anymore. I only need the shampoos. It works great and even protects your hair from heat of blowdrying and flat ironing. I will use this for the rest of my life and I am going to start using it on my body and eventually eating it to see what it does for my entire body. It smells good, and it is really lightweight on your hair. I love it!!!! You will too.

Replied by Bobbie
(Lowell, In)

Hey also try mustard oil for hair... google it :)

Replied by Michelle
(Atlanta Ga)

Danielle, what brand of coconut oil are you using and where purchased?

Posted by Jill (MH, USA) on 07/04/2007

I have been also been heating up virgin coconut oil and putting it in my hair as a hot oil treatment. It washes out easily. Leaves my hair shiny and I don't use expensive hair products anymore. Since doing this my hair has stopped coming out in huge amounts anymore. I have a low thyroid and have suffered hair loss. But now my hair is coming back thicker and Im not losing it anymore at a high rate. Plus its cured me of a dry itchy flaky scalp also.

Replied by Kate
(London, Uk)

I've been having a very confusing and scary time for two months with my throat and the top of my lungs closing up very tight (and on one occasion just stopping breathing totally until someone hammered me on the back). Battery of medical tests have found nothing except a small non-malignant goitre - now they are saying I should probably have my thyroid removed, see if that helps. I'm not going to do that. Thyroid counts so far normal. It's possible I partly messed up my thyroid a few years back by taking too much iodine.

Having tried everything on the home remedy front too, I'm finding the one thing that reliably untightens things is apple cider vinegar in the thyroid (means lying down a day with a poultice but at least I can breathe). Does anyone have any idea *why* it might be helping - and how I can use the clue to get better? And also can anyone think of medical tests I should try to see if it's either metal toxicity or some sort of infection? At the moment I look to everyone else like I'm malingering, while it feels like it could kill me....

Replied by Caitlin
(Austin, Tx)

Hi Kate: I sympathize with you as, at one time, my neck manifested goiter as well. Research coconut oil for goiter. Many people on this site have said it helps tremendously with a thyroid issue, even when doctors say you don't have one. Also... Are you a SOY eater? If so, please be aware that newer research has emerged indicating that SOY can adversely affect the thyroid, particularily of women. I know that when I elliminated it from MY diet (as well as grains that I was allergic to), extremely heavy, 10-15 days of bleeding and clotting periods, morphed into 4 days maximum, the normal period of my youth. Also, my thyroid, "lump neck" and pain went away. So, if I were you, SOY testing (eliminating it completely from the diet) is what I would do first for at least 30 days. Checking all food packages for soy and cooking your own meals w/o it, makes this totally doable. Then, I would start with a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil before bed. Good luck to you on this illuminating journey! Peace out... CAT!

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2063 posts

Kate, this could be inflammation; try the anti-inflammatory diet. Zinc Lozenges may help in the case of infection. Steam Inhalation w/ Eucalyptus oil might be beneficial. Magnet Therapy would be worth a try. You can wear a magnetized belt across the chest to rid bad energy and inflammation.

Hope this helps and good luck. Please post results.

Replied by Sara
(Cathedral City, California)

Hi Kate. I been having a problem with my thyroid for the last past 15 years. About two years ago my thyroid starting to enlarge to the point that mine thyroid now is growing all the way into my chest. In the last Ultrasound I had they found I have 5 nodules on the right side of my thyroid and three more on the left, the biggest one now is 26mm. Which used to be 10 millimeters. My problem is that my TSH (thyroid stimulation hormone ) is overactive. My endocrinology put me on methimazole to slow down The process of my Thyroid making to much hormones so far I haven't have any problem with me shocking Or with my breathing. The Dr's. Doesn't seem to be very concerned, All I know is that my Thyroid is huge And the nodules I have (8 total) keep growing Very upset and confusing!! Tell your Dr. You want to have a blood test of you T3-T4- and the TSH. Also tell him you want to have a ULTRASOUND of your Thyroid...about Apple Cider Vinegar. I only take this after a meal to lose wait and to brake down Colestero.

Best luck to you!!

Posted by Tammy (Montreal, Canada) on 04/29/2007

LOVING this site. In my late thirties and sick and tired of all the products THAT DON'T WORK. Looking for a nautural way to help me stay young and fit. decided to use coconut oil unrefined to moisturize hair and had great results. Started to use it on my skin and after day one i'm impressed. I will start to ingest in a cup of tea in the morning because of all the benefits i'm hearing about. will update next week. Also so much hype about apple cider Vin. that I'm going to try it to cleanse hair, reduce pores, and ingest with honey to see what everybody is raving about. Keep you posted. comments are welcome.

Posted by Cynthia (Los Angeles, CA) on 02/01/2006

I bought coconut oil originally for my hair, which makes the hair very shiny and silky. I used the end of a paint brush to apply it, worked it through, and left it on overnight with a wrap over it. Wash thoroughly the next morning, but do not use conditioner or any other additive, you won't need to for a few days, hair looks and feels great. I couldn't figure out how to "eat" it, which didn't seem desirable, but I added it to tea (black currant) and it was quite good, not very greasy, goes down very nicely!

Posted by Shana (Caddo Mills, TX)

I used Coconut oil as a hair conditioner to treat dry damaged hair. I use all natural hair care products from a wellness company I work for and the shampoo really dries my hair out pretty bad and the conditioner doesn't work at all, so I needed a natural hair conditioner and this worked awesome.

Hair Loss

5 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Pat (Athens, Alabama, Usa) on 04/24/2010

I would like to know HOW to use the coconut oil for my hair. I have been losing my hair - about a handful or so a day, not so great for a girl mind you. My scalp is very oily and sometimes I get small pimples and pustules and itching. I wash my hair daily to keep this under control and have just begun using a tea tree oil shampoo with good results for the itching etc. but the hair fall out has not improved and remained about the same. I've read several posts about the coconut oil and this morning I coated my hair with it and also massaged my scalp well prior to washing my hair. I had a terrible time getting it out and off my scalp. I was hoping for the conditioning effect and shine for the rest of my hair if nothing else. Instead I ended up having to wash my hair 3 times to get this stuff off my scalp and my hair ended up looking more "stripped" than shinny. What did I do wrong? Any, and I mean ANY guidance would be appreciated. with my hair coming out and this scalp problem too I'm at a loss. I recently started taking the VCO and blackstrap molasses internally but I don't think it's been long enough to have had any real effect yet. I'm hoping to start the ACV within the next week or two as well. The hair thing is getting scary though. I don't want to end up losing all my hair and if this keeps up I'm gonna be shopping for a wig within a few months... not a pleasant idea.

Thanks Earth Clinic, I'm glad to have found you. Just need to know how to do the VCO thing right.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Pat, most of my life I had hair loss as well, maybe not so much as you but too much anyway. In December I started drinking fresh juices everyday (fruit and or vegetables) and in a few days my hair was not falling at all anymore. Now with Spring it does fall a little bit but nothing like before (hair always seems to fall more in Spring and Autumn, for some reason). Maybe you are missing some vitamines and minerals...... As far as putting oil in the hair I have tried a few oils like mustard oil and sesame oil and they go out all right but I only do it because right now I have a perm. When my hair is normal maybe I won't do it anymore as my hair is oily. Good luck.......

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, New York)

Pat, try supplementing with Evening Primrose oil, about 500 mgs twice daily..(can substitute for Borage oil)
also, take a zinc/copper supplemnent..(copper because zinc can effect copper absorption)...also a good B vitamin with Biotin....(or just Biotin 1000mcg daily) give this a test for about six weeks to see results... freeze dried stinging nettle may help as well...

Replied by Che
(Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines)

Hi Pat,i had the same problem as yours before but the falling hair was solved when i change my shampoo from synthetic to organic. My shampoo contains aloe vera and peppermint and other organic ingriedients. Its very effective my friend introduce me this product. just email me for details as im in a hurry to go [email protected]

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Pat,

That is so awful, I know. I had a terrible experience of having such a bad reaction after having my hair dyed. I have dark brown hair- close to black- and every time I would get it dyed I would have a reaction to it. My husband would tell me I was ridiculous because the itching would be so terrible for the first week after dying it. My vanity kept me going though. Then, it changed to also feeling burned. Finally, the last straw was the time that, in addition to these two symptoms, clumps of hair started falling out. Red Alert! That was it for me too. I can live with gray hair but not NO hair! So, now I have gray throughout my hair.

I did the coconut oil thing and had the same experience. Washing and washing to get it out and still it didn't all come out. My hair was limp and lifeless. Haven't done that since. Too much work and not the results I had hoped for.

My hair has finally been restored. It grew back in and thickened up after about two months of green juicing. We use lots of various veggies each day changing them up so we get a variety of vitamins and minerals. Also, we added in eating sea veggies daily because I read that that is also a reason why Japanese women often have such healthy hair. We continue to juice daily and my hair continues to get thicker. My next goal is to see if I can get it to grow dark again!

Another benefit is that, like you, I always had to wash my hair everyday otherwise it would start to itch and get oily quickly yet my scalp would flake. Contradictory sounding but true. Now I can go for 3 days without washing it with no bad effects. It's found a healthy balance- soft but not oily, no more dandruff and itching completely gone!

I hope this info can help you Pat. It really is distressing when your hair falls out and being distressed certainly doesn't help the situation! One other suggestion that I began about 3 weeks ago and now hair doesn't even fall out when I wash it is scalp stimulation. What I do is take hanks of hair in my hand and pull in different directions which stimulates and strengthens from what I understand. It actually feels really good.

Keep us posted, Lisa

Replied by Annie
(Denver, Co)

There is a short video on youtube called coconut oil treatment. She just uses the coconut oil on clean damp hair. Work it through until it is saturated. Wrap head with towel or plastic bag and leave on for about 30 min. Then clean with clear water or a non toxic organic shampoo.

I have used it for years and love my hair. There are several other videos on youtube about this subject.

Hope this helps

Replied by Pat
(Athens, Alabama, Usa)

Thanks to all of you who have responded thus far. I am curious about the juicing a couple of you have mentioned. What and how are you juicing? Will regular fruit or vegetable juices drank daily work? I know I'm not getting enough fruits and veggies in my diet, but the idea of juice sounds like a sugar rush and a good way to gain weight as I'd like it way too much - like a soda or something (I don't drink soda - but juice sounds yummy). I did start the ACV with a tad bit of baking soda just this morning and am mixing it with about an ounce of grape juice (reconstituted frozen - it's all I had on hand) to get it down. I do intend to keep this up I am doing a spoonful of blackstrap molasses and a spoonful of coconut oil a day too. I guess I need to start supplementing with some zinc too. I'm open to more suggestions. Also, what are sea vegetables? That's not something I've ever heard of here in North Alabama.


Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Pat, I make different juices every day. I tried the organic, shop bought ones first but that didn't work at all, or at least I didn't see any benefits. When I bought my juicer I also bought a couple of juice books and I get a lot of ideas from there. Unfortunately my husband and I are not at all into the green smoothies but we do like other kinds of vegetable juice. As far as fruit juices go we often take the less sweet ones like green apples, grapefruit, blueberries, raspberries..... One thing I forgot to tell you is that I also started brushing my hair according to the instructions I found here, brushing to the back a number of times and then bending down my head and brushing to the front.

One thing which has always helped me when my hair is falling a lot, my scalp is greasy and itchy is, strangely enough, to have a perm. That dries my hair a bit and it stops falling right away. My perm is now almost out and I want to see how my hair is going to behave without it because not only do I want to avoid the chemicals but also the money I pay for it.

Replied by Pat
(Athens, Al)


You mentioned the perm helping with the itchy scalp. Have you had the same experience with hair color? My stylist says I can do one or the other but that both would fry my hair. I'm only 44 and reluctant to be grey just yet. I used to color my hair, up until about 4 months ago and am about 50-60% gray and now that it is growing out it looks awful I hate to cut it because I'm trying to grow it out. I haven't had a perm in about 10 years and my scalp is already sensitive and having some "issues" thus the reason for my not coloring recently. I'm not a happy camper with my hair at all. Falling out, turning gray, scalp is red, oily, itchy and irritated and I'm at a complete loss. Not sure what to do and my dermatologist just says come back in 4 weeks, if not better by then we'll do a biopsy - scary on it's own accord. I'm really wanting to color again and another reason I haven't done so is I recently had shoulder surgery and just can't get my arm up there long enough to do the deed. I'm very frustrated and I jokingly say I'm ready to just shave my head - but really my heart is aching over the whole ordeal. I'm desperate for a cure. I was just wondering if you've had any experience with color helping this, should I try a perm or should I just leave well enough alone and see what happens and give the natural remedies a chance... I'm getting impatient as this has been going on for some time.


Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi again Pat, I am 52 and I also think that I am too young to be grey so I do dye my hair. The only care I take is that I don't do dye and do the perm at the same time. If I go to the hairdresser to do the perm I will have to go again to do the color or else do it at home. Dye never changed the condition of my hair as the modern dyes tend not to dry your hair anymore, only the perm does. But I have to say that although one would tend to think that if you have weak hair and a problem scalp dying and perming would completely ruin it that is not true, at least not for me and I have been doing it for years. As I said I am going to try not to do a perm again for a while and see how it goes. I only do a perm maybe once every 8 or 9 months. The curls are not really strong anymore, of course, but the effect on my scalp stays. I have actually never heard of anybody having a perm done to solve scalp problems but in my case, as you know, it works wonder! People compliment me on my beautiful dark curls....... Best of luck and cheer up!

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

PS for Pat: if you send me an e-mail I will send you a photos of myself with dyed hair and perm, it will give you an idea what "bad hair" can look like when it turns good! ([email protected]).

Replied by Pat
(Athens, Al, Usa)


Thank you so much for your input. I will consider a perm next. I have been going to physical therapy for my shoulder and as soon as I can hold my arm above my head long enough to color again THAT will be my first mission. i am almost 45 but the gray is nearly 55-60% and has taken over since my shoulder has been out of commission. I will consdier the perm as soon as I get the color taken care of; a week or two later of course as not to irritate anything further. Thank you so much for your input!


Replied by Sarah
(Dallas, Tx)

The same thing happened to me, this time last year. My hair was massively falling out by the roots--I could see the follicles on the ends of the hairs. It was either a 21 day fast I had been on over the summer, a bout of staph food poisoning, or sub clinical hypothyroidism which made it start. I searched and searched the internet as to why, and learned I might be not getting enough iron, but also that we have to be extremely careful not to take too much iron. So I found 35 mg capsules and started taking one every evening, with vitamin C--and immediately my hair stopped falling out altogether!! I didn't even have the usual 8 or so strands collect in the bottom of the shower--just none fell out. Also, the irritating ache in my legs which I felt at night stopped, but only when I remembered to take the iron. I thought I was getting enough iron from eggs, meat, and a cast iron skillet, but I learned that coffee, dairy, and calcium block iron absorption, and coffee is the only thing that gets me up in the morning--so I take the iron in the evening. Also, I believe I am full of Candida, and various other parasites--which are using up my iron and causing me to be deficient. So I have just started to take Coconut oil.

Replied by Tiff
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

This message was for Pat, who was asking about green drinks or juicing. If you don't have time to juice everyday or at all, there is a great green drink in nutritional stores called Barlean's Greens. I use it every day to cleanse my organs and to help with the toxic load we all have to bare. But it sounds as if it might help with your hair loss as well. Good luck!

Replied by Sasha
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Hi Pat, I would try taking organic coconut oil internalls - start out really slow, though, because it can cause quite a detox in some people - I started out taking 1/4 teaspoon! I personally cannot take Virgin coconut oil - it gave me heartburn. However, I am able to tolerate organic, expeller pressed coconut oil. I have found that coconut oil and MSM are the best supplements ever for hair - don't despair!!

Hair Loss
Posted by Magaly (Wayne, United States) on 04/17/2008

I have used coconut oil for many years. I learned this from my aunt who was noticing her hair was falling out more than usual so she starting using it on her scalp and hair and it not only stopped her hair loss, but actually made her hair grow strong, abundant and shiny so I started using it myself. Needless to say I have really thick strong, to much hair actually.

Replied by Rachel
(Indianapolis, IN)

Has anyone used coconut milk on their hair and scalp instead of the oil? I haved tried the oil, and although I like it as a moisturizer for my face and body, it seems a bit too heavy for my hair, and doesn't seem to wash out well. The coconut milk (pure, with no additives) seems a bit lighter. I am wondering if it offers the same benefits for the hair and scalp, however. Thanks!

Hair Loss
Posted by Toni (Enid, Okla) on 02/04/2008

I started using VCO 3 weeks ago for hair loss. Well in that time I have seen a dramatic difference in my hair plus my hot flashes are decreasing. Now there are only 2 a week. My energy level has increased, my insomnia is gone and my mood is alot better, also my moisture has increased in my whole body. I can't wait to see what happens in 6 months. I take 3 tbsp. a day.