Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Natural Remedies

Top Remedies for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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Posted by Susan (Detroit, Michigan, United States) on 06/03/2012

Diagnois with this disease last year when moved to a humid and hot climate. I am on an antibiotic off and on. What I've find that helps is washing with Hibiclens in infected areas, using Oregano Leaf (drops), not Oreganol oil, on infected areas daily. Also, using a "anti-fungal cream to pull the pus to the surface quickly when a bump appears, after it shrinks I apply the drops. Bandage will not stick to underarm well, so I use duct tape to keep cream in place until it shrink. Then I use the drops. I am beginning to think the bumps under my breast are something else. What seens to control it better than anything, thus far, is keeping it drop, and I am now using [an absorbant] powder. I am seeing a difference under the breast.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dolly (Cairo, Egypt ) on 12/04/2011

For Hidradentis Supperative use Turmeric from 3 to 5 times daily in the first week and then decrease the number to 3 times daily this is a forever treatment, 50 mg of zinc daily forever 1 tablet of iodine. Use only sulphur soap on the infected areas, no cream, perfume or anything allowed to come in contact with the infected areas. Try to always keep your body alkalinized, drink at least 2 juiced lemons/limes per day.

The Turmeric drink method:

I teaspoon turmeric 1 table spoon olive oil or coconut oil mix together until the turmeric disolves add a pinch of black pepper half a lemon and stirthis mixture add water and drink.

The other way is to add the same amount of turmeric 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 1 teaspoon of honey a pinch of black pepper water or warm milk and drink.

Eliminate totally sugar and caffeine (at least for the first month) be stress free as much as you can.

Wear cotton underwear only and wash at least 3 times daily with sulphur soap.

If you have sinus tracts you must go to the doctor to drain/clean the infected areas first (surgery).

Stay in a cool place and avoid humid and hot places as much as you can.

Turmeric treatment will not help if your wounds/boils and tunnels are not cleaned first.

I hope this helps, good luck to you.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jobaby1 (Hayward, California, Usa) on 07/25/2011

Hello everyone I have personally dealt with Hidradenitis for over nine years. I have terrible scars under my right armpit as well as scars on my buttocks. The first boil I ever had was in high school and it was on my buttocks and it was huge and painful! Needless to say from that point on I have been plagued ever since. I would go to the hospital and get them lanced and they would just put me on antibiotics which would help but the relief was always short lived. I found out years later that I had this Disease and learned the official name for it. The doctor suggested the surgery option or the Accutane. Neither option was appealing so from that point on I researched and researched as much as I possibly could on remedies and treatments.

I came across this website and read a lot of the posts and cried because I really could relate and I didn't feel alone. Once I browsed the site I was eager to try whatever I could to make this go away! I began using only Lever 2000 soap, cooking with Turmeric. I also used Tea tree oil topically, after all these steps I noticed an improvement but still kept having reoccurring boils that would never completely heal I'm talking about weeks and months. So with a little more web surfing, I decided to try Echinacea and I loved it! I noticed it brought boils to the surface immediately! I also changed my deodorant from secret to tom's and Jason's. Also being on a health kick I decided to do the master cleanse to see if that would help the situation, and it actually did.

But this is when it got even better I researched an herb called Pau d' Arco and have been taking it in conjunction with the Echinacea and OMG I'm getting some seriously AMAZING results! First of all my bad acne on my back is clearing up and most importantly it's causing my boils to drain and the area surrounding the boils to clear up. I feel almost like a tingling sensation as if it's fighting the infection! I just wanted to share this I really hope it helps someone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Black2moose (Atlanta, Georgia) on 04/12/2011

Does anyone know if HS is a form of candida?

I've had HS since high school and I'm in my 30s now. It's pretty much all over my body, face, neck upper and lower back, thighs, armpits and back of arms. It gets worse when I'm stressed or I eat sugar or drink alcohol. I have been diagnosed with Candida. I know that sugar and alcohol both make Candida grow. While I was on the Candida diet my abscesses got better but as soon as I got off the diet they got worse.

Somethings that work for me but are by no means a cure are as follows:

  • exfoliating regularly
  • apply ACV topically - ingesting is good too
  • probiotics
  • soaking in a hot bathtub when the cyst is infected/painful will help open it
  • apply a paste of garlic topically as well as ingesting raw garlic
  • Surgical removal
  • Antibiotics don't work and if this is a form of Candida the antibiotics will just make the candida worse since they eat the good bacteria with the bad.

Replied by Genevieve

I am 43 and first started seeing outbreaks in my early 20's, mostly on my inner thighs, then buttocks and I have had 1 on my face and 1 in my armpit, 1 under my breast and 1 by my belly button. My thighs and butt are mostly prone and I have scarring and pits on my thighs from this and tracks. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago and told it was a mild case. Honestly? I was thinking MILD? but then I did research on this and yes in comparison it is. I am sorry for folks who have it worse then I as it is a terrible thing to have to deal with. I have had them as big as an orange I guess on my inner thighs (my Dr. was sure it was MERSA when she saw it - but tested negative) and when they flare up I have managed them myself with heat compresses, onion/garlic compresses, tea tree oil, hot epsom salt baths. They do cycle around my period, which suggests hormones, no doubt. I have also had cysts on occasion. I had a barthelone (sp?) Cyst flare up 3 times and had it removed and a cyst gone wild in my ear lobe. Cysts are a sign for needing blood cleansing, purifying. I knew I had a problem with Sugar and Bread (was not sure if it was white flour or yeast) and tested negative for gluten intolerance. I had known this for a couple of years, because when I at sugar or ate like crap, it would affect my mind, mood and depression and fatigue would set in. Now, about 1 year ago I tested positive for systematic candida...AHA! The more I researched it and thought about it, well my inner awareness is screaming at me that this is a very large part of HS, if not the issue all together. I am at 44 days of NO sugar, carbs, No Starch, No Dairy, only meat, veg and fruit. I have had two menstrual cycles during this time and the second seemed better than the first. I just ordered a full on treatment program (4months) for cleansing candida. As soon as this program arrives I will be starting it. I also am going to to a parasite cleanse at the 2 month mark. I will report back on my progress and outcome after the 4 month treatment and let you all know. I just scrolled down and started reading LRGold's reply. Folks I really do feel this is one of if not the underlying issue Systematic Candida...I will post back.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lrgold (Las Cruces, New Mexico) on 03/24/2011

Hello all--

I can't believe it--after years of suffering and MANY hours of my own research, I found something that WORKS!!! I put the pieces together after doing my own research because docs kept putting me on antibiotics and I didn't want that. The meds cleared up the "bumps" (really bad under my breasts and in my armpits) for two weeks, then they'd come back with a vengeance. Also, I've tried collodial silver,

For the first time in 3 years, my bumps are gone and the scars are healing. I am 100% convinced that HS is related to yeast overgrowth in the body, which is aggravated by antibiotics and other things. Some symptoms are yeast infections (including under the finger or toe nails), vaginal yeast infections, chronic sinus problems, affected lymph nodes, and a white film on the tongue or a cracked tongue.

I've always had problems with vaginal yeast infections--very sensitive to sugar, though I eat my fair share of chocolate, of course. One beer makes me feel like that purple chick in the original Willy Wonka. On these HS support forums, many people swear by a gluten-free and dairy free diet... This is directly connected to the "yeast (candida)-free diet" which advises people with candida overgrowth to avoid fermented dairy products, pretzels, chips, bread, beer, wine, etc. Pretty much everything but veggies and meat. However, what's great is that it doesn't have to be a PERMANENT diet. Clear out your body for 3 or so months, then really monitor what is going into your body and how it makes you feel.

Sorry for the length of this post, but I feel compelled to pass this on to other sufferers!!! What finally cleared up my suffering is this:

NYSTATIN 100,000/g POWDER: prescription only (ask for the larger sized bottle), but not a controlled substance. Clean the area well, then put this in the groin area, under the armpits, and under the breasts (in your affected areas). I also had to use Nystatin cream on a small section of my groin and a little under my breasts, until I got it under control.

I am currently also taking (available from Vitamin or health stores):

Candidase Enzymatic supplement (to inhibit yeast growth)

Kyolic odorless garlic supplement (anti-candida formula)

Acidophilus Pearls (anti-yeast)

Turmeric one-a-day pills

(all of the above I plan to be on for one month, then try and monitor my yeast intake to keep levels under control).

Vitamin A

Vitamin D3

B-vitamin complex

Prenatal vitamins (always take them as my multi because I like the effect on my skin and nails)

I only use IVORY bar soap under my breasts and in my armpits and groin. I use a new razor every time I shave under my arms. Now that the bumps have gone down, I try to exfoliate under my armpits with a loofah to remove dead skin. I also do NOT use anti-persperant, but rather spray Crystal deodorant in the clear bottle with a purple label.


When you are in a breakout--use pure tea tree oil on your bumps that haven't come to a head. It works wonders. If you get a bump behind your ear, don't mess with it, and the lymph node will eventually go back to normal. Take ibuprofen 800mg to reduce swelling in the deap-seated large abscesses.

The nystatin will help you! GO GET IT! I can't urge it enough. The anti-candida supplements helped too! There is another article I read that said people have had luck on long term anti-fungal prescription medication, but this can be damaging to the liver, so I opted to try the supplement route first.

I also gave up dairy a few months ago, and still severely limit my intake. I know that until I get the candida under control, I'll have to keep using the nystatin powder, but I am making an effort to try and cut out the yeast foods. Avoid sugar/sugary drinks at all costs if you can.

I have been in severe pain, spent hundreds of dollars for surgeons to drain and pack cysts, and been depressed and shameful. Please try this, I think it may help many people.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Samantha (Orange County, Ca) on 03/09/2011

I've been dealing with HS for 12 years now. I usually tell my boyfriends that I have an issue with my sweat glands... That they get infected and don't function properly. That is usually sufficient and they always understand : )

For me, all of these things help:turmeric, topical antibiotics (evoclin), and using antibacterial soap. In addition, I'm mindful of the fabrics I wear (cotton almost always), the personal hygiene products I use (natural deodorants), and usually go "commando. " Lol. However, nothing has "cured" my HS yet.

I've quit smoking cigarettes and am working on losing weight. I am specifically focusing on having a clean and healthy body from the inside out. Eventually, I will do a comprehensive detox like a raw food cleanse for a few weeks this summer. It makes sense that this will be the best option because it has worked for others and these types of regimens have healed cancer and other vile diseases.

I'll keep you all posted <3

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Holly (Kelowna, Bc/canada) on 11/28/2010

I am 39 years old and have had HS for over 30 years. I've tried Retin A and Accutane, neither of which worked. I've also tried Bactrim (Sulpha) which worked until it killed all the good bacteria in my gut and I ended up in the hospital with clostridium difficile toxin. I also have Ulcerative Colitis and Vasculitis (both of which are autoimmune). For these, I take an immunosuppressant called Imuran. In search of something to take that would not greatly boost my immune system (counterintuitive with the imuran) I am currently using Native Remedies' Boil-RX. It is a homeopathic tincture and it is really working well for me. It has softened some of my most tenacious "boils" (that I thought were just remnants (scars) of old boils), has allowed them to drain and now they are drying up nicely. I got good results from Turmeric.... But it gives some pretty bad breath. I am currently trying the zinc gluconate 15mg x 6/day. However, it seems to have made things ALOT worse. I'm hoping it starts that way and then calms down. So, in an attempt to calm down what the zinc may have flared up, I'm using the Boil Rx and all seems well now. It's tasteless, just put 10-15 drops in some water and sip. I believe that homeopathic tinctures only actually contain a very VERY small amount of the thing they claim to be the active ingredient. Because of this, I am not worried about it mounting a huge immune boost and wiping out the effects of the Imuran.

I suspect many of you with HS also suffer from autoimmune disorders as well as pilonidal cyst/sinus. I've had a couple of surgeries to remove a pilonidal sinus. I believe it's all part of online you will find some interesting info. Symptoms these remedies treat and personality traits seem to go hand in hand. These remedies treat both for mind/body wellness. An interesting way to go. I don't completely understand how it all works. However, it seems to be doing the trick for me.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by E.j. (Brevard, N.c., Usa) on 08/22/2010

Hi I had HS, over 25-30 yrs. Stopped antibiotics 10 yrs ago. HS is an autoimmnue disease, that antibiotic only help if you get a secondary infection like staph in an open wound. For me, heat and stress, make mine worse. I use turmeric, also tea tree oil. Also, epsom salts (2 cups) in a hot bath, or a black drawing salve with ichthammol 20% in it, it help draw it to a head to drain plus relieve pressure and the pain. If, I am working outside and get to sweating I come in and take a cold shower to lower my body temperature down, so I don't have a large boil, later that evening or the next morning! EJ

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jen (Dover, DE) on 07/13/2009

I read every post on this link and tried what seemed to be most common for my mild case of HS (compared to some of you--how in the world do you do it?). I am taking a tumeric supplement becuase I couldn't find tea, using the yellow bar soap, switched to the spray on crystal deodorant and use acne spot treatment for breakouts as soon as they start. I had a spot that was about the size of a half dollar, swollen out about an inch and within 1 day of trying the combo listed above, it had reduced by half. I had no faith that this stuff would work, but I've noticed that what is appearing are minor spots that I can get rid of in a couple of days. I don't know what is the driving force behind them but I will continue to use/take all of the remedies above if they continue working for me. I just thought I'd share and tell you all thanks for the info--it has really helped me. All of you who are suffering so terribly, I'm so sorry that you can't find relief. One last thing, I was only diagnosed in December after my first break out and immediately, I was referred for surgery. I didn't find this site until after I had both underarms excised. I wish I had found it befor--the areas covered by the surgery do not breakout anymore, but all the areas around the surgical area are now breaking out. Anyway, the remedies above are helping me. I hope they help others too...

Replied by Jawwad

I am suffering from HS since last 4 years after two excised cyst (didn't break out again at same place) but my thighs and one side of groan is affected I have like it cycle of boils breakout from one to another, what helps me keep the size reduced of boils and inflammation is I regularly wash affected twice a day with Betadine skin cleanser and apply hirudoid gel 2 times for 3 days during breakouts and Fucidin 3 times as prescribed by My Dr, I have noted that Life style change helps specially in reducing weight as I am on Protein Diet 100% cut all Carbohydrates helps reducing size of boils.

and whenever it gets worst by mean of pain inflamation and size I use one brufen 600mg twice a day almost it takes 3 tablets to get busted.

wish u all goood luck, cheers

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jessy (St. Pete, Fla) on 05/29/2008

For more than 1/2 my life...Re: Post-surgery of the right armpit and beyond. In 2000 I had a cyst removed from my right pit. It was benign, the size of a grapefruit, & was an outpt procedure, Was sent home with drains & Oxy-contin. Detoxed self off that, & came through well with the drains meaning little scarring. 6 mos. later I was to return for the same procedure on the left arm, but refused as the right was beginning to swell again. Hence, SURGERY DOESN'T WORK FOR A SYSTEMIC CONDITION. What does?? Every thing mentioned in this blessed site so far! Especially the ACV-Epsom Salt, & Kosher/Sea Salt. Messy as hell, but very healing. Paper tape as well when draining, as it took me years to find a solution to ripped-off skin. Also, Curry powder which contains Turmeric, at night, but it can stain so be careful. Then, Campho-Phenique after bathing can catch new erupts early and stop them, especially in the groin area. Hot compresses of Golden Seal/Burdock/Slippery Elm herbal tea are also effective, but on thin skin they are indeed painful - had to take several shots of liquor before applying - BUT, 30 YEARS LATER THERE'S BEEN NO RECURRANCE TO THE AREA AT THE TIP OF MY COCCYX BONE. Good luck all, will write back soon...Jessy

Neem Leaf Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mahogany B. (Hamden, Ct) on 03/27/2018

Hi Fellow HS Sufferers! I am here to tell you firsthand that neem leaf oil is the next best thing to a cure for HS. What was once a cluster of boils about the size of a kid's bouncy ball has managed to rupture, drain, flatten, and partially heal in less than 3 days. No exaggeration!!!

I've suffered with HS for almost 20 years with outbreaks occurring in my younger days almost every other week to every 3-4 months, presently. Don't suffer another minute. Give it a try. It works!!!

Replied by Jane
(Linn Missouri)

Is this an oil you put on your skin or a pill form?

Replied by Jane
(Linn Missouri)

Is this in pill form or topical oil form? How is neem oil used?

Ocean Water

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ali (Qatar) on 07/13/2015


My daughter is 23 years old, she complains of HS for 5 years, its painful physically and emotionally, she tried all type of medicine and surgical but no benefit. until she removed all spices of her diet and start swimming in sea, within a month she recovered. but after recovery she went back to take spice in her food and stop going to sea, again started to suffer. I'm not sure what is affect of spice and swimming in sea, but you can try, they make good change.

Oil of Wild Oregano

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Liz (Perth, Wa, Australia) on 04/16/2012

Hi Fellow Hidradenitis Suppurativa sufferers, I was diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa in April 2006 after some 26 boil sores over a 2 month period where some hospitalized me for intravenous antibiotics for deep huge sores with cellulites surrounding them. I was to be put on continual, permanent antibiotics for at least 7 yrs to help. I was a devastated very unwell new mum. Lucky about a year earlier, a naturopath had put me on to "Oil of Wild Oregano" for other numerous conditions I had/have including a strep infection of the blood. I was to ingest this oil and I hadn't really given it a go as it tasted awful. I was desperate not to have antibiotics as this only causes more problems. This "oil" is a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal etc. (It used to also be promoted as antiviral, but they have, I guess, been prevented from promoting this anymore. It has however worked as an antiviral for me)

I started to do 3 drops under my tongue morning and night and swallowed quickly a glass of water over my tongue and this way it doesn't taste so bad. I also put the oil on the padded part of a water proof , breathable bandaid and applied to any sore that had not become a huge open wound (because a big wound or sore would sting heaps with this very strong oil). Please note Nexcare strips are the only true breathable waterproof bandage care that does not make the sore sweat that I can find. Nexcare 3M strips also come in various sizes depending on size of sore/boil. Elaster plaster and Johnson and Johnson brands made the sore sweat which we need to avoid.

My sores always develop over a couple of hours to half a day with a feeling of pain in the deeper tissue layers and a very small level sore or red dot on the surface. My sores are always worse underneath the surface. I therefore have time to heal them with Oil of Wild Oregano drops placed onto the padded part of the strips (bandaid) before a pus wound opens. My sores once past half a day are fast to get bad and usually only take a few more hours to become a big lump under the skin an inch in diameter with a smaller surface sore producing pus and also cellulites surrounding this sore about as big as your hand. After another couple of hour to overnight the lump of pus is so big I have to go to hospital for intravenous antibiotics as I start to get a fever and loose lucidness as it then gets into my blood and causes further complications. This oil would heal my smaller sores over a day or two and I could shower and leave the Nexcare strip on to keep working on my deep infection. If water did get into the strip (bandaid) I would replace it with a new strip that had the Oil of Wild Oregano drops placed onto the padded part of the strips. Not all Oil of Wild Oregano producers and products are the same but I used one from Solutions 4 Health for potency and quality of product.

I recommend using Manuka honey of the highest quality on large open sores or in sensitive areas of the groin etc. Also charcoal poultice is extremely good for extracting infection and can be placed anywhere. If you cannot get hold of the Oil of Wild Oregano, colloidal silver is good but nowhere near as strong. A herbal "soap free" bar for washing and mild salty water as a sterilizer for wounds and prone areas for infections. Swim at the beach as much as possible to heal and prevent sores. Remove all sugar from diet as much as possible. I was already on a gluten free and dairy free diet. I also started ingesting as much as possible turmeric in food and drinking. Within a month I hadn't had a sore get out of control. All were healed at the bandaid stage (at the stage of a red dot or very small pimple/boil). I then had only the hint of a sore appear about one every month or 2 and I still heal them overnight with the oil droplets on the pad of the bandaids. I only get symptoms now when my immune system is low and generally due to stress and exhaustion.

I also can cure tonsillitis within half an hour with this oil by placing droplets directly to the back of my throat at site of infection or the sore swallowing feeling. This is not for 1st time users as the kick back from the oil is very strong. The white pus at the back of my throat would disappear and I would have no further symptoms. I previously had chronic tonsillitis to the point they wore away so much that there was nothing to take out. They grew back and I now rarely get tonsillitis but if I do get run down and start to get sick my Oil of Wild Oregano keeps me well.

As a child going through puberty I got huge sore red lumps under my arms the size of golf balls that the doctor said were infected sweat glands and he gave me antibiotics which helped. I only got one or two a year that never developed into open pus wounds. I guess my immune system was better back then. My six year old daughter gets clusters of smaller lumps under one of her arms only throughout summer months and I am worried she is going down my same path.

The Oil of Wild Oregano is worth a look into for all and any ailments and relief of symptoms if not a cure. For me, I also need to keep my immune system up and the Oil of Wild Oregano also does this by ingest it. I only do this when I get run down at times of stress as on the whole I have no trouble with my Hidradenitis Suppurativa in the last 5 to 6 years. I do hope this helps others out there as it is so hard to suffer through it. You are all in my Prays, Cheers Liz

Replied by Taylor

I have a small open sore in the bikini line area. Can the oil of oregano be put on an open sore? It was lanced a month and still has not healed completely.

Replied by Sara
(The Beaches)

Tumeric paste of turmeric and honey would be better.

Olive Oil

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Wellsprings (Tarboro, Nc, Usa) on 10/12/2009

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Eating yogurt every day and putting olive oil on daily prevents flare ups of Hidradenitis Suppurative. I rub olive oil on my groin every morning and every night; it soaks in quickly. Most of the time, I do not get the bumps unless I skip several days of putting on the oil; however, even if I get a bump, it prevents any bumps from getting large. I have had some so large I could not even sit correctly. ____ patches are great for pain relief. You can cut the patch to the exact size you need. I am 49 and have had bouts with these since I was in my teens. About six months ago, I read about the oil in Isaiah 1:6 In the JPS version it reads "From head to foot no spot is sound: all bruises, and welts, and festering sores-not pressed out, not bound up, not softened with oil." I had pressed bumps allot, but I had never softened them with oil. The oil works miracles.

Replied by Susan
(Hampshire England)
2 posts

Excellent I love the bible thank you for sharing.

Replied by Michelle
(Santa Rosa Beach Florida)

Hi my daughter was diagnosed with HS. Was wondering if you could give any other info about your experience. How much fish oil? Just trying to find things that might help that's not antibiotics
Thank you!

Omega 3 Oils

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Donna (Pensacola, Fl, Usa) on 04/14/2013

When I was younger I started having a problem with boils in very uncomfortable places. They often had to be lanced. Both the problem and the cure were very painful! They began to occur with increasing frequency until I was getting them about every two weeks and missing a lot of work. I was at my wit's end. The gynecologist said it was clogged glands, the dermatologist said it could be hydradenitis suppurativa. I researched that and was horrified to think that was what I could be facing. It's not a pleasant problem.

While doing a little research on it, I came across a posting on an internet forum by a doctor advising people that hydradenitis suppurativa was caused by body oils that became thick and clogged pores which then became boils or carbuncles. (His explanation was better than mine as I am working from memory and it was 15-20 years ago.) He recommended taking Omega 3 oils. I immediately realized that I had been having a remission of the problem for awhile because I had been doing the Atkins diet and taking quite a lot of oil capsules on a daily basis for a year. It had been about 6 months since I stopped taking them because I stopped the diet and the boils had come back to my great dismay.

I immediately started taking them again and the problem was relieved. I have consistently taken oils since then (usually flax seed oils but sometimes fish oils or a combination) and find that as long as I get regular doses, I don't have boils but if I go for too long without it they come back. When I realize that I am starting to get one then I immediately start the oil regimen and they resolve.

I am also prone to Psoriasis or Eczema around my ears and on my scalp. I was not having much luck treating that either but it occurred to me that maybe I was low on oils again so I started taking them and it seemed to clear up. Maybe that was a coincidence but nothing else was working and it had spread all over my scalp and was itching like crazy.

Replied by Andrea C
(Cardiff, Wales)

I have excema and Dermatitis From a Cayenne Pepper Cream from my Dr. It had an ALCOHOL BASE in it???? I soaked in an Epsom Salt Bath 1 cup as hot as I could stand, in a bath tub and in 2 days it cleared!!! I submerged my head and body for 20 mins. It also cleared up a problem I had with the skin between my Anus, and Vagina splitting as well. I also used Suedocreamon the split skin. It works every time. If you start to feel tired, or your limbs feel heavy, GET OUT THE BATH!!! Or use half a cup of Epsom Salts.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

You can get a lancer with most diabetes glucose meters. I have a glucose meter - am not diabetic - and mine came with a lancer and 10 (disposable) sterile lancets. Lancet refills are available at most drugstores/pharmacies and can be used in numerous homeo-pathic ways. In my view, this is one of the few useful things they have left at the drugstore/chemist :-)

Replied by Donna
(Pensacola FL)

Editor's Choice I posted about this originally in 2013 and as its now 2022 I wanted to add that I have followed my own advice to take omega-3 oils (specifically flax seed oil) every time a boil has tried to build and it always resolves quickly. It has worked consistently for me and as long as I make sure to take flax seed oil capsules regularly I stay boil free. (I was diagnosed with hydradenitia suppurativa.)


Donna, how much flax oil did you take and how long to notice a difference? What brand?

Shirley H.

I had never heard that about Flaxseed oil, thank you so much. I also get boils when I eat certain foods and I easily resolve them by taking 1000 to 3000 of milligrams of Lysine at a time:)


Thank you for sharing!!! I have had HS for over 30 years. I have tried everything under the sun. Im gonna try this. I ordered flaxseed oil gel capsules today!! Wish me luck!!
