ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally

Multiple Cures
Posted by Victoria (Sydney, Australia) on 01/19/2010

I started using apple cider vinegar (approx 1-2 tablespoon) with baking soda (1 teaspoon) in 750ml of water, and 1/8 teaspoon in borax every morning, and the same mixture again at night (without the borax). It has only been about 10days since I started doing this.

It has reduced all of my bloating, increased my energy, my stomach is almost flat again! This is something that I couldn't even achieve as a personal trainer and working out 6 days a week. I think I'm even passing some parasites (or what looks like parasites- little white things). My body is getting back to what I looked like as a teenager. Its amazing!

Also it is keeping by bm's 'regular', which has been an issue for me in the past.

I have not changed my diet at all, but I now no longer take sugar in my coffee, as I don't like the sweet taste (since starting the remedy). Also I'm not hungry all the time like I used to be!

Thanks goodness for Earth Clinic!

Ted's Recipe
Posted by Janet (In) on 08/10/2016

I have noticed so many apple cider vinegar posts and many having trouble and bad reactions.

Our method has never caused a bad reaction or problems. Ted says if you are ill ACV would create a more acidic environment in a body. Using ACV with baking soda is a way to prevent problems and build a healthy alkaline environment..

2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 tsp baking soda in a glass let fizz add 1/2 glass of water and drink 1/2 hour after food 2x a day. 5 days out of 7.

Purchase a pocket alkalinity meter about $50 online. Keep shooting for 7 to 7.2 on meter from morning urine. Safest way to ingest ACV plus the strong taste of vinegar is diminished greatly. I also use the ACV and baking soda for headaches and it can correct the runs and constipation both.

Here is where I learned. Teds remedies here on earth clinic. We have done this and other alkalinity drinks for more than 5 years. All to our benefit and health. Janet

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/16/2009 391 posts

I am happy to hear of your improved skin condition.

Technically speaking, ACV and baking soda remedy suppose to normalize two specific parameters of the blood, namely to normalize ORP (oxidation reduction potential), and the pH buffering capacity of the blood. Bacteria growth are controlled by several parameters, namely ORP, pH, and salinity. Certain nutrients can also reduce bacteria growth namely chromium, manganese and zinc. Fungus issue is a very common skin problem in older people and are controlled by mostly pH, but is also effected by chromium, boron, and acetates (from vinegar) as well as ORP (measured in milliamps). Generally speaking a sacred healing water have similar ORP levels and pH as in an ordinary vinegar and baking soda, making them a good potential sources for healing various condition that can be one possible alternative to visiting a sacred healing spring water. While I can't add everything to have all the parameters, the apple cider vinegar and baking soda should be able to handle many of the issue..

The acetic portion of the vinegar, found in the apple cider vinegar and alkalinity suppose to have a sort of anti fungal properties, especially the acetic portion as well as reduction of excess tissue calcium from long term metabolic acidosis. The increase alkalization causes the cappilary to dilate and help with the circulation, and hence hydration. Supplenss of the skin is returned if tissue calcium is removed from the effects of the aceitc portion making them more supple. Reduce inflammation comes from increase alkalization which has an a natural antibiotic effects. Antibiotics basically are produced from a fungus. So a person with a fungal skin issue might not benefit from improve skin from antibiotic use due to possible presence of fungal toxins. I believe there's more future in vinegar, baking soda, borax, and my latest findings are ammonium compounds, such as ammonium chloride solution to help many fungal skin and skin inflammation issues also. The solution I used is a 10% solution to apply for the skin to resolved with problem pigmentation issues of the skin bought on by fungus (as in so called liver spots) which are actually fungus. Lately I have had hyperpigmentation of the face but was able to become normal with the application of an ammonium chloride solution, or even a vinegar solution is lso possible. They are both antifungal, but ammonium chloride is a stronger one for more aged spots and hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. Apple cider vinegar and baking soda usually can handle problem skin as well as glandular functions too. It works by normaling some of the blood parameters, which is why there is a general feeling of more energy.


Blood Pressure
Posted by Natalia (Mn, Usa) on 04/08/2018

Organic ACV at 1-3 Tblsp daily for life will never cause bone problems, but will provide many benefits. There is a lot involved in elevated BP and knowing nothing of your health profile, I can't comment on anything involving cardiac status, etc. It is a well-researched and documented fact that K+ (potassium) serves to lower BP. Adult recommended dose is approx 4500 mg daily, but you need to balance this with increased salt intake. Look into adding Magnesium and the overall balancing of your mineral profile (plenty of info on the web) as well as improving diet, lowering stress, doing some self-care to bring your body into balance. Best to you.

Bladder Infection
Posted by John (Medford, Oregon) on 05/28/2008

Since birth I have been a medical case that doctors have now concluded that they don't know what to do with me thus being handed around in an effort to get rid of me. In the end all that is prescribed are drugs that leave you in a state of lifelong vegetation and perhaps enough chemicals to embalm. It is ever more clear that a patient must conduct their own unbound exhaustive study. The amount of available and changing research is so infinite that I have been updating my personal doctor, who has no ability to focus on just one patient.
Yet after years of study I fell on this most simple remedy:
ACV and Baking Soda.
Bladder infection is an unmistakable experience that needs little diagnosis that you get slammed with.
Mixing ACV and BS is best not taken individually. You've seen those elementary classroom demonstrations of a volcano?
Anyways, every few hours I had a glass of the nasty stuff along with water...And, no week-long side effects requiring unproductive hours on the couch! Within 12 hours I was cured. All Gone!!

Burning Tongue
Posted by Eric (Palm Springs, California) on 12/23/2007

I got out of the VA hospital a day before Thanksgiving. I could swallow baby food and I had a hard time swallowing water. They had me on Prilosec for a couple of years due to acid reflux. A number of factors (stress and aspirin) wrong diet, put me over the edge. In the hospital I spoke to several gastro-intestinal doctors and mentioned my burning tongue. None of them had ever heard of such a thing. They all kept refering to a possible metalic taste in my mouth. They scoped my stomach took a biopsy and told me that I had a lot of Peptic ulcers in my stomach and a condition called "Eosinophilic Esophagitis" in my esophagas. They wanted me to continue to take the Prilosec and a Corto-steroid throat inhaler. It has been 4 weeks since I left the hospital. I have not taken these drugs, and I have resorted to natural cures (Kefer, aloe vera juice, leafy green soups, baked squash, yogurt, none of which has seemed to cure the burning tongue that occures minutes after I eat something. I have started on your ACV and baking soda. I can already tell it's working. I also have itching all over my body that flares up from time to time, usually after I eat something. The itching is very intense. I have been taking "Doxapin" for it for about 7 years. Now I am not taking any alopathic medicine. I have just turned 67 years of age and finially want to do the best for my body, not my impulses. This has been a tough lesson. Thank you for your website.

Weight Loss
Posted by Blanche (Toronto, Canada) on 12/17/2007

Remedy: Apple cider venigar and baking soda. Ailment: weight loss and blood ph. I am senior who has been using ACV off and on for years, but did not attribute it to anything particular, even though people commented on my skin, I thought that I was just blessed;' however, six months ago, I saw an article on the wonders of ACV and baking soda, and thought that I would try the mixture (which I drank through a straw three times a day, to protect my teeth from the acid), in combination with a daily exercise program, (bally total fitness twister), for weight loss, also to alkalize my blood ph. Well in no time at all, (1 month), I lost those stubborn five pounds that I had been struggling with, and my ph went from 8.0 to 6.8. Hope this helps those who are concerned about their weight and teeth. Blanche.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Alice (Lincoln, CA) on 10/06/2007

I was feeling very bad in many different ways (mostly from anemia) when I found your site. The most pressing problem I was having was high blood pressure and water retention that had come on quite suddenly and was making me feel like I might explode. The DR gave me meds, of course, they really weren't working (avg BP 160/95 with meds)and I thought I should try other methods rather than have him raise the dosage, and besides, why was I suddenly having this problem?

I had tried ACV along with my mother many years ago when I was a teenager to help with winter athritis and sore throats, but I had forgotten about it. So after reading about it on your site, I immediately started by having 2tbls ACV 1/4tsp baking soda and a little agave nectar for sweetner in a mug of hot water. Within a couple hours of my first mug I was up and about feeling better. My grown son could not believe the transformation. He happened to come by for a visit right when I was drinking that first dose and I changed right before our eyes. I'm so glad he was here to see it so I know I'm not imagining things. I continued using it at least twice a day. The first night I felt so good in my skin, it was wonderful. It took several weeks to get off the BP meds, I had only been on them several weeks before starting ACV so I think I had not become dependent on them. Other people should be very careful about changing their BP meds, DR should monitor this. The water retention problem got better and better each day and finally disappeared after a couple weeks. Last BP check at DRs was 135/85, not bad.

Amazingly, and without me expecting it, my hot flashes that had appeared with a vengence at the same time as the high BP, completely disappeared at that first mugful. It took me a couple days to realize it, but I have not had one since, not ONE hot flash since, and they were rolling in just about one an hour, and believe me they were very thoroughly HOT.

I very patiently waited before writing in to you, and it is over 5 months later now, and I have my mug once a day or more, even while staying away from home (I have been sad to leave organic ACV behind in hotel rooms because I don't know of a good way to travel with it by air). I believe my digestion is better and elimination more regular though I would not have said before that I was particularly troubled in that area. It helps my overall sense of well-being. I can certainly tell if I haven't had some for a day-- I just feel off without it.

I have to add, though, sometimes my ACV doesn't sound good, it kind of hits my stomach funny, gives me a hollow feeling, and sometimes I feel like it heats me up, not quite a hot flash, but not desirable for someone who's had too many hot flashes. I don't know what this aversion is all about, but I manage to make myself have some, even if just a more diluted version of it and in cooler water. I am always glad that I did. After reading more, I think I will try the baking soda in water alone, or the lemon juice with baking soda in water next time the ACV just doesn't sound good.

Thank you so much for this site. I am determined to continue trying things until I feel like I remember I once felt--really well and useful.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Tina (Dumont, NJ) on 06/21/2007

Here is an update from when I recently wrote in about my experience of being "overly-energetic" after taking ACV. Upon further reading, I know now that ACV is a natural stimulant and the website for a popular brand of raw, organic, unrefined ACV 'with The Mother' actually recommends taking 1-2 teaspoons 3x/day, diluted with water (honey optional). OK, so now I understand why I've been bouncing off the walls the last week, feeling like I just downed coffee (very racing, manic feeling). Here's my new plan: 1 TEASPOON ACV with 7 oz. water and 1/4 tsp baking soda. I may take less or none with dinner because I'm not sleeping well. My husband is also sensitive to caffeine and he has had a similar experience to mine. I still love my ACV & what it's doing for my health - goodbye brain fog, depression, acid reflux & hopefully back pain!! Don't give up, folks, & God bless!

Posted by Sassfire (Milwaukie, OR) on 02/13/2007

Thank you for this site. I have a very high insurance deductible and going to the doctor cuts into my food bill! I have been sick for three weeks and the quality of my life has suffered. I went to the doctor who told me take sudafed. I did and it helped very little. Today I woke up from a nap and just started crying. I just couldn't stand the pain and how tired I feel constantly. I tried the ACV and it worked at first then stopped. I then tried it by adding baking soda and it was amazing. I hope it continues to work. For now at least I can get some sleep. I love this site.

Posted by Citrine (Austin, TX) on 01/19/2007

Dear Earthclinic, I just mixed 2 Tablespoon of ACV with 1/4 Teaspoon baking soda in 8 oz of water as mentioned by Ted. However, the pH strip tested a 5.0 acidity on this mix. I then added another 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and remixed it and tested it again -- this time the solution became neutralized to 7.0. So perhaps the correct mix should be 2 TBS of ACV to 1/2 TSP of baking soda? Just wanted to confirm with you all. By the way, I drank this today and my cold seems to be melting away! My coughing has stopped (after several days of cough attacks) and I am so relieved!!! Thanks so much for such a wonderful site!!! I am learning something new everyday! Regards, Citrine

Posted by Choua (Milwaukee, WI) on 12/19/2006

ACV cures my bloating and hunger pain. Baking soda did wonders for me cure my acid reflux, bad breath, and sinus. I also use ACV and baking soda for my face as others mentioned on this site. My face looks great without foundation. No dark circles and puffy eyes. The information on this website save me from many health problems. Thank you so much to all the people who contribute to this awesome site and a Big thanks goes to Ted in Bangkok who seems to have such wealth of knowledge.

Posted by Sharon (St Maarten ) on 03/30/2018

The ACV with Baking soda is really a good tonic

I took it for Gas In The stomach, for years I was using doctors medicine for stomach gas aches, but a lady told me about this recipes 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/2 glass water and 2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar and this works.

I am off doctors medication for 9 yrs now. Also I used it for alkalizing and weight loss purposes.... I am having an excellent result.

Electrolytes Instead of Baking Soda
Posted by Kurt (Riverview, Fl) on 06/25/2017

ACV for alkalizing w/ neutral electrolyte

I've been using ACV with baking soda to alkalize my body (started out at 5.5, now usually 8), but recently I've become aware of the impact the sodium has on my electrolyte balance. Reading around I found that potassium bicarbonate is also a leavening agent like baking soda, and another good reference said that the ideal ratio is K/Na 3:1. I found a reseller for it and ordered a pound. I then mixed up a batch of the powders 3:1 and used that in place of baking soda in a cup of water (plus a dash of sea salt for flavor) in my ACV.

Now the ACV mixture has the same alkalizing, and bicarb effects, keeps my potassium / sodium balance, is neutral going down, and is a vehicle for taking my Lugol's iodine in the morning.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Gaby M. (Zimbabwe) on 09/10/2014

I have been following your articles with great interest. I am 61 years of age and for the last couple of months I have take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda 6 times a week an hour before dinner. Ever since I have started taking this I feel great. I seem to have so much more energy, my blood pressure seems much better and I sleep well at night. I also did not have the dreaded flu this winter.

Side Effects
Posted by Teresa (Tennessee) on 08/10/2013

After reading the posts about all the benefits of ACV I finally decided to try it this morning when I got up. I used 2 tsp of the organic ACV with the mother and 1/4 tsp baking soda in about 10 ounces of water. After about 30 minutes, I started burping like crazy off and on for what seemed like an hour. Is this normal? I am wondering if I should omit the baking soda next time. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, I really want to do this for my health. Thanks in advance.

Posted by Honorio (San Rafael, Bulacan, Philippines) on 10/22/2007

I'm Boy Fekiciano jr. from San Rafael, Bulacan. I was diagnosed of having GERD by my gastro, n was treated with that purple pill . At first , it was working but because of using it everytime i have reflux, my condition WAS' getting worse. i can't eat the food i like anymore especially if it was fried or oily food because these food should be avoided by peole with GERD, and so i have on the table with me a cup of hot water to wash my food to lessen the oil so i can eat it. despite doing this i still experience reflux. taking too much of that purple pill over the long term had a very serious side effect. it returns with a vengeance, somewhat a rebound effect. I was almost desperate what to do because everytime i complained of gerd to my doctor, the medication was always proton pump inhibitor or that purple pill. with so much desperation , i search the web about acid reflux and gerd n accidentally i saw this write up with testimonials about taking 2tbsp of acv and 1/4 tsp of baking soda mix in a half of glass of water from ted's . actually i just took a gamble by trying it, and when i tried it my energy was and in fact is strong and my acid reflux was gone. thank you so much you wonderful people, i appreciate your contributions to humanity. and of course all the GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!

Posted by Jim (Old Chatham, NY) on 05/16/2007

Thanks Ted and others for all the great information. I have been taking ACV off and on for a few months. At first I thought it was implicated, after taking it for two days with baking soda, with an attack of vertigo. I since found out it was "ear rocks", little crystals that got into my inner ear and raised havoc. I did an exercise I found at the Mayo Clinic online to move the rocks back where they should be, and no vertigo since. And ACV is off the hook.

Meanwhile, I've had a persistent cough since January that finally bloomed into pneumonia-like symptoms (heavy congestion, racking, unstoppable cough 24/7, fever, night sweats, delirium.)

Out of desperation (I had a photo shoot in Florida I had to go on) I took ACV twice in bed, about 2 hours apart.

Whereas I hadn't been able to hardly even stand up, I was so weak and delirious, within two hours, I was sitting up, eating (I'd not eaten much for a couple days), and that night at 7 I was on a jet for Florida. Pretty amazing.

Working for 10 days in Florida, shooting out the window or door of airplanes at other airplanes, I wasn't able to fight it off. I took ACV with me but only took it once or twice, not being fully convinced that was the cure for me at the time.

Plus I was forced to eat less than healthy veggie food while there, as Florida, at least where I was, does not believe in food that does not have sugar, salt and other toxins in copious supply.

I finally finished my work, but pushed hard the last couple days and ended up coming home sick again, especially the coughing, and went back to bed for 3 or 4 days, ending with a trip to the doctor, a prescription for zithromax or whatever it's called (antibiotic), then finally getting better.

However...the cough never quite went away. I began to despair I would ever get better, and as there are many things I want and need to do this coming summer, I decided to pore over again and started taking 2 TBS ACV with 1/2 tsp baking soda on Monday of this week.

It's now Thursday. I woke up this morning with the distinct body instinct that something was different. I took a deep breath, which lately has led to a little catching cough, and a feeling of tenderness in the bronchia (center of the chest) as if I'd breathed too much smog like when I was a kid.

This morning though, I felt the breath "bottom out", i.e. it still had a bit of the tenderness but it didn't catch, and it felt as if I could take a deep breath that felt solid instead of leading to a little cough or too.

Also, as I went to bed last night, I'd had a bit of a coughing spell, maybe five minutes, clearing out some congestion, and I despaired that I was getting worse, not better.

In fact, I think it was a bit of the well-documented healing crisis that goes with detoxifying, as I felt better this morning.

My question is this: I had a strong, watery diarrhea this morning right after breakfast (cooked buckwheat, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, celery and olive oil/tahini/aminos/lemon juice/sesame oil dressing, like we have every morning), and I had another bowel-emptying episode about 90 minutes later.

Unlike with previous diarrhea, this felt more like a colon cleanse. I don't feel weak or nauseous, just cleaned out.

I have been taking the ACV with baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon each time, three times a day, fourth day now. I will take it one more day, then stop.

The baking soda keeps it from giving me mild heartburn, and it tastes really good, like diluted apple juice.

Since I have been fighting candidiasis for a couple decades, and alkaline diet and colon cleansing help a lot (I'd been not eating as well this last year, which is why I think I got sick, that and lots of plane travel), I'm familiar with healing crises, but I'd like to know if you think the diarrhea is caused by the baking soda, and would reducing it just a bit help, or should I not worry about it unless it continues?

I feel myself losing weight too.

Also, I'd recommend people don't use honey, as honey is perhaps a healthier version of sugar, but the body sees it as sugar nonetheless. I use Stevia extract to sweeten things. Stevia would be in everything instead of sugar if the sugar lobby hadn't successfully blocked its taking over the sweetener market.

It's a totally non-calorie, natural south american root sweetener. No harmful effect on the body at all, and 150 to 300 times sweeter than sugar, so you don't need much. There are several brands on the market, some have a bit of a bitter aftertaste but there are several that don't.

I'd tell you which ones I use (no commercial interest, I'm a photographer not a food seller) but I know it's against forum policy so anyone who wants to email me, I'll be happy to suggest a couple brands that I've been using with great satisfaction and relief for I love sweets!

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