Yeast Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies: Herbal Solutions & Lifestyle Tips


22 User Reviews
5 star (22) 

Posted by Lizzy (Manchester, UK) on 01/24/2006

Hey everyone! Just thought i'd write to tell you my experiences with yeast infections. I have had recurrent infections for over a year, it would start 4 or days after my period and stay until 3 or 4 days before my period . it was living hell and it was effecting me sexual, financial (over the counter treatment is expensive!!) and my over all mood was low. The worst part was my doc kept sayin "these things happen" she just didn't seem to understand how much yeast infection were effecting me. I honestly didn't know what to do, i had tried yogurt but that only seemed to calm the symptoms temporarily, i washed with a few drops of tea tree oil in a pint of water daily but again it just seemed take the initial itch and soreness away then I read somewhere about garlic and it has changed my life! I started takin 1000 mg a day three months ago and haven't had thrush since (touch wood!) Garlic IS a miracle, i swear by it!!

Posted by Clara (Vancouver, Canada) on 01/19/2006

A clove of garlic, peeled and inserted into the vagina, cures yeast infections. Every night, for a few days, insert a garlic clove into your vagina to cure yeast infections.

Posted by Cynthia (Miami, FL)

Well, I am a firm believer in garlic, and did some research on Garlic oil Capsules. Little did I know, Garlic was great for just about anything wrong with you. And for some reason I had a bad yeast infection and decided to try garlic as a cure, instead of an OTC. I inserted 1 capsule @ night, until a day after symptoms were gone. And I have been a happy camper since. (Get the softgel capsules because they dissolve).

Replied by Nicole
(Portland, Oregon)

If you are hesitant to use a clove of garlic, please do try softgels of garlic extract. I have had success with these, as I did not have garlic cloves at home when I first tried this cure. Although I prefer to use supplements in their most natural form, in this case these were more comfortable (I imagine) and simpler to use. Either way it works!

Replied by Soculture
(Lansing, Mi, Usa)

I made my own garlic oil by filling a coffee cup half way filled with olive oil. Bought fresh garlic and used one clove and cut up into pieces and put into the olive oil in the cup. I let the garlic soak in the olive oil for several hours. I knew that it had steeped enough when I smelled the oil and it had a garlic smell. I then used this to apply to my outer areas and applied to a tampon and inserted vaginally. This is the only thing I have found so far to find any relief. I have been miserable. Once I did this for a day I found that my symptoms went away. I applied the oil any time I found discomfort on the outer area of my skin and used the tampon soaked in oil in the morning and a night. I found that I only needed to insert the tampon and leave it in an hour or two. This method does not cause discomfort or burning from the oil. It actually soothed the symptoms. I would highly recommend this and will use this again if I ever get a yeast infection again.

Garlic, ACV, Acidophilus, Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tamara (Fort Collins, Colorado) on 05/24/2009

I am quite prone to bacterial infections and when I got the last one in October, I went to my obgyn clinic to get antibiotics, which before becoming a regular on Earth Clinic, had been my go-to for UTIs. But this time they couldn't confirm it, so they gave me a lesser, short course antibiotic that, by the time the tests confirmed that the infection I had would be resistant to it, had already run out. So they gave me a longer, more potent antibiotic (I have no recollection of the name) that, of course, gave me a yeast infection. I had never had a yeast infection before (miraculously) and it was agonizing but I did not want to take diflucan or any other prescribed, traditional medication. Instead, I read up on Earth Clinic and tried a few of the therapies. Unfortunately, it was several months ago that it happened, but I do remember a few things that definitely worked. I took a few baths with about 2 cups of organic ACV in the water and applied organic coconut oil to the external parts that immediately reduced, but did not eliminate, the itching and burning. But I believe the most potent remedy was garlic. I chewed one or two raw cloves of garlic twice a day and at night I placed a raw, peeled garlic clove internally as a suppository. Amazingly, it worked. As a word of caution, I don't recommend leaving it too long (take it out after you wake up), try to find a smooth, rounded clove so that it won't poke or scratch the vagina, and to tie some yarn or string around the clove to pull it out easily (wouldn't want to get it lost inside!). I noticed that the garlic worked fast and I would use it internally whenever it started to itch but the oil from the garlic would burn if I didn't have an infection. I also started taking acidophilus in the yogurt-like form and eating coconut oil, which I think helped as well. I only had the infection for three days and started these remedies on the second day, so it could've been even shorter! I had been skeptical of home remedies until this infection and subsequent "cure" and have since used Earth Clinic for mounds of ailments. In fact, I was quite prone to every cold and flu and got a lot of cold sores (once every one to two weeks) and haven't had anything in over 7 months. I guess it took me awhile to realize what a healthy lifestyle and natural remedies can do for me. Thank you Earth Clinic!

Garlic, Yogurt, Hydrogen Peroxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Karen (Manila, Philippines) on 09/04/2008

I had UTI last week and been taking antibiotics for 7 days (today is my last day). On the 3rd day of taking antibiotics I feel really itchy. I just ignore it and thought it was normal having UTI. On the 4th day I am experiencing extreme itchiness and swollen vulva that is really painful to urinate.

After reading all the post about yeast infection. At 1030pm I cant find any ACV nearby so I decided to buy hyrogen peroxide, Yogurt, Yakult and Garlic,

I eat 2 yogurt and drink 2 yakult. then inserted garlic clove. i cant stand the 15-20 mins. so just leave it for few mins. 2 minutes total. coz it was really painful. then washed with hyrogen peroxide dilluted in water. I was able to sleep without pain. the itchiness had lessen by 70%. its not swollen anymore. from flaming red color its now back to normal. i will buy organic ACV today and will update my post. Thank you very much for this site. Thank you for saving lives.

Replied by Jingkatphil
(Cagayan De Oro City, Philippines)

hi karen, has your vaginal yeast infection cured? I too took antibiotics which resulted to this infection.. I hope you'd reply on this.. I'm from the philippines too..

General Feedback

Posted by Elucta (Toronto, Canada) on 05/17/2012

Hello ladies, I have been suffering from reaccurent yeast infections for years. I have tried every remedy, including an anti-candida diet for 2 years ( yeast, sugar and wheat free. ) many thiings have worked but nothing has been long-term. I still get outbreaks consistantly. I am currently trying boric acid capsules, due to all the information I have ready from women who have had success using it. I bought a bottle at Walmart and made my own pills by dumping out the useless acidophilous pills I was inserting nightly and filled with boric acid. I started using boric acid caps inserted into the vagina on May 14, 2012. I have also been douching with hydrogen peroxide daily. So far have had a little relief but I still have a some itching. I will continue to use the boric acid caps and douch with hydrogen peroxide and water for two weeks. I will let you women know. Thanks for your letters women. Together we can fight this humiliating condition.

General Feedback
Posted by Evie (Mississauga, Ontario) on 11/01/2011

I had vaginal/vulva soreness for over 8 months. I wasn't experiencing any odors or discharge and no burning when urinating.

The doctor prescribed Lamisil: ectosone1% which helped to reduce the swelling but not the burning sensation.

I went back to the doctors, did a few test but everything came back normal. After months of suffering and trying different things I ruled out most possibilities, except that I had yeast infection. Even though the normal symptoms of a yeast infection were not there, I decided to do a treatment anyway.

I went to the pharmacy and purchased fluconazole, (one time oral pill) Monistat single insertion with antifungal cream 2%.

I took the pill and did the treatment overnight, and used the cream on the outer part of the vulva. It took two days for me to notice the difference and about 5 days of apply the cream for the burning to stop. Now the burning and swelling have gone and everything is back to normal and it been about a month since I did it. I also started taking Acidophilus daily to keep the yeast under control.

Hope this helps, good luck.


General Feedback
Posted by Kt1993 (Decatur, Ga, United States) on 07/11/2011

I had sex May 25 2011. My period was due 2 days later. I got it and lasted about 4 days which is normal for me.. I've been taking birth control a year now. About 2 days after my period I got a yeast infection. I've never had one before. I also picked up sented tampons by mistake and used 3 or 4 of those. My lower abdomen also was sore.. Hurting off in on. I got monistat 3 day and after the first night I was feeling better. I finished the 3 day and seemed fine. About 3 weeks later I started feeling like I was having another yeast infection.. Same signs so I've started 7 day Monistat. Today will be the seventh day using it.

I feel much better occational abdominal aches and just a little itching right after I pee sometimes. Also it only burned when I peed the first time I had the yeast infection and it was only for a day. I was just itchy and a lot of thick cottage cheese like discharge that was sometime watery and I was just unconfortable. I get worried about everything.. I do remember when I was trying to figure out what was wrong I looked stuff up and got really freaked out when I saw stuff about HIV and other STD's.. I started checking my neck lmyph nodes and I remember thinking they felt funky. Does this seem like just a yeast infection?? I'm really scared. This doesn't seem like HIV.. Does it?

Replied by Shortgirl
(Gwinnett, Ga)

Hi I totally feel your pain. I have been going through the same thing. I was tested 3 different and by the grace of God they all came back negative BUT I still cannot figure out what is causing my yeast infections as they are painfully annoying. I wish you luck. Take care.

General Feedback
Posted by Healthnut48 (Albrightsville, Pa, Usa) on 01/09/2011

I started taking baking soda and lime/lemon for yeast treatment in early November 2010. Once in the morning and once at night. Today, I participated in a health screening and my blood pressure has elevated from 120/80 to 162/85. Could the sodium in the baking soda cause this elevation after two months?

General Feedback
Posted by Miss (Sandy, Utah, USA) on 01/23/2009

Yeast infections are so so so so so aggravating but ???? what do you do first and how do you know if the problem is causes by yeast. So many say yeast infections never go away no matter what you do and is a life long problem that you never stop fighting.... why and what is CAUSING the problem to begin with so we don't have to keep fighting all this yeast taking over.......????

Replied by Rosy
(Orlando, Fl)

I found that when I switch to organic cotton panties that I stopped having yeast infections. I also started using dye-free, fragrance-free, natural laundry soap and that has helped to.

Giving Up the Pill

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Catherine (St. John, BC) on 01/10/2008

For about 3 years I was having the worst yeast infections ever. They would be ok for one week out of a month, but that was not good enough to feel good about myself. I discovered after seeing many doctors, using and taking many diferent things that once I quit using the birth control pill that after a month or so I was totally cured! I now feel great about myself and am not in so much discomfort...

Giving Up the Pill
Posted by Sara (Toronto) on 12/18/2006

Giving up the contraceptive pill stopped repeated candida / vaginal infections. I had repeated vaginal infection's with vulva soreness for two year's . I was put on liver destroying diflucan on repeat prescription and told i had candida or non specific (we don't know what this is !) Vaginitis. I also had to repeatedly use pessaries that now five years later has let to a prolapsed bladder (the connective tissues were locally very damaged by these products). Anyway, one week i gave up my pill as things were so painful i wasn't having sex. Within two week's the infection was gone never to return.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Melissa (Garner, Nc) on 11/29/2016

I am writing here to make sure I can get out the remedy that worked for me. I am not saying this is the perfect cure as it may not work for everyone but I definitely want everyone to know my situation/history and what has worked.

I have been suffering with systemic yeast issues for over 5 years which seem to present themselves as yeast infections, symptoms of yeast infections even when there is no infection, fatigue, brain fog, sleeplessness, rashy feeling in my skin esp in the legs, feet, hips, back and joints. About 8 months ago I started something called the GAPS diet along with an anti-candida diet to heal both my leaky gut (the main issues I've been told) and the yeast overgrowth.

About 2 months ago I got a yeast infection from sex with my boyfriend. I was devastated as I had been on the GAP/Candida diet for 6 months even though I know it can take anywhere from a year to two years to really heal the body. It was tough. So...I went to the doctor, they swabbed and confirmed yeast. They did the typical treatment..diflucan. I took it even though I hadn't touched a pill or chemical in 6 months. Just to be safe I also got OTC 3 day monistat. A week later I'm still feeling bad and I'm back at the drs with another swab and confirmed yeast. They gave me more...diflucan and pretty much shrugged (this was not a gyno, just a GP). They told me to take one and then another one 3 days later. So I did. At this point I was sure that the diflucan probably wasn't going to work so I started researching. After talking with my boss, who is also a good friend, she suggested tea tree oil tampons which actually worked for her BV and her wife's yeast infection. So I did that for 3 days and didn't feel any better. I then decided to try boric acid suppositories which I have used in the past for BV succesfully. I filled 00 capsules with boric acid and inserted once in the morning and at night. Felt better for the first few days and then on day 5 and 6 I started feeling worse. This could have been die-off, not really sure but I switched methods at this point. My boyfriend and I had a cruise coming up and I was desperate to feel better.

I started reading about Grapefruit Seed Extract and found a way to use it on a tampon online. Here is what I ended up doing after some trial and error. This worked for me and in fact eliminated most of the symptoms during the treatment aside from just feeling swollen down there I actually did this our entire cruise and didn't suffer much.

1. I melted about 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil in a small glass jar (BALL baby food jars work great). Do this on the stove or using a hair dryer aimed under the glass jar not in it (did that on the cruise since there wasn't a stove and it worked great). Do not use the microwave.

2. I added 8-10 drops of GSE and mixed well. **Just FYI, these oils really don't mix and you will see the GSE settle in little oil balls on the bottom of the jar. This is ok.** Also you will need to adjust the dosage to meet your needs. If 8 irritates you try less drops or start with 5 and work your way up. I was fine with this amount.

3. Take a Super Tampon in a cardboard applicator (very important it's cardboard). Remove the tampon and keep just the applicator. Take a regular tampon and put it in the cardboard applicator and thread the string through the bottom so it looks like a normal tampon where the applicator is just a little over sized. This will allow the tampon to expand as you add the oils.

4. Carefully and slowly drip or pour in very small amounts of the coconut oil/GSE mixture. Allow time for the amounts to absorb. This is going to take a minute or two. I got to where I could do it as a slow steady drip. If you pour too fast you'll end up with the oil just running out of the bottom of the tampon and it'll be messy. The last to go on will be the GSE oil which is good because it will be right at the tip. Be careful not to go too slow so the applicator doesn't get soaked and soggy. It takes a little practice but you'll get it quickly.

5. Once all oil is on the tampon (there may be some dripping out of the bottom, if so don't worry just get it in), you will insert it. **FYI...sometimes a little oil will seep out of the bottom when you insert. For this reason I would make sure you aren't standing over something, like clothes or good rugs. Best to do with pants off standing in the bathroom on tiled floor if possible. Wear a panty liner during the day

6. Change this out every 7-8 hours for about 14 days. I am not sure if it is needed for 14 days but that's how long I did it for.

At the end of treatment I went to an actually gyno and had a swab and labs done. My swab came up yeast free and the labs just came back yesterday and I am clear of all the yeast strains they tested for (albicans, glabrata, tropicalis, Parapsilosis, Krusei). The dr told me I obliterated everything in there. They found no yeast and no bacteria at all.

Right now I am doing suppositories of coconut oil and 50 billion probiotics. I Mixed 1/2 CO with 1 50 billion capsule and poured it into 1/2 tbsp molds to insert each night to make sure the good bacteria is what grows back after the decimation of everything. I plan to do this for 5-7 days to repopulate the good guys.

I would highly recommend GSE as a yeast remedy.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Kim (Mo) on 05/14/2016

Editor's Choice I'm a 44 yr old female that has had issues with yeast infections since I was 12 yrs old. Literally, every year of my life since I was 12 I have battled this issue including up to now. I've weighed about 110 lbs most of my life regardless of whether I ate crappy or healthy. I do my best not to eat lots of processed foods or sugary foods. As another person previously stated, my body does not process sugar correctly. I stopped drinking all pop years ago & only drink water & it changed nothing. I get thrush & vaginal yeast if I eat anything with sugar. Cutting out most sweets helps a lot, but still doesn't stop them.

The only thing that has helped since I stopped being able to buy prescription anti-fungal pills over the internet, is grapefruit seed extract. It works! And it works fast!!! I put anywhere from 10 to 20 drops on fruit like a kiwi or orange in the morning or in orange juice to hide the taste. I do this every morning for as long as I am having a problem. I can usually tell right away, the difference by just looking at my tongue. My tongue usually has a white coating when I am experiencing problems with yeast.

Takes anywhere from 1 to 3 days to notice a real difference. I'd say 5 days for most people would work. It's an ongoing battle for me so I do it several times a week especially if I have anything sugary.

Replied by Purplebutterfly

Giving it a try today. Thank you.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Maureen (Overgaard, Arizona, Usa) on 12/04/2013

For some reason, my body doesn't digest sugar properly. I was having a very hard time living. I was plagued by constant yeast infections. I only had the burning, not the rest. Enough to make me very, very miserable. Eons ago; I tried grapefruit seed extract & low and behold I haven't had one. Life is once again worth living. Thank God for my grapefruit seed extract!!

Replied by Jillery
(Rawlly, NC)
87 posts

How did you use the grapefruit seed extract? Did you take it orally or douche with it?
