Thank you for the welcome. I was trying to find some do's and don't regarding eating/drinking while taking the ACV&BS for weight loss. I see a lot of people do not follow the directions and have not been receiving their desired results. I was interested in knowing if there are some foods or drinks (coffee) we should not indulge in or is it not a priority.
You hasten response is sincerely appreciated.
Broad Benefits
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar "with the mother" will kill all fungus by diluting it with water and soaking feet or hands in it. It can also be dabbed on mosquito bites, cuts, etc. this and baking soda mixed together (1/2 teaspoon B.S. and 2 tablespoons of A.C.V.) brings the P.H. Level of your body up to 7.3 or there abouts where no Candida or fungus or Cancer can live as the enviroment is too highly oxygenated. I take it one hour before breakfast and one hour before bedtime. Have being doing this for 1+ Years with no problems whatsoever. No more Gout or aches and pains neither. This also cleans out all toxins and metal build up in you bodies. I will NEVER go off of this combination. And yes you can mix B.S. and molasses together. This they call the " Trojan Horse" as this cures all cancers. The bad Cancer cells go after the sugars or sweet molasses and the B.S. kills the cells. Google Vernon Johnson and how he cured stage 4 prostate cancer when the doctors gave him weeks to live. Many more testimonials as well if you google B.S. as a Cancer cure. All sickness is about your acidic or bad PH level. Must always be little more alkaline where bad cells can not survive. It all starts in the Gut. I have researched this for years to help myself and now I want to share the information so people can live healthier lives. God Bless.
I would just like to say how wonderful the site is. About a year ago I started to search for natural cures for arthritis because my hips were giving me terrible pain and some pain in my knuckles as well. I am a male of 60 years with Muscular Dystrophy. I started taking 2 tbs apple cider vinegar with 1/2 tsp of backing soda twice a day for 5 days on and 2 days off. I can say that today I am almost pain free. I have found that the Omega 369 has taken care of my suicidal depression, but one a day is all I can afford because our Government will not help me. Your simple affordable remedy has saved my life because I can live more comfortably now. There was a story of a man of 53 found dead in his truck on day from carbon monoxide poisoning and I had been contemplating this method before I found Earth Clinic. Maybe if he had of known he would still be alive. No cuddo's for our gov.
God Bless you Ted.
Thank you so much for your help.
Davey D.
Blood Pressure
After reading so many positive comments I decided to give it a try. I am a slim and healthy engineer who started taking Prozac for anxiety a few months ago. My blood pressure went up from normal levels to about 138-145/87-95. Given that I am 48 years old my doctor told me that it may also be related to my age and that perhaps I may need to go into medication for it. I started searching and found this website and the comments on ACV. I thought that I had nothing to lose by trying it. I even like vinegar with olive oil in my salads. Given the various options for taking the ACV I opted for one that seemed more sensible for me. Half a glass of water with two tbs of ACV and 1/4 tbs of baking soda. I am taking this three times a day. Early in the morning before breakfast about 1 hour after lunch and 1 hour after dinner. I reasoned that perhaps on an empty or semi-empty stomach would be better. Some people may not like the taste but I am used to it and don't mind it at all. Let me tell you that the results in 10 days of doing this have been very impressive. I have been taking my pressure some times twice a day. My blood pressure started coming down. I have had only one spike one day around the 4th day. I have been 120-125/70-75 in the last five days. So, what can I tell you? Try it out, you may be happily surprised by the results.
Hi. Just felt compelled to write into the site and report on my ACV experience. I'm 42 and have suffered from a variety of ailments from the not too serious (acne) to the more serious (neurological). I started taking ACV "Ted's Way" with a bit of baking soda, 2TBS/serving, 2X a day (sorry, just can't do 3x a day due to my schedule). My skin is looking really wonderful, so much so that people have commented on how healthy and radiant I look! Since I was 9 I've had very oily skin, and now it seems to have normalized, neither oily nor dry. I'm pretty thin to start with, so weight loss was not really an issue for me. But I've noticed that I've definitely thinned out a bit more around the middle, and I feel more "lithe" than I've felt in awhile. My boyfriend thinks I"m nuts, but I think he's nuts with his stinky lecithin and yeast. : ) I enjoy making my fizzy "science experiment", and I make sure to brush my teeth afterwards, just to be on the safe side. I take it after meals so it's wise to brush my teeth then, anyway.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Sodium Bi-Carbonate
I used a quarter teaspoon of BiCarb and 40mm of ACV three times a day for a week and can report a reduction in arthritic pain in my knees, such that I can defend stairs in the morning without much thought or backwards. I still use the tonic once a day with 5000iu Vit D3. Bit like weak lemonade, it stills hunger pains too so I eat less and move more. I am 71 today.
I Was so happy to find your website-I was looking for a natural approach to upping my DHEA level as my test results showed very low-As I am 46 and entering into the change of life I was frustrated with my weight gain and came upon the stories of ACV-Well I started to take the 2tbl. ACV to 1/4 tsp of baking soda, with a dash of cayenne and a skirt of lemon in 1/2 cup warm water....what I didn't expect to experience immediately was that the pain associated by my 12 year bout with slipped ribs and vertebrae problems disappeared within 20 minutes-hopefully now my body can heal itself rather than trying to quiet the agonizing heat of inflammation-Alleluia, the journey has just begun, healing is indeed something we can all do for ourselves. I have spread the word and for those of you with daily pain...it is the easiest thing you can do- Thank you so much...p
Hey guys. First off, I've been following this site for some time now. It's great -- I recommend it to everyone. My grandmother used to take ACV years ago and I'd try it and it was horrible to the taste. So since i have been really getting in to natural medicine. I started taking acv in a pill form. and it gave me a yeast infection. YES, I'm a man with a yeast infection. It's horrible and my pH is always acidic. I'm also a vegan. no meat whatsoever.. I have been like this for 10 yrs, so I read about Ted's baking soda trick. I tried and threw up. I'm a wimp. so what i did was open up the acv pill, empty half of the powder out, and put baking soda in its place. I take two a day every other day.. OMG I tell I woke up this morning and shot outta bed and ran around the house. my wife thought I was nuts.. I told her I have so much energy. I always wake up tired. and aches. TED I LOVE U!!!!!! Wish there were more people in the world like you. Thanks for helping us. Anthony
Weight Loss
2 tsp ACV & 1/4 tsp BS -2 times a day - with a little excercise (very slow jogging) has dropped my weight (12 lbs. so far) & dropped blood preasure down to 137/75 (was 156/95). I've been on this regiment for about 3 weeks and feel absolutely great. My doctor wanted to put me on blood preasure pills and cholesterol pills, it just scared the H--- out of me - I had to do something other than DRUGS. In my searching, I discovered a website that offered a FREE discount drug card because I can not afford medical coverage, if I had to do the drugs, this would have been an alternative. (you can Email me if you want the site). I also have gotten my wife started on this for her alergies (she likes the Claritin D, I gotta get her off that stuff! My son 21yo, who has this deep hacking cough (I believe is fungal), can not be diagnosed by the 4 doctors I've sent him to, guess what he's going to start doing - you got it, ACV & BS. I can't wait to see the look on my doctor's face when he sees the results - Thank you everyone for your comments and personal caring about other people, it's very refreshing to know others do care.
Broad Benefits
I have been taking a vinegar tonic for over 20 years and enjoying the health benefits from it... About four years ago I read on several websites about the benefits of adding baking soda to ACV and I am so glad I begin adding the baking soda. It does help neutralize the sour acidic taste of the vinegar. The biggest difference I could see imediately was my bathroom visits... I have always not been very regular, but now I can be almost punctual with my morning bathroom visits...
My formula that I use is 1 TBL of ACV and 1/4 tsp of baking soda.. 2 ounces of coffee for flavor and 2 ounces of water..
I am 65 year old and am in pretty good health.. I take no medications prescribed by doctors, I am still active working, and enjoy being outside playing with my grand children as often as possible...
Broad Benefits
I suffer from almost all these ailments.. RA, acid reflux, inflammation, pain, headaches, sinus issues, digestive problems, fatigue and more. I am only 32 Im just to young to have to deal with all of this and on top of it all I am a single mother of 3 young children I have to care for. I tried the ACV and baking soda thing about 1/2 hr ago for the first time and I ALREADY feel better!! Not perfect but my stomach is better, my coffee (yes coffee!!!! ) tastes better and I'm up and about early this morn with my kids getting em ready for school all of which was nearly impossible for me every previous morn. Can't wait to continue using this amazing home remedy and seeing how much better I can feel and get off all my meds (that don't even help anyway) Thank you so much!
Weight Loss
I just want to tell you that the applecider vinegar and baking soda really works great! I have lost 20 pounds in a little over two months! My mother runs an herbal store and constantly has to order Apple Cider Vinegar! My father-in-law, could hardly get out of bed, and when he did he was in a wheel chair most of the time, but he started the ACV and baking soda and has lost 2 shirt sizes, out mowing grass, and his diabetes is getting under contro! Had a lady today tell me that she is feeling so much better as far as energy and that she is loosing weight in abdominal area. Will keep you posted. Dee
I have been taking Apple Cider Vinegar (2 tbsp) with Baking Soda (1/2 tsp) AND BEFORE going to bed with lime instead of Apple Cider Vinegar and it works miracles in my stomach and I slowly reversing gray hair here. Don't forget it is taken in empty stomach.
Hi everyone at earthclinic! I am a 60 year male. I found your site after a search for arthritis and natural cures. I started taking the ACV and BS two months ago. It has significantly reduced the pain and swelling between my knuckles. My hips and knee pain are getting better and the food taste better as well. My energy has increased and I am not napping as much. I don't feel as cold anymore and no more shivers in bed. It has also helped my wife with her knees. I can't thank you enough for your wonderful natural cure. I almost got sold on the Swedish joint pain formula but I found your site and I am now saving my much needed money. Now I am going to start using the H202 inhalation method and I will let you know how that turns out.You are on my 649 list and you can hold me to that.
I am 48 yrs old and have suffered from severe insomnia for 9 years. I have taken ambien sleeping pills for the last 5 years just to get a good night sleep. I started taking apple cider vinegar and baking soda for eczema and it CURED my insomnia. I mean totally cured. No more sleeping pills and I am not exaggerating when I say I sleep like i did in my 20's. At first my skin felt like it was burning for a couple of days then when it was gone so were many ailments. It also lowered my cholesterol 30 points, and I no longer have acid reflux. Thank you for your website. Its been such a blessing.