Pam, stick with full strength 3% HP for at least the 7 days. DO NOT be lazy about it, just because the smell is gone after the 1st, 2nd day does not mean you're completely healed. DO 7 days straight. I'd say start the remedy AFTER your period. Blood is alkaline so is male pre-ejaculate/sperm and also female "lubrication/juice", that's why it comes back even with condom use. After 7 days, you should start feeling better without itch, odor, and decreased discharge. Do not have sex "OR" orgasm on your own (female juice is alkaline, it will set you back and you'll have to start from the beginning). No blood no sexual activity for the 7 days. I'm into my 3rd week even after sex and PERIOD!! My discharge is changing back to it's original consistency and texture. I have no odor whatsoever!! I actually have less of a "NORMAL" odor now than before I did the HP remedy - weird. Ladies 3% Hydrogen Peroxide works but, you have to use it FULL strength. Do washes NONE of that 1/2 and 1/2 douching. Douching IS bad for you. Ladies I wish you the best of luck with this crap of an ailment. Try this. It's working for so far. I smell like air!! Hooorayyy!!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Wow I went out yesterday and bought hydrogen peroxide 3% mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with H2o and it worked as far as the odor! I then soaked a tampon with orgainc plain yogurt and pressed organic garlic and inserted for an hour. This morning I smell a bit of garlic but I am going to do another douche with the peroxide now. How long do I continue to douche? Will this effect my bladder and UT at all because I have been prone to bladder infections in the past this is why I have been on probiotics for 2 years straight everyday. Also does my sex partner need to do anything to prevent re infection? I was going to have him rinse with the solution before sex.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I was searching the internet earlier and came accross the use of hydrogene peroxide for bv. I mixed equal amount of the above and water then squirted the liquid into my vagina laying down in the shower for a couple of min.one hour later I checked with a mirror and the discharge was totally GONE . This is just after one time before bed . I am going to do this for at least 4 days 2 make sure that it works because there is a slight fishy odor still.tomorrow I will buy folic acid because at this point I am desperate. we can always camouflage a discharge but certainly not a fishy smell so I really hope all this works.
Hydrogen Peroxide
This summer I was the unlucky host of a bacterial vaginosis episode. I wasn't sure if it was a yeast infection or bacterial since my symptoms were applicable to both (I had discharge that was initially clumpy and then more like runny egg white that would occur every month after my period and subside shortly before my next cycle. Also had slight itch but nothing unbearable.) I went to my gyneo (a midwife) and had a culture taken. BV was the diagnosis and I was given a prescription for clindesse (one application treatment of vaginal cream.) The first horror was the price I paid for the clindesse at the pharmacy. $70 out of my pocket WITH INSURANCE! Second horror, the itch from hell that I experienced as a side effect of the clindesse. The itch started about 3 days after using the clindesse and did not let up for one week straight. I tried everything to get the itch to stop but nothing really helped. I was miserable, angry and desperate to get rid of the itch that was not only external (outer labia) but internal as well. This was truly the itch you cannot scratch!! I had to wait until my body expelled all of the clindesse before I finally got some real relief from the itch (clindesse is a waxy, creamy substance that is inserted vaginally, kind of like a chap stick.)
After the bout with the clindesse and following my next period I had more persistent discharge that was like thick egg whites. I was very frustrated at this point. I read nearly all of the posts on earthclinic about cures for BV and decided to try douching with straight 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. I did this for 3 days in a row and the discharge stopped. I have had two periods since using the peroxide douche and have not had any abnormal discharge. I consider myself to be free of BV!!! If any of the symptoms come back, I will certainly use the peroxide douche again.
I did not experience any irritation with the peroxide, only relief.
Thank you to all the women who have posted their experiences with BV and the remedies that they have used. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be suffering.
Hydrogen Peroxide
i had a baby 6 months ago, and after that i guess that changed my vaginal flora. i didn't even know what all the discharge was until maybe 2 months ago. there was no itching, just the discharge and a fishy smell (most of the time it was pretty faint) i thought all of it was related to postpartum. anyway i was sick of wearing liners every day!! i researched it, and found out it was BV. i've never had bv in my life!! i decided to cure it naturally before going to my dr, and that's when i found earthclinic!! first i tried garlic pills to no avail. then, i tried acidophilus (2 billion) for a couple of weeks with the yogurt tampons. still did not work. then i tried the hydrogen peroxide solution douche(1/2 water, 1/2 h202). it only provided temporary relief... like a few hours. i decided to take the folic acid as well (1000mcg once perday). i didn't see any change, and was hugely disappointed since these remedies have worked for so many ppl. i was on and off the acidophilus and folic acid, but i maintained the h202 regime (douche every 1.5 days). well, it has PAID OFF!!! 2.5 weeks after i tried the douche and pills it WORKED!!! i don't need to wear a liner and i am smell free (for the past 3 days)!!! i improved very gradual at first, but then all of a sudden all the discharge disappeared!! JUST STICK WITH the H202!! it really works! THANKS Earthclinic!!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hello ladies, The same as everyone I have tried so, so many prescriptions from the doctor and nothing worked lasting a day doesn't count . I knew they thought I was crazy I have been having this discharge (white milky) no odor just excessive discharge I couldn't tell u the last time I had sex, I mean this at the time was really taken over my life, trust me when I say I tried EVERYTHING the only thing that seemed to work (now keep in mind out of everything I tried clindess spelling I know is wrong cleared up my discharge for only a day) HYDROGEN PEROXIDE WORKS I started using it yesterday morning I douche 1/2 peroxide 1/2 water it didn't burn that much just felt bubbly down there did not see a discharge all day was waiting for this morning that's when I have the most this morning I had a tad bit totally nothing compared to what it use to be, being that I have had this problem for almost 2 years so I figure its going to take more than 1 douche to get my flora back in order so I douche again today and took 1 fem dophilus pill but one thing I don't want to over do it with the peroxide how many times should I douche the or everyone is different but one thing I can say I feel like im on the road to some great healing.
Hydrogen Peroxide
The hydrogen peroxide douche worked for me! A bit of burning at first, but then it bubbled. I felt better after about 15 minutes.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Peroxide worked for my BV odor. I came across this website after researching for many months on natural cures for BV. I knew I had it for about a month and went to the doc to get some relief. Surprisingly, they told me my test came back fine and that I was probably just having normal irritation. I couldn't believe it even after I told them of the foul odor that comes back a little while after showering. So on the hunt for my own cure I found you guys. I haven't had a chance to pick up the folic acid yet, but I wanted to try the peroxide out of curiousity. I mixed 1/4 cup of water with an equal amount of perioxde and then used a baby medicine dropper(was all I had) as a mini douche. As soon as I did it the first time it started to foam up which made me know infection was present. Well after I finished it all I waited. I instantly felt more fresh and 1hr, 2hrs, 3hrs later I was still fresh and no discharge. I couldn't believe it!!! It seemed to reappear later the next day slightly, but I think it was because I hadn't started the folic acid yet. Had slight burning feeling with the first douche but after a few seconds it wore off and I was fine. But ladies, yes...this stuff really works! thank you!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hi All - I've found that instead of using soap on my vaginal area, my normal hair conditioner (I buy the cheapo house brand in the gallon jug...) works wonders. It gently clears the area, and I haven't had a problem since.
Hydrogen Peroxide
ive been dealing with this foul smelling odor for about three months nver really knowing what it was. i went to the store a purchased cream to cure yeast infections, this didnt work, i purchased one of those home testers and found out i had something a little bit more than a yeast infection, BV. i was devasted and really didnt want to take antibiotics because i will get a yeast infection and that will be one more thing to deal with. I got on line an tried to find the most sensible home remedy. PEROXIDE> i decided to try it and ladies it really worked thus far. Yea there was a slight burning,itching sensation after wich completely stopped. i used a douch bottle filled half with peroxide and other half with warm water. held it inside for about 20-30 seconds and gave a real push. this morning, nothing, no smell, no discharge, nothing I am very pleased to say you too should try it. good luck.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide for Bacterial Vaginosis
Like many of you I've battled with BV for a long time. I don't need to tell you what an embarrassing condition this is. I had to carry perfume with me to the bathroom at work to try to cover up the odor. I've tried antibiotics but it always seems to come back. So last night I decided to search online for a natural cure and came across this website. I was so excited about the feedback I decide to try the Hydrogen Peroxide right away. Ladies I woke up this morning feeling like a new woman and completely free of any odor. This was the best advice I have ever received! Thanks Ladies
Hydrogen Peroxide
I have been reading the comments from this site for three days before I finally decided to try the Hydrogen Peroxide and Folic Acid. I have been suffering from BV for 10 years on and off, so while waiting for one of my endless gyn appointments next week, I took 800 mcg of Folic Acid and after work I douched with half warm water and the hydrogen Peroxide. After douching, the discharge was non-existent and the itch and irritation cleared up. I didn't have a smell, so that wasn't an issue. I also douched again this morning and this time, I felt a little bit of a burn, but that subsided right away and there is still no discharge or itch. I will update everyone soon. Thanks for the advice everyone.
Hydrogen Peroxide
flushing with h2o2 and water cured my smelly vjajay! "flushing" (with a applicator from a metrogel)fill the applicator with 1/4 h202 3% and 3/4 water. tilt the applicator a bit as to not lose the mixture.by doing the 'douche' as a "flush" youre able to get the mixture further in the vagina instead of merely the walls as with a traditional douche applicator. i take 800 mcg folic acid twice a day. one prenatal vitamin a day. killed the oodor immediately. sprinkle a little baking soda in your panty. good luck ladies. were all in the fight!
Hydrogen Peroxide
I'm 30 yrs old. After a few weeks with a new sexual partner, I got my first case of BV. I was put on antibiotics for strep throat around the same time, and was hoping those would clear the BV as well. It got worse. The smell was awful, and nothing was helping. Never having BV or any STDs before, I was freaked out. After finding this site during an internet search, I decided to try the 1/2 hydrogen peroxide 1/2 water douche, along with acidophillus and folic acid supplements twice daily. I'm not sure how much the vitamins helped, but the H202/water douche eliminated my BV immediately. I was very nervous about using peroxide as a douche, but I'm so glad I tried it. The BV was literally gone completely by the next morning, without even a hint that there was a problem just hours earlier. THANK YOU SO MUCH! After being very discouraged by reading all the gyno prescribed treatments that do not work for people, this simple remedy was a Godsend. Thanks again to all the women who left comments about their positive experience. You encouraged me to try it, and it worked 100%.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Well ladies, I'm here to testify about my experience using hydrogen peroxide to end BV and a yeast infection. My story: I became sexually active about a year ago. I began to have yeast infections and BV about a month after I became sexually active. Month after month, I went to the doctor and was prescribed flagly, gyconozole, and diflucan. These medications kept my infections at bay for about a month before they returned in full force. The medications affects began to wear off and I was getting the infections every two weeks. I began researching on my own, as it was painfully clear that the medications I was using did not have any valuable long term effects.
I read several websites like this and studies that suggested that Peroxide, of all things, was a viable remedy for vaginal infections.
I was always weary of douching, as the modern science community recommends avoiding docuhing. Desperate and tired of going back and forth to the doctor, I used peroxide after my last infection.
I mixed 3 tablespoons of 3% peroxide with 3 tablespoons of tap water into a small travel douche while in the shower. I then laid in the tub and inserted the mixture. I laid on the floor of the tub for about 2 minutes to allow the peroxide to foam up. When I stood up, I pushed the mixture out and the peroxide came out foamy.
The peroxide COMPLETELY cleared up my infections (both yeast and BV). I used it for 5 days in a row.
I don't know how often I have to douche to stop the infections from coming back.
I do know that I feel much better using peroxide rather than these ridiculous prescriptions given to me by my doctor. Contrary to the medications, peroxide promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in your vagina. The medication destroys everything in your vagina, particularly antibiotics. This has serious consquences on your vagina's ability to rebalance itself. Peroxide is a much better alternative to not only killing harmful bacteria and yeast in the vagina, but it also helps the vagina rebalance itself.
Lack of balance is the root of the problem anyways. It is the lack of balance that allows bad bacteria and yeast to grow out of control.
In addition to douching with peroxide whenever I feel an infection coming on, I also take a probiotic and a multivitamin with 600mg of folic acid.
Good luck ladies,