Posted by Annie (New York, New York) on 03/30/2009

I am thankful for this website. I have been experiencing this issue for several months. I have been taking the chewable acidophilus pills (3-4 per day), folic acid (1 per day). I also take 1 chlorophyll tablet every day. It worked for a while, but after my monthly cycle, a mild form of the symptoms returned. It was not as bad as before, but a little itching and a very mild scent returned. I could not understand what the problem was. I began to backtrack to figure out what the cause of the issue was. I realized that I had switched brands of maxi pads several months ago. Prior to the change, I never had the problem. I used to use the brand that begins with the letter "S", but switched to the brand that begins with the letter "A". I think it is the gel strip that is in the center of the pad. I read on another website that this brand of maxi pads is known to cause infections. Since I have stopped using it, I have not had any problems so far. I am very surprised at how quickly the acidophilus tablets worked. Within 24 hours I experienced a change.
BV Cause Theories
Posted by Dee (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/07/2009

I was suddenly stricken with BV for almost a year since my husband and I stopped using condoms. I used this site and tried almost everything recommended- Acidophilus pills (orally and using a meat syringe to take vaginally), folic acid, mild soap, and peroxide. Nothing seemed to work. I went to the doctor on and off only to be prescribed medicine. He didn't know the cause either. After much research, I found that no one really knows the cause. I tried to find ways to elimate the problem. I ate yogurt, cut back on sweets, and made other small changes to determine the cause. It would mostly flare up after sex and go on and off until my period. It would disappear right before my period and come back about a week or two later. When I told my husband that I suspected that he was infecting me and that he needed to wash prior to sex he exclaimed that he always did. He then indicated that he always washed himself with some type of men's deoderant soap. He immediately stopped and began using a mild soap. Now I have been bv free for three weeks!!!! I have no discharge runny, greenish, etc. at all! I wanted to share this tip in case you ladies are too embarrased to ask your partner what he could be doing to contribute to the problem. It very well may be something as simple as the soap he uses to wash his genitals. Ask him to wash with a mild soap and see if that works. I hope this helps someone out there who is suffering like I once was.