ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally

Sinus Congestion
Posted by L.covington (Rock Hill, Sc) on 12/17/2016

Baking soda and ACV Tonic

Well, I am not one for writing reviews on products. Normally just try it and either I enjoy or dislike and move on. But I can honestly say I felt the difference immediately. I am not sure if it's mental or true, but either way I am loving it!! As I was drinking the baking soda/ACV tonic I felt some sort of clarity that was taking place. Once finished my nose was a little runny, basically it was becoming un-stuffy. I blew my nose and boom....I was all clear!! I am currently feeling a tingly sensation, a sense of calm and again Clarity. I will continue to take daily and begin my journey towards an alkaline body. Thank you.

Posted by Micky (Anaheim, California) on 09/02/2015 1 posts

I tried ACV for months. It tasted so terrible that I added Baking Soda to my concoction and it took 90 percent of the bad taste away. Not unpleasant at all to drink now. My concoction is:

  • 2 oz ACV
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 8 to 16 oz. of a beverage
  • I also add occasionally 1 oz. of Glusomine/Condrotin

Put the beverage in glass first or it will foam up and run out of glass and all over the counter. The beverage dilutes the fizzing when ACV and BS is added.

I don't know if it is a coincidence or not but my arthritic knees are much better after 6 months of taking drink. Getting out of low chairs was impossible without using my arms. Now I can get up from sitting on curb of street without using my arms. I would say my knees are 80 percent better.

Since everyone is different I don't know if this would work for other people or not. I sip the drink for several hours during the day.

Posted by RC (Southern, Arkansas) on 02/27/2009


I have an ongoing sinus issue as well, muscle tightness (always, always) in my shoulders (since my teen years), lower back pain (sacroiliac?) poppint joints, and some recently acquired arthritis pains in my hands. Found this site, quit ALL meds, started 2T of ACV with 1tsp honey and 1/2 tsp baking soda. After 1 week, substantial relief in my hands, some relief with sinus, but now I have achiness all over... joint popping and low back pain continue to come and go. Thinking I have a yeast issue and am looking for answers on this site... help?! I believe the ACV treatment is working for me so far! I enjoy this site and everyone's input. I'm listening to the catpurr as I type. :O)

EC: GSE - Grapefruit Seed Extract

Bladder Infection
Posted by Key (Denham Springs, Louisiana) on 10/25/2013

Not sure if I mixed correctly.. 3Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar with 1Tbsp baking soda.. It fizzed a lot.. Added a lil honey.. I only got a few sips down.. Then my heart raced and pounded strongly.. Is this normal?.. Did I mix correctly?

Blood Pressure
Posted by Beth (Fox Cities, Wisconsin) on 07/09/2008

I was quite amazed today when I went into the doctor. My blood pressure was 150/80 a few months ago and now it's 130/80! A drop of 20 in a few months I think is quite amazing. The only thing that I've been doing different is taking 2 tablespoons of ACV and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. I also eat a few peanuts or some peanut butter to help with the taste if it's getting to me one day.

Posted by Joy (Cadillac, MI) on 07/09/2007

For several days I was suffering from neck and head pain on the left side. I had pain in my left ear and eye. I tried the heating pad, self massage, and pain pills. Nothing helped. Woke up every morning to headache and pain. I couldn't turn my head without cringing. Finally this morning I took acv with baking soda and grape juice. I felt better almost immediately. My head pain is gone and my neck doesn't hurt. I can turn my head and there isn't any pain! Thank you for this website!

Posted by Michael Fernandez (New York) on 06/15/2017

A study published by The Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry Journal said that drinking apple cider vinegar for three months causes a significant decline in body weight, abdominal fat, waist circumference, and triglycerides. This can be consumed with baking soda. But it would start showing results over time and is no quick fix.

Coughing, Sore Throat, Snoring
Posted by Deidre (Ca, US) on 02/08/2015

I ran out of organic ACV (two tablespoons + 1/2 teaspoon baking soda) and magnesium oxide (250 mg tablets) for just over a week. Originally, I had been taking them for high blood pressure and constipation. Better skin and weight loss were added benefits. My roomate told me I snored louder than the highest volume on the TV. Worse, I'd just started a new job and developed one of those hair-trigger, hacking coughs that only occurred at the worst possible times at work! In a few days, I'd had a sore throat, swollen tonsils, difficulty swallowing, stiff neck, slept badly, tossed and turned, nightmares, a sinus infection, 2 a. M. Insomnia (5 a. M. Alarm), and could hear my own snoring.

The list grew daily. A nurse friend gave me neck exercises to do that helped the same day. Yesterday, I suddenly had heartburn after breakfast. One testimonial for snoring was by a woman who used 1/4 cup of ACV. Another snoring testimonial included ALL of my symptoms. I had tried remedies for all the separate (I thought) issues with limited success. I even started a two-week cleanse. Yesterday afternoon, I got the store brand ACV ASAP and took 1/4 cup with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. I repeated it before bed last night. Success! I barely snored! I woke up the person I was before I ran out of ACV and magnesium. Thank God for Earth Clinic!

Posted by Mrscloud (Ohio) on 01/20/2015

I have been taking 2 tablesoons of ACV (with mother) and 1/4 tsp of Baking soda with about 1/2 cup of warm water for about two weeks twice a day for general health reasons. This morning I woke up and was struck by how soft my skin felt. I also think I may be experiencing less water retention. I had what I think was AWFUL candida die off symptoms for about a week though, chills, mucus you name it it was AWFUL but it seems to be dying down.

Bladder Infection
Posted by Zel (Liberty , MO) on 10/24/2008

I had a very uncomfortable UTI today. I used apple cider mixed with water and baking soda. In less than hour after taking it and drinking a lot of water the pain was gone and I did not have to go every few minutes. This really works I have suffered from UTI for years and this is the first home remedy I have tried that worked.

Chronic Stomach Issues
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/16/2008 391 posts

Response to Netsy: Baking soda is not a complete remedy, but it has good consistency with acid reflux. It works best when I take vitamin B complex once a week plus ocassional vitamin C such as twice or three times a week, of vitamin C. The baking soda does not reduce the b complex but the body could be low on potassium that is causing the problem since the baking soda is meant to reduce the acid reflux in general. No remedy will work forever, if that were the case a complete nutrition plan is needed, in any event a potassium citrate is needed for longer term users. Hence, the remedy that is more complete is:

1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of potassium citrate in 1 glass of water.

The remedy is usually taken 5 days a week. So I might be assuming, right or wrong that potassium was not added, vitamin C was not taken or possibly b complex. Ted

P.S. The white shiny objects deserves a special mentioned. What happens is if I eat an oxalic rich food, such as shellfish, beans, nuts, spinach etc. and it goes into my stomach acid, it becomes oxalic acid. The oxalic acid, if the body doesn't have sufficient amount of sodium bicarbonate to neutralize them, the oxalic acid enters the bloodstream and reacts with the blood calcium to form calcium oxalate. Interestingly the calcium oxalates in turns accumulates in the kidney to become kidney stones. But even more interestingly, it can enter a woman's ovaries and destroy the ovaries to cause a somewhat permanent condition called PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) in which the calcium oxalates, for example blocks normal process of ovaries and produce uterus pain. However, if the baking soda was taken and the food eaten is high in oxalic acid, the baking soda neutralizes this to become sodium oxalate and prevents it from entering the bloodstream and shows up as a white shiny material. Hence instead of becoming calcium oxalates in the kidneys to become kidney stones, or calcification of the ovaries, for instance (thyroid calcification is even more damaging leading to a more malignant form of tumor), is safely rid of by the body as a sodium oxalate, and if the dietary oxalic acid were also high with calcium diets, the baking soda would once again neutralize them and may form some calcium oxalates, and sodium oxalates from entering the blood stream. So in my opinion the baking soda offers a protective mechanism against calcification of tissue. That said, a modern man diet is already way deficient in three for for elements compared against the paleolithic diet, one is that our evolutionary process are geared for higher consumption of bicarbonates, more omega 3, and potassium, all of which are the cause of a lot of our sickness.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Anna (Elkl Grove, California, USA) on 05/14/2008

I'm 48 years old and took ACV and Baking soda for eczema and this is what happened.. Severe insomnia was cured after taking ambien for 3 more ambien! My blood pressure went to normal, cholestrol dropped 30 points and my borderlie sugar level (too high) went to normal. And a big thrill for me was that my thinning hair grew back after 20 years! My hair dresser noticed it first and now its normal. I do have to admit it didnt help eczema but Im so grateful that it worked on so much more. I mentioned it to my doctor a year ago and she has been watching my lab work and was impressed. She wrote down website and is going to recommend for acid reflux. (Oh yeah, it stopped that too!) Thank you Ted!!!!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Andrew (Florida) on 12/08/2015

With so many positive entries, why would you be determined to pour water on a drowning man? Have you ever spent any time in front of your local hospital or doctors office warning people who overpay for the poison they sell? My friend, if it didn't work out for you, dear friend don't create doubt in the minds of people who are trying desperately to help themselves.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jarrod (Fillmore, CA) on 10/16/2007

I started taking two tablespoons of ACV with the veil of mother with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda twice a day about two months ago. I notice a better skin tone, better digestion, and really just an over all better sense of well being. My body is definitely thanking me for doing this!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ryan (Chicago, Illinois) on 10/03/2007

I have had EXCELLENT success with ACV (2tbs) and Baking Soda (1/4 tsp or so) in a glass of water three times per day especially upon waking. I also mix a small thermos with another two doses and sip it during the afternoon. I definitely find it energizing and the psoriasis/eczema (whatever it is -- apples/oranges) I've had on my elbows ever since an extended fast is clearing up PRONTO. I'm very excited. I think I'll be a lifelong devotee. Ted -- you're awesome. I'm also taking a bit of borax occasionally and experimenting with the sodium thiowhateveritis. Best of luck to everyone.

Posted by Tanya (Vancouver, Canada) on 07/22/2007

I've been taking ACV to help reduce my body acidity. It helped relax my shoulder muscles somewhat. However, real improvements occurred when I tried out Ted's ACV backing soda recipe! I had started on Glucosamine to help reduce my squeaky/crackling joints in the neck, shoulders, hips, and back, not realizing that the problem is (possibly) acid-related. The baking soda absolutely helped, within days! I can still crack my neck some, but the rest of me is fine. Amazing. We seriously should set up a Donation Box for Ted. He's contributed so much and has really made this site stand out from the others!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Tina (Dumont, NJ) on 06/20/2007

I have had bouts of acid reflux for about 20 years (I am 36 y.o.) Until the last few years, a Tums or Zantac or just time would resolve. I started taking painkillers for severe back pain, including ibuprofen, about 3 yrs ago. I was very careful not to take too much or too many consecutive doses. I'd skip days/wks/even months between doses as much as possible. The most I EVER took was 7 200mg tablets/day and would never do this for more than a couple of days a time. My dr. told me this should not be enough to cause AR, but it did. I treated bouts of AR w/ Nexium and other PPIs. Zantac and over-the-counter meds helped too. The last 9 months have been the worst. Even with no pain meds, no coffee, tea, or other offending foods, it just kept coming back. I took 20, then 40 mg Nexium for 4 months. I even took 40 mg twice a day (double the max dosage, but dr. suggested for short-term) in desperation, I took over-the-counter stuff too. I haven't slept flat for months. I finally discontinued the Nexium when my stools turned light and blood was present. For about 2 weeks, I was controlling AR by sleeping upright and eating much less. I was truly desparate... My mother had mentioned ACV, but I dismissed as crazy - treating acid with more acid!?! In desperation, I searched for info. on the web & how thankful I am!! I have so much to say after only 6 days - AR has made drastic improvement. I have energy like I've never had. My severe allergies are better. I could go on and on. But I really want to help others avoid my initial problems, so here's my advice/experience:

Use baking soda!

Dose #1 - 2 tbsp ACV honey warm water aggravated my AR a lot.

Dose #2 - 2 tbsp ACV 1/4 tsp baking soda water aggravated AR a little & left me nauseous.

Dose #3 - 1 tbsp ACV 1/2 tsp baking soda 7 oz. water, sipping slowly before & after meals (3x/day); 1/4 tsp baking soda in 8 oz. water before bed... This has helped tremendously. If this gives you stomach pain, then try just baking soda (1/4-1/2 tsp in water) with no ACV. Take before meals and bedtime for a few days or so. Gradually add in a little ACV, testing to see if pain results. If no pain, gradually increase ACV. Lastly, decrease baking soda to 1/4 tsp. Note: I'm taking probiotics now because several readers said they got yeast infections from baking soda (& the only yogurt I like is full of artificial sweeteners and sugar).

My husband, who had digestive problems and intermittent IBS, said 1 tbsp ACV 1/2 tsp baking soda gave him a stomach ache, so he's now taking just baking soda first & doing fine (already less gas, indigestion) after 1 day. Also started probiotic.

In retrospect, I'd start with just baking soda for a few days, & then gradually add ACV. Start slowly & don't give up - it's worth it!! What a blessing from God.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 06/10/2007

3 weeks ago my BP was 146/92 after sitting still for over an hour. I have been taking ACV with baking soda ever since. BP is 128/77 today after sitting 5 minutes. I've still got to watch it as after a brisk, but brief, walk, the BP was 150/80. Began inhaling hydrogen peroxide (regular stuff) today in an attempt for further improvement.

I have been taking 2 Tbls ACV with 1/8 tsp baking soda two to three times a day. A side benefit that I've noticed has been that my vision has improved. I often have bouts of seeing light distortion, very similar to how the heat coming off hot pavement looks. This makes it very hard to see and gives me a slight eye headache. Must have been BP related.

Posted by Angie (Sparta, MO) on 04/24/2007

I started taking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with baking soda once a day. This has helped so much with the fatigue that I was having and has given me more energy.

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