High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Management

Posted by Gee Man (Canada) on 01/31/2022

I have had hypertension for many years and am on medication.

I have Covid for the last 4 weeks and was recovering. I was put on oxygen as they believed I had pneumonia. As I started getting better I realized I didn't need the oxygen during the day but only at night.

I then started measuring my blood pressure in the morning and found that if I used a 1 liter setting and slept with that my blood pressure in the morning was lower than not using it. ( I stopped taking medication and monitored the blood pressure, ready to take medication again if it seemed to high.)

Also I started taking cinnamon with rolled oats for breakfast most days and it seems to be lower still. My normal is typically 153 / 94 but today it was 135/87.

So give a little oxygen (use less than 1.5 liters at night) a try.

Omega 3 +
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 11/18/2021

Hello There,

I notice that there have recently been quite a few postings re. B.P. and I thought I should share my recent experience.

I have been taking an oil capsule each day, hoping that it would assist me with numerous pains and soreness one inevitably experiences with advancing years. My diet is pretty good, as we have been constantly seeking improvements over the years and try not to eat rubbish - processed cheese is now a "no-see-um" around here and it seems you cannot buy a pie in N.Z. any more unless it contains some cheese!? We grow a lot of our own food, partly because we realize that nationally, our soils are somewhat depleted in minerals, especially trace minerals (more on that in another post but I have banged on about it before on previous postings).

Now here's the thing, the day time pains have improved BUT the night time ones (the ones that hit you about four thirty a.m.) have not changed. Makes for a very stiff and sore early morning rise and interferes with quality sleep so much so that I no longer look fwd to going to bed. Probably Fibromyalgia?

However, this Oil capsule HAS helped to lower systolic (whatever the higher one is?) blood pressure by a significant amount say 10% over approximately six weeks at the recommended one capsule per day taken with breakfast. It is manufactured here in New Zealand to a high standard.

Ingredients include Omega-3, Vitamin D, Co-enzyme Q10, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin.

These are claimed to operate in a synergistic fashion to combat the aging process.

The capsule claims to support joint mobility, healthy cholesterol levels, healthy inflammation, eye health, heart health, blood pressure, brain health, hair, skin and nails. I notice I am having to trim my nails more often too!

It is also claimed that there are no significant side effects when taken as directed but SEE your doctor if you bleed easily or are on blood thinning medications. Your chosen doctor should have an open mind and you need to be honest with her/him or it will be difficult for them to give you correct advice - they DO know STUFF!!

Cheers from Down Under


B6, Folic Acid, and B12
Posted by Donna (Florida) on 11/12/2021

B6, B12, Folic acid do lower homocysteine. I disagree with your comment about it disrupting other B vitamins so stop taking it. It has been found that elevated homocysteine levels are responsible for heart attacks in most cases. Allopaths are much too concerned with cholesterol when they should be checking homocysteine and HSCRP (inflammation). If one is at risk for heart disease, these 3 B vitamins should be part of their supplement protocol.

B6, Folic Acid, and B12
Posted by Jeremy (USA) on 11/11/2021

Can you please always be more specific. What do you call "high" blood pressure? 150? 200? some people hear their BP should be say 130, so if it's 150 they worry. Used to be 150 was considered normal for old ppl.

I've use products with B6, B-12 folic acid...and more {https://www.amazon.com/Supplement-PurePremium-Anti-Hypertension-Cardiovascular-Circulatory/dp/B079QC596Y/ref=sr_1_4?crid=Y6C9T1WQULRM&keywords=ultralife+blood+pressure+support&qid=1566425140&s=gateway&sprefix=ultralife+,aps,481&sr=8-4)

It did nothing for me with BP190 on waking.

Be Careful With New Supplements!
Posted by Bodulica (Barrie, canada) on 11/11/2021

Careful with natural anti-depressants, too. They also can cause some serotonin syndrome symptoms.

B6, Folic Acid, and B12
Posted by Frank (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada) on 11/10/2021

Hypertension cure, not treatment

The primary reason for hypertension is a build up of homocysteine in the arteries vessels. The cure is vitamin B6, folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12. This works very quickly in a matter of days. Once your blood pressure returns to normal stop taking these vitamins as otherwise they can throw your other B vitamins out of balance.

I have suffered from hypertension for years. Then one day I recalled that a young girl, it might have been a boy, in England died at about twelve years of age. When the autopsy was done, it was found that the adolescents blood vessels were completely clogged with homocystene.

I wondered, could this be the problem? So, before going to bed I took 100 mg of vitamin B6, two 1 mg folic acid tablets, and two 500 micro-gram vitamin B12 tablets. My blood pressure showed an immediate response. I was pleasantly surprised and delighted. The next night I added to the above a B100 tablet and a mineral tablet.

This treatment is referenced here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homocysteine

I hope this solution helps you, it certainly helped me. Best wishes.


Dark Chocolate
Posted by Andrea (Idaho) on 10/14/2021

Dark chocolate has magnesium and zinc. It's likely you were low.

Aloe Vera, Hibiscus Tea, Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Mary Martinez (Arcadia, CA) on 10/13/2021

You can find Hibiscus leaves on Amazon. I get all kinds of herbs there as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Watcher248 (Canada) on 09/23/2021 10 posts

you might want to check your theory again.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Hackerszzz (Malaysia) on 08/11/2021

5 years ago, I had a kidney stone.

During the night, I felt very painful area around the liver area, and I thought I was having appendicitis. Went to the emergency ward, and they said it was something else. After doing MRI, it was a kidney stone stuck in the urinary tract between the kidney and bladder. But to proceed with the procedure they said I need to wait another 3 months, because of many others are waiting in line. I could only afford the government funded hospitals.

Tried to research the internet, and I found something about Chanca Piedra. Fortunately, this herbs grows wildly in my garden. I took a bunch of it and simmer it in water and drank it half a cup daily.

To my astonishment, the pain diminished. Previously I couldn't eat too much since if I eat too much it presses on the affected area and it became painful. I couldn't sleep well at night because of back pain and just tossing around the bed became painful. There is something in Chance Piedra that acts as analgesics. After drinking it, I can sleep better since the pain reduces to tolerable threshold.

One day, I have the urge to urinate, and it felt a bit difficult since I need to push harder in order for the urine to flow out. Suddenly, I hear a loud sound from the toilet bowl like a big pebble clashing down the toilet. It was the kidney stone, coming out without any notice. After that I felt a great relief, I can eat more food, since the pain was already gone.

Another thing that I notice is, my blood pressure reduced to a normal level. I've been taking blood pressure medication without any success, it only capable of reducing my reading in a small numbers. I'm not sure what Chanca Piedra has done to my blood pressure, but the normal value persists for a month. But it came back to abnormal level, perhaps because I was not taking Chance Piedra anymore.

Gonna try again if it could fix my blood pressure since changing several bp medications couldn't fix my bp level.

Posted by Maria (A.C.T) on 08/10/2021

I have a friend with mild intellectual disability who was diagnosed with high BP so I enquired of my Chinese MD what they prescribe for high BP in China. She said they always prescribe Hawthorn, but she is not allowed to prescribe that in Australia so I purchased capsules for him at the health food store. Don't remember dosage etc. They brought him into a normal zone after a few weeks of daily dosing.

Fermented Foods
Posted by Arlene (CA) on 08/08/2021

What is he taking?

Fermented Foods
Posted by Mary (Texas) on 08/07/2021

so what is the capsule?

Fermented Foods
Posted by sara (the beaches) on 08/07/2021

Will you be sharing what is in the simple capsule?

Fermented Foods
Posted by Jon V. (Austin, Texas) on 07/29/2021

Editor's Choice Hey Everyone,

I have a story of extreme High Blood Pressure (over 200) and how I corrected it within 15 days, returning it to a good healthy range of 117/73. If you find yourself in a situation where you suddenly have high blood pressure where you had never before I suggest you look for outside influences that might have caused the situation. Let me tell you my story and let you draw your own conclusions.

I am a 53 year old healthy male. I do not take any medications and am proactive with my health. I believe that nutrition (from whole food sources not vitamins from bottles which a very high number on the market are of a synthetic nature and just don't work) is the key to good health. When a problem occurs with my health the first thing I do is sign onto Earthclinic and look for solutions based on a whole foods approach. By whole foods I mean as close to grown from the earth as possible. This means herbs, roots, food based vitamins/minerals, spices, vegetables, wheatgrass, (and so many more) and products made from these).

So last year I had some dental problems which necessitated numerous rounds of antibiotics - 3 rounds of amoxicillin and one round of penicillin over the course of a year. I had a recurring infection in a front tooth. I did not want a root canal instead I opted for an implant and was using the year to save up for the procedure. I foolishly thought that antibiotics could handle any flare ups until I could get the procedure done.

When I went into the specialist to get the implant he checked my blood pressure as he would have to put me under to do the implant. At that moment he bluntly told me that he would not do the implant and that I needed to see my doctor immediately. If I did not, I could suffer a heart attack or stroke at any moment. He went on to say my blood pressure was over 200, well in the danger zone. He refused to do the implant until I was on medication and my blood pressure was in the normal range.

I left the dentist office in shock. I had never had high blood pressure. As soon as I got home I got on Earthclinic looking for help. I found a post on how one cup of Kefir (fermented yogurt drink) every day could help lower your high blood pressure and that a compromised gut biome from taking too many antibiotics could cause a wide range of health issues one being high blood pressure.

By gut biome I mean the healthy microbes and bacteria in your gut that helps you break down food and assimilate it for the body's health. At this point I was willing to try anything. I did not want to go on any medication. I decided I would do a test to see if kefir and fermented food in general would work in lowering my blood pressure. I purchased an inexpensive blood pressure monitoring cuff from Amazon for around $25 and headed to Walmart to purchase some kefir (in the refrigerated yogurt section) and a health food market to get some fermented Sauerkraut and fermented pickles (because they are fermented - I.e. live foods - fermented sauerkraut and pickles must be refrigerated. You'll find them in the refrigerator section of a health store where they sell pickles).

I figured the more fermented food the better. I would drink one cup of kefir in the morning, eat 1/2 cup sauerkraut at lunch and dinner (twice a day), eat 1-2 pickles for snacks, and drink one ounce of the fermented sauerkraut and/or fermented pickle juice a day (fermented juice is loaded with probiotics). One word about sauerkraut, I am not a fan of many of the brands on the market except one - I'm not sure I can say the name on earthclinic but it is one word, begins with B, and is seven letters. I found this brand to be very tasty. They also make the fermented pickles, just as tasty).

The experiment was simple. I would consume the fermented foods in the proscribed manner mentioned above and check my blood pressure every morning before any food or coffee. I didn't notice any change in my blood pressure until around the 5th day. That day it dropped two points. and from there it rapidly dropped. After 15 days my blood pressure was 117/72 in the healthy good range.

I continued with the routine for another two weeks then weaned myself off the kefir. I still eat one 1/2 cup of sauerkraut or one pickle or drink one ounce of fermented juice a day as a good health routine. It has been a year since doing this and I feel so much better. I find I sleep better, have less stress, less depression, and a higher overall sense of well-being. I just had a full doctor's checkup with full blood work and everything came back excellent.

The doctor gave me a clean bill of health. So get out there and try fermented foods - they do work.

Posted by Rose F. (Dorset, England.) on 04/26/2021

I can recommend Hawthorn drops as a great help with high blood pressure. I tried beetroot, which also worked, but could not take the taste for long, whereas these Hawthorn drops are virtually tasteless. It has brought my high BP down successfully, but I need to take it every day, once or twice a day.

Alternative Treatment for HBP
Posted by Eliz (Ohio) on 04/25/2021

Note: time release niacin can be hard on the liver (better to stick with non-time release) and too much iodine can inhibit thyroid hormones, so just a small amount is all that's needed to keep it in balance.

Nitric Oxide
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, FL) on 04/22/2021 47 posts

What do ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction have in common? Low levels of nitric oxide (NO).

I've finally put together the pieces of the puzzle. Although I don't have heart disease and my ED is/was only an occasional thing, I do have high blood pressure. In the past I found that red beets, especially the juice from red beets (beet root), is extremely effective at lowering my blood pressure. Unfortunately, after about 12 hours or so, the effect of the beets goes away.

Why is nitric oxide critical for our health and especially for maintaining healthy blood pressure and sexual health?

“Released by the inner layer of cells (endothelium) of blood vessels, nitric oxide relaxes the vessels and keeps them flexible, allowing them to dilate, boosting blood flow, and helping to control blood pressure. Nitric oxide also has anti-inflammatory effects and helps prevent platelets and white blood cells from adhering to the lining of blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of plaque development. As we age, our cells produce less nitric oxide, so blood vessels become less flexible, which contributes to hypertension, inflammation in blood vessels, and atherosclerosis (plaque buildup)—that is, cardiovascular disease.”


Now that you know the importance of nitric oxide and why it decreases with age, you probably want to know how you can fix it. The good news is that the body has a number of pathways to produce NO. One of them involves your gut microbiome. The trillions of good bacteria and yeast that live in your gut and account for 80% of your immune system.

For those who are interested in the science and biochemistry behind the process, I am including the process here:

The chemistry for the production of NO involves 3 steps. Consumption of nitrate (NO3) rich foods, the reduction of nitrate to nitrite (NO2) and the further reduction from nitrite to nitric oxide (NO). (Nitric oxide cannot be supplemented since it is an unstable gas and will quickly oxidise back to nitrate and nitrite).

The following is one of several ways in which these reactions can take place in our bodies:

The following reaction converts nitrate (N03 from food with the help of gut bacteria) to nitrite (N02) and water.

Bacterial nitrate reductase:

NO3 – + e– + H+ → NO2 – + H2O

This is then further reduced from nitrite to nitric oxide (NO). This is facilitated with ascorbate (Vitamin C). It's a 2 step process where with the help of vitamin C nitrite is converted to nitrous acid (HN02) and then from there to Nitric Oxide (NO water and a transformed type of vitamin C).


NO2 – + H+ → HNO2

2 HNO2 + Asc → 2 • NO + dehydroAsc + 2 H2O

Higher levels of Nitric oxide help athletic performance, prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, lowers blood pressure, and fixes erectile dysfunction (ED).

What to do in summary if you want to fix ED and lower blood pressure as well as get all of the other benefits of increased levels of NO?

1. Avoid glyphosate since that kills your microbiome and causes all sorts of serious havoc in your body. (Avoid soy and corn that is not organic. Eat as much organic vegetables and fruits as possible. Also, avoid non organic wheat products such as bread and pasta, since that is heavily sprayed in the USA just before harvesting. If you eat imported pasta and bread from Europe, that isn't the case and you should be fine.)

2. Juice or otherwise incorporate organic red beets and green vegetables into your diet.

3. Drink kefir.

Kefir has tons of benefits besides helping in the production of NO. Our gut is said to constitute 80% of our immune system, so we should focus most of our attention on our gut, or more specifically on the microbiome in our gut.

After switching from yogurt to kefir, I saw great improvements in my energy levels, stamina and overall health. Kefir is the heavy weight champion of probiotic foods. It contains over 60 different strains of beneficial bacteria as well as several strains of beneficial yeast. Milk kefir has the ability to colonize your intestines with beneficial bacteria and thus rebuild your microbiome.

Integrating red beets and kefir into my diet on a regular basis has made a big difference to my health and I hope it can do the same for you! Only doing one without the other will only get you partial results. So I highly recommend doing both.

I hope that this article will be posted by EC under Kefir and high blood pressure cures as well.

Thanks for reading and God bless!

Alternative Treatment for HBP
Posted by Preston (MA) on 04/18/2021

It's called, "White Fright.".

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Sharon (OR) on 01/29/2021

Hi everyone, my bp was straight 120 over 80 for more than 50 years, then it went nuts about 8 years ago, spiking a Lot.

Went through many EC remedies, nothing worked. Recently a nutritionist I follow said, watch your Vitamin Bs. Threw my head back, laughed (because everything's fortified, enriched, right?), and was in so much pain I got Standard Process B formula Catalyst whatever- with the additional Catalyst formula for more support (also kept on with years of cutting down coffee to once weekly, sugar down somewhat, tried to cut stress too..ha! ), plus kept taking a very nice probiotic, months on end...

Long short, BP went down in a day or 2, consistently down, been 4 months. And, my hair stopped falling out. This last didn't notice til plumbing didn't need unclogging as it had for about 8 years, a quarter cup coming out a wash.

So, I guess, watch your Bs!

Pink Salt
Posted by NoniB (Midwest USA) on 05/06/2019

Pink Himalayan salt and blood pressure:

After several years of inconsistent blood pressure but trending up, and being put on three various meds for it, I stopped trying to use Rx meds because of untoward effects that I just could not 'live with.' After reading several articles on the benefits of 'real' salt (unprocessed), I switched to pink Himalayan. In two weeks, my blood pressure was back to very good. Six weeks or so ago, I ran out and have been using up the iodized commercially market with a Big Name brand and my blood pressure is again unacceptably high. Back to the pink!! I've changed nothing else in my foods, meds, or lifestyle.

It's the highly processed salt messing with my body.

Posted by P. Raghavan. (Virudhunagar, TN, India.) on 05/25/2020


There are a number of articles available on metabolic syndrome in the net. Two such articles are as follows:

1) Metabolic syndrome – Symptoms and Causes – Mayo Clinic.
2) Metabolic syndrome – Cleveland Clinic.

According to Mayo clinic, metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of:

1) heart disease,
2) stroke and
3) Type 2 diabetes.

These conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. A metabolic disorder occurs when the metabolism fails and causes the body to have either too much or too little of the essential substances needed to stay healthy. Any disease associated with metabolic disorder can be cured only by following one or more of the following:

1) Consume probiotics with the required probiotic strains to fix the underlying metabolic disorders in the digestive system.
2) Consume fibre-rich foods (e.g., ground flax seed, cinnamon powder, etc.) so that it will help in the multiplication of probiotic microorganisms (microbes) since fibres are food for good microbes.
3) Reduce the consumption of sugar since sugar is the food for bad microbes in the digestive system.

There are a number of articles available in the net suggesting probiotic treatment to solve high blood pressure problem. Four such articles are given below:

1) Probiotic use in the management of Hypertension – A new era of therapeutic management.
2) Probiotics and blood pressure – current insights.
3) The improvement of Hypertension by Probiotics: Effects on Cholesterol, Diabetes, Renin and Phytoestrogens.
4) Effect of Probiotics on Blood Pressure.
Some of recommended probiotic strains to treat high blood pressure problem are given below in the order of important:

1) L. Helveticus – It exerts ACE (angiotension converting enzyme) inhibitory activity by producing antihypertensive bioactive peptides. Peptides are short chain of 2 and 50 amino acids. Protein contains more than 50 amino acids. Peptides are miniature protein. Peptides are easily absorbable by the body compared to protein. This is a very important probiotic strain to control high blood pressure.
2) Lactococcous Lactis – It synthesize vitamin K2 from the food we eat. Vitamin K2 guides calcium to its final destination, bone and teeth. It will not allow calcium to be deposited in the wrong areas.
3) L. Plantarum – It synthesize nitric oxide from the food we consume. Nitric oxide will try to dilate all blood vessels in the body. It will also try to reduce triglyceride level.
4) L. Reuteri – It will increase circulating Vitamin D. But if a person is Vitamin D deficient, the person should take additional Vitamin D3 supplement. It will also try to reduce cholesterol level.
5) L. Rhamnosus – It synthesize nitric oxide from the food we consume. Nitric oxide will try to dilate all blood vessels in the body.
6) L. Gassri – It will try to reduce cholesterol level. It is also anti inflammatory.

I searched the net and found 6 brands that contain all six required probiotic strains and are listed below in the alphabetical order:

1) CaptainBiotics Probiotic – 19 probiotic strains.
2) INNATE Vitality women's Probiotic – 17 probiotic strains.
3) InnovixLabs Multi strain Probiotic – 31 probiotic strains.
4) NewRhythm Probiotic – 20 probiotic strains.
5) Wholesome RAW Probiotics 100 Billion CFU – 34 probiotic strains.
6) Terranics Probiotic – 19 probiotic strains.

One can select one of these brands based on user reviews, user ratings, price, etc. and take one tablet / capsule per day for about 60 days. One may also take 2 teaspoon of ground flax seed at night since fibre-rich flax seed is a prebiotic food. I believe it is a simple and effective treatment for high blood pressure problem.

Best wishes.
P. Raghavan.

Posted by Win F. (Canada) on 05/03/2020

Editor's Choice My very simple way to lower blood pressure that works remarkably well for me is to drink Ginger water every day.

Be sure to monitor your BP because it might get too low.

You simply make ginger tea by putting a few slices of raw ginger in your teapot, add boiling water and let it steep. Drink whenever you feel like either hot or cold. That's it! No more beta-blockers for me.

Posted by Arpad (Ohio) on 10/29/2019

Editor's Choice I have a cardia arrhythmia which resulted in a stroke. My blood pressure was also on the high side (150/160 over 80/90). None of the doctors that I'd seen ever mentioned the importance of magnesium in blood pressure control.

All I knew of magnesium at the time is that it caused loose stools and using it could cause other mineral deficiency as a result. Yet I read that it's vital for hundreds of things in the body, including normal heart rhythm and blood pressure.

I started using the cheapest form of magnesium supplement (oxide), in tablet form, 500 milligram. Swallowing it with water caused as expected, loose stools. I found that if I crushed the tablet with my teeth, let it mix with my saliva, rubbed it against the roof of my mouth to break it down further without swallowing it until it was a slurry, the magnesium would be absorbed directly into the bloodstream bypassing the intestinal tract.

I've been able to take (3), 500mg tablets one hour apart without diarrhea. After 1 week of taking one tablet per day in this fashion, my blood pressure dropped to the 120's over 80. My heart beat became more regular, I reduced my digoxin With doctors' OK from 250mcg to 125mcg because it was making me too tired.

Magnesium relaxes the blood vessels, lowering BP and also reduces muscle spasms and cramps. It's referred to by nutritionists as "The Master Mineral". Another way of getting magnesium is through the skin by adding Epsom salt to bathwater. It's also an electrolyte, and may be why Lea's (below post) is coming down. Our soils are depleted of minerals due to over farming. We are all deficient in many things as a result.

Posted by Elaine (US ) on 03/28/2019

I was surprised that you made no mention as to how important Mg+ is in dealing with high blood pressure.

There is much research and information out there as to this health issue of blood pressure. I read one book from 2004 titled, "The Magnesium Solution", by Jay S. Cohen, MD and then discovered just how many books have been published with information on how well magnesium etc. supplements have saved the lives of many. I purchased this small book and was amazed at how informative it was. You may want to delve into the huge amount of literature there is out there concerning the advantages of Mg+ along with K+, Ca+ et al since your site supports nutritionally educating the public.

There is also a site titled, 'MedicationSense.com mentioned in said book as well.

Kind regards. Elaine

Dietary Changes
Posted by Vick (California ) on 10/29/2019

Hi Diana,

Mentioning details of the plan you followed for two months will help us readers to implement it in our lives. Could you pls share? Thanks.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Diana R. (United States) on 09/28/2019

I totally agree that low carb and high fat (Atkins diet) is the way to go! I have lost 37lbs in 2 months, lowered my blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, and I feel 100% better! 59 years old and ZERO medications! Not even a tylenol! Sometimes... no meds are the best meds! The old saying that "you are what you eat" is so true. Not just what you eat, but what you put in your mouth. Whether that be what you eat, what you drink, or the meds you take!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Taylor (Boulder, Co) on 02/05/2019

I was Dx with heart failure and had poorly controlled blood pressure. It ran 210/100 many days. Nothing helped.

Then I turned to low carb, high fat diet to lose some weight. My bp is now in the high normal range with no meds. Slowly I lost weight and at last Dr. visit was down 22 lbs which amazed me. I believe from my experience and that of my friends that carbs somehow effect BP in ways not yet appreciated.

Wanted to pass this along for others to consider.

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