ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally

Posted by Kristin (Detroit, Michigan) on 04/26/2007

There were a lot of postings so I wasn't able to read through all of them. I may be retouching on something that someone else has already said, so I'm sorry for that. But this remedy is great. I'm only 26 years old and I started getting GERD at 17. After finally stopping drinking and smoking the doctor finally put me on a PPI. They really have worked great. I rarely have any flare ups, but I was having constant stomach gas and bloating. It was almost embarrassing no to mention uncomfortable. I found this site and wanted to try something more natural. So I stupidly quit the pills right away and tried this remedy. I ended up with far worse acid pain than I had ever had before. It almost made me sick one night to the point that I was laying on the floor ready to cry. Then I read about adding the baking soda. Thank God for that. It instantly calmed everything down. I think it took a total of a week for the PPI withdrawl to go away. Now, I kind of carry around a water bottle of the mix and use less and less of it every day. So for those using PPI's looking for something else, this does work. THe PPI withdrawl is intense, but I think it is worth it.

Posted by Susan (USA) on 04/18/2007

I have suffered with sinus infections and allergies for 30 years Today I tried the acv baking soda and honey for my bronchitis I developed. I did it twice and then saw that someone wrote about using olive oil instead so I used 1/4t of baking soda 2T of olive oil 2T of ACV and decaf tea and haven't been coughing Thank God. I also have been using the Salt/baking soda/water to cleanse my nose out. I also rubbed vicks on my chest to help with the pain from coughing earlier. Thank you for putting this information out there. I appreciate any help other than expensive antibiotics that make me sick to my stomach. Thank you so much.

Sinus Infection
Posted by Kimba (Brentwood, NY) on 03/17/2007

I started using Ted's recipe (ACV and baking soda) yesterday afternoon in hopes to get rid of a bad sinus infection I've had for the past couple of weeks. I mixed 1 Tbsp of ACV with 8 oz of water and 1 tsp of baking soda. The heaviness in my head and the sinus congestion went away in minutes! I will continue to take ACV with the baking soda. I will keep everyone updated on my progress.

Posted by Diane (Magnolia Springs, Alabama) on 03/07/2007

Ted I want to thank you for your remedy with vinegar and baking soda. I used it about 2 months ago with very slow results. I thought about it and came up with this remedy I detox my body. I realize that my colon and liver were so full of food that I did a colon cleanse, liver cleanse and kidney cleanse for 30 days in combination I lost 22 lbs. My food consist of only from the ground food that was organic. I have had so many comments at how great I look on the outside but I have been taking the Vinegar and baking soda now and I feel absolutely wonderful on the inside. I can actually make the comment that there is nothing that hurts on my body inside and out. Thank you...

Multiple Cures
Posted by Raquel (Aichi Prefecture, Japan) on 02/27/2007

I tried to get some answers about my daughter's recurrent cough and colds and somebody gave me your site so I immediately search it. I don't know how to thank you enough because for almost a month now my kids are taking this apple cider vinegar honey-lemon with baking soda and it's really working. I stopped all medications though her cough and colds are still there because she has allergy, she now sleeps pretty well at night. One thing more, ACV has helped me a lot, I am hypertensive and I was diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis but after almost a month of taking ACV my blood pressure went down to 110/75 and also my amylase result went as high as 133 which is above the normal 40-110 but when I got the result today It went down to 111 which is almost normal already. I will continue taking ACV and will keep you posted. Thank you so much for your wonderful site. I'm praying that more people would find your site and that they will benefit from it. May God continue to shower you with blessings. God bless you and your family.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

Blood pressure and most modern diseases is that more than 90% of the foods eaten are acid forming and this tends to cause the food to stay in our stomach much longer than it is needed. When eating alkaline forming foods or sodium bicarbonate, the foods simply stay in the stomach LESS longer, solves constipation and thereby reducing weight, puffy eyes, blood pressure and other common problems. The colder the weather the more important it is to alkalize, since cold pressure and high blood pressure occurs more often because tiny blood vessels constrict. Diuretics and blood lowering medicine works on the principle on being alkaline formers, therefore lowering blood pressure, but this can be done safely just giving a chance by taking alkaline forming foods. Ted

Throat Issues
Posted by Cindy (Salem, OR) on 12/14/2006

Dear Ted, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had wrote to you on 11/5/06 about my husband and his throat clearing. This was an problem he has dealt with for around 15 years. I had put him on your ACV/Baking Soda and he added the citric acid also as his ph seems to always be way too high alkaline. It really seems to have worked and after all these years of trying different things. We are still a bit afraid to claim victory. It has been almost 2 weeks of not one bit of problem. It took about 6 weeks for it to kick in and go away. Now I have to say he had days where he took the mixture 5 times and always at least 3 times a day. If he had bugs he wanted them gone !!!! Plus he really likes the taste of this stuff. I wish I could see you to shake your hand and say thanks. DON'T GIVE UP PEOPLE, THIS STUFF DOES WORK !

Multiple Cures
Posted by Fizz (Chrshire) on 03/15/2017

hi all,] in U.K.

'Baking soda ' is barcarbonate of soda. I also have been doing the Apple Cider Vinegar and barc soda regime and definitely helps with psoriasis I made a paste and applied directly, no itching at all. Also felt more energised and helps with cleansing kidneys and tummy


Multiple Cures
Posted by Joe (Lafayette, La.) on 01/31/2018

most likely 8 oz of water.

Side Effects
Posted by Anonymus (Canada) on 08/11/2013

Acv and bs in a half a glass of water it is a traditional, old east European natural remedy for stomach upset, indigestion, to help you burp. Mix with a teaspoon until you get it fizzing, you get the same reaction like shaking a soda, don't wait the bubbling to subside, drink it right away. There is no recipe for it just add some Apple Cider Vinegar some Bs until you see its starting a reaction, you can also use just bs for indigestion so next time throw those Tums away and use with confidence this remedy.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Briana (Roseburg, Or) on 10/17/2011

1tbs acv, and 1/4 tsp of bs. This one works best for my family without side effects:-)

General Feedback
Posted by Angela (Texas) on 05/06/2018

The reason for excessive urination may be due to the detoxification effects.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Meganmom (Lansdale, Pa, Usa) on 12/30/2010

My family just started using it and already we have less snot(and with 5 kids at home you better believe its great)my husbands reflux is better and my allergy symptoms are way less. We do add baking soda so we don't have to worry about the high acid content and the kids like the fizziness.

Multiple Cures
Posted by David In Houston, Tx (Houston, Texas Us) on 12/22/2012

Debbie and Jewelrygirl: Mix your ACV with organic Grade A or B maple syrup, or stevia, or Organic Agave Nectar. Mix to you taste. I know this is year late so I hope you all read this... Best wishes to your quest for Health.

Side Effects
Posted by Susyana (Tangerang, Indonesia) on 01/30/2024

Probably because you mixed BS and ACV with orange juice. Because consuming too many oranges can cause inflammation. it happened to me

Posted by Jan (Seattle, WA) on 02/02/2009

I can concur. I've been drinking 2T vinegar in one qt water twice daily and adding once daily 1/8t baking soda the past two days for my uric acid kidney stones and within one day from beginning the vinegar, my gouty feet were healed and I've been able to put my feet flat on the floor for the first time in years. I didn't even realize the amount of pain I had been in. It's truly amazing.

Side Effects
Posted by Elaine (Chicago, IL) on 01/06/2009


I added Baking Soda to my ACV treatment and had many of the side effects others mention on this site. Baking Soda lowers Vitamin C levels and this can lead to symptoms of scurvy. I had to do a lot of research to find this out. I woke up with a purple spot/bruise on my leg and that convinced me, as I had not bumped into anything to bruise myself. The purple bruise looking spot is a sign of scurvy. Luckily, it was recommened to me to take Vitamin C for Constipation. I was sooo sick (my asthma was out of control) last night and the night before. I did not know that Vitamin C actually helps Astmatics.

I took 6 mgs of Vitamin C last night in error. I picked up the wrong size of measuring spoon!!..luckily! I had been up the prior two nights coughing up mucus, but last night I slept through the night. I couldn't figure it out since I needed to take bendryl the other nights just to not choke on the mucus. It appears that the 6 mg of Vitamin C did it's job to replenish my Vitamin C and to help with my asthma.

I woke up with the usual morning junk to cough up and spit out. I took 1000 mg of vitamin C and it stopped this problem dead in it's tracks. People need to read about what vitamin C does, especially for people with Asthma and food allergies. Also, the baking soda should NOT be recommended on this site.

It depletes the Vitamin C. If someone is already low in Vitamin C it can cause Survy Symptoms as it did in me.

I love this site, but I think promoting Baking Soda that depletes Vitamin C is wrong. Also, I love Apple Cider Vinegar and it is promoted here as the top natural relief, but I never hear any talk of vitamin C. It works wonders for Asthma, Hay fever and a load of Respiratory illnesses and other illnesses.

Side Effects
Posted by Jody (Fredericton, Nb, Canada) on 03/24/2010

well, first of all baking soda DOES NOT deplete vitamin C and is even chemically combined with it to make sodium ascorbate. Your side effects were likely caused by something else. Stop your last 2 supplements and see if they go away.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Kate (Ontario) on 04/05/2018

I did take Apple Cider Vinegar for awhile my BP it's down but I researched that Apple Cider Vinegar long-term may give the bone problem. the Apple Cider Vinegar & potassium. what you think?

Kidney Infection
Posted by Aim (Louisville, Ky) on 08/20/2008

I got an e coli infection from eating at a local fast food joint. After the five days of diarrhea I then had a kidney/bladder infection from it.

My blood pressure on tuesday was 149/94. I read on here about the ACV and baking soda. I put two tablespoons acv with with a 1/4 tablespoon baking soda in a full glass of water. About three hours later I took my blood pressure; it was 124/79. Wow, and I feel so much better too!

I had to force myself to drink it, but it was definently worth it.

Posted by Jeff (Atlanta, GA) on 08/05/2008

For the past two years I suffered from a severe case of chronic urticaria and angiodaema that manifested itself on my palms and soles as well as my legs and face. My particular condition would not respond to the traditional prescription medications of H1 and H2 inhibitors (anitihistamines) even though I was taking twice the daily recommended dosage. I was even put on low dose cyclosporine therapy by my allergist/immunologist in a vain attempt to control this condition. The only alternative that succeeded in temporarily relieving the urticaria was prednisone (which is too dangerous to be considered a long term solution). My condition was so severe that I was unable to leave the house because of the embarrassment of the visible wheals on my arms and face. The hives and swelling kept me from going in to work on more than one occassion, and kept me from being about to go out and socialize as well. It also was exacerbated by exercise as well as hot or cold weather. Needless to say I had exhausted what I thought was all the possible causes and possible means to cure my ailment to no avail. That was until my mother called me after reading a book about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. My further research led me to this site (and for that I thank God!), and my condition has ceased completely! I contine to use raw ACV along with baking soda and don't plan on ever stopping. I am no longer on any medications whatsoever...which I think is Truly Amazing. Thank you Ted and the good folks at earthclinic for the website and the willingness to help people. It really is amazing that something so simple accomplished what literally thousands of dollars of prescription medicine could not.

Chronic Stomach Issues
Posted by Netsy (Richmond, VA) on 06/14/2008

To Sandhi/Tracy: Yea or Nay??? I started using 4 tbsp BS to 8 oz water for constipation. I used it about once a week for months. Worked fine initially, but eventually totally stopped working. One day had a sense of fullness, went to restroom and passed 2 thumb-sized white shiny looking pellets that were floating. It frightened me to no end so I put on gloves and fished them out to carry to my MD. They looked hard but didn't add up to the floating. I decided to squeeze one over a piece of plastic and it broke. Looked like an accumulation of baking soda (powdery form) inside some type of membrane that was keeping it waterproofed. It amazed me but I totally stopped using BS. This is the puzzlig part. I've suffered with stomach problems for 30 years. Started out diagnosed as duodenal ulcers ended up as acid reflux. I was put on different types of meds to include intensive antibiotic treatments for H-Pylori bacteria. I ended up using only Aciphex. I couldn't explain why about a year ago I stopped having stomach pains and indigestion. I never gave it anymore thought until I came across this website and realized it was around the time I started taking the BS remedy that I stopped having pain. I'm wondering if it was the BS and if it cured my Acid Reflux because I've been pain free and off all stomach meds for over a year. I eat spicy foods, dairy products, fried foods, all without any bloating or pain.

Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/16/2008 391 posts

If you know about fungus growing on cement walls, those are calcium carbonates which are alkaline in nature. It appears that the blood calcium is very high in the case where the body responds favorably to apple cider vinegar to remove calcium buildup in the body and thus reducing the candida that way. Candida usually grows well in calcium rich blood where blood calcium is high. In most cases people respond to baking soda alone high because of acidity in the blood.

Apple cider vinegar often causes urinary pH to be acid in most people with normal blood calcium and below normal bicarbonates, which is often the physiological parameter of most people. However, in some people, which can exist where blood calcium is high, bicarbonates is high, causing the effect of ACV to be slightly acid at 6.8. The interesting thing is to consider ACV is good is a relativistic term. Continued taking long term of ACV can backfire, by lowering bicarbonates level and calcium levels, resulting again in an acid urine below 6.

The optimum pH can be anywhere from 6.5 to 7.0, but usually it is 7.0, because people's demand for alkalinity tend to be in that region needed fight the sickness. However, another criteria I used is some people will feel well at certain urinary pH, but the single most important issue is probably not the ACV or the baking soda.

The most IMPORTANT issue was the salivary pH was not considered. This is because the alkalinity of the body is determined by two factors, the pH of the urine and the pH of the saliva. The urinary pH is governed by the sodium bicarbonate and the salivary pH is governed by the potassium bicarbonate or potassium citrate. The single most important issue where ACV has responded well is that the potassium level is low to begin with and the salivary pH was acid, that was below 7 and hence, candida.

Now a candida can exist in various parts of the body depending on the sodium and potassium balance. A lack of potassium bicarbonate (or a better potassium citrate) causing acid saliva will promote candida growth along the mouth, throat and esophagus region. A candida growth in other areas such as gut, urinary tract, are usually governed by the sodium bicarbonate.

Therefore in event the baking soda and ACV was non responsive, but ACV had better result, it means the person was taking a low sea salt diet and drinking too much water which resulted in UTI. Therefore 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt should be added per one liter of drinking water. While another remedy of alkalizing is used, in which case, a candida in the mouth and esophagus region, where salivary pH is acid, is as follows:

1/4 teaspoon of potassium citrate plus 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in 1/2 glass of water twice a day.

or a stronger remedy:

1/2 teaspoon potassium citrate plus 1/8 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in 1/2 glass of water twice a day. Plus 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in 1 liter of drinking water throughout the day.

It's difficult to cover all the nuances of a candida issue, however, one important guideline is always measure the urinary and salivary pH, if possible. But in most instance, while it is true that baking soda will usually work, certain dietary issues comes to play, such as high fruit consumption, which contains fructose and worsen the candida issues, drinking water and low sodium diet, potassium deficiency from doctor's med, which can also play into the equation.


General Feedback
Posted by A (Jersey City, USA) on 06/01/2008

I am posting this question for commentary from informed readers and Ted.

First of all, I am NOT an expert, and all my knowledge is really just based on what I've read. I have been grappling with the issue of whether combining ACV & Baking Soda diminishes its effectiveness in any way in the body. I've read practically all the comments on the Earthclinic website related to this in great detail. A nagging suspicion in my gut tells me that taking ACV with baking soda is NOT the same as taking ACV and/or baking soda alone. Unfortunately, I don't have enough expertise or knowledge to put together a plausible thesis; and all my exhaustive research has NOT provided me a convincing answer yet. Therefore, I am merely positing a hypothesis for question/commentary from informed readers.

Here it goes. My gut feel, and based on whatever information I can gather, taking ACV with Baking Soda (or Lime with Baking Soda), is probably NOT the same as taking either of those alone. The body needs to break down complexed minerals (such as sodium ascorbate, magnesium citrate, etc.) into ions before they can be absorbed. Therefore, when you react ACV with baking soda, that is no different than taking a complexed mineral of sodium acetate and sodium malate, together with whatever else might be in the ACV. Now, does the body absorb the sodium malate and sodium acetate the same way as it would the acetic acid and malic acid to be found in ACV alone? How easily does the sodium malate or sodium acetate breakdown in the body for absorption vs. just taking the ACV alone? That's the question? My nagging suspicion is that the body doesn't treat them the same way, in which case the effectiveness of ACV would get diminished by combining it with Baking Soda.

I understand Ted's point that the body is going to neutralize the acids anyways with its mineral buffers. But what comes first? Does the body absorb the malic acid and acetic acid first before neutralizing? If so, then is sodium malate or sodium acetate correspondingly harder to absorb by the body b/c it has to be broken down and ionized first?

I was reading Tim O'Shea's online book on how minerals get absorbed in the body ( He says that acidic state is necessary for ionization of complexed minerals. In other words, for a sodium malate to breakdown into ionic sodium and malate to be absorbed by the body. I quote from his online book "If the pH is too alkaline, the ions won't disassociate from whatever they're complexed with, and will simply pass on through to the colon without being absorbed." So, my question is, does most of the ACV when combined with baking soda just gets passed through the body without getting absorbed? Is an ACV absorbed better by the body when it is by itself? If you want to alkalize, while also get the benefit from drinking ACV or limes, then is it better then to just take them separately some hours apart?

Also, I have read in many places that the absorption rate of complexed minerals is only about 1 - 20%, i.e., rather low. As per Tim O'Shea and others I have read, minerals get absorbed by two ways. (1) The body needs them in which case it sends protein messengers/transporters to the lining of the gut wall to absorb that particular mineral. (2) Diffusion. So, if your body doesn't need sodium, say for example, then is it just going to ignore the sodium malate or sodium acetate? In that case, would the malic and acetic acids in ACV alone be better absorbed by the body?

Since modern science/information can be so corrupted, one thing I am learning to do whenever presented with a remedy, etc is to ask how this might have been done several thousand years ago, when perhaps things were less corrupted. Although I could be totally wrong, I don't imagine our ancestors and the Ayurveda folks mixing ACV with Baking Soda. They probably drank the ACV or baking soda alone.

On another note, I have tried ACV with Baking Soda for about 10 days now. I don't feel much effect, other than getting my urinary PH in the above 7 range. If the sodium malate and sodium acetate are simply getting passed through into the urine, surely they would make the urine PH alkaline. My salivary PH is still in the 6.25 range, which is another whole issue that I need to figure out. (I am scared of one of Ted's commentaries in one of these postings that suggested that a urinary ph higher than salivary is indicative of fungus or cancer. I am 35 years old, and believe I have Candida). This is another reason that made me really think hard about ACV & Baking Soda b/c I didn't feel that this remedy was alkalizing my salivary PH, therefore, I was wondering if it's just passing through in the urine? I am vegetarian, and have been trying to include more fruits and vegetables recently. So, I don't think I have a potassium deficiency issue per se.

I know that that the ACV and Baking Soda remedy has been tried by numerous readers with great success. Therefore, I am merely positing this inquiry in an effort at greater understanding, rather than pretending to know what I am talking about.

Many thx, and I look forward to engaging more with the Earthclinic community!

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