Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Posted by Sara (Miami, Florida) on 08/07/2008

I read in a book that lecithin 1200 helps with hemorrhoids. I was desperate and depress so I gave it a shot. I worked wonderfully. After two days it shrunk 90% and no pain whatsoever. You can buy Lecithin 1200 in any Walgreens or CVS. I have to say, though, that the doses in the package says 1 capsula per day (you know as a dietary supplement) but I had 2 capsulas every four hours. Everytime I noticed that I was going to have an episode I had Lecithin 1200 for a day and It was gone.


Vitamin B-6
Posted by Ally (Kalamazoo, Michigan) on 02/12/2008

I too have had hemorrhoids and fissures for 9 years, tried everything on the market including' ACV, cocconut oil was about to go for surgery and read about vitamin B6. I took 50 mg of B6 after meals. It took 3 weeks for this to work, but I noticed a big difference in 3 days. I am now free of this very painful mess and it has been 6 months. If you have a relapse just go to the B6 bottle. I just want to thank Michele who wrote in about B6, on this site.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Anonymous (Birmingham, England) on 07/01/2008

Having read some information about B6 helping for anal fssures, I saw an article detailing B6 symptoms as including cracking of the corner of mouths. Seems remarkably similar problem. I have had that and hems. My nerves are getting bad again and this too is symptom of B6 deficiency. I am also detoxing Mercury using ALA. I read somewhere B6 is depleted faster when using amino acids but could not find any particular reference to ALA.

Hot Baths
Posted by chris (akron, ohio) on 12/15/2007

Since giving birth to 3 childern, I have occasionally suffered from very painful hemorrhiods. The best relief that works for me is a very warm shower with a detachable shower head that you can aim the flow directly on the hemorrhoids. This works better that soaking in a bath because the bath water cools down too quickly. After the shower be sure to dry thoroughly, even with a hair dryer. Then apply some vaseline or any petroleum jelly (unscented) on the area. This is best done at night just before bedtime when you can lie down and be off you feet. Hope it helps for you.

Posted by Jim (Gary, Indiana) on 10/29/2007

I suffered with hemmorrhoids for years till I tried lecithin in liquid form. Just apply a little when ever they are sore and hurting,and soon they will quit hurting and quit being sore. I have used it for years, and everyone I have shared this with has been helped by it. I give thanks to the Lord for showing it to me many years ago

Proper Positioning
Posted by Heather (Corpus Christi, Texas) on 06/19/2007

I have been plauged for years with hemmroids. I read in an Ayurveda book about propping the legs, so I started keeping a 6" footstool (cheap plantstand purchased in a craft store) by the toilet. I put it in front of the toilet and put my feet on it, and it has given me great relief from hemmroids over the last six months I've been using it.

Raw Potato
Posted by Glenda (California) on 12/06/2022

I can tell you why the RED potato with peel works for hemorrhoids.

There is a chemical compound in the peel of a red only potato that causes the blood vessels to constrict, they shrink and pull back internally where they belong, this works very well.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sara (Des Moines, Iowa) on 03/10/2007

I didn't get hemorrhoids until after giving birth and I suffer terribly from them. I have yet to find a great cure but will try some of these things. I have found though that having a tsp of fiber powder (not the pills...they don't work) in the morning and at night and eating a banana once a day makes your stool soft, and I can still eat meat and all that stuff your not supposed to. Makes all things come out a lot easier but you have to take your time going. I'm not cured..they come back when I forget to take the fiber but it is a relief and allows you to eat the things you want for the most part..at least for me.

Posted by Texan (Seattle) on 12/09/2006

Vick's VapoRub cures Hemorrhoids. WORKED FOR ME!

White Vinegar and Salt
Posted by John (McMinnville, OR) on 08/27/2006

This is a hemorrhoid cure given to me by an older chiropractor in Tallahassee, Florida. Pour a cup of white vinegar into a sauce pan and bring it to a boil. Turn of the heat and add enough salt to form a supersaturated solution. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature and, using cotton swabs, apply the mixture to the afflicted area. Do this two or three times a day until the hemorrhoids have shrunken The cure does sting a bit, but a little pain far outweighs the benefits of this procedure.

Proper Positioning
Posted by Nick (Tasmania, Australia) on 08/13/2006

A 6 inch step in front of my toilet bowl to raise my knees while seated on toilet. Passing a motion. It reduces Hemorrhoids and assists with your bowel motions. Saw this a long time ago. Theory is your system works easier with knees raised, as your bowels inside are less restricted in flow. Like Asian squat type toilets. It works. Made a small wooden raised stand. We move to side when not in use..Wife and I used it for 5 years so far and both recommend it. To try idea, at first get eg 2 house bricks. Whist seated on toilet put both feet on one in front. Your knees raise and your "flow" is easier.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rob (Myrtle Beach, SC) on 08/08/2006

Eat a bowl of high fiber cereal 1-2 times per day. Your hemorrhoids will go away in a couple days.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Michele (Wolcott, Connecticut) on 06/24/2006

I never had hemorrhoids until I had children. I don't remember how I learned about the B-6, but I tried it and it worked great. Taking an extra Vitamin B-6 each day. I take 100 mg of B-6 each day and they stay away.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Jualsy (Torrevieja, Spain) on 07/09/2008


Don't ever make the mistake of isolating the B vitamins, for whatever reason. They are synergistic....they all need each other. If you take one in a strong dose for any particular reason, take a smalled B complex tablet too so that they are all present. Large doses of isolated B vitamins have side effects. Wonderful Vits, but all needed to be present to work permanently.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Vickie (Spokane, WA State) on 12/26/2008

My doctor has me taking a high dose of B-2 as one of the supplements for my migraines. I have been doing this for almost a year without taking any other B vitamins and have had no side effects. On another note, I have just started the ACV for migraine prevention. It sure helped me today!

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Mara (Portland, Usa) on 08/28/2009

Julasy makes a very good point. B-vitamins are indeed found in nature in a complex. However, unless someone has a health condition that contradicts this, they *can* be taken separately in *therapeutic* does for *therapeutic* reasons. Indeed, it's helpful to take even therapeutic doses along with a B-complex supplement. But this is not mandatory, especially in an emergency. Or if there is some reason a whole complex cannot be taken. If uncertain get at least 3 opinions from health care practitioners who are trained and have actual experience with this kind of therapy.

Mara, an RN from Oregon

Hot Baths
Posted by Kayla (LaPine Oregon) on 04/21/2006

I have had hemorrhoids for a few years. When I first started getting irritation it was just itching. Now that I had my baby (5 weeks ago), I get pain too. It can be unbearable. I like to soak in a hot bath it makes it go away for a while. Also if you wear sweats it helps. Something loose and baggy. Jeans make it worse. My Dr. also says to drink lots of fluids and eat more fiber. If it is a continual thing use stool softeners. I enjoy the Bath it goes away the whole time in the tub and it is also good me time!

Posted by Harry (Tucson, AZ) on 10/16/2005

After suffering with hemorrhoids for years, I took to my sister's advice. Apply a little mentholatum every day!! I have not suffered since. Maybe not for everyone, but sure was effective for me.

Posted by Anthony (Newmarket, Ontario, Canada) on 07/29/2013

i tried it. It's a cool feel. I use vick vapor rub, it has mentholatum in it

Personal Care Products
Posted by Helen (St .Louis, MO)

Clean the area with baby wipes to get rid of irritation, and if hemorrhoids are really bad, stand up to go #2 until they get better. Also eat one orange a day until gone.

The "Pushing Them Back In" Technique
Posted by Emilio (Miami FL)

As to hemorrhoids the ones that are external, in other words that you can feel with your fingers. you can try putting any natural or over the counter ointment on them. eventually the hemorrhoids will retract and go back in to the body. But this could take hours sometimes and in the mean time there is pain. If quick relief is what you want take a shower and clean the area good with any soap. Ivory soap is good its 99% soap no oils or perfumes. after you are clean while in shower apply good amount of soap thru fingers. This will act like lubricant and gently with your middle finger not using your nails! push them back in! this works all the time the pain will leave you immediately. This was told to me by a nurse and till this day it works. Just remember -- change your eating habits cause you will get them again or operate them if you don't want to go thru hassle of always having to push them back in...
