ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally

| Modified on Feb 04, 2024
Side Effects
Posted by MH (Eastern North Carolina) on 05/12/2023

I am taking ACV/BS tonic for female issues (possible BV/interstitial cystitis). Been taking it for a week. Even with only 1 tsp of the ACV I'm getting diarrhea every day. What could be the reason for this?

Bladder Infection
Posted by Jacquelyn (San Francisco) on 01/10/2022 4 posts

When I was together with my daughter's father I would get frequent urinary tract infections, especially after sex. I read here about the apple cider vinegar and baking soda remedy. So I tried it and it worked every time I needed it! I mixed 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (though I found just regular white vinegar to work, as well) and just 1/4 tsp baking soda in a tall glass of water and would drink it as I felt comfortable, sometimes just sipping throughout the day or other times drinking a lot at once if I was thirsty. It's actually not an unpleasant drink in those proportions! It would always get rid of the urgency to pee within like, 30 minutes. Thank you so much!

Burning Tongue
Posted by Carol (Missouri) on 10/30/2020

Rinsing with Milk of Magnesia works wonders. It's also a great deodorant.

Burning Tongue
Posted by Angelica (Boston ) on 10/29/2020

If that's not working I would definitely get your vitamin B12 checked because that can also cause those symptoms.

Colloidal silver got rid of candida for me and taking a methylated B-Complex got rid of the painful sore tongue. Hope this helps.

Burning Tongue
Posted by Faye (Essex) on 10/29/2020

Burning tongue can be caused by thrush. I'm 35 years of age and I suffer from the same thing but I use bicarbonate of soda, honey, apple cider vinegar with warm water also I squeeze lemon occasionally.

Lowers Blood Sugar
Posted by Mark (Australia) on 05/15/2020

Hi, I have found that if I take the apple cider vinegar and baking soda mix before dinner, my blood sugar drops from around 9 to around 5 in the morning reading.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Harold (Asheboro, Nc) on 12/26/2018

I have been taking a vinegar tonic for over 20 years and enjoying the health benefits from it... About four years ago I read on several websites about the benefits of adding baking soda to ACV and I am so glad I begin adding the baking soda. It does help neutralize the sour acidic taste of the vinegar. The biggest difference I could see imediately was my bathroom visits... I have always not been very regular, but now I can be almost punctual with my morning bathroom visits...

My formula that I use is 1 TBL of ACV and 1/4 tsp of baking soda.. 2 ounces of coffee for flavor and 2 ounces of water..

I am 65 year old and am in pretty good health.. I take no medications prescribed by doctors, I am still active working, and enjoy being outside playing with my grand children as often as possible...

Burning Tongue
Posted by Joy (Crossville, Tn) on 11/03/2018

Could be you have parasites under the skin. After two years of the torture of horrible itching all over his body, we discovered it was parasites just under the skin. Taking herbs like wormwood for parasites, completely solved the problem.

Posted by Frank (Devon, Uk) on 10/12/2018

Apple Cider Vinegar and Sodium Bi-Carbonate

I used a quarter teaspoon of BiCarb and 40mm of ACV three times a day for a week and can report a reduction in arthritic pain in my knees, such that I can defend stairs in the morning without much thought or backwards. I still use the tonic once a day with 5000iu Vit D3. Bit like weak lemonade, it stills hunger pains too so I eat less and move more. I am 71 today.

Ted's Recipe
Posted by Lin (Ottawa ) on 06/13/2018 2 posts

Hello, I was wondering when is the best time to take Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda. First thing in the morning or before dinner?

I found this quote from Ted so was wondering what is everyone doing?

"A formula or any formulas can be stopped and started at any time. Often the best times to start can be in the morning, early afternoon, or late evening. However, the best times seems to be in the afternoon or evening because that is the time that the body's pH has the most problem. Morning is really never much a problem because the body had enough rest "

Thanks everyone.

General Feedback
Posted by Angela (Texas) on 05/06/2018

The reason for excessive urination may be due to the detoxification effects.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Natalia (Mn, Usa) on 04/08/2018

Organic ACV at 1-3 Tblsp daily for life will never cause bone problems, but will provide many benefits. There is a lot involved in elevated BP and knowing nothing of your health profile, I can't comment on anything involving cardiac status, etc. It is a well-researched and documented fact that K+ (potassium) serves to lower BP. Adult recommended dose is approx 4500 mg daily, but you need to balance this with increased salt intake. Look into adding Magnesium and the overall balancing of your mineral profile (plenty of info on the web) as well as improving diet, lowering stress, doing some self-care to bring your body into balance. Best to you.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Kate (Ontario) on 04/05/2018

I did take Apple Cider Vinegar for awhile my BP it's down but I researched that Apple Cider Vinegar long-term may give the bone problem. the Apple Cider Vinegar & potassium. what you think?

Posted by Sharon (St Maarten ) on 03/30/2018

The ACV with Baking soda is really a good tonic

I took it for Gas In The stomach, for years I was using doctors medicine for stomach gas aches, but a lady told me about this recipes 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/2 glass water and 2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar and this works.

I am off doctors medication for 9 yrs now. Also I used it for alkalizing and weight loss purposes.... I am having an excellent result.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Joe (Lafayette, La.) on 01/31/2018

most likely 8 oz of water.

Electrolytes Instead of Baking Soda
Posted by Kurt (Riverview, Fl) on 06/25/2017

ACV for alkalizing w/ neutral electrolyte

I've been using ACV with baking soda to alkalize my body (started out at 5.5, now usually 8), but recently I've become aware of the impact the sodium has on my electrolyte balance. Reading around I found that potassium bicarbonate is also a leavening agent like baking soda, and another good reference said that the ideal ratio is K/Na 3:1. I found a reseller for it and ordered a pound. I then mixed up a batch of the powders 3:1 and used that in place of baking soda in a cup of water (plus a dash of sea salt for flavor) in my ACV.

Now the ACV mixture has the same alkalizing, and bicarb effects, keeps my potassium / sodium balance, is neutral going down, and is a vehicle for taking my Lugol's iodine in the morning.

Posted by Michael Fernandez (New York) on 06/15/2017

A study published by The Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry Journal said that drinking apple cider vinegar for three months causes a significant decline in body weight, abdominal fat, waist circumference, and triglycerides. This can be consumed with baking soda. But it would start showing results over time and is no quick fix.

Posted by Lisa (Lula, Ga) on 04/18/2017

Re: Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda:

I love this remedy, I also add half tablespoon of natural raw honey. I usually drink it when I get up sometimes I add a second one if I get indigestion. I was able to stop my indigestion medicine after a short while. I have more energy and less allergies.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Gayle (North Dakota) on 03/28/2017 3 posts

Your blood pressure is going to go up when you exercise. Blood pressure changes all the time. Your true blood pressure is when you wake up in the morning and have yet to get out of bed. If you are angry, excited, exercising etc. your blood pressure is going to go up. That is why stress reduction and trying to avoid inflammation in the body helps keep your blood pressure in the normal range.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Fizz (Chrshire) on 03/15/2017

hi all,] in U.K.

'Baking soda ' is barcarbonate of soda. I also have been doing the Apple Cider Vinegar and barc soda regime and definitely helps with psoriasis I made a paste and applied directly, no itching at all. Also felt more energised and helps with cleansing kidneys and tummy


Side Effects
Posted by Rosanne (Massapequa, N.Y.) on 02/12/2017

I tried acv and baking soda, my heart was racing, broke out in a sweat, and I was shaky. After 2 sips. I followed directions using less then 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda . Was that too much??? This stuff is powerful!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jose Monge (Calgary) on 12/29/2016

I have been taking Apple Cider Vinegar (2 tbsp) with Baking Soda (1/2 tsp) AND BEFORE going to bed with lime instead of Apple Cider Vinegar and it works miracles in my stomach and I slowly reversing gray hair here. Don't forget it is taken in empty stomach.

Sinus Congestion
Posted by L.covington (Rock Hill, Sc) on 12/17/2016

Baking soda and ACV Tonic

Well, I am not one for writing reviews on products. Normally just try it and either I enjoy or dislike and move on. But I can honestly say I felt the difference immediately. I am not sure if it's mental or true, but either way I am loving it!! As I was drinking the baking soda/ACV tonic I felt some sort of clarity that was taking place. Once finished my nose was a little runny, basically it was becoming un-stuffy. I blew my nose and boom....I was all clear!! I am currently feeling a tingly sensation, a sense of calm and again Clarity. I will continue to take daily and begin my journey towards an alkaline body. Thank you.

Posted by Mphoshomali Hellen Lufuno (Louis Trichardt, South Africa) on 12/15/2016

Please clarify me, this mixture of olive oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda I have to use it separately or add into decaf tea. please am having a serious sinus infection for 5 yrs, is so embarrassing and painful. I 'll realy appreciate your quickest response.

Ted's Recipe
Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 08/11/2016

Just jumping in all the talk about ACV. I don't do ACV very often, but when I do, I have to do it Ted"s remedy way, that is ACV and Baking Soda. Otherwise it is too much acidity on the way down for me. However, I noticed my daughter drinking ACV like she was drinking iced tea.

She would get a tall glass of Vinegar and water and return for another. So I asked, why are you drinking that like its a drink? She answered, "This has honey, it is so delicious."

I tasted it and sure enough it did not burn on the way down. It was organic Apple Cider vinegar with Honey. But I told her it was still vinegar, and she was not to take more than suggested.


Ted's Recipe
Posted by Janet (In) on 08/10/2016

Editor's Choice I have noticed so many apple cider vinegar posts and many having trouble and bad reactions.

Our method has never caused a bad reaction or problems. Ted says if you are ill ACV would create a more acidic environment in a body. Using ACV with baking soda is a way to prevent problems and build a healthy alkaline environment..

2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 tsp baking soda in a glass let fizz add 1/2 glass of water and drink 1/2 hour after food 2x a day. 5 days out of 7.

Purchase a pocket alkalinity meter about $50 online. Keep shooting for 7 to 7.2 on meter from morning urine. Safest way to ingest ACV plus the strong taste of vinegar is diminished greatly. I also use the ACV and baking soda for headaches and it can correct the runs and constipation both.

Here is where I learned. Teds remedies here on earth clinic. We have done this and other alkalinity drinks for more than 5 years. All to our benefit and health. Janet

Broad Benefits
Posted by Angela (Dallas, Texas) on 07/29/2016

How much water do you add to the B.S and ACV mix that you drink in the more and right before bed?

Posted by Mayank (India ) on 07/05/2016

Thank you Kristin for your kind and helpful comment. I just saw your post which is dated @2007 and you have mentioned your age as 26 (that time). I was searching this site for the GERD patients of my own age I.e. 26 now, and I found your comment which helped me a lot! A big thanks to you. I really hope that your health is at best and you are doing well. Wishing you luck and happiness.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Nef (Florida) on 04/24/2016

Consider seeing a chiropractor and an acupuncturist for the back/nerve pain. They've really helped my roommate who had both for years. Just look for ones with good reviews.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Andrew (Florida) on 12/08/2015

With so many positive entries, why would you be determined to pour water on a drowning man? Have you ever spent any time in front of your local hospital or doctors office warning people who overpay for the poison they sell? My friend, if it didn't work out for you, dear friend don't create doubt in the minds of people who are trying desperately to help themselves.

Posted by Micky (Anaheim, California) on 09/02/2015 1 posts

I tried ACV for months. It tasted so terrible that I added Baking Soda to my concoction and it took 90 percent of the bad taste away. Not unpleasant at all to drink now. My concoction is:

  • 2 oz ACV
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 8 to 16 oz. of a beverage
  • I also add occasionally 1 oz. of Glusomine/Condrotin

Put the beverage in glass first or it will foam up and run out of glass and all over the counter. The beverage dilutes the fizzing when ACV and BS is added.

I don't know if it is a coincidence or not but my arthritic knees are much better after 6 months of taking drink. Getting out of low chairs was impossible without using my arms. Now I can get up from sitting on curb of street without using my arms. I would say my knees are 80 percent better.

Since everyone is different I don't know if this would work for other people or not. I sip the drink for several hours during the day.

Weight Loss
Posted by Steve (Sichon, Thailand) on 04/25/2015

You don't need that straw if you totally neutralise the ACV as it is not acid any more ie: after the mixture stops fizzing and most or all of the BS has disappeared.

If you used a 5% acid mixture then it might be a wise thing, but throw that straw away as it is unnecessary.