Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jill (MH, USA) on 07/04/2007

I have been taking coconut oil soft gels for 2 months now. It has tremendously took my dermatitis away. I have suffered from dermatitis for 5 years now. Used tons of creams and ointments. Yet still never got full relief. Since taking the pills I have been irritation free. I feel as good as before I developed it. It to me its just amazing.

Digestive Issues

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Rick Z (Pueblo, Co) on 01/02/2010

Did major research on why I was having digesting problems and learned bad foods like fast food and what not decreases the good bacteria in the stomach thus leaving the bad bacteria to roam freely. I tried prilosec which didnt help much, I even tried changing my diet and finding that waking up on an empty stomach I will burp uncontrollably even drinking water.

So I researched on the why's, how's and what are my options? I found Colloidal silver to help eliminate any toxins or unhealthy bacteria, but that was not enough! I had to also give Acidophilus a try. I repopulated the good bacteria and taken Colloidal Silver precautiously. I started to see great progression with the belching, indigestion and heartburn. Then I ran out of my Acidophilus awhile back and have purchased Coconut Oil and said "Maybe I should give it a shot" What won't kill me will make me stronger, right?

So I took a teaspoon and noticed within a few minutes of ingesting it with food I noticed I wasn't burping or getting that sharp pain in the chest which I compared to a heart attack (scary stuff right there)

Since I stopped taking Acidophilus and Colloidal Silver, I just stuck with the 1tspn per meal of oconut oil to maintain a healthy digestive tract. I narrowed it down to either I encountered Candida Albicans or H.Pylori which both are in comparison of many symptoms. Gradually reducing the indigestion, heartburn, and other various problems I see going away and not at a slow rate or fast.

Everyday I notice a better progression. I'm only 26 and been eating unhealthy for at least 15 years. Sad America teaches us to stuff our face with fastfood instead of serving more healthy alternatives besides a salad or bottle water. Additives and antibiotics and horomones being injected in our cattle and other food eating products and hydrogenated products which in time will lead to dire situations. Yes I am young and shouldn't have these problems but yes People who don't eat right or exercise is heading down a dark road and might not come back, Jack!

Digestive Issues
Posted by Irene (Bayville, NJ) on 12/20/2006

Coconut Oil cured my IBS and Bowel Distention. It was a little tough getting used to the taste tried all sorts of ways to get used to it but I actually don't mind it in my morning coffee. It has also made my skin very soft and my nails are growing like crazy. I will keep this one in my diet I feel so much more energy and it has only been a week!

Digestive Issues
Posted by Zoe (West Monroe, LA) on 07/04/2006

Coconut oil cured my digestive problems... I lost 10 pounds -- it does make to eat less. skin is softer, bowels are much better. and i just feel better. i take 1 tablespoons 2 times a day. it made me sick at first, but not for long and it all went away. all it was doing was cleaning my body. mine is liquid and i put it in the ice box, and take it when it is hard. i like it.

Dry Skin

23 User Reviews
5 star (21) 
4 star (2) 

Posted by Lisa (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 05/20/2008

I have been using coconut oil on my face and legs for about a month I also take a tablespoon daily along with oil pulling with sesame oil. The results are fantastic. Where I live is very dry and my skin has taken a beating for years. Dry patches on my cheeks and nose, legs so dry that I was embarrassed to wear shorts. But with the coconut oil I have glowing healthy looking skin.

Quick tip: If you have a problem taken coconut oil internally because of the taste or texture. Here is a great recipe:

Mix two tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 Tbspn of Cocoa Powder and sweeten with honey. It has a frosting type consistancy and is delicious.

Replied by Marion
(Riverside, Ca)

Dear Lisa, Thank you so much for the cocoa and honey tip! I will definitely try it. Cocoa is also a natural source of Flavanol Antioxidants. The coconut oil and Cocoa combination should be really beneficial. I'm hoping this will take care of my chocolate craving and save me from all of the icky sugar and dairy that is in most chocolate candy. I love this site and thanks again! = )~

Replied by CONNIE


Replied by Marilyn
(Sewell, NJ)

Thanks to Lisa from SLC, UT for the VCO/Cocoa Recipe!

I'd like to share my modification of Lisa's recipe:

VCO Chocolate Truffles:
1 1/2 T Cocoa Powder*
3/4 t powdered sugar (10x Confectioners)

Blend VCO, powdered sugar, and cocoa powder until thoroughly integrated. Form into 3 balls; roll balls in cocoa.

The above recipe will provide a daily recommended dosage of 3 T of VCO. If using the ratios in the above recipe, you can increase the amount to make several days of recommended daily dosages.

*Because I like dark chocolate, I used a special dark chocolate cocoa blend for the truffles and rolled the truffle balls in regular cocoa.

Note: Most special dark chocolate cocoas are a blend of natural and dutched cocoas and therefore have less antioxidants than natural cocoas.

Drawback - This may make it difficult to consume ONLY the daily recommended dosage of VCO.

Replied by Kallu
(Omaha, Usa)

This is for Extreme dry skin and possibly dermatitis. I had a allergy patch around my neck. After two weeks I go to the doctor(Tried ACV which helped but did not cure). They suggest fungal medicine until the test results come back in two weeks. After two weeks, we find out it is not fungal and they prescribed Steroids.

On the sameday someone suggested Coconut Oil. I applied it all over my face and neck(At this point my face was full of dry skin and dark circles due to skin allergy under my eye). Amazing. Its been five days now and its almost gone. Dark circles are better but still there, patch around my neck has healed but still have the scar. I also soaked my feet in Epsom salt at night. Drank Cinnamon tea at night. I think Coconut Oil might be the cure for lots of ailments. I will have to wait and test it out on my other issues.

PS. A year ago when I tried to intake coconut oil I had loose stools and I also thought I was allergic to coconut oil. That might have been something else.

Now about the Doctor I went to: Barely checked me, kept suggesting products, did not check me for issues I had mentioned to the nurse, did not even look at the two big moles the nurse thought looked curious. He scanned my chart, suggested products and allergy tests to be done for a week with three doctors visit($120 copay and of course later for checkups and visits). I think the medical business needs to be checked into by some experts. This is not the first time I see this kind of a scam. Somebody's got to stop this human abuse and exploitation. I should add here that I do have wonderful doctor friends and family and my above statement is only for those who exploit general public.

Replied by Malcolm.54
(Miami Beach, Florida)

I have REALLY dry skin and Id like to try using the Virgin Coconut Oil cure... But doesn't the oil transfer to your pillowcase, clothing, etc.? Is this oil expensive? Please reply ASAP.

Replied by Pbird
(Everett, Wa, Usa)

Malcolm, the coconut oil sinks in so fast, always assuming you don't literally butter yourself with it, that if you wait for a while it won't oil your bedding. Just use what will sink in in a few minutes

It is not horribly expensive. All different price ranges. Get virgin organic from Trader Joe or online at a variety of places. A gallon of the best is about sixty dollars online. I don't remember what the pints in the store cost.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Malcolm.54, the coconut oil is roughly $15 or less for a lb. You will only need a drop for your whole face, use very sparingly. It absorbs well, so if your skin stayed shiny, you have used too much.

After days of using it once a day, there is a very noticeable softening and moisterizing of the skin. At least for me!

Replied by Kelly
(Cambridge, Ma)

Organic virgin coconut oil at Trader Joe's is $5.99 for a 16oz jar. (It's a glass jar, too - important.) I use one tablespoon a day internally and use it externally as a skin moisturizer and that 16oz jar lasts me months and months.

Dry Skin
Posted by Kay (London, UK) on 05/17/2008

I suffered with skin complaints for a long time, I often got those little red bumps on my arms.also red lumps under and around my nose and general teenager style spots on my face. I started using coconut oil on the surface of my skin only. The brand I use is _____which is made in the UK and contains no other ingredients other then natural 'pure' coconut oil (thats what it says on the label). I experimented with different ways of using the oil on my face and body. I found that the skin on my face and arms became softer and I now rarely get spots or skin irritation (except at that spot). The best method for my face is to use the oil on my skin as a cleanser to open pores, then remove the excess with a cotton pad. After that I cleanse with an astringent. I use pure distilled rose-water which smells beautiful, closes my pores nicely and also makes my skin wonderfully soft. To top it off I moisturise again with the coconut oil, leave it on the surface to sink in a little, and take the excess of with a cotton pad (usually in places like my forehead and chin which don't absorb as much). I can't stress enough how much healthier my skin is. My complexion is brighter and I have less to no problem zones anymore.

Replied by Dilys
(Stroud, UK)

Kay, also living in the UK and only just having found out about coconut oil where did you buy it and what make?

Dry Skin
Posted by Sondra (Rialto, California) on 12/25/2007

Coconut oil cured my dry skin irritation. last 10 years or so I have been developing some sort of scalely skin on the lower portion of my legs happening in the winter months more so. The Dr. had no idea what it was, I was using victoria secrets lotions and aveena body wash and lotions. store brand harsh soaps, changed all my products to a healthier soap and now I virgin coconut oil as my all over lotion, this is the first yr I have not seen any irritation. VCO IS MY FRIEND FOR LIFE

Dry Skin
Posted by Lucinda (Lisbon, Portugal) on 11/26/2007

I have been using pure coconut oil in cooking and on my skin for 6 months now. I had no dry skin problems during the summer (portuguese summers are really dry) and have not had any adverse reactions on eating the oil. I love the oil. no more buying expensive face creams!!

Dry Skin
Posted by Rhonda (Gallatin, TN) on 02/27/2007

I read your Blogs about Coconut Oil.I was wondering if anyone has used the cheap brand LouAna Coconut Oil? Is it safe to use? It says 100%Pure All Natural on the bottle. I bought the Extra Virgin Coconut Oil online and have been using it.Just after 3 days we can see a difference in skin tone and blemishes. I think we've finally found something that works.

Replied by Mary
(Magnolia, Tx)

Coconut Oil and Dry Skin: I have only been using CCO for 3 days. I have something wrong with my complexion. No dermatalogist has been able to figure it out. I am hopeful.I bought the brand Nutiva organic extra virgin CCO at walmart because it has no pesticides in it and although I hate the taste of CCO I am willing to give it a try. I have read some testimonies of bad reactions to CCO but I have suffered none thus far. It has reduced the wrinkles around my eyes. I am 45 but have been told I look 36. However looking even younger is better! Good luck to you!

Replied by Aliya
(North Carolina, States Of America)

Keep using it externally and internally. Mix 2 teaspoon in the food you cook. see the results in 2 weeks..

Dry Skin
Posted by Virginia (Clinton, NC) on 02/08/2007

I have been using coconut oil for dry skin and it has helped tremendously. I have done away with all other creams and use nothing but that as well as cooking with it and mixing it in my food. I have had none of the diarrhea problems that I have heard of others having.

Dry Skin
Posted by Sujatha (Dubai, UAE) on 02/08/2007

Hi i am an Indian and coconut oil is widely used both as cooking oil and for topical application. Its great for skin, prevents dry, itchy and flaky skin and promotes hair growth too. In our country we don't drink this oil but use it for cooking and most of the doctors advice that it contains saturated fat which is a culprit in clogging arteries. My grandma had high cholesterol and the first thing the doc advised her was to change her cooking oil from coconut to sunflower oil. Please check with doctors before you start taking it internally. Best regards, sujatha

Replied by Sunil
(Delhi, India)

May be you are not aware of use(or manufacturing process) of Virgin Coconut oil, which is far good compare to ordinary coconut oil. The difference is the manufacturing process where virgin coconut oil is produced without adding any chemical or sun dried process on the other hand ordinary coconut has everything(Chemical). Try using the virgin coconut oil and see the difference. Even some Indian company claiming that they produced the virgin coconut oil in 60 minutes with cold processing.

Replied by Jeff

Saturated fats do not clog arteries. Stop spreading misinformation and do some research.

Dry Skin
Posted by Barbara (Callands, VA) on 01/31/2007

Coconut Oil has been in my kitchen for about two years. I use it for cooking anything that requires oil. I also use it daily on my skin and it is a wonder for the winter dryness. I use it as a replacement for butter on my toast and internal. It lubricates from the inside out and the outside in.

Dry Skin
Posted by Jamie (Van Nuys, CA) on 01/28/2007

Dry skin be gone!! I love this site, and I love testimonials. i am a sucker for them, for better or worse, and have bought many a useless thing based on them. But I am SO SO SO happy to say that this time it actually came true for me! After reading all the great stuff on the site, I bought some Virgin coconut oil. I have fairly dry skin (and always issues with acne and hating my skin) and I have religiously applied a good, natural vitamin A and E lotion everyday after showers for a long time, etc. do all the "lock in moisture" tips... but I still had dry skin, also felt tight no matter what, never that dewy, glowing thing you hear about all the time from really expensive lotions and creams. oh my god thank god for coconut oil!! i am in love with it. I have used it maybe 3 or 4 days now, all over my body and any flakiness is GONE. gone!! yay! my hands are very dry because I work with them, but when I take the time to rub in the oil it keeps it from cracking at least. I know if I am more diligent I might actually feel like I don't' have man hands! ha. The best thing is when I used it for a stir fry! holy cow, in love all over again. I mean, I really do feel like I glow like an 'island beauty' when I put it on, it melts so nicely and thin and silky on body temperature, and I am a redhead so anything that helps me feeling smooth and less mottled is a godsend. honestly, i am silk, not grease. even when it goes on it's not like oil, it's bliss. I'm a little overwhelmed with how/if to take it internally, along with all the ACV, molasses, hydrogen peroxide stuff... i don't' want to bombard my body.. Any suggestions on how to prioritize which of these I ingest/get in a good steady routine? Or if it's harmful to be eating coconut oil AND all this other stuff? is it too much? regardless, for dry skin coconut oil is THE WAY TO GO. hands down. OH! also feels so so nice on my face. I was worried I'd break out but so far so good. I actually, finally (sob) feel RIGHT in my skin. hasn't been so for a long time. my face actually feels lubricated, I have been stunned the past night or two that I put it on my face to realize that it feels healthy from the inside, which is literally unreal and a blessing. my self image has improved from outside, inside out! Not too be too dramatic, but I really finally feel like I can say I'm a beautiful woman, because my skin FEELS fresh, healthy and also looks it. thank you!!!

Dry Skin
Posted by Charlene (Jamaica, NY) on 01/16/2007

My co-worker introduced me to Coconut Oil. I suffer from dry skin and Thyroid problems. I must admit it has made a major difference in my life! I take it orally every morning and I have noticed a healthy, glowing complexion on my face. I also use it on my skin and I cook with it as well. My overall feeling of using CO is very good because I believe that I've felt healthier since taking it!

Dry Skin
Posted by Krystal (Memphis, TN) on 01/11/2007

I began using coconut oil on my hair and body and it is awesome. My skin is so soft. After I take my ACV bath or spray my body down with ACV after a shower, I wait until I am completely dry and rub my body down with the coconut oil. It is so good to my skin I can't help but to rub my own face and body! I began putting it around my dry cuticles; letting the oil soak in and can you believe my cuticle look awesome. I put it on my lips and let the oils soak in to make my lips softer. I don't need chap stick. I have coconut oil. I use a little on my hair and oil my scalp with it. I am going to experiment with taking it internally. I have read the comments about taking to much so I am going to start off slow. Natural products are awesome. Why don't we use what God intended! Nature! Vegetation & herbs! I love nature!